UPSC ESE 2023 (Dates AVAILABLE!) Engineering Services Exam, Application Form, and Schedule


The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is in charge of organising the Indian Engineering Services (IES), which is also referred to as ESE (Engineering Services Examination). It is the most difficult test in the field of engineering that is held once a year at the national level. The examination is held on an annual basis in order to select qualified applicants for a variety of positions across a number of departments, as detailed below. The starting salary for IES employees is 15,600 INR, and they receive an additional 5,400 INR as grade pay. Taking into account any other benefits, such as DA and HRA, the total value would be close to 47,000 Indian Rupees. The article that follows provides additional information regarding the UPSC Engineering Services 2023 examination.


Sectors provided through UPSC ESE 2023

Power Department

Department of Indian Railways

Military Engineering

Geological Survey of India etc

Central Water engineering

Department of Telecommunications

Defense Service of Engineers

Department of Central Engineering

UPSC ESE 2023: Important Dates

Release of Notification

14 September 2022

Availability of the Application Form

14 September 2022

Last date to apply

04 October 2022

Prelims Exam Date

19 February 2023

Mains Exam Date

25 June 2023


August 2023


Criteria for eligibility

The people who want to apply must live in India, Nepal, Bhutan, or be Tibetan refugees.

To apply for UPSC Engineering Services, you must have a bachelor's degree in engineering from a university.

Those who want to apply should be between the ages of 21 and 30.

Exam officials have set standards for how physically fit a candidate must be.


Cost of Applying

·     To apply for the UPSC Engineering Services 2023, you have to pay INR 200.

·     There is no fee to apply if you are a woman or if you are from a SC/ST/PH group.

·     The application fee can't be taken back.

·     Applicants can pay the application fee either online or in person.

You can pay the application fee with a bank account, a credit card, or a debit card from any bank.


Exam Pattern Prelims Exam

·     This test is done offline, which means that it is a written test.

·     The test is objective, which means that there are more than one right answer to each question.

·     Stage 1 will have two written tests.

·     Questions from General Studies will be on Paper 1, and questions from Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, and Electrical Engineering will be on Paper 2.

·     For each wrong answer, you will lose one-third of your score.

·     The final order of merit will be based on how well you did in this stage.


Section Name

Duration of Exam

Maximum Marks

Paper 1 (General Studies & Engineering Aptitude)

2 hours


Paper 2 (Engineering Discipline)

3 hours



5 hours

500 marks


Main Exam


·     This test is done offline, which means that it is a written test.

·     It will also have two papers, each of which will have questions from the chosen field of engineering (Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering).

·     The test is of the Standard Type.


Section Name

Duration of Exam

Maximum Marks

Paper 1 (Engineering Discipline)

3 hours


Paper 2 (Engineering Discipline)

3 hours



6 hours

600 marks


Interview or test of personality.


·     It is the last step in the process of hiring people.

·     It is worth up to 200 points.

·     The interview is for the people who did well on the written tests.

·     The Detailed Application Form (DAF) must be filled out online by candidates who passed Stage 2 (IES Mains) and were chosen to move on to Stage 3.

·     To make the Final Merit list, the marks earned in each stage are added together.


Exam Centers

For Pre Exam










Dispur (Guwahati)



Panaji (Goa)























Kochi (Cochin)



Port Blair





For Main Exam

Ahmedabad, Chennai, Jaipur, Raipur, Aizawl, Cuttack, Jammu, Ranchi, Allahabad, Dehradun, Kolkata, Shillong, Bangalore, Delhi, Lucknow, Shimla, Bhopal, Dispur (Guwahati), Mumbai, Thiruvananthapuram, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Patna, Vishakhapatnam

Departments allotted through UPSC ESE 2023

Civil and Electrical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Central Engineering Service

Indian Naval Armament Service

Indian Railway Stores Service

Indian Railway Stores Service

IOF: Indian Ordnance Factories Services

IOF: Indian Ordnance Factories Services

Central Water Engineering Service

Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineers

Indian Railway Service of Engineers

Indian Supply Service Group A (Electrical Posts)

Indian Defence Service of Engineers

Central Power Engineering Service (Electrical Post)

AEE in Border Road Engg. Services GR-A

Assistant Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy

AEE in P&T building works Group-A Services

Indian Defence Service of Engineers(Electrical Posts)

Central Engineering Service (Roads) Group-A

Assistant Executive Engineer in Corps of EME, Ministry of Defence

Central Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Service (Electrical Post)

Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Indian Naval Armament Service

Indian Telecom Service Group-A

Indian Railway Stores Service

IOF: Indian Ordnance Factories Services

Indian Supply Service Group A (E&T Posts)

Indian Inspection Service Group A (E&T Posts)

Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers

Central Power Engineering Service (E&T Posts)

Assistant Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy

Assistant Executive Engineer in Corps of EME, Ministry of Defence

Engineer GCS Group A in WPC/MO(M/O Communication & IT)


Mechanical Engineering

Indian Naval Armament Service

Indian Inspection Service Group A

Indian Railway Stores Service

Indian Ordnance Factories Services

Indian Defence Service of Engineers

Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineers

Central Engineering Service (Roads) Group-A

Indian Supply Service Group A (Mechanical Posts)

Central Power Engineering Service (Mechanical Post)

Central Water Engineering Service Group-A (Mechanical Post)

Assistant Naval Store Officer Grade-I in Indian Navy

Assistant Executive Engineer Group A Geological Survey of India

Assistant Executive Engineer in Corps of EME, Ministry of Defence

Central Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Service (Mechanical Post)


Important Points for UPSC ESE 2023


·     Candidates in their last year of Engineering can apply for IES 2023, but they will need to bring a certificate to the IES selection process to prove it.

·     There is no limit on how many times you can try from the commission.

·     The only way to fill out the application form is online.

·     Only the marks a candidate got on Paper 1 are used to make the final list of those who did well.

·     For both General and reserved category candidates, the minimum score needed to pass the IES prelims is 15%, or 75 out of 500.

·     For the IES Mains test, the minimum score is 20%, or 120 out of 600, for both general and reserved candidates.

·     UPSC decides the IES cut off for preliminary exams in two steps: the minimum qualifying score needed to be shortlisted and the score of the last qualified candidate chosen.

·     If you make the cut to make up for the commission, you will get an email about the personality test, which is a personal interview.

·     Download your Call letter and bring all the important documents listed in the letter with you to the interview.

·     As of the announcement, there is no set number of seats to be filled through IES 2023.