Tripura Public Service Commission Sample Paper

Tripura Public Service Commission Sample Paper 1. Who was the last Governor General of the English East India Company? A) Lord Canning B) William Bentinck C) Robert Clive D) Lord Ripon 2. Who was the Chairman of the Indian Constituent Assembly? A) Jawaharlal Nehru B) Mahatma Gandhi C) Rajendra Prasad D) Sardar Patel 3. Lead is considered as A) air pollutant B) water pollutant C) soil pollutant D) all of these 4. Which of the following gases is adsorbed mostly by activated charcoal? A) CO2 B) N2 C) CH4 D) Ar 5. Leprosy is a A) viral disease B) bacterial disease C) dermatomyosistis D) None of these 6. Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commission? A) Minister of Planning B) Minister of State C) Prime Minister D) Deputy Prime Minis 7. Natural system of plant classification was proposed by A) Cronquist Cronquist B) Engler and Prantl C Linnaeus D) Bentham and Hooker 8. ?? regarded as the custodian of fundamental rights. A) Prime Minister B) Police Commissioner C) Chief Minister D) Judiciary 9. Basalt and granite belong to which type of rocks? A) Igneous rocks B) Metamorphic rocks C) Sedimentary rocks D) None of these 10. Which metal is used for Galvanisation of iron? A) Chromium B) Zinc C) Nickel D) Manganese 11. Fuse wire is a wire of ??.. Resistance and ???melting point. A) low, high B) high, high C) low, low D) high, low 12. Which statement is correct? A) All minerals are ores B) A mineral cannot be an ore C) An ore cannot be a mineral D) All ores are minerals 13. Radioactivity was discovered by A) Pierre Curie B) Madam Currie C) Rutherford D) Henri Becquerel 14. Local government is a feature of A) most modern states B) only democratic states C) only unitary states D) 2 only federal states 15. Which State has topped the latest State-wise Education Development Index? A) Tamil Nadu B) Kerala C) Karnataka D) Andhra Pradesh 16. What does KDM 916 mean? A) 9.16% pure gold B) 90.16% pure gold C) 9.16% copper D) 91.6% pure gold 17. Find the Odd Word : A) Floppy B) Printer C) Laptop D) Radio 18. Find out the Odd word : A) Canoe B) Lorry C) Boat D) Ship 19. Find out teh odd word : A) Weakness B) Square C) rectangle D) Sound 20. Select the correct plural form for the given word :Country A) Countrys B) Countryes C) Countries D) Countrees 21. Select the correct plural form for the given word :Mouse A) Mice B) Mouses C) Mices D) Moues 22. Select the correct plural form for the given word :Brush A) Brushes B) Brushs C) Brushies D) none of these 23. Select the correct plural form for the given word:child A) Childs B) Childrens C) Children D) Child 24. Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone :They went for a ...... A) sow B) saw C) show D) scene 25. Fill in the blank with a suitable homophone :Mr. Daniel is the......... of the College. A) Principle B) Principal C) Princely D) Principality TPSC Placement Paper Tripura Public Service Comission Previous Year Question Paper 1. Who is the Governor of Reserve Bank of India at present? A) B.Y. Reddy B) C. Rangarajan C) Bimal Jalan D) D. Subbarao 2. Match List-I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below: List-I a) Sirpi b) Gnana Koothan c) Erode Thamizh Anban d) Puviyarasu Codes: a b c d A) 2 3 1 4 B) 4 3 1 2 C) 1 2 4 3 D) 3 1 2 4 3. Which of the following is considered as a non-economic activity? A) Teaching in a class B) Patient attended by a doctor C) Mother taking care of her child D) travelling in a bus 4. Positron was discovered by A) Rutherford B) Dirac C) Madam Curie D) Chadwick 5. Floppy disk is a / an A) storage device B) input device C) output device D) input-output device 6.If the actual value of an item is 415 and its estimated value is 400, the absolute error is A) -15 B) 15 C) 0.0375 D) -0.0361 7. Where were the ancient paintings discovered first in Tamil Nadu? A) Keelvalai B) Chittanavasal C) Mallapadi D) Panaimalai 8. The expansion of HDI is A) Hindi Development Institute B) Human Development Index C) Human Development Investment D) None of these 9. Hydrogen Bomb is based on the principle of A) nuclear explosion B) nuclear fusion C) nuclear fission D) slow reaction 10. A source program is the program written in ??. Language A) English B) Symbolic C) High level D) Machine 11. The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 8 and their difference is 115. The larger number is A) 66 B) 46 C) 184 D) 96 12. Conversion of information to data will be in the form of A) integers B) rounded to 2 decimals C) fractions D) any of these 13. Conversion of information to data will be in the form of A) integers B) rounded to 2 decimals C) fractions D) any of these 16. Match List-I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below: List-I a) Ka. Na. Subramanyan b) Ashoka Mithran c) Sa. Kandasamy d) Si. Su. Chellappa Codes: a b c d A) 2 3 1 4 B) 1 2 4 3 C) 4 1 2 3 D) 3 4 1 2. 17. During the Second Five-year Plan period, the planners worked out the capital output ratio at A) 1:5:1 B) 5:4:1 C) 2:3:1 D) 4:3:7 18. The unit of capacitance is A) coulomb B) farad C) ohm D) gram 19. A collection of related data, that is, having a similar purpose is called as A) database B) Record C) structure D) all of these 20. In which year was Panchayat Raj System inaugarated in India? A) 1950 B) 1959 C) 1952 D) 1962 21. Match List-I with List II correctly and select your answer using the codes given below: List-I a) Caldwell b) Veeramamunivar c) Ziegenbalg d) H.A. Krishna Pillai Codes: a b c d A) 1 3 4 2 B) 1 2 3 4 C) 3 4 2 1 D) 3 4 1 2 22. Upanishad refers to I. Sitting nearby devotedly II. End of the Vedas III. The Jnana section IV. Basis of Astika Darsanas Of these A) I alone is correct B) I and II are correct C) II, III and IV are correct D) all are correct 23. The 1919 Act brought Diarchy A) at provinces B) at districts C) at center D) None of these 24. Narayana Guru belonged to A) Tamil Nadu B) Karnataka C) Kerala D) Andhra Pradesh 25. If selling price of 16 items is same as the cost price of 20 items, then there is a A) loss of 20% B) loss of 25% C) gain of 20% D) gain of 25% TPSC Question-Paper Tripura Public Service Commission Previous Year Exam Paper 1. Which Amendment gave constitutional recognition to Panchayat Raj? A) 73rd Amendment B) 74th Amendment C) 64th Amendment D) 72nd Amendment 2. The leader who described Cripps proposal as a "post-dated cheque of a crashing bank" was A) Motilal Nehru B) M.K. Gandhi C) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel D) Subhash Chandra Bose 3. The organism used by T.H. Morgan to study mutation was A) Chlorella B) Drosophila C) Yeast D) Neurospora 4. Which is the first country in the world guaranteed right to information? A) America B) England C) France D) Sweden 5. Where is the Hindustan Shipyard located? A) Vishakhapatnam B) Chennai C) Kochi D) Mumbai 6.Shashi Tharoor of India was a candidate for the post of A) Commonwealth Secretary General B) U.N. Secretary General C) SAARC Secretary General D) UNESCO Secretary General 7. Stolt Valor' was in the news because A) it is a Japanese ship B) it is a merchant ship C) it was hijacked by Somalian hijackers D) it was sailing with Indian sailors 8. Where did the 39th International Film Festival of India take place? A) Mumbai B) panaji C) Kolkata D) Delhi 9. Supersonic BrahMos missile is a joint venture between India and A) Israel B) Denmark C) Russia D) France 10. Which of the following acts as biological control organism against glycotoxin producing soil pathogens? A) Trichoderma virens B) Aspergillus niger C) Penicillium notatum D) Chaetomium globosum 11. The Indian auto major who acquired the British luxury brand 'Land Rover' is A) Tata B) Mahindra and Mahindra C) Maruti Suzuki D) Hindustan Motors 12.The fall in crude oil prices during the end of 2008 is attributed to A) increase in crude oil production B) fall in dollar value C) rise in dollar value D) fall in world demand 13. Barack Obama belongs to which State? A) Illinois B) New York C) Los Angeles D) Washington 14. The political party to which Hillary Clinton belongs is A) Conservative Party B) Socialist Party C) Republican Party D) Democratic Party 15. Reliance Industry recently explored oil and gas from A) Godavari - Krishna basin B) Narmada - Tapti basin C) Brahmaputra - Ganga basin D) Mahanadi - Indravati basin Female literacy rate is below 30% (2001 Census) in select districts of A) Kerala B) Tamil Nadu C) Uttar Pradesh D) Karnataka 16. Liberation is possible while living with the physical body. This theory is called A) Sadyomukti B) Aparoksha mukti C) Jivanmukti D) Videha mukti 17. Central Vigilance Commission was set up on the recommendation of A) Administrative Reforms Commission of India B) Gorwala Report C) Kripalani Committee D) Santhanam Committee 18. India's best quality sheep rearing is done in which of the following regions? A) North-west region B) Temperate Himalaya C) Semi-arid southern region D) Humid eastern region 19. The host cells in human physiological system for HIV causing AIDS are A) T1 lymphocyte B) T2 lymphocyte C) T3 lymphocyte D) T4 lymphocyte 20. Which is the only ape found in India? A) Gorilla B) Orang-utan C) Gibbon D) Hylobate 21. Who is considered as the father of Indian, Renaissance? A) Raja Rammohan Roy B) Rabindranath Tagore C) B.M. Malabari D) M.G. Ranade 22. Punjab and Haryana receive rainfall from A) westerly disturbances B) cyclones in Bay of Bengal C) south-west monsoon D) retreating monsoon 23. What is the maximum time given to Rajya Sabha for money bill? A) 30 days B) 21 days C) 14 days D) 45 days 24. The topmost atmospheric layer is called A) troposphere B) ionosphere C) mesosphere D) stratosphere 25. New Enterpreneurs Agency was established on A) 1956 B) 1961 C) 1980 D) 1986 TPSC Whole-Testpaper Tripura Public Commission Previous Year Question Paper 1. Fill in the blank with the suitable gerund : He is hard of ..................... A) hear B) To be hearing C) hearing D) none of theese 2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of tense: When I saw Ram he ......... cricket A) played B) will be playing C) is playing D) was playing 3. Select the correct tense. Kiran had been working in a bank for some years. A) Simple past B) Past continuous C) Past perfect contionuous D) Past perfect. 4. Fill in the blank with the correct form of tense A) know B) knew C) had known D) have known 5. Select the correct tense: I had seen him earlier A) past continuous B) past perfect C) past perfect continuous D) Future perfect 6. Select the correct tense: She had played carom A) Future perfect B) Past perfect C) Present perfect D) Simple present 7. Fill in the blank with the suitable article : I saw............. one eyed man. A) some B) a C) an D) the 8. Fill in the blank with the suitable article : Yesterday......... European called at my office A) a B) some C) an D) the 9. The Carbon dioxide dissolved in water A) enhances corrosion B) suppresses corrosion C) prevents corrosion D) has no influence on corrosion 10. Nylon is a A) polyster B) polyethylene C) polyamide D) polysaccharide 11. One carat of diamond is A) 100 mg B) 200 mg C) 300 mg D) 400 mg 12.Sugar in blood and urine is tested with A) Benedict?s solution B) Brine solution C) Hypo solution D) Iodine solution 13. TV antenna elements are made up of A) aluminum B) copper C) tin D) zinc 14.Dry ice is A) liquid nitrogen B) purified ice C) solid carbon dioxide D) supercooled ice 15.The calorific value of the fuel is of the order A) coal > peat > lignite > dried wood B) peat > lignite > coal > dried wood C) lignite > peat > coal > dried wood D) coal > lignite > peat > dried wood 16. Which one of the following is correctly matched? A) Ascorbic acid -- Vitamin B) Insulin -- Antiseptic C) Penicillin -- Antipyretic D) Proteins -- Polysaccharide 17. Which hormone is responsible for ejection of milk? A) Oxytocin B) Prolactin C) Thyroxine D) Testosterone 18. Rhinoceros is unique to which of the following sanctuaries? A) Periyar B) Gir forest C) Kaziranga D) Jim Corbett 19. Which of the following is called as royal disease? A) Anemia B) Leukemia C) Haemophilia D) Colour blindness 20.Which one of the following is not a Vaccine? A) Polio Vaccine B) BCG C) Anti-rabies D) Progesterone 21. Mutation was discovered by A) Morgan B) Huxley C) Mendel D) Hugo de Vries 22. The red colour of the blood is due to A) albumin B) haemoglobin C) vitamin B6 D) relaxin 23. World Environmental Day is celebrated on ............. every year A) 18th May B) 5th June C) 24th October D) 25th December 24.The total number of Lok Sabha seats is A) 500 B) 520 C) 620 D) 543 25. Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in A) 1892 B) 1896 C) 1904 D) 1886 26. Which of the following is an inland river port? A) Kolkata B) Mumbai C) Chennai D) Tuticorin 27. Which of the following materials was a famous commercial product in ancient Tamil Nadu exported to other places? A) Fish B) Pearl C) Pulses D) Dogs 28. ?The Philosophers must be the Kings?, Who said this? A) Jawaharlal Nehru B) Plato C) Aristotle D) Indira Gandhi 29. Who is the author of the book ?A Foreign Policy of India?? A) I.K. Gujral B) B.G. Deshmukh C) L.K. Advani D) A.J. Toynbe 30. Which of the following largely influenced the Hindustani music? A) Arab-Persian music B) Persian music C) Central Asian tradition D) All of these TPSC Whole-Testpaper Tripura Public Commission Previous Year Question Paper 1. Fill in the blank with the suitable gerund : He is hard of ..................... A) hear B) To be hearing C) hearing D) none of theese 2. Fill in the blank with the correct form of tense: When I saw Ram he ......... cricket A) played B) will be playing C) is playing D) was playing 3. Select the correct tense. Kiran had been working in a bank for some years. A) Simple past B) Past continuous C) Past perfect contionuous D) Past perfect. 4. Fill in the blank with the correct form of tense A) know B) knew C) had known D) have known 5. Select the correct tense: I had seen him earlier A) past continuous B) past perfect C) past perfect continuous D) Future perfect 6. Select the correct tense: She had played carom A) Future perfect B) Past perfect C) Present perfect D) Simple present 7. Fill in the blank with the suitable article : I saw............. one eyed man. A) some B) a C) an D) the 8. Fill in the blank with the suitable article : Yesterday......... European called at my office A) a B) some C) an D) the 9. The Carbon dioxide dissolved in water A) enhances corrosion B) suppresses corrosion C) prevents corrosion D) has no influence on corrosion 10. Nylon is a A) polyster B) polyethylene C) polyamide D) polysaccharide 11. One carat of diamond is A) 100 mg B) 200 mg C) 300 mg D) 400 mg 12.Sugar in blood and urine is tested with A) Benedict?s solution B) Brine solution C) Hypo solution D) Iodine solution 13. TV antenna elements are made up of A) aluminum B) copper C) tin D) zinc 14.Dry ice is A) liquid nitrogen B) purified ice C) solid carbon dioxide D) supercooled ice 15.The calorific value of the fuel is of the order A) coal > peat > lignite > dried wood B) peat > lignite > coal > dried wood C) lignite > peat > coal > dried wood D) coal > lignite > peat > dried wood 16. Which one of the following is correctly matched? A) Ascorbic acid -- Vitamin B) Insulin -- Antiseptic C) Penicillin -- Antipyretic D) Proteins -- Polysaccharide 17. Which hormone is responsible for ejection of milk? A) Oxytocin B) Prolactin C) Thyroxine D) Testosterone 18. Rhinoceros is unique to which of the following sanctuaries? A) Periyar B) Gir forest C) Kaziranga D) Jim Corbett 19. Which of the following is called as royal disease? A) Anemia B) Leukemia C) Haemophilia D) Colour blindness 20.Which one of the following is not a Vaccine? A) Polio Vaccine B) BCG C) Anti-rabies D) Progesterone 21. Mutation was discovered by A) Morgan B) Huxley C) Mendel D) Hugo de Vries 22. The red colour of the blood is due to A) albumin B) haemoglobin C) vitamin B6 D) relaxin 23. World Environmental Day is celebrated on ............. every year A) 18th May B) 5th June C) 24th October D) 25th December 24.The total number of Lok Sabha seats is A) 500 B) 520 C) 620 D) 543 25. Vande Mataram was first sung at the session of the Indian National Congress in A) 1892 B) 1896 C) 1904 D) 1886 26. Which of the following is an inland river port? A) Kolkata B) Mumbai C) Chennai D) Tuticorin 27. Which of the following materials was a famous commercial product in ancient Tamil Nadu exported to other places? A) Fish B) Pearl C) Pulses D) Dogs 28. ?The Philosophers must be the Kings?, Who said this? A) Jawaharlal Nehru B) Plato C) Aristotle D) Indira Gandhi 29. Who is the author of the book ?A Foreign Policy of India?? A) I.K. Gujral B) B.G. Deshmukh C) L.K. Advani D) A.J. Toynbe 30. Which of the following largely influenced the Hindustani music? A) Arab-Persian music B) Persian music C) Central Asian tradition D) All of these WBPSC Paper WBPSC Test Paper 1. ?Todas? from a tribal group of : (A) Nilgiri Hills (B) Satpura range (C) Kanya Kumarika (D) Chotonagpur Plateau 2. The only vector quantity among the following is (A) Electric charge (B) Electric field intensity (C) Electric potential (D) Electrical Resistance 3. The current in a 100 W, 220V electric light is : (A) \frac{5}{{11}} amp (B) \frac{6}{{11}} amp (C) \frac{3}{{11}} amp (D) \frac{4}{{11}} amp 4. Urea was the first Organic compound synthesized in laboratory by (A) Lavoisier (B) Wohler (C) Berzelious (D) Pasteur 5. The role of CO2 in increasing the average temperature of the Earth is : (A) 49% (B) 14% (C) 18% (D) 13% 6. The mammalian nerve cell always found in : (A) G2 Stage (B) G1 Stage (C) G0 Stage (D) M Stage 7. Cost price of suar is decreased by 20% . Then what will be the amount of sugar one get more with the money which was the price of 20 kg. sugar, before ? (A) 16 kg. (B) 10 kg. (C) 4 kg. (D) 5 kg. 8. Weight of a pitcher fully with water is 16. 5 kg. Weight of the same pitcher is 7.5 kg. When \frac{2}{{5}} part of its is filled with water, what will be weight when its 1/2 part is filled up ? (A) 9 kg. (B) 10 kg. (C) 3 kg. (D) 15 kg. 9. The sum of ages of three person is 171 yrs. 8 yrs. ago ratio of their ages was 8 : 7 : 6 . Find out their present age. (A) 68 yrs. 67 yrs. 35 yrs. (B) 64 yrs, 57 yrs. 50 yrs. (C) 55 yrs. 40 yrs.47 yrs. (D) 75 yrs, 82 yrs. 90 yrs. 10. Find out a number so that ratio of \frac{3}{{4}} with the number is equal to ratio of the number with \frac{27}{{64}} (A) \frac{9}{{16}} (B) \frac{9}{{16}} (C) \frac{7}{{16}} (D) \frac{9}{{16}} 11. Find out the last digit of the number (137)731 (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 1 (D) 8 12. A rocket left from the earth to land on the moon and return to the earth . It will require the greatest energy to (A) Lift from the earth (B) Land of the moon (C) Lift from the moon (D) Land on the earth 13. Of the following nuclei, which two have an equal numbers of neutrons ? (A) Ne20, Ne21 (B) C12, N14 (C) C12, N13 (D) Li7, Be9 14. Atomic weight of an element is 24 and its atomic number is 12 . Therefore its equivalent weight will be: (A) 12 (B) 24 (C) 16 (D) 48 15. Somatic diploid nucleus is termed as (A) pro- nucleus (B) Amphinucleus (C) Hemlnucleus (D) Heterokaryon 16. Tracheal Gill is found in (A) Limulus or King carb (B) Mosquito Larva (C) Fish (D) Salamander 17. Find out the ratio in which Darjeeling tea costing Rs.32 per kg. and Assam tea costing Rs. 25 per kg. are mixed and then the mixture is sold in Rs.32.40 per kg. at a profit of 20%. (A) 2 : 5 (B) 3 : 4 (C) 5 : 6 (D) None of the above 18. Average of first four number among five numbers Rs. is 26 and that last of four numbers is 25 . Find out the difference between the first and fifth number. (A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 7 19. The denominator of a fraction which is equal to \frac{2}{{4\frac{2}{3}}} is 7. Find the numerator: (A) 11 (B) 32 (C) 3\frac{2}{{11}} (D) \frac{5}{{11}} 20. Length of a page of your exercise book is 15 cms and breadth of the same is 12 cm. There is 2 cm, broad margin in each side of the page . find out the area ot the page where you write. (A) l00 (B) 92 (C) 95 (D) 98 21. Area of a square ?P? is \frac{{121}}{{256}} part of the area of square ?Q? . Length of the square ?P? will be a part of the length of the side of square ?Q? . Find out the part. (A) \frac{1}{{16}} (B) \frac{{11}}{{16}} (C) \frac{{13}}{{16}} (D) \frac{{2}}{{16}} 22. Article 19 of the Indian Constitution is related to (A) right to equality (B) right to freedom of religion (C) right against exploitation (D) right to freedom 23. The financial emergency ( Art-360) was imposed first time in the year of (A) 1962 (B) 1965 (C) 1975 (D) None of the above 24. Eminent Coach Jagminder Sing was awarded Dronachrya Award, 2008 for the game of (A) Archery (B) Wrestling (C) Boxing (D) Volleyball 25. The Olimpic games of 2008 was held in the city of : (A) Shanghai (B) Beijing (C) Tokyo (D) Seoul 26. The which Indian Cricketer was hounered by Wisden Cricketers? Almanack for 2008 as one of the five Cricketers of the year ? (A) Anil Kumble (B) V.V. S. Laxman (C) Harabhajan Singh (D) Zaheer Khan 27. Who Composed the famous music ?Imagine? ? (A) John Lenon (B) Ricky Martin (C) Pit Sigar (D) Paul Robson 28. What is ?Jagaddal ? ? (A) A short story (B) An old Ford car (C) A Film (D) A factory 29. ?Shylock? is a character of the drama : (A) As you like it (B) the merchant of Venice (C) The Tempest (D) Twelfth Night 30. Who was the founder of ? Slave Dynasty? in India ? (A) Mahmud (B) Muhammad Ghori (C) Qutab-ud-din Aibak (D) Iltutmish 30. Who was the founder of ? Slave Dynasty? in India ? (A) Mahmud (B) Muhammad Ghori (C) Qutab-ud-din Aibak (D) Iltutmish 31. The black soil of Western India is called : (A) Regur (B) Terra Rosa (C) Terja (D) Laterite 32. Nagarjunasagar Multipurpose Project included the construction of a dam across (A) River Ganga (B) River Son (C) River Jhelum (D) River Krishna 33. 10 gm. of ice at 0°C is mixed with 10 gm. of water at 10°C. Temperature of the mixture will be : (A) 1°C (B) 0°C (C) 10°C (D) 5°C 34. The number of electrons in the outermost orbit of the element of atomic number 15 is : (A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 7 35. Which one of the following is the most soluble in water ? (A) Mg(OH)2 (B) Sr(OH)2 (C) Ca(OH)2 (D) Ba(OH)2 36. Which of the following is not a Pyrimidine base ? (A) Thymine (B) Uracil (C) Guanine (D) Cytosine 37. The ratio of length and breadth of a rectangular space is 3 :1. Its area is 192 Sq. meter . Find out its length and breadth, (A) 24 meter, 8 meter (B) 30 meter, 15 meter (C) 48 meter, 26 meter (D) 50 meter, 10 meter 38. There is a drum containing 5 kl. 432 lit. mustard oil, and another drum containg 5 Kl. 917 lit. coconut oil. A number of tins of same size are fully filled up with two types of oils sepatately. Find out the possible largest volume of each tin . ? (A) 100 lit. (B) 120 lit. (C) 130 lit (D) None of the above 39. Weight of 1 litre water is 1 Kg. Find out the volume of 0.1 gm. water in cubic milimetre ? (A) 300 cubic ml.m. (B) 500 cubic ml.m. (C) 200 cubic ml. m. (D) 100 cubic ml.m. 40. Difference between a simple fraction and its reciprocal 1{1 \over {15}} . Find out the fraction, (A) {3 \over 8} (B) {5 \over 8} (C) {2 \over 7} (D) {3 \over 5} 41. Product of two numbers is {14 \over 15} and their quotient is {35 \over 24} . Find out the numbers (A) {1 \over 15} {12 \over 19} (B) {5 \over 7} {3 \over 10} (C) {7 \over 6} {4 \over 5} (D) {3 \over 5} {9 \over 21} 42. The first elected President of the Indian Republic was : (A) C. Rajagopalachari (B) Babu Rajendraprasad (C) Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan (D) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel 43. Which of the following countries is honoured to chair the Group of Twenty (G-20) in 2009 ? (A) USA (B) UK (C) France (D) Germany 44. The Indian author who received the Booker Prize for Fiction (2008) is : (A) V.S. Naipal (B) Kiran Desai (C) Arundhati Roy (D) Aravind Adiga 45. Hockey was introduced in the Asian Games in (A) 1958 in Tokyo (B) 1962 in Jakarta (C) 1966 Bangkok (D) 1970 Bangkok 46. The trophy known by the name of Grand Prix is associated with (A) Table Tennis (B) Lawn Tennis (C) Table tennis & Lawn Tennis (D) Table Tennis Lawn Tennis & Shooting 47. ?Come Away with me? - whose album is it ? (A) Madonna (B) Britnery Spears (C) Shakira (D) Nora Jones 48. ?Jete Pari Kintu Keno Jabo? was written by : (A) Sakti Chattapadhyaya (B) Sunil Gangopadhyaya (C) Sarat Kumar Mukhopadhyaya (D) Nirendranath Chakarbarty 49. Who is the author of ? Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea ? ? (A) M. K. Rollings (B) Harold Robins (C) Jun Vene (D) Dan Brown 50. Who introduced Din-i-Ilahi ? (A) Aurangzeb (B) Akbar (C) Sher Shah (D) Dara Sukha