SEBI Practice Questions of aptitude, reasoning

SEBI Practice Questions of aptitude, reasoning 1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TRIBUNAL each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Answer.E 2. In a certain code DOWN is written as ’5 @ 9 #’ and NAME is written as ’# 6%3'. How is MODE written in that code ? (A) %653 (B) %@63 (C) %5@3 (D) %@53 (E) None of these Answer.D 3. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters LGEU using each letter only once in each word ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Answer.C 4. If ’R’ denotes ’—”, ’Q” denotes ’><’,’W’ denotes ‘+’ and ‘A’ denotes’+’, then-4 2W7R8A6Q4:? (A) » 22 (B) — 168 (C) 22 (D) 28 (E) None of these Answer.C 5 ln a certain code THRIVES is written as SIUHRDU. How is SOULFUL written in that code ? (A) VPTKKTE (B) VPTKETK (C) TPVKKTE (D) TNRKMVG (E) None of these Answer.A 6. The positions of how many digits in the number 59164823 will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number ? (A) None (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three Answer.C 7. Mohan walked 30 metres towards South, took a left turn and walked 15 metres. He then took a right turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a right turn and walked 15 metres, I-low far is he from the starting point ? (A) 95 metre (B) 50 metre (C) 70 metre (D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these Answer.B 8. What should come next in the following letter series ? PQRSTABCDEPQRSAB CDEPQRSABCDPQ (A) R (B) T (C) A (D) B (E) None of these Answer.A 9. In a certain code language, ’how can you go”is written as ’ja da ka pa’; ‘can you come here’ is written as ’na ka sa ja” and ‘come and go’ is written as ’ra pa sa’. How is ’here’ written in that code language ? (A) ja (B) na (C) pa (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Answer.B 10, What should come next in the following letter series based onEnglish alphabet ? CEA, IKG, OQM, 7 (A) STW (B) WUS (C) SWU (D) UWS (E) None of these .Answer.D Directioris—(Q. 11—15) ln each of the questions below are given four statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, lll and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Il. Statements : Some trains are cars. All cars are branches. All branches are nets. Some nets are dresses. Conclusions : I. Some dresses are cars. H. Some nets are trains. HI. Some branches are trains. IV. Some dresses are trains. (A) Only I and III follow (B) Only II and III follow (C) Only I and IV follow (D) Only II, III and IV follow (E) None of these Answer.B 12. Statements : All papers are clips. Some clips are boards. Some boards are lanes. All lanes are roads. Conclusions : I. Some roads are boards. II. Some lanes are clips III. Some boards are papers. IV. Some roads are clips. (A) Only I and II follow (B) Only I and III follow (C) Only I, II and III follow (D) Only II, IH and IV follow (E) None of these Answer.E I3. Statements : Some pencils are kites. Some kites are desks. { All desks are jungles. All jungles are mountains. Conclusions : I. Some mountains are pencils. II. Some jungles are pencils. IH. Some mountains are desks. IV. Some jungles are kites. (A) Only I and III follow (B) Only I, H and III follow (C) Only III and IV follow (D) Only H, III and IV follow (E) None of these Answer.C I4. Statements I. Some windows are stones. II. Some windows are rings Il]. No window is stone IV. Some rings are stones. Conclusions All stones are hammers. No hammer is ring. Some rings are doors. All doors are windows. (A) Onlyl follows (B) Only H follows (C) Only III follows (D) Only either I or HI follows (E) Only either I or III and II Follow Answer.E 15. Statements: All pens are clocks. Some clocks are tyres. Some tyres are wheels. Some wheels are buses. Cnndusicns : I. Some buses are tyres. H. Some wheels are clocks. IH. Some wheels are pens. IV. Some buses are clocks. (A) None follows (B) Only I follows (C) Only II follows (D) Only IH follows (E) Only IV follows Answer.A Directi0ns—(Q. 16-20) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below 1A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and K are sitting around a circle facing the centre. F is fourth to the right of A who is third to the right of Bl K is fourth to the left of B and third to the right of D. C is third to the right of I-I. E is second to the left of G. 16 Who is to the immediate right ofF ? (A) B (B) G (C) E (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Answer.B 17. Who is third to the right of K ? (A) F (B) E (C) G (D) Data inadequate (E) None of these Answer.C 18. What is E’s position with respectto B ? (A) Second to the left (B) Third to the right (C) Fourth to the right (D) Third to the left (E) Fifth to the right Answer.D 19. Who is fourth to the left of G (A) C (B) A (C) D (D) K (E) Data inadequate Answer.A 20. In which of the following combinations is the third person sitting between the first and the second persons ? (A) GFB (B) BGH (C) ADC (D) KEC (E) EGF Answer.E