SBT Previous Year Solved Question Paper

SBT Placement Paper SBT Previous Year Solved Question Paper Reasoning: Directions (1 - 5) : In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II, You have to take the given statements to be true even it they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically from the statements disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer (1) if only conclusion I follows. Give answer (2) if only conclusion II follows. Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II follows. Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows. Give answer (5) if both conclusion I and II follows. 1. Statements : All medicines are tables. Some tables are tonics. Some tonics are bitter. Conclusions : I. Some tablets are bitter. II. No medicine is a tonic. (Ans : 3) 2. Statements : All incomes are salaries. Some salaries are perks. Some perks are tangible. Conclusions : I. Some incomes are tangible. II. At least some perks are salaries. (Ans : 2) 3. Statements : All roses are red. Some red are colour. All colour are colour. Conclusions : I. Some red are paints. II. All red are rose. (Ans : 1) 4. Statements : Some casual are formal. All formal are expensive. All expensive are elegant. Conclusions : I. All formal are elegant. II. Some casual are expensive. (Ans : 5) 5.Statements : All towns are cities. All cities are urban. Some urban are rural. Conclusions : I. Some towns are rural. II. All rural are towns. (Ans : 4) Directions (6-10) : The following questions are based on five words given below:RAT ONE BUT AND SAW (The new words formed after performing the mentioned operations may or may not necessarily be meaningful English words) 6. If in each of the given words, each alphabet is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series, in how many words thus formed have the consonants changed to vowels ? (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four (5) Five 7. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word highlighted in bold, each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical order? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) Four 8.In each of the given words, each consonants is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series, in how many words thus formed have the vowels (same or different) two or more times? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) Four 9. If first letter of each word is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series, how many meaningful English words will be formed? (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four (5) Five 10. If the given words are arranged from left to right as they come in the dictionary which will be fourth from left? (1) RAT (2) ONE (3) BUT (4) AND (5) SAW Qns(11-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow: Five friends P, Q, R, S and T start their ;journey separately from Goa to Chennai, Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad, Manglore via different means of transportation ie Bus, Train, Plane, Car and Yatch.The person going to Delhi did not use yatch, R reached Manglore by car and is used yatch, Q used plane to reach Kolkata and T completed his journey by train. Goa is not connected with Delhi and Chennai via bus. 11. Which pair of place and transport is correct? (1) Kolkata-Bus (2) Delhi-Plane (3) Manglore-Train (4) Chennai-Yatch (5) Hyderabad-Car 12. Q : Kolkata as S : ? (1) Hyderabad (2) Chennai (3) Manglore (4) Delhi (5) Can not be determined 13.Who of the following trvelled to Delhi? (1) T (2) R (3) S (4) P (5) Q 14.Which of the following is not correct for P? (1) the travelled to Kolkata by bus (2) the travelled to Delhi by train (3) the travelled to Chennai by yatch (4) the travelled to Hyderabad by bus (5) None of these 15. S travelled to___ by_____ (1) Hyderabaad, train (2) Chennai, yatch (3) Chennai, train (4) Delhi, yatch (5) Delhi, train Marketing and Computer Awareness: 1. Price is an important factor for effective marketing. What are the other Ps? (1) Product, Promotion & Place (2) Place, Persuasion & Promotion (3) Pride, Person & Place (4) Product, Paper & Person (5) None of these 2. Advertisements are required for ______ (1) Boosting the production levels (2) Motivating the employees (3) Boosting the sales (4) All of these (5) None of these 3. Sales forecasting involves study of _____ (1) Proper selling price (2) Sales planning (3) Distribution outlets (4) Consumer needs and demands (5) All of these 4. Market Research is needed for _____ (1) Choosing the right sales persons (2) Choosing the right products (3) Marking proper marketing decisions (4) Deciding the sales incentives (5) None of these 5. Marketing is termed as successful, when _________ (1) There is a rise in the number of salesmen (2) There is no need for post-sales service (3) There is no need to give discounts (4) There is rise in sales through more clients (5) Marketing is an ongoing process and hence, an never be successful. 6. What happens ;when you press the Ctrl + V key? (1) A Capital V letter is typed into your document at the cursor point (2) The selected item is pasted from the Clipboard (3) The selected item is pasted to the Clipboard (4) The selected drawing objects are distributed vertically on he page (5) None of these 7. Which do you press to enter the current date in a cell ? (1) CTRL + : (semicolon) (2) CTRL + SHIFT + : (colon) (3) CTRL + F10 (4) CTRL + F11 (5) None of these 8. Which of the following describes a relational database? (1) It provides a relationship between integers (2) It consists of separate tables of related data (3) It retrieves data related to its queries (4) It provides a relationship between floats (5) None of these 9. How do you print your slides in a handout that includes lines for notes? (1) In the Print dialog box, select Handouts and set the number of slides per page to 3 (2) In the Print dialog box, select Handouts and a number of slides per page, then select the Include comment pages option (3) In the Print dialog box, select Notes Pages instead of Handouts (4) It cannot be done (5) None of these 10. Suppose you have columns of data that span more than one printed page. How can you automatically print the column headings on each page? (1) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and enter the row that contains these column headings under Print titles (2) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Page tab, click the Options button, then enter your choices (3) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and make a selection under the Print heading (4) Click Page Preview on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and enter the row that contains these column headings under Print titles (5) None of these 11. The Assistant is ______ (1) an application that allows you to take notes and save them in a file (2) an animated character that provides help and suggestions (3) a button on the standard Toolbar that executes the Print command (4) a collection of frequently misspelled words in a dictionary file (5) None of these 12. Which of the following place the common data elements in order from smallest to largest ? (1) Character, file, record, field, database (2) Character, record, field, file, database (3) Character, field, record, file, database (4) Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database (5) None of these 13. Select the odd one out ______ (1) Interpreter (2) Operating System (3) Compiler (4) Assembler (5) None of these 14. Which of these is a quick way to copy formatting from a selected cell to two other cells on the same worksheet ? (1) Use CTRL to selected all three cells, then click the Paste Button image button on the Standard toolbar (2) Copy the selected cell, then select the other two cells, click Style on the Format menu, then click Modify (3) Click Format Painter Button image on the Formatting toolbar twice, then click in each cell you want to copy the formatting to (4) Use Alt to select all three cells, then click the Paste Button image button on the Standard toolbar (5) None of these 15. How do you prevent emailed word document from always opening in the Reading Layout ? (1) From the Tools Menu > Options > General Tab > uncheck the 'Allow starting in Reading Layout' (2) From the View Menu > Reading Layout > General Tab > uncheck the 'Allow starting in Reading Layout' (3) Form the Format Menu > Auto format > Edit Tab > uncheck the 'Use with emailed attachments' (4) All the above (5) None of these 16. By default your document prints in __ mode. (1) Landscape (2) portrait (3) page steup (4) Print view (5) None of these 17. Which of the following is small single site network? (1) LAN (2) DSL (3) PAM (4) USB (5) None of these 18. How can page break be done in word? (1) Press f1 key putting cursor on an appropriate place (2) Press ctrl+ Enter putting cursor on an appropriate place (3) Use Insert/section break (4) Change font size of document (5) None of these 19. What do the contents of Active cell show? (1) Name box (2) Reheading (3) formula bar (4) Task pen (5) None of these 20. To search and load the saved file ____ (1) select the close command (2) select the new command (3) select the same command (4) select open command (5) None of the above Numerical Aptitude: Directions (1-5) : What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ? 1. 1 5 13 29 ? 125 253 (1) 83 (2) 69 (3) 61 (4) 65 (5) 81 2. 45 57 81 117 165 ? (1) 235 (2) 215 (3) 205 (4) 245 (5) 225 3. 353 354 351 356 349 ? (1) 348 (2) 358 (3) 338 (4) 385 (5) 340 4. 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 ? (1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 1 1/5 (5) 1 2/3 5. 17 18 26 53 117 ? 458 (1) 342 (2) 142 (3) 257 (4) 262 (5) 242 6. If the numerator of a certain fraction increased by 200% and the denominator is increased by 150% the new fraction thus formed is 9/10. What is the original fraction? (1) 3/4 (2) 1/4 (3) 3/5 (4) 2/5 7. The average of five numbers is 49. The average of the first and the second numbers is 48 and the average of the fourth and fifth numbers is 28. What is the third number ? (1) 92 (2) 91 (3) 95 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 8. 28% members of a certain group are married. What is the respective ratio between the number of married members to the number of (1) 7 : 17 (2) 5 : 18 (3) 7 : 18 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 9. Mr. Khanna took a loan of Rs. 10,000/- on simple interest for two years at the rate 3 p.c.p.a. The total amount that he will be paying as interest in 2 years is 3% of his monthly salary. What is his monthly salary? (1) Rs.30,000/- (2) Rs.16,000/- (3) Rs.20,000/- (4) Rs.12,000/- (5) None of these 10. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'SECOND' be arranged? (1) 720 (2) 120 (3) 5040 (4) 270 (5) None of these Direction (11-15) : What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?(Note : You are not expected to calculate the exact value.) 11. 31.635 * 455 ÷ 403 = ? (1) 735 (2) 795 (3) 695 (4) 685 (5) 715 12. 32.3?5332 = ? (1) 8 (2) 38 (3) 58 (4) 68 (5) 18 13. 33.105.003 + 307.993 + 215.630 = ? (1) 610 (2) 650 (3) 660 (4) 670 (5) 630 14. 34.5223 ÷ 36 * 0.93 = ? (1) 135 (2) 125 (3) 145 (4) 155 (5) 115 15. 35. ?2228 = ? (1) 57 (2) 47 (3) 67 (4) 37 (5) 27 General Awareness: 1. Name of which of the following rates/ratios cannot be seen in financial newspapers? (1) Bank Rate (2) Repo Rate (3) Cash Reserve Ratio (4) Pulse Rate (5) Statutory Ratio 2. An individual visiting UAE will have to make hi/her payments in which of the following currencies? (1) Dirham (2) Taka (3) Baht (4) Peso (5) Dinar 3. Who amongst the following is NOT a famous writer? (1) Sania Mirza (2) V. S. Naipaul (3) Chetan Bhagat (4) Khushwant Singh (5) Namita Gokhale 4. 'Peepli Live' is a film directed by______ (1) Anusha Rizvi (2) Aamir Khan (3) Kiran Rao (4) David Dhawan (5) None of these 5. Which of the following is the Chemical name of the salt we use in our kitchen? (1) Calcium Carbonate (2) Calcium Chloride (3) Sodium Carbonate (4) Sodium Chloride 6. The judges of the Supreme Curt of India now retire at the age of ____ (1) 58 years (2) 60 years (3) 62 years (4) 65 years (5) 68 years 7. Operation New Dawn is the biginning of stability in____ (1) Afghanistan (2) Iran (3) Sudan (4) Sri Lanka (5) Iraq 8. Wchih of the following books is written by Krian Desai? (1) A house for Mr. Biswas (2) 3 Mistakes of My Life (3) A Tale of Two Sisters (4) The Inheritance of Loss (5) Tale of Two Cities 9. Jimena Navarrete who was crowned Miss Universe 2010 is from ___ (1) Mexico (2) Venezuela (3) Brazil (4) New Zealand (5) Italy 10. India has an agreement with USA for producing energy in the form of___ (1) Hydraulic (2) Thermal (3) Nuclear (4) Solar (5) All of these forms 11. Which of the following is an economic term? (1) Plaintiff (2) Bunker Blaster (3) Deflation (4) Lampoon (5) Zero Hour 12. Which of the following awards is given to sports persons in India? (1) Shantiswarup Bhatnagar Awards (2) Arjuna Award (3) Kalidas Samman (4) Saraswati Samman (5) None of these 13. Which of the following is the trophy/cup associated with the game of cricket? (1) Derby (2) Merdeka Cup (3) Santhosh Trophy (4) Duleep Trophy (5) Durand Cup 14. Who amongst the following can take benefit of the Social Security Fund established by the Govt. of India for unorganized workers? (1) Primary school teacher (2) Employee of Sugar Factory (3) Textile Mazdoor (4) Rickshaw Puller (5) Clerk in a factory 15. Shushil Kumar who won a Gold Medal at an international event is a famous____ (1) Wrestling champion (2) Golf player (3) Table Tennis Player (4) Weight lifter (5) None of these 16. In case a major war breaks out between two nations, which of the following organizations/ agencies will be see in the battle field, in addition to the armies of the fighting parties? (1) WTO (2) Red Cross (3) CARE (4) OPEC (5) All of these 17. Which of the following is the abbreviated name associated with food security? (1) ASHA (2) PDS (3) WTO (4) OPEC (5) NPA 18. Which of the following is a good and rich source of vitamin 'C'? (1) Milk (2) Radish (3) Mango (4) Lemon Juice (5) Banana 19. Who amongst the following Indian Prime Ministers was honoured Posthumously by the Govt. of Bangladesh for his/her contributions to the independence of the the nation? (1) Rajeev Gandhi (2) Jawaharlal Nehru (3) Indira Gandhi (4) Lal Bahadur Shastri (5) None of these 20. Who amongst the following was never a Government of the RBI ? (1) Bimal Jalan (2) Y.V. Reddy (3) Arup Roy Choudhury (4) C. Rangarajan (5) D. Subbarao English Language: Directions (1-5) : In each question below four words printed in bold type are given. These are numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). One of these words printed in bold may either be wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence, Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly spelt, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and appropriate in the context of the sentence then mark (5). i.e. 'All Correct' as your answer. 1. Employees must familiarise (1)/ themselves with the health (2)/ and safety (3)/ mannual (4)/ of the rganisation,/ (5) All Correct (Ans : 4) 2. The political (1)/ environment (2)/ is not condusive (3)/ to economic reforms., (4)/All Correct (5) (Ans : 3) 3. The ship (1)/ was at sea for many days and finally (2)/ anchored (3)/ near the costline. (4)/ All Correct. (Ans : 4) 4. Some of our regular listenors (1)/ have complained (2)/ about the new programme (3)/ schedule (4). All Correct (5) (Ans : 1) 5. The report (1)/ found that the saefty (2)/ equipment had been very poorly (3)/ maintained (4), All Correct (5) (Ans : 2) Directions (6-10). Rearrange the following six sentences/group of sentences (A),(B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them. (A) The merchant greedily counted his gold and said, "The purse I dropped had 200 pieces of gold in it. You've already stolen more than the reward ! Go away or I will tell the police." (B) The judge, looking towards the merchant said, "you stated that the purse you lost contained 200 pieces of gold. Well, that's a considerable cost. But, the purse this beggar found had only 100 pieces of gold". (C) "This purse therefore cannot be the one you lost." And, with that, the judge gave the purse and all the gold to the beggar. (E) A beggar found a leather purse that someone had dropped in the marketplace. One opening it, he discovered that it contained 100 pieces of gold. Then he heard a merchant, shout, "A reward! A reward to the one who finds my leather purse". (F) "I am an honest man," said the beggar defiantly. "Let us take this matter to the court. The judge patiently listened to both sides of the story. 6. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement? (1) E (2) D (3) B (4) C (5) F 7. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement? (1) A (2) D (3) F (4) B (5) C 8. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after the rearrangement? (1) A (2) D (3) F (4) E (5) C 9. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement? (1) E (2) B (3) D (4) C (5) F 10. Which of the following should be FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement? (1) D (2) F (3) B (4) E (5) C Directions (11-15) : In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. The Bhagavad Gita is a poem of 700 verses which is a part of the Mahabarata. It is the only philosophical song existing in all languages. Its popularity and influence have never waned. It (11 )light and guidance to the troubled mind in times of crisis. It is in the (12) of a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna on the battlefield. Arjuna's mind is troubled at the thought of the killings of his friends and relatives. He cannot conceive of any gain Arjuna is the (13) of the tortured spirit of man torn by conflicting obligations and moralities. The dialogue proceeds and takes us to the higher level of individual duty and social behaviourl, application of ethics to practical life and social outlook that should govern all. An attempt is (14) to reconcile the three path of action and the path of faith. But more (15) is laid on faith. There is a call of action to meet the obligations of life, keeping in view the spiritual background and the large purpose of the universe. 11. (1) shines (2) enforces (3) secures (4) seeks (5) provides 12. (1) constitution (2) part (3) formation (4) form (5) programme 13. (1) dream (2) source (3) figures (4) symbol (5) conceived 14. (1) made (2) established (3) coined (4) given (5) generated 15. (1) significant (2) declaration (3) emphasis (4) blessings (5) important SBT DI question paper SBT,SBI Data interpretation and data analysis questions with answers, SBT,SBI previous years solved questions paper of Probationary officers (PO), Associate clerical cadre SBT and SBI Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, logical problems, General Awareness, Computer aptitude, Marketing questions with answers SBT and SBI DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION Detections (1-5): Study the following Table carefully and answer the questions given below: Number of Students Passed and Failed in Five Classes of A School Over the Years 1. What is the average number of failed students from class VII for the given years? (1) 27.5 (2) 28 (3) 26.5 (4) 26 (5) 24.5 -Answer 2. What is the ratio between total number of passed students and total number of failed students for the year 2006? (1)3:1 (2) 56:23 -Answer (3)67:13 (4) 68:35 (5)339:137 3. Which of the following classes has the maximum number of passed students, as compared to the total number of students of that class, over the years ? (1) VI 2) VII (3) VII (4) IX -Answer (5)X 4. What is the number of passed students, for all the classes together, in the year 2003 ? (1) 277 -Answer (2) 298 (3) 316 (4) 354 (5) 373 5. What is the total percentage of passed students of class VI from all the years together ? (1) 52 (2) 87 (3) 70 -Answer (4) 78 (5) 95 Directions (6-10): Study the following Table carefully and answer the questions given below: Percentage of Marks Obtained by Different Students in Different Subjects 6. How many marks did E get in all the subjects together ? (1) 659 (2) 600 (3) 625 (4) 708 (5)617 7. What are the average marks obtained by all the students together In English ? (1) 110.27 (2) 113.76 (3)121.52 (4)119.25 (5) 123.74 8. How many students have scored the highest marks in more than one subject? (Done (2) two (3) three (4) four (5) five 9. Who has scored the highest marks in all the subjects together? (1)E (2)C (3) F (4) A (5)D 10. Marks obtained by F in S.St are what per cent of marks obtained by E in the same subject ? (1)74 (2)85 (3) 76 (4) 83 (5)80 Directions (11-19): Study the following Graph carefully and answer the questions given below : Preferences of People in Playing Different Games Over the Years 11. In the year 2006, the people preferring to play Tennis is what per cent of the people preferring to play Cricket, Football and Tennis to ether in that year ? g 12. From 2001 to 2006. the total number of people who preferred to play Football was what (in millions) ? (1)1525 (2)1620 (3)1730 (4)1800 (5) 1925 13. The number of people preferring to play Tennis in 2006, is how many millions fewer than the number of people preferring to play Tennis in 2005 ? (1)115 (2)120 (3) 100 (4) 97 (5) 95 14. What is the respective ratio of the number of people preferring to play Cricket to Uie number of people, preferring to play Tennis in the year 2003 ? (1)14:15 (2)15:13 (3)15:17 (4)13:15 (5)17:14 15. How many people (in millions) have preferred to play Cricket in all the years together ? (1)2050 (2)2000 (3) 1850 (4) 1750 (5) 1600 Directions (16-20) : In each of these questions, a question is given followed by information in three statements. You have to find out the data in which statement(s) is sufficient to answer the question and mark your answer accordingly. 16. What is the average age of the six members A, B, C, D. Eand F in the family ? I. Total age of D and E is 14 years. II. Average age of A, B, Cand F is 50 years. III. Average age of A, B. D and E is 40 years. (1) Only I and II (2) Only I and III (3) Only II and III (4) All I. II and III (5) None of these 17. What is the area of the right angled triangle ? I. Base of the triangle is X cms. II. Height of the triangle is Y cms. III. Hypotenuse of the triangle is Z cms. (1) Only land II (2) Only II (3) Only II and III (4) Any two of three (5) None of these 18. In how many days will B alone complete the work ? I. A and B together can complete the work in 8 days. II. B and C together can complete the work in 10 days. III. A and C together can complete the work in 12 days (1) Only I and II (2) Only II and HI (3) All I. II and III (4) Question cannot be answered even with the information in all the three statements (5) None of these 19. What is the rate of interest p.c.p.a. ? 1.. An amount doubles itself at simple interest in 10 years. II.Difference between the compound interest and simple interest on an amount of Rs. 15.000 in two years is Rs. 150. III.The compound interest accrued in 8 years is more than the amount (principal). (1) Only I (2) Only II (3) Only II and III . (4) Only I and III (5) Only either I or II 20. What are the marks scored by Abhijit in English ? I. Marks scored by Abhijit in Maths are more than his marks in Science by 20. II. Total marks scored by Abhijit in Maths, Science and English are 198. HI. Marks scored by Abhijit in Science are more than his marks in English by 12. (1) Any two of the three (2) Only II and HI (3) All I. II and HI (4) Question cannot be answered even with the information in all the three statements (5) None of these 21. If the Expenditure of Company B in 2000 was Rs. 200 crores, what was its Income ? (1) Rs. 240 crores (2) Rs. 220 crores (3) Rs. 160 crores (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 22. If the Income of Company A in 2002 was Rs. 600 crores, what was its Expenditure ? (1) Rs. 360 crores (2) Rs. 480 crores (3) Rs. 375 crores (4) Cannot be deterrrüned (5) None of these 23. If the Income of Company B in 1998 was Rs. 200 crores, what was its profit in 1999 ? (1) Rs. 21.5 crores (2) Rs. 153 crores (3) Rs. 46.15 crores (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 24. If the Incomes of the two companies in 1998 were equal, what was the ratio of their Expenditure? (1) 1 : 2 (2) 26 : 27 (3) 100 : 67 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 25. What is the per cent increase in per cent profit for Company B from year 2000 to 2001? (1)75 (2)175 (3) 42.86 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these Directions (26 -30) : Study the information carefully to answer the following questions: A management institute offers MBA with specialization in Marketing, Finance and HR Among the total number of students in the institute 45% are girls. Number of boys studying Marketing is 30% of the total number of boys in the institution which is 297.40% of the girls are studying HR. Number of boys and girls studying Marketing are in the ratio of 3 : 2. 50% of boys are studying Finance.. 26. How many girls are studying Finance ? (1) 288 " (2) 198 (3) 324 (4) 495 (5) None of these 27. Number of girls studying Marketing is what per cent of the number of boys studying Finance? (1) 20 (2) 35 (3) 50 (4) 65 (5) None of these 28. Number of boys studying Finance is what percent of the total number of students in the institution? (1) 33.33 (2) 27.5 (3) 47.8 (4) 13.98 (5) None of these 29. What is the respective ratio between number of boys and girls studying HR ? (1) 5 : 9 (2) 15 : 34 (3) 99 : 161 (4) 11 : 18 (5) None of these 30. What is the total number of students in the institute ? (1) 1000 (2) 1500 (3) 1800 (4)900 (5) None of these 31. If the income of Company 'A in 1998 was Rs. 1,42,500, what was its expenditure in that year? (1) Rs. 1,05.000 (2) Rs. 95.500 (3) Rs. 99.500 (4) Rs. 1.05.555 (5) None of these 32. Expenditure of C y 'B' in ompanof its exp1999 was 90% enditure in 1998. Income of Company 'B' in 1999 was what per cent of its income in 1998? 33. If the expenditure of Company 'A in 1997 was Rs. 70 lakhs and income of Company A in 1997 was equal to its expenditure in 1998. What was the total income (in lakh Rs.) of the Company A in 1997 & 1998 together ? (1) 175 (2) 131.25 (3) 218.75 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 34. Expenditure of Company 'B' in years 1996 and 1997 were in the ratio of 5 : 7 respectively. What was the respective ratio of their incomes ? (1) 10 : 13 (2) 8 : 13 (3)13 : 14 (4) 11 : 14 (5) None of these 35. Total expenditure of Companies A & B together in 2001 was Rs. 13.5 lakhs. What was the total income of the two companies (in lakh Rs.) in that year ? (1) 19.575 (2) 20.25 (3) 19.75 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these Directions (36-40): Study the following table carefully and answer the questions given below Percentage ofmarks obtained by six students in six different subjects 36.What is the difference between the total marks obtained by A in Psychology and Statistics together and the total marks obtained by F in these two subjects together? (1) 12.5 (2) 6 (3)10.5 (4)11.6 (5) None of these 37.What is the average percentage of marks obtained by six students in Sociology ? 38. What are the average marks obtained by the six students in Philosophy out of 75 ? (1) 58.75 (2) 50.875 (3) 67.83 (4) 65.73 (5) None of these 39. What are the total marks obtained by W in Psychology, Economics and Geology together? (1) 219.2 (2) 229 (3) 209.8 (4)229.6 (5) None of these 40. Approxlmately what is the Overall percentage of marks obtained by 'C* in all the subjects together? (1) 60 (2) 56 (3) 72 (4) 76 (5)66 Directions (41-45): Study the following graph carefully and answer the questions given below Production (in lakh tonnes) of six units of a Company in 2001 and 2002 41. What is the average production of all the units (in lakh tonnes) for the year 2002 ? (1)89 (2)92 (3) 87 (4) 95 (5) None of these 142. Average production of three units A, B & C in 2001 is what per cent of the average production of units D, E & F in 2002 ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal) (1) 109.43 (2) 90.37 (3)91.38 (4) 106.43 (5) None of these 43. What is the ratio between total production for two years together for units B and C respectively? (1) 17 : 13 (2) 13 : 17 (3) 11 : 13 (4) 19 : 13 (5) None of these 44. Total production for two years together by unit F is what per cent of the total production for the two years together by unit D ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal) (1) 79.49 (2) 78.49 (3) 78.47 (4) 79.29 (5) None of these 45. What is the total production of units C. D & E together for both the years? (in lakh tons) (1)495 (2)595 (3)545 (4)515 (5) None of these Directions (46-50): Read the pie Charts carefully and answer the questions given below it: The Budget of a State 46. In the income section, how many degrees (approx.) should be there in the central angle of the sector representing income tax? (1) 105° (2) 120° (3) 135° (4) 150° (5) 140° 47. If an amount of 10 lakh rupees is obtained as excise and custom only, what is the total income of the State? (1)150 lakh (2) 200 lakh (3) 250 lakh (4) 400 lakh (5) None of these 48. If total expenditure of the State is Rs. 20 crores in a year, how many crores are spent on 'international? (1)0.2 (2)0.4 (3) 0.6 (4) 0.8 (5) None of these 49. What is the ratio of income from sales tax to that from miscellaneous? (1) 1 : 1 (2) 5 : 4 (3) 4 : 5 (4) 1 : 2 (5) None of these 50. What is the ratio of the combined expenditure for defence and agriculture to all other expenditures? (1) 9 : 16 (2) 16 : 9 (3) 20 : 11 4) 11 : 20 (5) None of these SBT English and computer GK questions with answers State Bank of Travancore(SBT) Associate bank of SBI,SBT 2012 PO,Clerical Cadre, Technical officers Managers recruitment notification details SBT and SBI jobs details, SBT,SBI previous years written test examination solved question papers,SBT,SBI-2012 vacancy details, SBT PO Probationary Officers and Clerks Selection procedure ,test pattern,SBT SBI Reasoning Quantitative Aptitude ,Data Intrepretation(DI), Marketing aptitude, General awareness, current affairs questions with answers English Language Directions (1-15): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/expressions are given in bold in the passage to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Radically changing monsoon patterns, reduction in the winter rice harvest and a quantum increase in respiratory diseasesall part of the environmental doomsday scenario which is reportedly playing out in South Asia. According to a United Nations Environment Programme report, a deadly threekm deep blanket of pollution comprising a fearsome cocktail of ash. acids, aerosols and other particles has enveloped this region. For India, already struggling to cope with a drought^the implications of this are devastating and further crop failure will amount to a life and death question for many Indians. The increase in premature deaths will have adverse social and economic consequences and a rise in morbidities will place an unbearable burden on our crumbling health system. And there is no one to blame but ourselves. Both official and corporate India has always been allergic to any mention of clean technology. Most mechanical two wheelers roll off the assembly line without proper pollution control system. little effort is made for R & D on simple technologies, which could make a vital difference to people's lives and the environment . However, while there is no denying that South Asia must clean up its act, skeptics might question the timing of the haze report. The Kyoto meet on climate change is just two weeks away and the Stage is set for the usual battle between the developing world and the West, particularly the U.S. President Mr. Bush has adamantly refused to sign any protocol, which would mean a change in American consumption level. U.N. environment report will likely find a place in the U.S. arsenal as it plants an accusing finger towards controls like India and China. Yet the U.S. can hardly deny its own dubious role in the matter of erasing trading quotas. Richer countries can simply buy up excess credits from poorer countries and continue to pollute. Rather than try to get the better of developing countries, who undoubtedly have taken up environmental shortcuts in their bid to catch up with the West, the U.S. should take a look at the environmental profligacy, which is going on within. From opening up virgin territories for oil exploration to relaxing the standards for drinking water, Mr. Bush's policies are not exactly beneficial, not even to America's interests. We realize that we are all in this together and that pollution anywhere should be a global concern otherwise there will only be more tunnels at the end of the tunnel. 1. Both official and corporate India is allergic to: (1) failure of monsoon (2) poverty and inequality (3) slowdown in industrial production (4) mention of clean technology -Answer (5) crop failure 2. Which, according to the passage. Is a life and death question to many Indians? (1) Increase in respiratory diseases (2) Use of clean technology (3) Thick blanket of pollution over the region (4) Failure in crops- Answer (5) Dwindling agricultural yield 3. If the rate of premature deaths increases it will: (1) exert added burden on our crumbling economy (2) have adverse social and economic consequences Answer (3) make positive effect on our efforts to control population (4) have less job aspirants in the ' society (5) have healthy effect on our economy 4. Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the word 'profligacy' as used in the passage. (1) wastefulness Answer (2) conservation (3) upliftmeht (4) criticality (5) denouncement 5. According to the passage, India cannot tolerate any further: (1) crop failure Answer (2) deterioration of health care system (3) increase in respiratory diseases (4) proliferation of nuclear devices (5) social and economic consequences 6. According to the passage, two wheeler industry is not adequately concerned about (1) passenger safety on the roads (2) life cover insurance of the vehicle owners (3) pollution control system In the vehicles Answer (4) rising cost of the two wheelers (5) rising cost of the petrol in the country 7. What could be the reason behind timing of the haze report just before the Kyoto meet, as indicated in the passage ? (1) United Nations is working handinglove with U.S. (2) Organizers of the forthcoming meet to teach a lesson to the U.S. (3) Drawing attentions of the world towards devastating effects of environment degradation. (4) U.S. wants to use it as a handle against the developing countries in the forthcoming meet Answer (5) The meet is a part of political agenda of the U.N. 8. Choose the word which is SIMILAR in meaning to the word 'allergic' as used in the passage. (1) liking (2) passionate (3) possessive (4) crumbling (5) repugnant Answer 9. Which of the following is the indication of environmental degradation in South Asia ? (1) Social and economic inequality (2) Crumbling health care system (3) Inadequate pollution control system (4) Overemphasis on technology (5) Radically changing monsoon pattern Answer 10. What must we realize, according to the passage ? (1) No country should show superiority over other countries (2) U.N. is putting in hard efforts in the direction of pollution control (3) All countries must join hands in fighting pollution Answer (4) Nobody should travel through tunnel to avoid health hazards (5) We all must strive hard to increase agricultural production 11. Which of the following finds place in the United Nations Environment Programme Report? (1) Changing monsoon patterns (2) Substantial increase in respiratory diseases (3) A serious cover of pollution over the region Answer (4) Reduction in winter rice harvest (5) None of these 12. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage ? (1) U.N. environment report blames countries like India and China (2) Developing countries have taken environment shortcuts in their bid to catch up with the West. (3) U.S. is also to be blamed for environmental degradation and pollution (4) Indians cannot afford to have any further crop failure (5) U.S. has tightened safety standards for drinking water Answer 13. According to the passage, Kyoto meet is going to witness (1) calm and dispassionate thinking on the issue of pollution control (2) a blaming game between developed and developing countries Answer (3) refusal of U.N. to work as arbitrator (4) U.S. agreeing to look at the issue of lowering its consumption (5) countries agreeing for higher monetary allocation to R & D. 14. Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word 'dubious' as used in the passage ? (1) unquestionable Answer (2) dissimilar (3) illegal (4) antisocial (5) innovative 15. Choose the word which is the MOST OPPOSITE in meaning to the word 'morbidity' as used in the passage. (1) powerfulness (2) healthiness Answer (3) softness (4) acuteness (5) purposeful Directions (16-25): Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence rammatically cor; rect. if the sentence is correct as it is and 'No correction is required', mark (5) as the answer. 16. The executive had received several warnings before been sus¬pended finally for his lack of punctuality. (1) after suspension (2) after suspending (3) before suspended (4) before being suspended Answer (5) No correction required 17. Accordingly to the senior partner's instructions they have remitted the amount to your bankers. (1) According on (2) On accord of (3) In accordance with Answer (4) Accordingly as (5) No correction required 18. The museum has planned for a ten day exhibition showcasing the ' rich culture of the South. (1) plan for (2) has been planning (3) planning on (4) have a plan (5) No correction required Answer 19. Since the collapse of his business he has become frequent depressed and addicted to alcohol. (1) frequent depression and addicted for (2) frequently depress and addict to (3) frequently depressing and addicted on (4) frequently depressed and addicted .to Answer (5) No correction required 20. The government will refrain from intervening in the dispute except the company requests it to do so. (1) with the dispute except (2) in the dispute unless Answer (3) to the dispute excepting (4) in the dispute without (5) No correction required 21. The issue of employee pension schemes will come to the Governing Board meeting next week. (1) shall come about in (2) will come before (3) will come up at Answer (4> shall come to (5) No correction required 22. The steep rise in oil prices is the reason on account of which we must conserve energy. (1) the reason Answer (2) the reason for (3) the reason because (4) the reason to (5) No correction required 23. Several customers have requested that the branch timings on weekdays should be changed to reduce inconvenience. (1) is changed (2) have changed (3) shall change (4) can change (5) No correction required Answer 24. Having failed to plan their political campaign in advance the party members got each other into a mess. (1) get one another (2) got themselves Answer (3) have got anyone (4) has got everyone (5) No correction required 25. Despite his youth he has the reputation of being one of the most efficient administrators'in the organization. (1) from the efficient (2) off the more efficient (3) of the efficient in (4) among the most efficiently of (5) No correction required Answer Directions (26-30) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence, the number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, mark (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any) 26. Villagers want to build (l)/a bridge crossed the river (2)Answer /to connect their village (3) /to the highway. (4)/ No error (5) - 27. He has invited one (1)/ of his biggest business rivals (2)/ to his office (3) / to discuss the merger.(4)/ No error (5) Answer 28. To avoid any interruption (1)/ during the presentation (2)/ he checked all the system (3)/ the previous day. (4)/ NoAnswer error (5) 29. It is the government (1)Answer/ responsibility to provide (2)/ athletes with the necessary facilities (3)/ for their training. (4)/ No error (5) 30. The management is (1)/ not willing to (2)/ make no concession (3)Answer/ to the employee's demands. (4)/ No error (5) Directions (31-35) : In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence, there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (1), (2),(3). (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks In the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete. 31. With the merger, the newly formed company has come to _______the country's_______into a modern economy. (1) lead — acceptance (2) exemplify — transformation (3) promote — development Answer (4) reflect — transfer (5) stall — exchange 32. _____governance does not encourage respect for authority and______the condition of the exploited. (1) Frail — enhance (2) Lack — recognizes (3) Inadequate — heeds. . (4) Weak — accentuates (5) Effectual — alleviate Answer 33. Although businesses are less ________than they were before liberalization some parts of the economy remain_to restrictions. (1) fettered — subject Answer (2) shunned — accessible (3) ignored — vulnerable (4) restrict — expose (5) defunct — resistant 34. Today the city________free housing and hospitals and clean streets has become the______ of the entire country. (1) offers — example (2) known — pride (3) with — envy (4) providing — challenge Answer (5) supplies — dream 35. Since its launch, the computer programme has_______for two thirds of all software sales_______ (1) allowed — legally (2) plans — globally (3) provided — finally (4) competed — demand (5) accounted — domestically Answer Directions (36-40) : Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them. (A) To address these issues Indian corporates are increasingly tuning ecofriendly. (B) At present however there are only a dozen green buildings in the private sector. (C) However though an ecofriendly building may cost more upfront however it is cost effective because of lower operating costs in the long run. (D) Today there is growing concern about global warming, energy and water crises. (E) The reason is the construction cost of an ecofriendly building is 15% to 20% more than putting up a conventional building. (F) Planting trees, using energy saving lighting systems and constructing ecofriendly green buildings are some of the measures they are taking. 36. Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement? (1)A (2)B (3) C (4) D Answer (5)E 37. Which of the following will be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement? (1)A Answer (2)C (3) D (4) E (5)F 38. Which of the following will be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement? (1)B ' (2)D (3) C (4) E (5)F Answer 39. Which of the following will be the FDTTH sentence after rearrangement ? (1)C (2)D (3) E (4) F (5) A 40. Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ? (1)B (2)C Answer (3) D (4) E (5)F Directions (41-50) : In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. Mass migration has produced a huge world wide economy of its own which has (4_D so fast during the past few years that the figures have (42) experts. Last year remittances sent home by migrants were expected to (431 $232 billion according to the World Bank which (44) these figures. (45) though the flow of remittances is to alleviate the plight of the migrant's family it cannot on its own lift entire nations out of poverty. Those who study the (46) of remittances argue that the money allows poor countries to put off basic decisions of conomic management like (47)their tax collection systems and building schools. Remittances to poor countries can also (48)the fact that they do not produce much at home. The challenge is now to find programmes that (49) the benefits of remitted cash while (50)some of its downside. 41. (1) accelerated Answer (2) grew (3) expand (4) increase (5) escalating 42. (1) (2)encouraged (3) astonished Answer (4)convinced (5) disturb 43.(1) rise (2) represent (3) project (4) exceed Answer (5)recover 44. (1) record (2) tracks Answer (3) estimate (4) report (5) surveys 45. (1) detrimental (2) minor (3) profuse (4) benefited (5) vital Answer 46) impact (4) status (5) quality 47. (1) declaring Answer (2) established (3) measuring (4) reforming (5) govern 48. (l)mask Answer (2) hid (3) review (4) display (5) supported 49. (1) launch (2) predict (3) optimum (4) appreciate (5) maximizeAnswer 50. (1) augmenting (2) avoiding Answer (3) suspend (4) projects (5) detracting 51.The Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act, 2008 came into effect on December 31, 2009. It incorporates the recommendations of_to prevent overcrowding of jails with undertrials. a. The Law Commission b. The Justice Mallmath Committee's report c. The guidelines issued by the Supreme Court Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) All of the above -Answer (2) Only a (3) Only b (4) Both b and c (5) Both a and b 52.__on December 31, 2009, became the first Indian woman to ski to the South Pole when she crossed a 900 km Antarctic ice trek to reach the South Pole to mark the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Commonwealth. (1) AvaniMathur (2) Deepika Sharma (3) Amita Chauhan (4) Reena Kaushal -Answer (5) MadhumitaSolanki 53. The Indian Science Award, instituted by the Department of Science and Technology of the Union government, was given by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to C. R Rao, statistician, at the 97th Indian Science Congress in_on January 3, 2010. (1) Kochi (2) Chennai (3) Thiruvananthapuram -Answer (4) Pune (5) Kolkata 54. New Year began on a bloody note in Pakistan as seventyfive people were killed and over 50 injured in Shah Hasan Khan, near Lakki Marwat in the _ district of the NorthWestern Frontier Province. (1) Chitral (2) Dera Ismail (3) Bannu -Answer (4) Peshawar (5) Hamirpur 55. Russia and the United States, on _, 2009, missed the deadline to sign a replacement to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) which expired at midnight. (1) December 1 (2) December 5 -Answer (3) December 25 (4) December 31 (5) December 14 56. The Mojave Desert, on December 7,2009, played host to a very modern spectacle when Sir Richard Branson unveiled Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo for carrying passengers to the brink of space. The Mojave Desert is covered the most in_. (1) Utah (2) California -Answer (3) Nevada (4) Arizona (5) None of the above 57. The Supreme Court of which of the following countries, on January 3. 2010, ratified a 25year prison sentence for the former President, Alberto Fujimori? (1) Peru -Answer (2) Chile (3) South Korea (4) Taiwan ^ (5) Cambodia 58. The Rajya Sabha on December 1, 2009, unanimously approved, by voice vote, the Workmen's Compensation (Amendment) Bill, 2009. Which of the following s/ i are correct regarding the Bill? a. It seeks to give higher compensation to workers and their families in the event of injury or death. b. It empowers the Centre to enhance the compensation and funeral expenses, by notification, from time to time. c. It empowers the government to specify, by notification, monthly wages for an employee. Select the correct answer using the codes given below. (1) Only a (2) Only b (3) Only c (4) All of the above -Answer (5) None of these 59. Multilateral funding agency of the Asian Development Bank, on December 3, 2009, approved 200million dollar loan to finance a road project in_. (1) Orissa (2) Jharkhand -Answer (3) Bihar (4) West Bengal (5) Chhattisgarh 60. Consider the following statements related to the selection of Vihaan Networks Ltd., a Shyam Group company, as "Technology Pioneers2010." a. It was selected by the World Economic Forum as a pioneer. b. It was chosen for its innovative and pioneering work in developing solarpowered mobile phone base stations WorldGSM — foi use in rural areas. c. Vihaan Networks is the only company to have found a way ol building sustainable phone networks for 3 billion people in rural areas. Which of the statements giver above is/are not correct? Selecl the correct answer using th< codes given below: (1) Only a (2) Both b and c (3) Both a and b (4) All of the above (5) None of these -Answer 61. The Union Cabinet on Decembei 10, 2009, approved amendments to the Energy Conservation Act _______, to introduce the system o issuing energy saving certificate! to be traded in the domestic mar ket. (1) 2008 (2) 2006 (3) 2004 (4) 2002 (5) 2001 62. The Haryana Power Generation Corporation, on December 24, 2009, became the first State sector power generation utility in the country to get certified for_for its power stations at Yamunanagar and Panipat and corporate office at Panchkula. a. ISO: 9001 b. ISO: 14001 c.OHSAS: 18001 Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) All of the above -Answer (2) Both a and c (3) Both a and b (4) Both b and c (5) None of these 63. ONGC. on December 1, 2009, signed agreements to pick up____per cent interest in Phase 12 of the gigantic South Pars gas field and get_per cent of Iran LNG's project that will convert the gas into liquefied natural gas for exports. (1)20,40 (2)30,30 (3) 40. 20 -Answer (4) 50. JP (5) 15. 45 64. Reliance Exploration and Production DMCC a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL), and Ecopetrol, on December 4, 2009. signed the Farmout Agreements, for Borojo_in Colombia. (1) North Block 42 (2) South Block 43 (3) West Block 44 (4) Only 1 and 2 -Answer (5) None of these 65. Japan's government, on December 8, 2009, unveiled $81 billion of new stimulus spending to keep the world's_biggest economy from lurching back into recession. (1) Second -Answer (2) Third (3) Fourth (4) Fifth (5) Sixth 66. Reliance Communications, on December 12, 2009, bagged mGovernance infrastructure development contracts in_circles to offer integration of mobile technology to seamlessly link various government departments to generate information systems. (1) Kerala (2) Maharashtra (3) Mumbai (4) All of the above -Answer (5) Only 2 and 3 67. The Central Government, on December 18. 2009, pegged the country's GDP (gross domestic product) growth for the current fiscal at over_per cent. (1) 7.25 (2) 7.45 (3) 7.55 (4) 7.75 -Answer (5) 8.25 68. Which of the following major economy related development(s) took place on December 22, 2009? a. An agreement was reached between the oil marketing companies and millers on the price of ethanol. b. RIL announce a third successive gas discovery in the D3 deepsea block in the KrishnaGodavari basin. c. Central Government inks two loan agreements with the Asian Development Bank for funding the country's infrastructure projects. Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) Both a and b (2) Both a and c (3) All of the above -Answer (4) Both b and c (5) None of these 69. On which recent date did the Bombay Stock Exchange sensitive index, Sensex, the barometer of domestic stock market, enter its Silver Jubilee year? (1) December 31, 2009 (2) December 1, 2009 (3) January 2, 2010 -Answer (4) January 1, 2010 (5) January 4, 2010 70. India, on January 1, 2010, liberalised its trade with_by slashing duties on several products like seafood, chemicals and apparel among others. (1) South Korea (2) Singapore (3) Thailand (4) Malaysia (5) All of the above -Answer 71. As per the data released by the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade on January 1, 2010, after a gap of 13 months, exports turned positive in November 2009. registering _ per cent growth at $13.19 billion against $11.16billion in November 200809. (1) 11.5 (2) 18.2 -Answer (3) 16.6 (4) 17.5 (5) 19.4 72. SEBI. on December 31. 2009, allowed _to accept application supported blocked amount (ASBAs) to enable better participation by corporate investors and high networth individuals (HINs) in initial public offerings or rights issues. (1) State Bank of India (2) ICICI Bank (3) 14 banks (4) All of the above -Answer (5) None of these 73. Popular Assamese storyteller, novelist, lyricist and playwright, _, was chosen for the 20th Assam Valley Literary Award for the year 2009 for his literary excellence on December 31, 2009. (1) IqbalHusain (2) ImranShah -Answer (3) Abhijit Ghosal (4) Tapan Bhattacharjee (5) MrinalSanyal 74. Who among the following Britons of Indian origin were conferred with knighthood by Queen Elizabeth of England on December 31, 2009? a. Mota Singh b. Paramjit Singh Bassi c. Gumain Singh Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) All of the above (2) Both a and b -Answer (3) Both a and c . (4) Both b and c (5) Only b 75. Who among the following was/ were conferred the 2009 Karmaveer Puraskar on December 2, 2009? (1) K. Srinath Reddy (2) Manju Bharat Ram (3) RohiniNilekaniandTarunTejpal (4) Gregory Roberts (5) All of the above -Answer 76. Scientist Yash Pal and Project Director of Chandrayaan1 M. Annadurai were conferred with the H.K. Firodia awards for 2009 in Pune on December 23, 2009. Who among the following was/ were the early recipients? (1) APJ Abdul Kalam & Vijay Bhatkar (2) Anil Kakodkar and Raghunath Mashelkar (3) M.S. Swaminathan, KKasturirangan and R. Chidambaram (4) CNR Rao, Obaid Siddiqi and P N Tandon (5) All of the above -Answer 77. The Union Government, on December 30, 2009, decided to come up with a National Consumer Policy to_. a. Ensure uniform national and international standards in the various arms of the Central and State governments b. Ensure uniform national and in . temational standards in the regulatory bodies and on consumer fora c.To lay down the guiding principles of complaint resolution. Which of the statements given above is/are correct? Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (1) Both a and b (2) Only b (3) Only c (4) All of the above -Answer (5) None of these 78. Which state Government, on January 1, 2010, imposed a ban on holding strike in all power corporations under energy department for six months in public interest? (1) Delhi (2) Uttar Pradesh -Answer (3) West Bengal (4) Andhra Pradesh (5) Bihar 79. A work by Edgar Degas, called Les Choristes (The Chorus), was stolen from Musee Cantini, an exhibition in_, by thieves on December 31, 2009 (1) Marseille -Answer (2) Vienna (3) Lyon (4) Paris (5) Clipperton Island 80. Britain, on January 2, 2010, called a summit of world leaders in London later in January 2010 to discuss the terror threat posed by _, seen as new breeding ground(s) for alQaeda linked extremists. (1) Nigeria (2) Yemen -Answer (3) Syria (4) Lebanon (5) All of the above 81. Valueadded services means (1) giving full value for money (2) better value for better price (3) costlier service (4) additional service -Answer (5) All of these 82. "POS" means (in marketing) (1) Preparation for Sales (2) Point of Superiority (3) Point of Sales -Answer (4) Primary Outlook of Salesman (5) Position of Sales 83. Effective Marketing helps in (1) boosting the purchases (2) boosting the sales -Answer f (3) diversified business' (4) realisation of dreams (5) All of these 84. A 'Buyer's Market' means (1) buyers are also sellers (2) sellers are also buyers (3) there are not sellers (4) demand exceeds supply (5) supply exceeds demand -Answer 85. The sequence of a sales process is (1) a call, a lead, presentation and sale (2) a lead, a call, presentation and sale -Answer (3) presentation, sale, lead and call (4) presentation, lead, sale and call (5) sale, call, lead and presentation 86. A presentation means (1) display of products (2) explaining the utility of products -Answer (3) a gift (4) display of communication skills (5) All of these 87. A 'lead' means (1) a buyer (2) a seller (3) a company intending to sell its products (4) a prospective buyer -Answer (5) a disinterested buyer 88. 'Benchmark'means (1) products line up on bench (2) salesmen sitting on a bench (3) set standards^ -Answer (4) marks on a bench (5) None of these 89. 'Customisation' means (1) customers'personal accounts (2) customers selling goods (3) special products for each customer -Answer (4) better relations' (5) All of these 90. Customer Retention means (1) retaining the customers at the Bank for the full day (2) quick disposal (3) customers dealing with the same bank for a long time -Answer (4) better standards (5) All of these 91. This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits. (1) Hard disk (2) RAM (3) CPU -Answer 4) ROM (5) None of these 92. One advantage of dialup Internet access is (1) it utilizes broadband technology (2) it utilizes existing telephone service (3) it uses a router for security -Answer (4) modem speeds are very fast (5) None of these 93. What is backup ? (1) Adding more components to your network (2) Protecting data by copying it from the original source to a different destination -Answer (3) Filtering old data from the new data (4) Accessing data on tape (5) None of these 94. Network components are connected to the same cable in the— — topology. (l)star -Answer (2) ring (3) bus (4) mesh (5) mixed 95. Two or more computers connected to each other for sharing information form a (1) network -Answer (2) router (3) server (4) tunnel (5) pipeline 96. A computer checks the of user names and passwords for a match before granting access. (1) website (2) network (3) backup file (4) database (5) None of these -Answer 97. Computers that are portable and convenient for users who travel are known as (1) supercomputers (2) Laptops -Answer (3) mini computers (4) file servers (5) None of these 98. What is the term for unsolicited email ? (1) newsgroup (2) usenet (3) backbone (4) flaming (5) spam -Answer 99. What type of program controls the various computer parts and allows the user to interact with the computer ? (1) Utility software -Answer (2) Operating system (3) Word processing software (4) Database program (5) None of these 100. Each cell in a Microsoft Office Excel document is referred to by its cell address, which is the —. (1) cell's column label -Answer (2) cell's column label and worksheet tab name (3) cell's row label (4) cell's row and column labels (5) None of these Similar Categories more HCL Mu-Sigma TCS Amazon CTS SBT Whole-Testpaper SBT Previous Year Solved Question Paper Reasoning: 1. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ADIC using each letter only once in each word? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group, which is the one that does not belong to that group? (1) Violin (2) Harp (3) Guitar (4) Flute (5) Sitar 3. If it is possible to mark only one meaningful word with the first,fourth, fifth and tenth letters of the word TELEVISION, which of the fallowing would be the second letter of that word from the right end? If no such word can be made, give 'X' as your answer and if more than one such word can be formed, give your answer as 'Y'. (1) X (2) L (3) N (4) E (5) Y 4. In a certain code TRUMP is written SUTQN. How is FIRED written in that code? (1) GJQEF (2) JGEQF (3) JQFEF (4) JGQFE (5) JGQEF 5. In a certain language 'give me more' is coded as '7 3 5', 'she has more' is coded as '9 7 1' and 'she asked me gently' is coded as '6 3 2 1'. Which of the following is the code for 'give' in that language? (1) 5 (2) 7 (3) 6 (4) 9 (5) 1 6. If each of the vowels in the word GOLIATHS is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series, and then the alphabets so formed are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, which of the following will be sixth from the left of the new arrangement thus formed? (1) S (2) P (3) G (4) J (5) F 7. In a certain language 'WEAK' is coded as 4$9?' and REST' is coded as 7$8#' and 'WREK' is ceded as '4$?7'. How will 'KEWRA' be coded in the same code? (1) 7 4 $ ? # (2) ? 7 $ 8 # (3) # ? 9 7 4 (4) $ ? 7 9 4 (5) 4 7 8 ? $ 8. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word FORMATION each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical order? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 9. If the digits in the number 79246358 are arranged in descending order from left to right, what will be the difference between the digits which are third from the right and second from the left in the new arrangement? (1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4 (5) 5 10. 'Music' is related to 'Notes' in the same way as 'Language' is related to _____ (1) Sentences (2) Combination (3) Grammar (4) Alphabets (5) Syntax Directions Qns(11-15) : Read the following information carefully and answer the questions which follow : If 'P * Q means 'P is the mother of Q'. If 'P x Q' means 'P is the father of Q'. If 'P + Q' means 'P is the sister of Q'. If 'P - Q' means 'P is the brother of Q'. If 'P > Q' means 'P is the son of Q'. If 'P < Q' means 'P is the daughter of Q'. 11. In the expression 'A x B + R > S' how is S related to A? (1) Daughter (2) Son (3) Niece (4) Nephew (5) Cannot be determined 12. Which of the following means P is the father of S ? (1) P x Q < R * S (2) R x P < Q - S (3) R + S > Q + P (4) S + Q - R * P (5) Cannot be determined 13. In the expression 'P + Q> A - B' how is P related to B? (1) Daughter (2) Son (3) Niece (4) Nephew (5) Cannot be determined 14. Which of the following means D is the aunt of C? (1) D > B * A * C (2) D + B - C * A (3) D - B - A x C (4) D + B x A x C (5) None of these 15. In the expression 'W > X < Y * Z 'how is W related to Z? (1) Nephew (2) Uncle (3) Son (4) Brother-in-law (5) None of these Marketing and Computer Awareness: 1. Marketing in Banks is required for _____ (1) Getting new customers (2) Retaining existing customers (3) Lending (4) Accepting of deposits (5) All of these 2. Service Marketing is the same as _____ (1) Relationship Marketing (2) Transaction Marketing (3) Internal Marketing (4) All of these (5) None of these 3. Market size Means ___ (1) Size of marketing staff (2) Size of the Organization (3) Scope for profits (4) Scope for marketing (5) None of these 4. Market share means ___ (1) Market price of shares (2) Sensex (3) Share market (4) Share of business among peers (5) Market volatility 5. Internal Marketing means ____ (1) Selling to oneself (2) Selling to the employees (3) Selling of samples (4) Selling to foreign markets (5) None of these 6. A 'Call' means ____ (1) A Profession (2) Teletalk (3) Calling on a Prospect (4) A Call Centre (5) All of these 7. A 'Call Centre' is ___ (1) A Place where Salesmen meet every day (2) A training Centre (3) A Back Office set up where customer queries are answered (4) Customers meeting place (5) All of these 8. A presentation means ___ (1) Display of products (2) Explaining the utility of products (3) A gift (4) Display of Communication skills (5) All of these 9. A DSA means ____ (1) Directly Selling Authority (2) Directly Selling Agent, (3) Direct Selling Authority (4) Direct Selling Agent (5) Distributors & Selling Agencies 10. 'Benchmark' means _____ (1) Products lined up on a bench (2) Salesmen sitting on a bench (3) Set standards (4) Marks on a bench (5) None of these 11. Value - added services means ______ (1) Giving full value for money (2) Better value for higher price (3) Costlier service (4) Additional service (5) All the above 12. CRM means ____ (1) Customer Relationship Management (2) Customer Retention Manager (3) Customer Relatives Meet (4) Channel Route Market (5) Channel Representative Manager 13. A 'Target Group' in Marketing ______ (1) To whom the sales should be directed (2) A Group of Sellers (3) A Group of Buyers (4) A Group of Products (5) All the above 14. The Target Group for Credit Cards is ____ (1) All Card holders (2) All existing borrowers (3) Individuals with taxable income (4) All of these (5) None of these 15. Bancassurance means ___ (1) Assurance given by banks to Loanees (2) Assurance to bank with one bank (3) Assurance to repay loans (4) Assurance to give good service (5) Selling insurance products through banks 16. Cross - selling means _____ (1) Selling with a cross face (2) Selling to Red Cross members (3) Selling to Blue Cross members (4) Selling across countries (5) Selling other products to existing customers 17. ATM means _______ (1) Any Time Marketing (2) Any Time Money (3) Any Time Machine (4) Automatic Teller Machine (5) Automatic Teller Money 18. Digital Marketing is ______ (1) a way of Direct Marketing (2) a way of Indirect Marketing (3) a strategy of the DSAs (4) All of these (5) None of these 19. Market segmentation helps in ________ (1) Identifying the target group (2) Focussed marketing (3) Improved lead generation (4) Only (1) & (2) (5) All (1), (2) & (3) 20. Only one of the following is true. Find the same. (1) Marketing is not required in a monopolistic situation (2) Marketing is not required in Public enterprises (3) Marketing depends on competitors performance (4) Marketing has no role to play in production levels (5) Motivated employees do not require sales incentives. Numerical Aptitude: Directions (1-10) : What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ? 1. 38% of 4500 - 25% of ? = 1640 (1) 260 (2) 270 (3) 280 (4) 290 (5) None of these 2. (?)2 + 152 - 332 = 97 (1) 33 (2) 32 (3) 34 (4) 30 (5) None of these 3. (7921 + 178) - 5.5 = ?? (1) 1512 (2) 1521 (3) 1251 (4) 1531 (5) None of these 4. 9/10 + 3/11 + 7/15 = ? (1) 1 217/330 (2) 1 221/330 (3) 1 211/330 (4) 1 197/330 (5) None of these 5. 1/4th of 1/2 of 3/4th of 52000 = ? (1) 4875 (2) 4857 (3) 4785 (4) 4877 (5) None of these 6. 57/67 * 32/171 * 45/128 = ? (1) 15/262 (2) 15/268 (3) 15/266 (4) 17/268 (5) None of these 7. 283 * 56 + 252 = 20 * ? (1) 805 (2) 803 (3) 807 (4) 809 (5) None of these 8. (5863 - ?2704) * 0.5 = ? (1) 2955.5 (2) 2905.5 (3) 2590.5 (4) 2909.5 (5) None of these 9. 3?42875 - ? = 21 (1) 18 (2) 13 (3) 15 (4) 11 (5) None of these 10. 25639 - 5252 - 3232 = ? (1) 17255 (2) 17551 (3) 17515 (4) 17155 (5) None of these 11. The average speed of a train is 3 times the average speed of a car. The car covers a distance of 520 kms in 8 hours. How much distance will the train cover in 13 hours? (1) 2553 kms (2) 2585 kms (3) 2355 kms (4) 2535 kms (5) None of these 12. The area of a triangle is half the area of a square. The perimeter of the square is 224 cms. What is the area of the triangle ? (1) 1856 cm2 (2) 1658 cm2 (3) 1558 cm2 (4) 1586 cm2 (5) None of these 13. Yesterday Priti typed an essay of 5000 words at the speed of 60 words per minute. Today she typed the same essay faster and her speed was 15% more than yesterday. What is the approximate difference in the time she took to type yesterday and the time she took to type today? (1) 20 minutes (2) 30 minutes (3) 10 minutes (4) 40 minutes (5) 1 hour 14. How much will be the compound interest to be paid on a principle amount Rs. 85,000/- after 3 years at the rate of 6 p.c.p.a ? (1) Rs. 16623.36/- (2) Rs. 16236.36/- (3) Rs. 16326.36/- (4) Rs. 16632.36/- (5) None of these General Awareness: 1. Hillary Clinton who was in India recently is the U.S. Secretary of _____ (1) Commerce (2) State (3) Treasury (4) Defence (5) None of these 2. If Indian Banking industry had demonstrated its resilience to external shocks in 2008-09, the credit goes to _______ (A) Policies of the RBI and the Govt. of India (B) Strength of Indian Business Houses (C) Foreign aid/investments to Indian companies (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (C) (4) All (A), (B) and (C) (5) None of these 3. Tembhli village which was in news is in _____ (1) Bihar (2) Rajasthan (3) Orissa (4) West Bengal (5) Maharashtra 4. Rohan Bopanna who represented Indian in an international event is a _____ (1) Billiards Player (2) Golf Player (3) Chess Player (4) Table Tennis Player (5) Lawn Tennis Player 5. AIBA Women's World Boxing championship was organized in September 2010 in ___ (1) Rome (2) New Delhi (3) London (4) Vienna (5) Barbados 6. Mr. A. K. Antony a Union Minister in the Indian Cabinet recently signed an agreement with South Korea. This mean the agreement is for the Cooperation in the field of ______ (1) Agriculture (2) Rural Development (3) Defence (4) Steel & Iron (5) None of these 7. What is financial inclusion? (1) To provide a permanent employment to the unemployed (2) To Provide a 100 days job to all those who are in need of a job (3) To provide banking services to all those loving in remote areas (4) To ensure that all financial transactions amounting Rs. 5,000/- and above are done througth banks. (5) To provide finances for all 8. Recently the term 3G was very much in news and even a conference on it was organized in India. What is the letter 'G' denotes in 3G (1) Grade (2) Group (3) Global (4) Guild (5) Generation 9. Some major banks and financial institutions in various Western countries were to wind up their business and/or declare themselves in financial problems during last few years. This trend is technically known as (1) Devaluation (2) Deformation (3) Global Slowdown (4) Political backdrop (5) Globalization 10. Which of the following International sports events was organized in Delhi in October 2012 in which several countries participated? (1) Asian Games (2) World Cup Cricket Tournament (3) Asian Hockey Tournament (4) Commonwealth Games (5) None of these 11. Exporters in India get insurance cover and risk cover from which of the following organizations? (1) SIDBI (2) NABARD (3) ECGC (4) RBI (5) None of these 12. Which of the following place in India does not have a Stock Exchange? (1) Kolkata (2) Ahmedabad (3) Mumbai (4) Delhi (5) Udaipur 13. Sir Mota Singh who was Knighted by the Queen Elizabeth II earlier this year is _______ (1) first Sikh Judge in UK (2) first Sikh Minister in UK (3) first Indian to become Vice Chancellor in Cambridge (4) first Indian to become Governor of a State in USA (5) None of these 14. 'Ayodhya' which was in news recently is a place in _____ (1) Madhya Pradesh (2) Bihar (3) Rajasthan (4) Jharkhand (5) Uttar Pradesh 15. Which of the following is the name of a private sector Bank in India? (1) IDBI Bank (2) Axis Bank (3) Corporation Bank (4) UCO Bank (5) All are Private Banks 16. The Govt. of India does not provide any direct financial assistance to which of the following schemes? (1) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment guarantee scheme (2) Rural Health Mission (3) Indira Aawas Yojana (4) Jeevan Stathi Yojana (5) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana 17. What does the letter 'S' denotes in 'AFSPA' an abbreviation we very often see in newspapers? (1) Slow (2) Special (3) State (4) Solid (5) Sovereign 18. Which of the following terms is used in banking and finance? (1) Abiotic (2) Demand Deposit (3) Fat scales (4) A diabetic (5) Cathode 19. Which of the following is a food crop? (1) Maize (2) Cotton (3) Palm (4) Jute (5) Jatropha 20. Vedanta Alurnina is a company operating in the area of _______ (1) Shipping (2) Mining (3) Cement (4) Textiles (5) Banking English Language: Directions (1-10) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the question given below it. Certain words are printed in hold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. Once upon a time there lived a queen in the city of Benaras. Her name was Khema and she was the wife of King Bahuputtaka. One night, the Queen had a dream of beautiful golden goose that spoke with great wisdom, almost as if he was a sage. She told her husband that she desperately wanted to see a bird just like the one in her dream. So the King asked his ministers to find out all that they could about a bird such as this. He was told that such a bird did exist but was extremely rare and difficult to find. They advised him to build a beautiful lake on the outskirts of Benaras so that be may attract such rare and lovely creatures to reside there. In this way the queen might have her wish. Towards the north, on Mount Cittakuta, there lived about ninety thousand wild geese headed by a beautiful golden goose called King Dhatarattha. He got to her of this exquisite lake surrounded by water lilies and lotuses floating on the surface. The King had invited all the birds to come and live on it, promising that none of them would ever be harmed. Corn was scattered on a daily basis in order to attract the birds So a couple of geese went up to their King, the golden goose and lold him that they were quite tired of living up on the mountains and would like to see this wonderful lake where they had been promised food and protection. The king agreed to their request and took the flock down south towards Benaras Meanwhile, at the lake king Bahuputtaka had placed hunters all around in order to capture any golden goose that happened to pass by. So the next morning when the headhunter saw this flock of geese approaching he was very excited to see their golden leader. He immediately went about setting up a snare amongst the water lilies and lotuses, as he knew that the leader would definitely be the first to alight. The whole flock came flying down in one mighty swoop and as expected it was the King's foot that touched the water first. He was ensnared and could not escape. Seeing this, the other geese flew back to Mount Cittacuta for safety. All except one. He was the chief captain, Sumukha. King Dhatarattha entreated him to fly to safety too, as he would surely be captured if he stayed by his side. But Sumukha replied that he would never desert his master in the face of danger and would either try to save him or die by his side. Al this point the hunter approached and as Sumukha saw him he decided to appeal to his compassion. The hunter asked the golden goose how come he had not noticed the trap that was set. The golden goose replied that when one's time was up it was no used to struggle against what was fated and one must just accept it. The huntsman was very impressed with his grace and wisdom. He then turned to Sumukha and asked why he had not fled with the other birds even though he was free to do so. Sumukha answered that the golden goose was his King, best friend and master and that he could never desert him even at the cost of his own life. Hearing this, the hunter realised that these were a couple of rare birds of great nobility. He did not much care for his own King's reward and decided to do the right thing and set them free. He told Sumukha that as he was ready to die for his King he would set them both free to fly wherever they wish. 1. Why were the geese keen on visiting the lake in Benaras? (1) They were invited personally by king Bahuputlaka. (2) They were tired of their old lake. (3) They were amused by the water lilies and lotuses. (4) The lake was not very far from the mountains. (5) To lake was to be a source of good food and protection. 2. Why did the king approach the ministers? (1) In order to find out the best location for the lake. (2) In order to find out if a golden goose existed. (3) To enquire about his wife's dreams. (4) To devise a plan to capture all rare bird species. (5) To enquire about the best hunter in the locality. 3. Why did the head hunter release the king, the golden goose? (1) He was impressed by his wisdom and nobility. (2) The geese were a rare species of birds. (3) The golden goose, king Dhatarattha promised him a handsome rewards. (4) The hunter sympthised with the golden goose. (5) The hunter did not want the chief captain to lose a friend. 4. What was the king's intention behind building a lake ? (1) To attract all rare species of living animals and birds. (2) To beautify the city of Benaras. (3) He did not want to go against the wishes of his wife. (4) He wanted to capture the golden goose. (5) He enjoyed bird watching and wanted to create a habitat for them. 5. Why did the flock of geese panic and retreat to Mount Cittacuta? (1) Their king took the wrong route to the lake and they lost their way. (2) Their king, the golden geese was captured. (3) Their chief captain, Sumukha betrayed the king. (4) They spotted many hunters by the lake. (5) None of these 6. What advice did the ministers give to the king? (1) That no such golden goose existed and he was only wasting his time searching for one. (2) To create an artificial golden goose for the queen. (3) To build a lake in order to attract the golden goose. (4) To open a sanctuary of rare birds for the queen. (5) To have a beautiful garden surrounded by flowers and trees. 7. Which of the following statements would best describe the qualities of Sumukha? (A) Betrayer of the flock. (B) The Selfless Goose. (C) Loyal towards the king. (D) The naive and ignorant goose. (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Only (C) and (D) (4) Only (A) and (D) (5) Only (B) and (D) Directions (8-10) : Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 8. Exquisite : (1) Expensive (2) Delicate (3) Elaborate (4) Wonderful (5) Efficient 9. Snare : (1) Trap (2) Alarm (3) Plan (4) Arrangement (5) Protection 10. Desert : (1) Displease (2) Encourage (3) Instigate (4) Escort (5) Abandon Direction (11-15) : In each of the following sentences, an idiomatic expression or a proverb is highlighted. Select the alternative which best describes its use in the sentence. 11. The course of events made it necessary for Joseph to start working. (1) events that were planned. (2) long list of future events. (3) A succession of unexpected events. (4) nature of events that followed after Joseph joined work. (5) None of these 12. The team put their plant into execution the very next day, (1) proposed a plan. (2) discussed their plan (3) started thinking about a plan. (4) started carrying out their plan. (5) None of these 13. Mrs Nayak opened the discussion on the "alarming rate of poverty in India" (1) stated the discussion, (Ans) (2) gave her opinion in the discussion. (3) did not agree on the discussion. (4) welcomed the people to the discussion. (5) None of these 14. The new law on "Right to Food Safety" will come into force next month. (1) be forced upon the people. (2) be associated from next month onwards. (3) be implemented next month. (4) be withdrawn next month. (5) be widely rejected next month. 15. When the girl wanted to stay out past midnight, her father put his foot down. (1) gave in to her request. (2) walked away disapprovingly. (3) obstructed her from leaving the house. (4) requested her to be home on time. (5) None of these Directions (16-20) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (S) i.e. 'No Error' (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.) 16. A public safety advertising (1)/ campaign in Russia (2)/ hope to draw attention (3)/ of pedestrians crossing the road (4). No Error (5) (Ans : 3) 17. Nuclear waste will still being (1)/ radioactive even after twenty thousand years, (2)/ it must be disposed (3)/ of very carefully (4). No Error (5) (Ans : 1) 18. My friend lived at the top (1)/ of an old house (2)/ which attic had been (3)/ converted into a flat. (4) No Error (5) (Ans : 3) 19. The Renaissance was (1)/ a time to 're-awakening' (2)/ in both the arts (3)/ and the sciences (4) No Error (5) (Ans : 2) 20. A cash prize was (1)/ award to the most (2)/ successful salesman of the year (3)/ by the President of the company. (4) No Error (5) (Ans : 2) Directions (21-25) : Each sentence below has a blank/s, each blank indicates that something has been omitte. Choose the word/s that best fit/s the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 21. The state-of-the-art school is ___ with a medical clinic and fitness center. (1) establish (2) illustrative (3) having (4) equipped (5) compromising 22. Many leading members of the opposition party ___ to justify the party's decision. (1) having tried (2) has tried (3) have been trying (4) tries (5) is trying 23. The charity ____ most of its money through private donations. (1) receives (2) borrows (3) uses (4) proposes (5) invests 24. The Bhagavad Gita is a part of the Mahabharata, but it stands ____ and is _____in itself. (1) dependent, incomplete (2) together, justified (3) separate, dignified (4) apart, complete (5) united, connected 25. The artist's work of art is worthy ___ praise. (1) for (2) of (3) to (4) about (5) to be