SBI PO Exam - Solved Model Question Paper 30

  1. Statements: N @ D, D?K, K $ A Conclusions: I. K@N II. A©D HI.N$A 1) None is true 2) Only I is true 3) Only II is true 4) Only III is true 5) Only II and III are true
  2. Statements: K@T, T $ N, N © R Conclusions: I. R $ K II. N ? K III. K $ N 1) None is true 2) Only I is true 3) Only I is true 4) Only III is true 5) Only II and III are true
  3. Statements: W%K, K © F, D $ F Conclusions: I. D$K II. D $W III.F@W 1) Only 1 and III are true 2) Only I and II are true 4) All 1, II and III are true 5) None of these
  4. Statements: B ? K., K © F, F % R Conclusions: I. R $ K II. R $ B III. F S B 1) Only I and II are true 2) Only I and III are true 3) Only II and III are true 4) All I, II and III are true 5) None of these
  5. Statements: H $ M, M % D , D@K. Conclusions: I. H $ D II. K ? M III. K© H l)Only II is true 2) Only II and III are true 3) Only I and III are true 4) Only I and II are true 5) AH I, II and III are true
Directions (Q. 56-60): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: A, M, D, P, R, T, B and H are sitting around a circle, facing the centre. M is third to the left of A, who is second to the left of T. D is second to the right of H, who is second to the right of T. R is second to the right of B, who is not an immediate neighbour of T. 56. Which of the following combinations represents the first and the second to the left of B respectively? 1)MD 2)DH 3)AM 4)AR 5)DM
  1. Who is third to the right of T? 1)D 2)B 3)H 4)M 5) None of these
  2. Who is to the immediate left of H? 1)P 2)M 3)T )R 5) Data inadequate
  3. Who is second to the left of B? 1)D 2)H 3)M 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these
  4. In which of the following combinations the third person is second to the left of the second person? 1)BAR 2) DBM )TPH 4)PMH 5) None of these
Directions (Q. 61-70): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Following are the conditions for selecting Manager- Finance in an organization: The candidate must i) be at least 30 years and not more than 35 years as on 1.11.2009. (ii) be a graduate in any discipline with at least 55 percent marks. (iii) be a postgraduate degree/diploma holder in Management with Finance specialisation with at least 60 per cent marks. (iv) have post-qualification work experience of at least six years in the Finance department of anorganisation. (v) have secured at least 50 per cent marks in the preliminary interview. (vi) have secured at least 40 per cent marks in the final interview. In the case of a candidate who satisfies all the above conditions EXCEPT (a) at (iv) above, but has post-qualification workexperience of at least three years as Deputy Finance Manager in an organisation, his/her case is to be referred to VP-Finance. (b) at (vi) above, but has obtained at least 60 per cent marks in the preliminary interview, his/her candidature is to be considered under 'wait list'. In each question below, details of one candidate are given. You have to take one of the following courses of action based on the information provided and the conditions and subconditions given above and mark the number of that course ofaction as your answer. You are not to assume anything other than the information provided in each question. All these cases are given to you as on 1.11.2009. Mark answer (1) if the candidate is to be selected. Mark answer (2) if the candidate is not to be selected. Mark answer (3) if the candidate is to be kept on waiting list. Mark answer (4) if the case is to be referred to VP-Finance. Mark answer (5) if the data provided are not adequate to take a decision
  1. Neelam Johri has secured 38 per cent marks in the final interview. She has also secured 65 per cent marks in bothB. Com. and postgraduate degree in Finance Management.She has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past six years after completing her postgraduate degree. She was born on 16th August 1978. She has secured 63 per cent marks in the preliminary interview.
  2. Anirban Chowdhury was born on 8th March 1978. He has secured 65 per cent marks in BSc and 62 per cent marks in postgraduate degree in Finance Management. He has been working in the Finance department of a company for the past seven years after completing his postgraduation. Hehas secured 50 per cent marks in the final interview and 40 per cent marks in the preliminary interview.
  3. Vaibhav Joshi has secured 60 per cent marks in both graduation and postgraduate diploma in Finance Management. He has been working as Deputy Finance Manager in an organisation for the past four years after completing his post-graduate diploma. He has secured 53 per cent marks in the preliminary interview and 43 per cent marks in the final interview He was born on 3rd July 1977.
  4. Sudha Motwani was born on 24th March 1977. She has secured 58 per cent marks in BA and 68 per cent marks in postgraduate diploma in Finance Management. She has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past eight years after completing her post• graduation. She has secured 50 per cent marks in both preliminary and final interviews.
  5. Ashok Chandra has been working in the Finance department of an organization for the past seven years after completing his postgraduate diploma in management with Finance specialization with 65 per cent marks. He has secured 55 percent marks in the preliminary interview and 45 per cent marks in the tlnal interview. He was born on 12th April 1976.
  6. Suparna Desai has secured 5 8 per cent marks in graduation and 68 per cent marks in postgraduate diploma in Finance Management. She has been working as Deputy Finance Manager in an organization for the past four years after completing her postgraduate diploma. She has secured 50 percent marks in preliminary interview and 45 percent marks in the final interview. She was born on 26th August 1977.
  7. Balwant Singh was born on 18th November 1979. He has secured 60 per cent marks in B Com and 55 per cent marks in post graduate degree in Finance Management. He has been working as Deputy Finance Manager in an organisation for the past five years after completing his postgraduate degree. He has secured 54 per cent marks in preliminary interview and 44 per cent marks in final interview.
  8. Abhishek Saha was born on 8th October 1978. He has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past six years after completing his postgraduate diploma in management with 68 per cent marks. He has secured 63 per cent marks in B Sc. He has also secured 60 percent marks in both preliminary and final interviews.
  9. Shikha Rastogi was born on 11th April 1976. She has secured 68 per cent marks in graduation and 62 per cent marks in postgraduate degree in Finance Management.She has secured 65 per cent marks in preliminary interview and 35 per cent marks in final interview. She has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past seven years after completing her postgraduate degree.
  10. Navin Shukla has secured 60 per cent marks in graduation and 64 per cent marks in postgraduate diploma in Finance Management. He has been working in the Financedepartment of a company for the past six years after completing his postgraduate diploma. He has secured 56 per cent marks in the preliminary interview and 45 per cent marks in the final interview. He was born on 28thMay 1976.
Directions (Q. 71-75): Below is given a passage followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark answer (1) if the inference is 'definitely true', ie it properly follows from the statement of facts given. Mark answer (2) if the inference is "probably true" thoughnot 'definitely true' in the light of the facts given. Mark answer (3) if the 'data are inadequate', ie from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false. Mark answer (4) if the inference is 'probably false', though not 'definitely false' in the light of the facts given. Mark answer (5) if the inference is definitely false', ie it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts.In its most ambitious bid ever to house 6 crore slum dwellers and realize the vision of a slum-free India, the government is rolling out a massive plan to build 50 lakh dwelling units in five years across 400 towns and cities. The programme could free up thousands of acres of valuable government land across the country and generate crores worth of business for real-estate developers. Proliferation of slums has had an adverse impact on the GDP growth foryears. Slum dwellers are characterized by low productivity and susceptibilility to poor health conditions. The government believes that better housing facilities will addresssocial issues and also have a multiplier effect and serve as an economic stimulus.
  1. Health and sanitary conditions in slums are far below the acceptable norms of human habitat in Indian cities and towns. 72. Cities and towns of developed countries are free from slums. 73. Per capita income of slum dwellers is significantly lower than that of those living in better housing facilities. 74. Majority of the slums in cities and towns in India are on prime private properties. 75. Development of land occupied by slums in cities of India will not have any effect on the common public.
Directions (Q. 76-80): In each question below is given a statement followed by two courses of action numbered I and II. A course of action is a step or administrative decision to be taken for improvement, follow-up or further action in regard to the problem, policy, etc. On the basis of the information given in the statement, you have to assume everything in the statement to be true, then decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing. Give answer 1) if only I follows.Give answer 2) if only II follows.Give answer 3) if either I or II follows.Give answer 4) if neither I nor 11 follows.Giveanswer5) if both land II follow. 76. Statement: A very large number of people gathered outside the local police station to submit amemorandum on behalf of the residentshighlighting police inaction in curbing incidents of theft and burglary in the eighbourhood for the past few months Courses of action: I. The police authority should forma team of officers to talk to the representatives of the residents and assure them that propersteps will be taken to stop the menace. II. The police authority should advise the people gathered outside the police station to disburse and promise them quick action.
  1. Statement: At least five students were killed due to astampede in one city school as the students triedto leave the school bui Iding, fearing short circuit. Courses of action: I. The principal of the school shouldbe arrested immediately. 1 II. The Govt should immediately order closure of the school permanently.
  2. Statement: Two local passenger trains collided while running in opposite directions on the same trackas the signalling system failed for a brief period. Courses of action: I. The services of the motormen ofthe trains should immediately be terminated. II. The Govt should immediately constitute a task force to review the functioning of the signalling system.
  3. Statement: Almost ninety per cent of the flights of one of the private airline companies were cancelled for the fourth consecutive day as the pilots refused to join their duties in protest against sacking of two of their colleagues by the airline management. Courses of action: I. The management of the airline company should be ordered by the Govt to immediately reinstate the sacked pilots to end the crisis. II. The Govt should immediately take steps toend the impasse between the management andthe pilots to help the hapless passengers.
  4. Statement: A major part of the local market in the city was gutted due to a short circuit causingextensive damage to goods and property. Courses of action: I. The Govt should issue strict guidelines for all establishments regarding installation and maintenance of electrical fittings. 11. The Government should relocate all themarkets to the outskirts of the city.
  5. Statement: The Govt has decided to construct an eightlane super highway across the state to facilitate fast movement of vehicles.Which of the following can be an assumption which is implicit in the above statement ? 1) The Govt has adequate resources to construct theproposed super highway. 2) The people of the state may protest against the Govt's decision as their farm land will be taken over by the Govt for constructing the highway. 3) The Govt may find it difficult to enrol a suitable contractor for constructing the highway. 4) There is no other highway which can be used for transportation of goods across the state. 5) None of these
  6. Statement: It has been reported in a recent research report that taller people are found to be happier than those who are relatively shorter. Which of the following contradicts the above finding ? 1) People are generally truthful when they respond to the questions of such research studies. 2) Those people who have a comfortable lifestyle are found to be happier than those who lead a strenuous lifestyle irrespective of their height. 3) Shorter people suffer from inferiority complex throughout their life. 4) Taller people are found to be more positive in approach to daily chores of life. 5) None of these
  7. Statement: There was a slow decline in the number of patients with flu-like symptoms visiting varioushealth facilities in the city during the last fortnight. Which of the following substantiates the fact mentionedin the above statement? 1) Majority of the people suffering from flu visit the health facilities in the city. 2) There has been a continuous increase in the sale medicines for curing flu in the city limits. 3) People have started visiting the crowded places like malls and cinema halls during the last fortnight after a cautioned gap of one month. 1 4) There is a sudden increase in the number of deaths caused by flu-like symptoms followed by respiratorycomplications. 5) None of these
  8. Cause: A severe cyclonic storm swept away most part of the state during the last two days. Which of the following cannot be a possible effect of the above cause ? 1) Heavy rainfall was reported in most part of the state during the last two days. 2) Many people were rendered homeless as their houses were flown away. 3) The communication system of the state was severely affected and continues to be out of gear. 4) Govt has ordered that all the offices and schools should be kept Open. 5) All are possible effects.
  9. Effect: The prices of petroleum products have increased by about twenty per cent in the past two months. Which of the following can be a probable cause of the above effect ? 1) The prices of foodgrains and vegetables have shot up by more than thirty per cent. 2) The truck owners' association has decided to increase their rent by about 20 per cent with immediate effect. 3) The prices of crude oil in the international market haveincreased considerably during the past few weeks. 4) People have decided to demonstrate against the Govt's apathy towards rise in prices of essential commodities. 5) None of these Placement Paper SBI Reasoning and aptitude Questions for practice,Sbi model questions with answers,SBI free solved sample palcement papers
Directions (Q.1-5) These questions are based on the following letter/number/symbol arrangement. Study it carefully to answer the questions. A 8 B 6 # 7 H U % 3 $ F V R 2 I @ 4 1 W E 9 © L 5