SBI PO Exam - Solved Model Question Paper 27

Directions (46-50): Each of the following questions consist of five figures marked (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) called the Problem Figures followed by five other figures marked (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) called the Answer Figures. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures. 46-2.-answer 47-4.-answer 48-2.-answer49-2.-answer50-1.-answer SBI reasoning and aptitude questions with answers SBT and SBI Assistant clerks written test Reasoning aptitude Data Interpretation Data sufficiency questions with answers, SBT and SBI free solved questions with answers and explanations, All Banks IBPS PO clerical CWE,IBPS RRBs gramine banks written test examination and questions with answers detailed solutions Bank based computer knowledge, general awareness, current affairs economy questions with answers....
  1. 'Temporary' is related to 'Permanent' in the same way as 'Natural' is related to '__________ '. (A) Nature (B) Artificial -Answer (C) Imaginary (D) Fraud (E) Genuine
  2. In a class of 25 students, Sneha's rank is 19th from the bottom and Meena's rank is 23rd fromthe top. If Chhaya's rank is exactly between Sneha and Meena's rank, what is Chhaya's rank from the bottom? (A) 15th (B) 12th (C) 14th (D) 11th -Answer (E) Cannot be determined
  3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of thefollowing does not belong to that group? (A) 9 -Answer (B) 216 (C) 8 (D) 64 (E) 512
  4. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters 'EPA' using all the letters but each letter only once in each word? (A) None (B) One (C) Two -Answer (D) Three (E) More than three
  5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group? (A) Meter (B) Litre -Answer (C) Yard (D) Feet (E) Mile
  6. If each vowel in the word 'REMAINS' is changed to next alphabet according to the English alphabetical series and each consonant changed to previous letter, how many alphabets will be there in the English alphabetical series between the letters which are at the extreme ends of the new word thus formed? (A) None -Answer (B) One (C) Two (D) Three (E) Four
  7. Pointing to a man's photograph Ajay said "my mother is the only daughter of his father." How is the man in the photograph related to Ajay? (A) Uncle -Answer (B) Brother (C) Son (D) Grandfather (E) Cannot be determined
  8. In a certain code language, 'NICE' is coded as 'OIDE', similarly 'WORK' is coded as 'XOSK'. How will 'SAID' be coded in the same code language? (A) TIJD (B) TBJD (C) SBIE (D) TAJD -Answer (E) TBID
  9. Which of the following groups of letters should replace the blank spaces (in the same order from left to right) so that the group of letters, given in bold, follow a logical pattern from the preceding and the following group of letters? (A) b, y, e (B) x, y, g (C) b, y, g (D) x, y, e (E) b, w, e -Answer
  10. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word 'LENGTH', each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions as they have between them in the English alphabetical series? (A) None (B) One (C) Two -Answer (D) Three (E) More than three
Directions-(Q.11-15) Study the following information to answer the given questions- Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a circle facing the centre. Four out of the eight friends drive a car while four drive a bike. No two friends who drive a car are immediate neighbours of each other. A, who drives a car sits third to left of H. G, who drives a bike sits second to right of E. F and C are immediate neighbours of each other. F does not drive a car. B is an immediate neighbour of F butnot of H. 11. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? (A) B (B) E -Answer (C) A (D)C (E) D
  1. If all the eight friends are made to sit in alphabetical order in the anti-clockwise direction starting from A, positions of how many will remain unchanged (excluding A)? (A) None (B) One -Answer (C) Two (D) Three (E) Four
  2. In which of the following pairs do both the members drive a bike? (A) F, D (B) B, D (C) F, C (D) H, B (E) E, H -Answer
  3. Which of the following is true about D? (A) D drives a bike (B) H and E are immediate neighbours of D (C) H sits third to left of 0 (D) D sits second to the left of C -Answer (E) None is true
  4. What is F's position with respect to E? (A) Immediate right (B) Third to the right (C) Second to the left -Answer (D) Fourth to the left (E) Second to the right
Directions-(Q.26-27) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions- Among M, R, L, N and J each scoring different marks in an examination, R scored more than M. N scored less than L but more than J. J scored more than R. 26. Who amongst them scored the least marks? (A) R (B) M -Answer (C) J (D) N (E) L
  1. Whose score was the third highest? (A) R (B) M (C) J -Answer (D) N (E) L 28. If each vowel of the word PERTAIN is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series and then the alphabets thus formed are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, which of the following will be third from the left? (A) O (B) Q (C) M (D) B (E) J -Answer
  2. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word THINGS, each of which has as many letters between them in the word (in both forward and backward directions) as they have between them in the English alphabetical order? (A) One (B) Two -Answer (C) Three (D) Four (E) Five
  3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? (A) Drop (B) Slip (C) Bounce -Answer (D) Topple (E) Fall Directions-(Q.31-35) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions- A, B, C, D, E, F and G are sitting in a straight line (not necessarily in the same order) facing North. • E sits third to right of A. E sits second to left of F. • Only one person sits between G and B. Neither G nor B is an immediate neighbour of F. • C is not an immediate neighbour of either B or F. 31. Who sits at the extreme right end of the line? (A) G (B) F -Answer (C) B (D) C (E) E 32. How many persons sit between A and C? (A) None (B) One -Answer (C) Two (D) Three (E) Four
  4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? (A) GC (B) DF (C) BA (D) DE -Answer (E) AG
  5. What is the position of D with respect to C? (A) Third to the left (B) Second to the right -Answer (C) Immediate right (D) Second to the left (E) Immediate left
  6. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical order from left to right, the positions of how many will remain unchanged as compared to the original seating positions? (A) None (B) One -Answer (C) Two (D) Three (E) Four
Directions-(Q.36-40) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions- P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, and Yare sitting around a circular table facing the centre. • P sits second to left of T • W sits third to right of Y. Y is not an immediate neighbour of T. • Q and R are immediate neighbours of each other but neither Q nor R is an immediate neighbour of Y. • V is an immediate neighbour of R. 36. Who sits exactly between P and Y? (A) W (B) T (C) V (D) Q (E) None of these -Answer
  1. How many persons sit between T and P when counted in clockwise direction from T? (A) None (B) One -Answer (C) Two (D) Three (E) Four
  2. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? (A) WP (B) VR (C) QT (D) VY -Answer (E) PS
  3. What is the position of Y with respect to Q? (A) Fourth to the left (B) Immediate to the right (C) Third to the left (D) Second to the left (E) Third to the right -Answer
  4. What will come in the place of the question mark (?) based upon the given seating arrangement? RV SP QR PW? 11 (A) YV (B) VY (C) PW (D) WT (E) YS -Answer
Directions-(Q.41-45) Study the following information to answer the given questions- Seven friends -P, Q, R, S, T, V and Ware sitting in a straight line facing North, not necessarily in the same order. T sits at one of the21. extreme ends of the line. Q sits third to left of T. Only one person sits between Sand W. S is an immediate neighbour of Q. P is not an immediate neighbour of T and S. P and R do not sit at the extreme ends of the line. 41. What is R's position with respect to P? (A) Second to the right (B) Fourth to the right -Answer (C) Second to the left (D) Third to the left (E) None of these
  1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their seating positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? (A) QS (B) VP (C) TR -Answer (D) PW (E) WQ
  2. If all the seven friends are made to sit in alphabetical order from right to left, the positions of how many will remain unchanged? (A) Four (B) Three (C) One (D) Two (E) None -Answer
  3. Who sits exactly in the middle of the line? (A) P (B) W (C) S (D) Q -Answer (E) R
  4. Who amongst the following sits to the immediate left of W? (A) Q (B) P -Answer (C) R (D) S (E) T
Directions-(Q.46-50) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below- A $ H * J R S 2 & I T 6 @ Q B K F G U M I © # % E 4 N 5 9 D S 3 L W 7
  1. Which of the following is fifth to the left of the sixteenth from the left end of the above arrangement? (A) 4 (B) I (C) E (D) 2 (E) None of these -Answer
  2. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement? H* RS IT BK? (A) ©# (B) MI (C) #% (D) I© (E) None of these -Answer
  3. If all the letters are dropped from the arrangement, which of the following will be the ninth from the right end? (A) # (B) @ -Answer (C) © (D) 6 (E) None of these
  4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not elong to the group? (A) AJH (B) G©M (C) TB@ (D) 5DL -Answer (E) %54
  5. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by vowel and also immediately followed by a consonant? (A) None (B) One -Answer (C) Two (D) Three (E) More than three