SBI PO Exam - Solved Model Question Paper 25

  1. 26-30. Each of the question below consists of an equation and two statement numbered I and II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer:
(1) if the data in Statement I alone are sufficeint to answer the question. while the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. (2) if the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. (3) if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. (4) if the data in both Statement I and Statement II are not sufficient to answer the question. (5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
  1. What is the area of the circle?
  2. Perimeter of the circle is 88 cms.
  3. Diameter of the circle is 28 cms.
(Ans : 3) Explanation : 2pr = 88 ? r = 88/2pr r = D/2 = 28/2 = 14 Either (i) or (ii) is reqd. A = pr2
  1. What is the rate of interest?
  2. Simple interest accrued on an amount of Rs. 25,000 in two years is less than the compound interest for the same period by Rs. 250.
  3. Simple interest accrued in 10 years is equal to the principal.
(Ans : 3) Explanation : 250 = 25000 [(1 + R)2 -1] - 25000 x R x 2 or R = x * 100/ x * 10 = 10% From either of statement we can find R
  1. What is the number of trees planted in the field in rows and columns?
  2. Number of columns is more than the number of rows by 4.
  3. Number of trees in each column is an even number.
(Ans : 4)
  1. What is the area of the right-angled triangle?
  2. Height of the triangle is three-fourth of the base.
  3. Diagonal of the triangle is 5 metres.
(Ans : 5) Explanation : x2 + [3/4 x]2 = 52 ? x = 4, h = 3/4 * 4 = 3 Area = 1/2 (x * 3/4 x) = 1/2 (4 *3) = 6 sq. units Both (i) and (ii) statement are reqd. Image _ SBI _ Ans No. 29
  1. What is the father's present age?
  2. Father's present age is five times the son's present age.
  3. Five years ago the father's age was fifteen times the son's age that time.
(Ans : 5) Explanation : Let son's present age be x ? Father's present age = 5x ATS 5x - 5 = 15 (x - 5) ? x = 7 ? Father's present age = 35 yrs
  1. 31-35. Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions:
  2. What is the ratio between the profit earned by Company A in 2004 and the profit earned by Company B in 2003 respectively?
(1) 4 : 3 (2) 3 : 2 (3) 3 :4 (4) 2 :3 (5) None of these (Ans) Explanation : 40/40 = 1/1
  1. What is the difference (in Crore Rs.) between the total profit earned by Companies E, F and G together in 2003 and the total profit earned by these companies in 2004?
(1) 70 (2) 75 (3) 78 (4) 82 (5) None of these (Ans) Explanation : Diff = (50 + 80 + 60) - (40 + 20 + 50) = 80
  1. What is the ratio between the total profit earned by Company C in 2003 and 2004 together and the total profit earned by Company E in these two years respectively?
(1) 11 : 9 (Ans) (2) 9 : 10 (3) 10 : 11 (4) 11 : 10 (5) None of these Explanation : Reqd ratio = 50 + 60 / 40 + 50 = 11/9
  1. What was the average profit earned by all the companies in 2003? (In Crore Rs Rounded Off to two digits after decimal.)
(1) 52.75 (2) 53.86 (3) 52.86 (Ans) (4) 53.75 (5) None of these
  1. Profit earned by Company B in 2004 is what per cent of the profit earned by the same company in 2003?
(1) 133.33 (2) 75 (Ans) (3) 67.66 (4) 75.25 (5) None of these Explanation : 30 = x% of 40 ? x = 75
  1. 36-40. Study the following table carefully to answer these questions:
TABLE GIVING PERCENTAGE OF UNEMPLOYED MALE AND FEMALE YOUTH AND THE TOTAL POPULATION FOR DIFFERENT STATES IN 2005 AND 2006 STATE 2005 2006 M F T M F T A 12 15 32 7 8 35 B 8 7 18 10 9 20 C 9 10 28 10 12 34 D 10 6 24 8 8 30 E 6 8 30 7 6 32 F 7 5 28 8 7 35 M = Percentage of unemployed Male youth over total population F = Percentage of unemployed Female youth over total population T = Total population of the State in lakhs
  1. What was the total number of unemployed youth in State A in 2006?
(1) 2,20,000 (2) 3,25,000 (3) 5,20,000 (4) 5,25,000 (Ans) (5) None of these
  1. How many female youth were unemployed in State D in 2005?
(1) 14,400 (2) 1,44,000 (Ans) (3) 1,40,000 (4) 14,000 (5) None of these
  1. Number of unemployed male youth in State A in 2005 was what per cent of the number of unemployed female youth in State E in 2006?
(1) 66 (2) 50 (3) 200 (Ans) (4) 133 (5) None of these
  1. What was the difference between the number of unemployed male youth in State F in 2005 and the number of unemployed male youth in State A in 2006?
(1) 70,000 (2) 45,000 (3) 68,000 (4) 65,000 (5) None of these (Ans) Explanation : Ans 49000
  1. What was the respective ratio between unemployed male youth in State D in 2005 and the unemployed male youth in State D in 2006?
(1) 1 : 1 (Ans) (2) 2 : 3 (3) 3 : 2 (4) 4 : 5 (5) None of these Explanation : 10 * 24 / 100 / 8 * 30/100 = 1 : 1 SBI and SBT Data Intrepreation questions with answers for practice,SBI and SBT aptitude ,reasoning solved question papers,SBT and SBI free solved sample placement papers,SBT and SBI Associate banks PO and associate clerks practice questions with answers Detections (1-5): Study the following Table carefully and answer the questions given below: Numbered of Students Passed and Failed in Five Classes of A School Over the Years
  1. What is the average number of failed students from class VII for the given years?
(1) 27.5 (2) 28 (3) 26.5 (4) 26 (5) 24.5 (Ans) Explanations : The average number of failed students = 14 + 22 + 19 + 25 + 29 + 38/6 = 147/6 = 24.5
  1. What is the ratio between total number of passed students and total number of failed students for the year 2006?
(1) 3:1 (2) 56:23 (Ans) (3) 67:13 (4) 68:35 (5) 339:137 Explanations : Total number of passed students in 2006 = 336 Total number of failed students in 2006 = 138 SBI Solved reasoning questions papers SBI reasoning questions with answers,SBI previous years solved questions papers,SBI and SBT associate banke question papers Directions (1-7): Study the following information and answer the questions given below: Eight persons P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W from two families are taking breakfast around a round table. Three members are from one family and five belong to other family. Four of them are male members. T, a male member is sitting second to right of V, a female member. In all cases R has same position with respect to S, who is second to left of Q, a female member. S is wife of W and is sitting adjacent to her husband. U is sister of W and is not sitting exactly between V and T. Q is the immediate left of V. W is sitting immediate right of P.
  1. Which of the given statement is wrong? (1) U is immediate right of S (2) T is immediate left of P (3) Q is sitting between U and V (4) R is second to left of the W-answer (5) V is second to right of U
  2. Who is second to the left of P? (1) Q (2) V (3) R -answer (4) S (5) U
  3. How many persons are sitting between P and Q when we count anticlockwise? (1) 2 (2) 3 -answer (3) 4 (4) None (5) Cannot be determined
  4. How many members are there in W’s family? (1) 2 (3) 3 (3) 5 (4) Cannot be determined-answer (5) None of these
Directions (5-7): One out of five groups does not match on the basis of sitting arrangement. Find that group- 5.(1) USQ (2) RVT (3) TRP (4) WPS (5) None of these-answer 6. (1) TW (2) PS (3) WU (4) SQ (5) TV-answer 7. (1) V (2) Q (3) S (4) U (5) P-answer Directions (8-12): Study the following information to answer the given questions: In a certain code ‘ge ji zo’ means ‘had horrible dream’, ‘lit zo pit’ means ‘realize your dream’ and ‘ge ze pat ze’ means ‘very very horrible experience’.
  1. Which of the following is the code for ‘your’? (1) lit (2) zo (3) pit (4) Cannot be determined-answer (5) None of these
  2. ‘ji ze pit lit’ may represent- (1) very horrible you realize (2) you had realize your (3) had realize your very -answer (4) your very realize dream (5) your very very had
  3. ‘dream had horrible experience’, can be coded as: (1) zo ge ji ze (2) pat ge zo ji-answer (3) zo ji ge pit (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
  4. Which of the following is the code for ‘very’? (1) ge (2) pat (3) ze -answer (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these
  5. Which of the following is the code of’ had’? (1) ge (2) ji-answer (3) zo (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these Directions (13-17): In each of the questions /set of questions below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume everything in the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the two given conclusions logically follows from the information given in the statement. Give answer- (1) If only Conclusion I follows. (2) If only Conclusion II follows. (3) If either Conclusion I or II follows. (4) If neither Conclusion I nor II follows. (5) Both Conclusions I and II follow.
  6. Statements: All doors are windows. Some windows are clips. 5-answer Conclusions: I. Some clips, if they are doors, they are also windows. II. All chips which are not windows are also not doors. 14-15 Statements: No shoe is a chappal. Some chappals are sandals. Conclusions: I. Some sandals are not chappals. II. Sandals which are not chappals are shoes. 1-answer 15. Conclusions: I. No sandal is a shoe. II. Sandals which are chappals are not shoes. 2-answer 16. Statements: Some paints are red. All red which are paints are yellow. Conclusions: I. Some paints are yellow. II. Some yellow are red. 5-answer 17. Statements: All sets are hot. All belts are hot. Conclusions: I. At least some seats are belts. II. All hot are either seats or belts. 2-answer Directions (18-22): An arrangement machine when given an input of words, rearrange them following a particular rule and solve it. Input: this chapter would give you basic concepts. Step I: basic this chapter would give you concepts. Step II: basic chapter this would give you concepts. Step III: basic chapter concepts this would give you. Step IV: basic chapter concepts give this would you. Study the logic and answer the questions that follow:
  7. Input: adequate safety arrangements are must for kids. Which of the following will be 2nd last step for the given input? (1) adequate are arrangements for kids safety must.-answer (2) adequate are arrangements for kids must safety. (3) adequate are safety arrangements must for kids. (4) adequate safety are arrangements must for kids. (5) None of these
  8. Input: do not imitate others work. Which of the following will be step 3 for the given input? (1) do others not imitate work. (2) do imitate not others work. (3) work do others not imitate. (4) do not others work imitate. (5) There should be no 3rd step.-answer
  9. Input: Marcus Brauchli gives inaccurate information. How many steps are required to rearrange the above input properly? (1) 3 (2) 4-answer (3) 5 (4) 2 (5) None of these
  10. Input: most Indian leaders cannot even visualize free India. Which of the following will be last step of the above input? (1) most Indian even leaders cannot visualize free India. (2) cannot even free India Indian most leaders visualize. (3) cannot even free India most Indian leaders visualize. (4) cannot even free India Indian leaders most visualize.-answer (5) None of these
  11. Step IV: it is figure anti-establishment from media. Which of the following is the input of the above mentioned step? (1) it is figure from anti-establishment media. (2) media it is figure from anti-establishment. (3) it is anti-establishment media from. (4) Can’t be determined.-answer (5) None of these
Directions (23-27): Study the following arguments and distinguish between ‘strong’ arguments and ‘weak’ arguments because they relate to the question. ‘Strong’ arguments are these which are both important and directly related to the question. ‘Weak’ arguments are those which are of minor importance and also not directly related to the question. Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. Decide which of the argument is a ‘strong’ and ‘weak’. Give answer- (1) If only argument I is ‘strong’. (2) If only argument II is ‘strong’ (3) If either I or II is ‘strong’. (4) If neither I nor II is ‘strong’. (5) If both I and II are ‘strong’. 23. Statement: Should the government punish those schools which charge high admission fee? Arguments: I. Yes, where will the poor students go? II. Yes, education has become more of a business than a pious commitment. 2.-answer 24. Statement: Should there be a quota for those who are poor? Arguments: I. Yes, This will decrease the level of unemployment and poor people will not be discriminated by upper caste. II. No, we already have reservations in our jobs. 1.-answer 25. Statement: Should there be no place for interview in selection? Arguments: I. Yes, it is a difficult part of selection. II. No, it is the only way to judge the candidates personality and motives. 2.-answer