Online Examination Schedule for September 2022

Practice III Papers

Online Examination Schedule for September 2022 (Indian and overseas Centers)
Steps Details Examination Dates
    1.      Registration* paper enrollment*   Registration (New Candidates)* Subject Enrollment (Payment of fees) Change of Center** Change of Subject(To subject having similar credit points)**       6th to 13th July 2022
  2.       Slot Booking Slot Booking- Book date & time of the examination for enrolled subjects   2nd to 8th August 2022
  3.      Examination window period available for those who book their slot.     Examination Dates Saturday, 27th August, 2022 Sunday, 28th August, 2022
Saturday, 101h September, 2022 Sunday, 11th September, 2022
4.      Scribe Request For Physically / Visually challenged candidates 24th August, 2022
5.       Result To be declared on or before 30th September, 2022
Important Note: The dates given above are tentative and may be changed if required.

Practice III Papers

Special Instructions:
  1. No provision for paper enrollment with late fees for online
  2. Candidates can change center & subject using own login id on or before last date of paper enrollment.
  3. Those who have enrolled for the papers need to complete slot booking process on or before last date of slot booking period. In slot booking, candidate has to select exam date, exam time as mentioned in examination schedule and download hall ticket. In online examination the booking is first come first served
  4. Please note that candidate will get the same center for slot booking which he/she has selected at the time of paper
  5. If you fail to skip process of slot booking after enrollment, candidate will not be eligible to write an exam for particular session and III will not refund or transfer the

Practice III Papers

Friday, 01 July 2022