NISM Series V A Mutual Fund Distributors Paper10

Q1.Investors have bought 20 crore units of a mutual fund scheme at Rs. 10 each. The scheme has thus mobilized 20 crore units X Rs. 10 per unit i.e. Rs 200 crore. An amount of Rs. 140 crore is invested inequities. The balance amount of Rs 60 crore, mobilized from investors, was placed in bank deposits. Interest and dividend receivable (accrued but yet not received) by the scheme is Rs 8 crore, scheme expenses payable (accrued but not paid yet) is Rs 4 crore. Calculate the scheme’s NAV per unit.
 Rs. 10.00
 Rs. 20.00
 Rs. 10.20
 Rs. 20.40


Q2.AMC directors are appointed with the permission of SEBI - True or False?


Q3.___ have to make additional disclosures related to credit evaluation policy, sectors, and types of investments in the offer document.
 ELSS Funds
 Debt Funds
 Sectoral Funds
 Equity Funds


Q4.Which of the following statements is ‘TRUE’ with respect to the Scheme Information Document (SID) and Statement of Additional Information (SAI)?
These two documents are prepared in the format prescribed by the Association of Mutual Funds in India as part of AMFI’s Code of Conduct
These two documents are prepared in the format prescribed by the Association of Mutual Funds in India as part of AMFI’s Best Practices Circular
These two documents are prepared in the format prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India
 Each Asset Management Company is free to prepare these documents in the format they desire


Q5.What will happen if one of the joint holders of a mutual fund folio dies?
The folio will be canceled and the amount refunded
 The units will be transferred to nominee/s
The units will be transferred to the heir of the deceased holder
 The units will continue to be held by surviving joint holders


Q 6.In which of these options can an investor expect a cash flow in his bank account?
 Dividend Payout
 Dividend Reinvestment


Q7.What is the role of the custodian of a mutual fund?
To issue a statement of funds holding to the investors
 To execute the buy and sell orders in the stock market
 To keep the safe custody of the securities of the mutual fund scheme
To issue account statements to the Mutual Fund unitholders


Q 8.Mutual funds offer facilities that help investors invest constant amounts regularly through a ____.
 Systematic Withdrawal Plan
 Systematic Transfer Plan
 Systematic Saving Plan
 Systematic Investment Plan


Q9.The facility of ASBA - 'Application Supported by Blocked Amount' is mainly for additional purchase of Mutual Funds units - State True or False?


Q10._____ style is an approach of picking up stocks, which are valued lower, based on fundamental analysis.
 Dividend Yield
 Value Investing
 Growth Investing
Top-Down Approach

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