NISM Series V A Mutual Fund Distributors Paper 14

Q1.KIM has to be updated every ___.
 three months
 six months
 one year
 five year


Q2.Nomination and Pledge options are not available for mutual fund investors - True or False?


Q3.The difference between NAV and the re-purchase price is ____.
 Exit Load
 Entry Load
 Commission of the MF Agent
 Dividend Stripping


Q4.Complete the sentence - Investments in Mutual Funds are subject to market risks and so ____.
 provide protection against a significant downfall
 provide insurance
 does not provide any guarantee of capital protection
 provide capital protection through diversification


Q5.__ is not a mutual fund distribution channel.
 Branches of Public sector banks
 Branches of Reserve Bank of India
 Branches of Private sector banks
 Branches of Foreign banks


Q6.Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) functions do not include which of the following?
 Regulation of Stock Exchanges
 Enforcing compliance of its regulations
 Making regulations for the Mutual Fund industry
 Approving the fund managers which have been appointed by the AMC


Q7.The expenses on __ cannot be charged to the mutual fund scheme.
 Custodian fees
 Depreciation on fixed assets of the Asset Management Company
 Trustee Fees
 Marketing Expenses


Q8.____ is the process of determining the ability of an investor to bear losses from various investments.
 Delta Hedging
 Asset Allocation
 Portfolio Churning
 Risk Profiling


Q9.Amongst the below-given options, which one is NOT an example of the Transition Phase?
 house to be purchased
 trying to get a better job
 children’s higher education
 marriage approaching


Q10.Mutual funds in India are governed by SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations, 1996 - True or False?

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