NISM Series V A Mutual Fund Distributors Paper 11

Q 1.Stock selection is important in bottom-up approach - True or False?


Q2.How many (maximum) bank accounts can a resident individual investor register with a mutual fund folio?


Q3.BSE’s platform for Mutual Fund trading is known as BSE Solar Mutual Funds Platform - True or False?


Q4.Which investor need not provide a PAN card at the time of making a mutual fund investment?
An investor who is investing up to Rs. 50,000 in a mutual fund scheme (excluding SIPs) per year per mutual fund
An investor who is investing up to Rs. 50,000 in a mutual fund scheme (including SIPs) per year per mutual fund
An investor who is investing up to Rs. 1,00,000 in a mutual fund scheme (excluding SIPs) per year per mutual fund
An investor who is investing up to Rs. 1,00,000 in a mutual fund scheme (including SIPs) per year per mutual fund


Q 5.If an investor wants to get updated monthly performance and portfolio data on mutual funds, which of the following documents should he read?
 Scheme Information Document (SID)
 Fund Fact Sheet
 Key Information Memorandum (KIM)
 Statement of Additional Information (SAI)


Q 6. Identify the duty of a SPONSOR of a mutual fund -
Guards the interest of the mutual fund unitholders
 Contributes to the capital of the Asset Management Company
 Looks after the day to day administration of the mutual fund
 Regularly report to SEBI on the working of the fund


Q7.Amongst the following options, which of the following is TRUE?
STT is paid on the purchase of the units of Equity Mutual Funds through a stock exchange
STT is paid on the purchase of the units of Equity Mutual Funds from the fund house
STT is paid on repurchase/redemption of the units of Equity Mutual Funds
STT is paid on the purchase of the units of Debt Mutual Funds


Q 8. As per SEBI rules, the NAV has to be published ____, in at least __ daily newspapers having circulation all over India.
daily, 4
weekly, 2
daily, 2
weekly, 4


Q9.Day-to-day management of the Mutual Fund schemes is handled by the Trustees - True or False?


Q10.In mutual funds, the assets are held by ___.
 Fund Manager of that scheme
 Registrar and Transfer Agents

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