NISM Series V A Mutual Fund Distributors Paper 08

Q1.NFO's for ELSS schemes can remain open for _ days


Q2.Which of the following statement is true with respect to 'Mark to Market'?
 Securities in the portfolio are valued at current market prices
 Securities in the portfolio are valued at 52 week high prices
 Securities in the portfolio are valued at 52 week low prices
Securities in the portfolio are valued at a purchase price


Q3.Identify the TRUE statement.
 While calculating scheme returns for an investor, if there is an entry load, then the initial value of the Net Asset Value (NAV) is taken as NAV minus Entry Load
 While calculating scheme returns for an investor, if there is an exit load, then the later value of the Net Asset Value (NAV) is taken as NAV minus Exit Load


Q4.Identify the TRUE statement - A) The AMC is not liable for any losses suffered by the foreign portfolio investors due to adverse currency movements B) The AMC has to compensate to foreign portfolio investors for any losses suffered due to adverse currency movements
 Only A
 Only B
 Both A and B


Q5.Dormant investors are those investors who have not transacted during the previous _ months.


Q6.The valuation of Illiquid securities held by a Mutual Fund is done as per ___.
 the last traded price of that security on BSE or NSE
 the norms prescribed by SEBI to arrive at a fair valuation
 the average price of bid and ask quotation
 the lowest price calculated as per the above three methods


Q7.In the top-down approach, sector allocation precedes stock selection - True or False?


Q8.In the non-equity oriented funds, the rate of long-term capital gains tax is ___.
 10 percent with indexation
 10 percent without indexation
 20 percent with indexation
 20 percent without indexation


Q9.Investors’ KYC details are stored in the server of __.


Q10.In the case of mutual fund schemes, dividends can be paid only out of ___.
 Unit capital
The distributable surplus generated by the scheme
 Premium reserve account
 Mark-to-market profits

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