NISM Series V A Mutual Fund Distributors Paper 07

Q 1.A mutual fund scheme can invest ____ in the equity instruments of a company.
 5% of the net assets
 10% of the net assets
 15% of the net assets
 25% of the net assets


Q 2. The expenses which can be charged by an Asset Management Company to a Mutual Fund scheme are limited by __.
 Fund Managers


Q3.Where are the 'Standard Risk Factors' of a Mutual Fund scheme disclosed?
 Fund Fact Sheet
 Statement of Additional Information (SAI)
 Scheme Information Document (SID)


Q4.Fund Age is a more important criterion to be studied while investing in ____.
 Debt Schemes
 Equity Schemes
 Treasury Bonds
 None of the above


Q5.Foreign investors can invest in equity schemes of MFs registered with SEBI after completing the KYC process - State True or False?


Q6.With which agency are the mutual fund distributors registered?
 Securities and Exchange Board of India
 Fund Accounting Team
 Association of Mutual Funds in India


Q7.The fund that takes contrary positions in different markets/securities such that the risk is neutralized and return is earned is called ____.
 Thematic funds
 Dividend yield schemes
 Arbitrage funds
 Sector funds


Q8.The purchasing power of currency changes on account of which of the following?
 Compound interest
 Asset allocation


Q9.The main objective of asset allocation is risk management - True or False?


Q10.Identify the false statement(s). A) The best strategy in selecting a mutual fund scheme is that based on its past performance B) When an investor wants to redeem from a scheme, the distributor must suggest redemption from the scheme with the maximum exit load
 Only statement A is False
 Only statement B is False
 Both statements A and B are false

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