NISM Series II B - Registrar and Transfer Agents (MF) Certification Paper 19
Q1.IRDA regulates the activities of the insurance industry only - State True or False? |
True |
False |
Q2.KYC norms have to be fulfilled before opening __ . |
Demat Account |
Trading Account |
Bank Account |
All of the above |
Q3.Do liquid funds generally invest in debt securities that have a maturity of one year or more - State True or False? |
True |
False |
Q4.Mr. A has invested Rs 10000 in a mutual fund scheme and received 1000 units. He now wants to redeem 30% of the units. Can he do it? |
Yes |
No |
Q5.Mr. Suresh is an existing investor in a mutual fund scheme. He makes new purchases but does not quote his folio number. What happens in this case? |
The application of Mr. Suresh will be rejected |
The mutual fund will search for his folio number and add the units accordingly |
A new folio will be created |
Mr. Suresh will be asked to furnish more information |
Q6.Mutual funds have to obtain SEBI approval __. |
after they set up their business. |
during their setting up of business. |
before they set up their business. |
Any time |
Q7.Mutual funds may be structured either as a company or as a ____. |
Proprietorship firm |
Association of persons |
Partnership firm |
Trust |
Q8.Net Assets of a mutual fund will not include __. |
Unit capital |
Current assets |
The market value of the portfolio |
Cash in hand |
Q9.On which NAV is the transactions processed which are received at the investor service center? |
Same day NAV |
Applicable NAV |
Current NAV |
Prospective NAV |
Q10.Once the money is pooled from the investors, the fund defines the investment objective and strategy of the scheme -State True or False? |
True |
True |