NISM Series II B - Registrar and Transfer Agents (MF) Certification Paper 19

Q1.IRDA regulates the activities of the insurance industry only - State True or False?
Q2.KYC norms have to be fulfilled before opening __ .
 Demat Account
 Trading Account
 Bank Account
 All of the above
Q3.Do liquid funds generally invest in debt securities that have a maturity of one year or more - State True or False?
Q4.Mr. A has invested Rs 10000 in a mutual fund scheme and received 1000 units. He now wants to redeem 30% of the units. Can he do it?
Q5.Mr. Suresh is an existing investor in a mutual fund scheme. He makes new purchases but does not quote his folio number. What happens in this case?
 The application of Mr. Suresh will be rejected
 The mutual fund will search for his folio number and add the units accordingly
 A new folio will be created
 Mr. Suresh will be asked to furnish more information
Q6.Mutual funds have to obtain SEBI approval __.
 after they set up their business.
 during their setting up of business.
 before they set up their business.
 Any time
Q7.Mutual funds may be structured either as a company or as a ____.
 Proprietorship firm
 Association of persons
 Partnership firm
Q8.Net Assets of a mutual fund will not include __.
 Unit capital
 Current assets
The market value of the portfolio
 Cash in hand
Q9.On which NAV is the transactions processed which are received at the investor service center?
 Same day NAV
 Applicable NAV
 Current NAV
 Prospective NAV
Q10.Once the money is pooled from the investors, the fund defines the investment objective and strategy of the scheme -State True or False?

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