NISM Series II B - Registrar and Transfer Agents (MF) Certification Paper 07

Q1.Diversified Equity Mutual Funds are funds that can invest in the broad equity markets - True or False?
Q2.What is the meaning of the 'coupon' of a debenture?
It is the rate of interest applied to the face value of the debenture
 It is the discount on the debenture
 Only buy the units
 Both buy and sell units
Q3.Preference Shareholders have a preference in the payment of dividends over debenture holders and in the return of capital, if the company is wound up - State True or False?
 By a Circular
 No need to inform the change in content
Q 4.Who provides collection services to Mutual Funds?
 R&T Agents
 Investor Service Centers (ISC)
 Junk bond Funds
 Income Funds
Q5.Once the NFO closes and the scheme reopen for the continuous offer, an investor can ___.
 Only sell the units
First, buy and then sell the units
 ELSS Funds
 All Equity Funds
Q6.How are the changes to the content in an offer document communicated to the investors?
 By letters to all investors
 By an Addendum
 Income Tax Office
Q7.What are High-yield Debt Funds also known as?
 Risky Funds
 Floating Rate Funds
 All of the above
Q8.In which of these mutual funds can an investor get the benefit of Sec 80 C?
 Debt Funds
 Balanced Funds
Both close and open-ended schemes
 None of the above
Q9.Who issues the Permanent Account Number (PAN)?
 Reserve Bank of India
 (Cost Price of the portfolio - Expenses and liabilities) / (Number of units outstanding)
 (Unit value of the portfolio - Expenses and liabilities) / (Number of units outstanding)
Q10.Inflow and outflow resulting from transactions are reported to the __.
 AMC Treasury
 Investor Service Center
 KYC number
 Folio number

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