NISM Series II B - Registrar and Transfer Agents (MF) Certification Paper 04

Q1.What is the core function of an AMC?
 Appointing MF agents and marketing
 Customer service
 Fund Management
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Q2.When an investor makes investment by a demand draft, the mutual fund bears the charges incurred to buy the DD and treats the gross amount as the ___.
 redemption amount
 amount invested.
Q3.Which NAV will be applicable for liquid funds if clear funds are available and the funds can be deployed the same day?
 NAV of day T
 NAV of day T + 1
 NAV of day T - 1
 NAV of day T +3
Q4.Which of these facilities is NOT available to the Preference Shareholders ?
 Participation in the management of the company
Preference in receiving dividends over equity shareholders
 Preference in repayment of capital
Fixed-rate of dividend as mentioned during the issue of these shares
Q5.Who links the information given by the investor to the folio number?
 The AMC
 The Clearing Bank
 The Point of Collection center
 The R&T agents
Q6.___ impressions are made by the time-stamping machine on the transaction documents.
Q7.___ are equity funds that invest in all segments of the equity market.
 Large Cap Funds
 Sectoral Funds
 Diversified Funds
 Mid Cap Funds
Q8.A change in bank mandate application by a corporate investor has to be signed by ___.
 The Chairman
 The Managing Director or the Company Secretary
The authorized signatories
 The auditors
Q9.A mutual fund cannot have __ liabilities on its balance sheet.
 All of the above
Q10.A mutual fund scheme may appoint one or more collecting bankers - State True or False?

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