NISM Series II B - Registrar and Transfer Agents (MF) Certification Paper 03

Q1.Which agency regulates market intermediaries like R&T agents and brokers?
Q2.Who has to sign the application form required to make a fresh purchase of a mutual fund scheme?
 Only the first holder
 Only the first and second holder
 All joint holders
 No signs are required if Aadhar Card is provided
Q3.___ has been notified as to the single identification number for all financial market transactions.
 ARN number
 Bank Account number
 Aadhar Card number
Q4.A Depository Receipt is a receipt issued against shares of a company by the ___.
 American Authorities
 Stock Exchanges
Q5.Does a sponsored DR issue have existing shareholders offering their shares for conversion into DRS - State True or False?
Q 6. All communications to the investor are sent to the address as mentioned in the __.
 Bank Pass Book
 Application Form
 Transaction Slip
Q7.AMCs should have a net worth of at least ___ at all times.
 Rs 25 Crore
 Rs 50 Crore
 Rs 75 Crore
 Rs 100 Crore
Q 8.An AMC can manage the funds of more than one mutual fund - State True or False?
Q 9.An Asset Management Company is set up in the form of ____.
 a trust
 a firm
an investment bank
 a private or public limited company
Q 10.An equity-oriented fund is one that has invested not less than _ of its funds in equity shares.

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