NISM Series II B - Registrar and Transfer Agents (MF) Certification Paper 01

Q1.An investor can use only the pre-printed transaction slip that accompanies the account statement for valid transactions - State True or False?
Q2.Bond whose interest amount fluctuates in step with the market interest rates, or some other external measure is called as a ___.
 Convertible Debenture
 Floating Rate bond
 Benchmark bond
 reset bond
Q3.During the “No Transactions” period, a fund allows only redemptions but no fresh purchases - State True or False?
Q4.First, the mutual fund has to state its ____ which shows how the money will be invested.
 Fund vision
 Fund mission
 Investment objective
 Target returns
Q5.If the institutional investor is allowed to invest as per its charter then no further approvals are required - State True or False?
Q6.If there are material changes, then the Scheme Information Document (SID) has to revised accordingly every three months to show the changes - State True or False?
Q7.In India, who are the beneficiaries of a mutual fund?
 The trustees of the fund
 The sponsors of the fund
 The constituents who manage the fund
 The investors of the fund
Q8.In SIP investments, the investors confirm a periodic investment over a __.
 fluctuating period of time
a long period of time
a short period of time
 chosen period of time
Q9.SIPs can be made along with an NFO - State True or False?
Q10.Some funds give investors the choice of withdrawing a fixed sum over a defined period. This is known as ____.
 Fixed Option
 Appreciation Option
 Redemption Option
 Reduction Option

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