NISM Series II A - Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents (Corp) Paper 16

Q1.DP's require supporting documents for effecting investor service requirements - State True or False?
Q 2.Deep discount bonds are ___ whereas Treasury bills are ____ instruments.
Government, Private
Not credit rated, Credit Rated
Long Term, Short Term
Short Term. Long Term
Q 3.When a transaction is done off-market, the cash settlement is done ____.
through the clearinghouse
 through the stock exchange
 by the buyer directly to the seller
 by the depository participant
Q4.___ stands guarantee for trades done on the stock exchange.
 Stock Exchange
 Stock Broker
 Clearing corporation
Q5.A clearing member account is an account through which the settlement of off-market trades is done - State True or False?
Q6.All the information on beneficial owners is provided to the R&T agent by the Depository Participant - State True or False?
Q7.Bonds are segmented as long and short term based on their ___.
 discounting factor
 term to maturity
 None of the above
Q8.Companies prefer private placement because it gives cost and time benefits - State True or False?
Q9.In a public offer of shares, the due diligence certificate is signed by ___.
 Lead Manager
 Bankers to the Issue
Q10.Powers to regulate stock exchange were given to SEBI by___.

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