NISM Securities Operations - 7



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Q 1. Dividends which are below 10% of the market value of the underlying stock, would be deemed to be ordinary dividends. State TRUE or FALSE.



Partially true

Partially false

Q 2. Funds can be raised in the primary market from the domestic market as well as from international markets. State whether True or False?



Partially true

Partially false

Q 3. If there is a shortfall in the margin amount then _______________________. (i) The terminals of the broker shall be immediately deactivated by the Exchange (ii) A warning will be issued to the broker by the Exchange (iii) The Exchange will cancel the

Only (i)

Only (ii)

Only (iii)

Only (i) & (iii)

Q 4. In an settled trade, the credit of shares / funds to clients accounts is on which of the following day?





Q 5. In case of sale of securities, immediately on receipt of intimation of execution of trade from broker, the seller should issue ___________ instructions to the DP with whom he maintains his demat account.




No objection

Q 6. In which of the following market, the issuer directly offers securities to the investor? (i) Primary Markets (ii) Secondary Markets (iii) Currency Markets

Only (i)

Only (ii)

Only (iii)

Only (i) & (iii)

Q 7. Investors complaints should be resolved by the trading members within _______.

15 days

30 days

45 days

60 days

Q 8. Money Market Instruments have a maturity period of ______

1 year or less

More than 1 year but less than 3 years

More than 1 year but less than 5 years

Above 3 years but below 10 years

Q 9. On the Mutual Fund trading screen, there is no facility of bulk upload to set up client registration. True or False ?



Partially true

Partially false

Q 10. Real Estate Investment Trusts invests in which of the following assets? (i) Commercial Real Estate (ii) Residential Real Estate (iii) Urban Real Estate

Only (i)

Only (ii)

Only (iii)

Only (i) & (iii)

Q 11. State True or False: ldquo;Depository Participant (DP) is not an agent of Depositories ndash; NSDL / CDSLrdquo;.



Partially true

Partially false

Q 12. The _________ are clearing members of the exchange who trade on behalf of Foreign Institutional Investors (FII).




None of these

Q 13. The authority to sign the authorization for running account stays with _________.

Only with the client.

Authorized representative of the client

Power of attorney holder of client

Family member of the client

Q 14. The common man i.e. the retail investor can subscribe to which of the following issue? (i) Public Issue (ii) Institutional issue (iii) Private placement issue

Only (i)

Only (ii)

Only (iii)

Only (i) & (ii)

Q 15. The initial margin and exposure margin is payable upfront by clearing members. State True or False.



Partially true

Partially false

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