NISM Securities Operations - 6
NISM Securities Operations
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Q 1. SEBI prescribes brokers/members to send a Global statement to its clients on ____________ basis.
Half yearly
Q 2. The additional due diligence risk procedures carried out by stock brokers include which of the following? (i) Graded Surveillance Measure (GSM) (ii) Additional Surveillance Measure (ASM) (iii) Enhanced Supervision
Only (i)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
Only (i), (ii) & (iii)
Q 3. The derivatives segment in India allows trading in which of the following? (i) commodities (ii) equities (iii) currency
Only (i)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
Only (i), (ii) & (iii)
Q 4. The functions of a Clearing Corporation is/are__________________. (i) To clear and settle all transactions executed in the stock markets (ii) To provide risk management functions (iii) To provide financial guarantee for all contracts executed in the
Only (i)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
All the above
Q 5. The Securities Contracts (Regulation) (Stock Exchanges and Clearing Corporations) Regulations, 2017 provides procedural norms on which of the following? (i) Recognition (ii) Networth (iii) Ownership
Only (i)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
All (i), (ii) & (iii)
Q 6. The Trading cum Clearing members of a Currency Derivatives exchange can do which of the following? (i) Trade on their Clients behalf (ii) Clear and settle his own trades as well of those of other members who choose to take his services (iii) Execute
Only (i)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
Only (i), (ii) & (iii)
Q 7. Value at Risk Margin (VaR) is collected to cover potential losses for:
50% of the days.
75% of the days.
80% of the days.
99% of the days.
Q 8. Which among the following entity fall under FPI category 1? (i) University funds (ii) Asset Management Companies (iii) Entities from the FATF member countries
Only (i) & (iii)
Only (ii) & (iii)
Only (i) & (ii)
All (i), (ii) & (iii)
Q 9. Which of the following can be considered as Institutional investors? (i) Mutual Fund Companies (ii) Banks (iii) Domestic Financial Institutions
Only (i)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
Only (i), (ii) & (iii)
Q 10. Which of the following facilities can be offered by the stock broker?
Depository services
Internet based Online Trading
Margin funding
All the above
Q 11. Which of the following is TRUE about Unique Client Code?
UCC acts as an identity for the client with respect to the broker.
UCC should be mapped with the PAN number of the client.
It is mandatory for brokers to use unique client code for all clients
All the above
Q 12. Which of the following is/are the standard document(s) which form a part of the account opening kit? (i) Rights amp; Obligations of stock broker and client (ii) Guidance Note (iii) Document describing the Policies and Procedures of the stock broker
Only (i)
Only (ii)
Only (iii)
Only (i), (ii) & (iii)
Q 13. Which of the following statement is true with respect to settlement of securities?
A purchaser of securities can give one time standing instruction to his DP for receiving securities in his account.
A purchase of securities may choose to issue separate receipt instruction to his DP every time he makes any purchase of the securities.
The securities which the client has purchased will be first delivered in his brokers demat account by the CC.
All of the above
Q 14. Who among the below informs the clearing members / custodians about pay-in/pay-out of funds?
Trading members
Depository participant
Stock exchange
Clearing bank
Q 15. Within how many hours of the payout usually the settlement of funds/securities is done?
2 Hours
5 Hours
12 Hours
24 Hours