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Q 1. _________ can also be involved in Stock Trading and broking
Merchant Banker
Investment Banker
All of the above
Q 2. ________ settles the trade on behalf of the clients of the trading members, when a particular trade is assigned to them for settlement
Authorised Persons
Merchant Bankers
Q 3. Which are the different ways in which Further Public Offer (FPO) can be made ?
Fast track issue
Fixed price issue
Book building process
All of the above
Q 4. The non-refundable fees, as prescribed in the SEBI SAST Regulations, is Rs 5,00,000 for an open offer up to _________
Rs. 50 crore
Rs. 100 crore
Rs. 25 crore
Rs. 10 crore
Q 5. Every Merchant Banker is required to pay an initial fee of ______ as registration fees and a merchant banker who has been granted a certificate of permanent registration, to keep its registration in force, shall pay a fee of ______ every three years
Rs 5 lakh , Rs 1 lakh
Rs 10 lakh , Rs 5 lakh
Rs 20 lakh , Rs 9 lakh
Rs 50 lakh , Rs 10 lakh
Q 6. __________ requires that an issuer making an issue of securities to public or to QIBs or to its existing shareholders by way of rights issue is required to appoint a Merchant Banker registered with SEBI
SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2009
SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Regulations, 1992
Companies Act, 2013
None of the above
Q 7. As per the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, a company applying for listing shall undertake to issue certificates in respect of shares or debentures lodged for transfer within a period of _______ of the date of lodgement of transfer and to iss
7 days
15 days
1 month
45 days
Q 8. Whose responsibility is it to furnish a copy of the draft offer document and final offer document to an investor as and when required ?
Lead merchant banker
Recognised stock exchange
Registrar of the issue
Both 1 and 2
Q 9. The preamble of the SEBI describes the basic function(s) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India as ___________
to protect the interests of investors in securities
to promote the development of securities market
to regulate the securities market
All of the above
Q 10. As per _____________ , no person connected with the issue shall offer any incentive, whether direct or indirect, in any manner, whether in cash or kind or services or otherwise to any person for making an application for allotment of specified securi
SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Regulations
Companies Act, 2013
SEBI (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements - ICDR) Regulations
SEBI (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations
Q 11. A rights issue shall be open for subscription for a minimum period of ____ days
Q 12. Takeover can be by merger of a solvent acquirer with a sick company for availing the tax benefits - State True or False ?
Q 13. In a public issue, the specified securities held by promoters shall be locked in for the period of _______
one year
two years
three years
five years
Q 14. The certificate of initial registration granted to a Merchant Banker shall be valid for a period of _____ years from the date of its issue to the applicant
Q 15. A Takeover of a company can be through ___________
acquisition of shares through direct negotiations with one who owns controlling interest
a merger of a solvent acquirer with a sick company
a open offer or market purchase of requisite voting rights to change the management of the company
All of the above