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Q 1. The Mutual Fund Fact Sheets show each of the following except -

Sector Profile of the securities invested in.

The maturity date of the instruments invested in

The Style Box

The Rating profile of the instruments invested in
Q 2. Market price orders have a greater chance of getting executed than limit price orders. State whether True or False?


Q 3. __________ policy allows the insured to have a say in the way his portfolio will be maintained ?

Unit linked policy

Endowment Policy

Term Policy

Whole Life Policy
Q 4. Which of these can be registered as 'Insurance Intermediaries' ?

Insurance consultants

Insurance surveyors

Loss assessors

All of the above
Q 5. The most suitable investment avenue for retail investors to benefit from price changes in the debt market is _____ .

Savings Account

Debt mutual fund schemes

Recurring Deposit

Public Provident Fund (PPF)
Q 6. A state of inaction is caused by which of the following bias or biases ?

Only Recency bias

Only Herd Mentality bias

Only Loss Aversion bias

Both Loss Aversion and Choice Paralysis biases
Q 7. ____________ can deal with multiple insurance companies.

Corporate insurance agent

Insurance broker

Insurance agent

Bank assurance channel
Q 8. Schemes of different Mutual Funds give different returns and this can be mainly due to _____.

The Investment Strategy and Portfolio composition of the scheme

The brokerage charged by different brokers thro' whom the MF trade

SEBI charges applied on various stock exchanges

The cost of administration in the Mutual Fund
Q 9. Amongst the following two options, what is true when a Non Resident Indian (NRI) becomes a Resident Indian ?

He can transfer Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable (FCNR) account balance to Resident Foreign Currency (RFC) account, which cannot receive any new foreign currency.

He can transfer Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable (FCNR) account balance to Resident Foreign Currency (RFC) account and can continue to receive foreign currency from investments abroad
Q 10. A high turnover (volume) in a stock indicates __________.

Lower volatility

Higher Price

Higher Liquidity

Higher Returns
Q 11. Which of the following depends on the market?

Strategic asset allocation

Tactical asset allocation

Investor risk profile

None of the above
Q 12. SEBI (Alternate Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 classifies 'Venture capital funds, SME Funds and Social venture funds' as _________ .

Category I Alternative Investment Fund

Category II Alternative Investment Fund

Category III Alternative Investment Fund

None of the above
Q 13. SEBI (Alternate Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 classifies a fund which employs 'diverse or complex trading strategies' as _______ .

Category I Alternative Investment Fund

Category II Alternative Investment Fund

Category III Alternative Investment Fund

None of the above
Q 14. _________ form a major portion of investments in a Retirement Plan.

Super annuation


Provident Fund

All of the above
Q 15. When a folio is held jointly, the PAN and KYC process has to be complied with by _______.

Only the first holder

Any one of the joint holders

The joint holders depending upon mode of operation

All the joint holders

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