NISM Currency Derivatives - 1

NISM Currency Derivatives - 1


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Q 1. A trader allows successive discounts of 15% and 10% on the marked price of an article. What would the selling price be if the marked price is Rs. 100?

Rs. 76.5

Rs. 77.5

Rs. 78.0

Rs. 79.0

Q 2. A trader does the following currency futures trade - sells EURINR and Buy JPYINR for an equivalent amount. What view has he executed ?

INR weakening against EUR

EUR weakening against JPY

EUR strengthening against JPY

INR strengthening against EUR

Q 3. Which term best describes EUR currency?

Currency floating

Free floating

Managed float

Pegged to gold

Q 4. If more than one contract in a series are outstanding at the time of expiry/ squaring off, the contract price of the contract so squared off is determined using ______ method for calculating profit/loss on squaring-up.

First-in, First-out (FIFO)

Last-in, First-out (LIFO)

As per the decision of the Clearing corporation

The Loss making contracts are first squared off

Q 5. If one year interest rate is 2.5% in UK and 9% in India. If current GBPINR spot rate is 78, what would be the one year future rate of GBPINR ?

Higher than 78

Lower than 78


None of the above

Q 6. Margins across the various clients of a member are collected on a gross basis - State True or False ?



Q 7. RBI reference rate is the rate published daily by RBI for spot rate for various currency pairs at around _______ .


10.30 am

12.30 pm


Q 8. The methodology usually used to value European options is ______ .

Binomial pricing

Black and Scholes

London - Paris pricing system

Llyods Theory of option pricing

Q 9. Which of the following example is that of Market Making ?

A real estate agent quoting a price to sell a bunglow

A jewellery store owner quoting a price to buy old jewellery and also quoting a price to sell new jewellery

A wholesale fruit vendor quoting price to sell fruits at low prices

A steel junk dealer quoting price to buy a very old car

Q 10. ______ is TRUE for Exchange Traded Derivatives.

Bilateral trade settlement

It is only available in stocks and currencies

Centralized trade settlement

Decentralized counter party credit risk management

Q 11. A trader expects GBYINR to remain stable at 80.00 levels over next one month. One month GBPINR premium is 50 paise. What is the likely trade that trader would do to execute the view and how much profit he would make per GBP if his views comes correct

Buy 3 month GBPINR futures, 150 paisa

Sell 3 month GBPINR futures, 150 paisa

Buy one month GBPINR futures, 50 paisa

Sell one month GBPINR futures, 50 paisa

Q 12. From the below given options, which parameters were used by RBI to decide which banks could run foreign currency INR option book ?

Networth, Capital adequacy , Profitability, Net non performing assets %

Networth, Capital adequacy , Net non performing assets %

Networth, Number of years of operation, Profitability

net non performing assets %, Profitability, Capital adequacy

Q 13. Mr. Amit is working with a of a currency broking house is an expert in currency movements. As per his view, INR should appreciate against EUR in next 6 months and accordingly he advised some of his clients to take a short position by selling EUR agai

Amit should have advised the clients correctly to take short position for 1 months and not 6 months as 6 month is a long period

Amit should have also clearly mentioned the risk to his view

Amit should not have guaranteed against losses

Amit should have advised the clients correctly to take a short position for 12 months and not 6 months as 6 month is a short period

Q 14. Of the below, which describes the frequency of adjusting liquid networth of clearing members with initial margin ?

On a Real time basis

Every one hour

Every two hours

At 10 am and 2.30 pm

Q 15. Sumit buys one lot of USDINR futures and after half an hour of buying, the price of the contract moved by 100 ticks. By how may rupees has the value of contract changed?

250 Rupees

25 Rupees

0.25 Rupees

2.5 Rupees

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