NIACL Exam Paper

NIACL Exam Paper Test - I: General Awareness 1. Which of the following countries has decided to purchase 126 Rafale fighter air-crafts from France? 1) Iraq 2) China 3) Bangladesh 4) Afghanistan 5) India 2. Which of the following diseases is considered as completely eradicated from India, as no case of the same has been reported in last one year? 1) Polio 2) Tuberculosis 3) Cancer 4) Swine flu 5) Asthma 3. Which of the following countries in India's neighbourhood is facing charges of violation of human rights of Tamilians living there? 1) Sri Lanka 2) Myanmar 3) Afghanistan 4) Pakistan 5) Nepal 4. Which of the following is NOT an important function of Reserve Bank of India? 1) Management of Foreign Exchange Reserves 2) Foreign Exchange related current and capital account management 3) Devising Foreign Trade policy of India 4) Debt and Cash Management for State Govts 5) Regulation of Govt. Securities 5. Ms. Kamla Persad Bissessar who was on a visit to India recently is the 1) President of Trinidad & Tobago 2) Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago 3) President of Fiji 4) Prime Minister of Fiji 5) None of these 6. Which of the following statements pertaining to present economic situation of the world is/are true? 1) China and India are making very good progress on the economic front,thought India is a little slower than China 2) UK and almost all European nations are now out of economic crisis 3) US has decided to give 3 lakh thousand US dollars to Iraq as a compensation for its unnecessary attack on it 4) As WTO is abolished, countries are free to make their own economic coop-eration treaties 5) All are true 7. India recently signed a Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters. This will help India in having a strict check on which of the following issues? 1) Nuclear safety of its plants 2) Illegal supply of narcotics and drugs 3) Balance of trade 4) Black money stashed abroad 5) Border trade among SAARC nations 8. Which of the following organisations of countries, at one of its crucial meetings in Belgium, in December 2011, had agreed to sign an Inter-governmental Fiscal Treaty? 1) OPEC 2) SAARC 3) European Union 4) BRICS 5) NATO 9. Business Correspondent Framework launched by the Reserve Bank of India is a step in achieving which of the following? 1) Financial inclusion 2) Transparency in banking transactions 3) Better control over cooperative/small banks 4) Providing direct subsidy to consumers of Publc Distribution System (PDS) 5) None of these 10. Immediately prior to Sri Mukul roy who among the following was the Railway Minister of India? 1) Dr. Manmohan Singh 2) Sri Kamal Nath 3) Ms. Mamta Banerjee 4) Sri Rajiv Shukla 5) Sri Dinesh Trivedi 11. Nuclear Threat Initiative, the organisation which has compiled first ever index of security materials globally, is an agency based in 1) India 2) USA 3) Japan 4) Germany 5) China 12. Who among the following was the Chief Guest at India's 63rd Republic Day (2012) function? 1) Kamla Persad Bissessar 2) Yingluck Shinawatra 3) David Cameron 4) Hamid Karzai 5) Sheikh Hasina 13. The 169th meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was organised in December 2011 in 1) Doha 2) Dubai 3) Vienna 4) Tehran 5) Beirut 14. The term of President Pratibha Patil in office will end in 1) July 2012 2) June 2013 3) January 2013 4) July 2013 5) January 2014 15. India played Border-Gavaskar Test series cricket matches in January 2012 with 1) New Zealand 2) England 3) Australia 4) South Africa 5) Kenya 16. Which of the following organisations has recommended that financial literacy should be made part of syllabus from high schools itself? 1) Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) 2) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 3) Indian Bank's Association (IBA) 4) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) 5) State Bank of India 17. Ranbir Kapoor won Best Actor Award in 57th Filmfare Award functions for his film 1) Wake up Sid 2) Rock Star 3) Anjana Anjanee 4) Rajneeti 5) Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year 18. Prime Minister of India was in Russia on a three day visit in December 2011 to attend 1) G-20 Summit 2) G-8 Summit 3) Festival of India 4) India - Russia Summit 5) WTO Summit 19. Who among the following is a Padma Bhushan Awardee? 1) Anand Kumar 2) Shiva Keshavan 3) Vijay Zol 4) Homi K Bhabha 5) Dipika Pallikal 20. Which of the following days is observed as AIDS Day every Year? 1) 10th March 2) 1st December 3) 10th December 4) 1st November 5) 1st March 21. Who among the following won 12th Asian Shooting(Rifle) championship organ-ised in Doha in January 2012? 1) Tao Wang 2) Qinan Zhu 3) Shriyanka Sadangi 4) Anjali Bhagwat 5) Abinav Bindra 22. Which of the following terms is used in the field of Economics? 1) Ampere 2) Horse Power 3) Relative Density 4) Arbitrage 5) Joule's Law 23. Wasim Jaffer's name was in news recently. He is a well known 1) Chess player 2) Table Tennis player 3) Lawn Tennis player 4) Golf player 5) Cricket player 24. Who among the following is the Chief Justice of India at present? 1) Justice Sujata Manohar 2) Justice Altamas Kabir 3) Justice G S Singhvi 4) Justice S H Kapadia 5) None of these 25. Which of the following represents present Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)? 1) 5% 2) 4.75% 3) 5.25% 4) 4.50% 5) None of these 26. During 20th - 22nd June 2012, the 'Earth Summit' will take place in 1) New York 2) Paris 3) Rio De Janerio 4) Washington DC 5) Tokyo 27. Who among the following is one of the winners of Nobel Peace Prize for 2011? 1) Edmund S Phelps 2) Akira Suzuki 3) Tawakkol Karman 4) Finn E Kydland 5) Richard F Heck 28. Which of the following organisations is the regulator of stock exchanges in India? 1) RBI 2) SIDBI 3) SEBI 4) NABARD 5) IBA 29. Which of the following schemes is launched by the Govt of India to provide banking services in 73,000 villages in India? 1) ASHA 2) Swabiman 3) Kutir Jyoti 4) RAY 5) Swavalamban 30. What does the letter 'D' denote in the term 'SDR'? (as used in finance) 1) Deposits 2) Data 3) Drawing 4) Debt 5) Dealers 31. Which of the following awards is given to sportspersons? 1) Kalidas Samman 2) Saraswati Samman 3) Ashok Chakra 4) Arjuna Award 5) Vysa Samman 32. Who among the following is the President of France at present? 1) Dimitry Medvedev 2) Nicolas Sarkozy 3) Rupert Murdoch 4) Silvio Berlusconi 5) None of these 33. Which of the following books is written by Kiran Desai? 1) A Brush With Life 2) A Fortune Teller Told Me 3) Black Arrow 4) Catch-22 5) The Inheritance of Loss 34. Which of the following cups/trophies is associated with the game of cricket? 1) Davis Cup 2) Agha Khan Cup 3) Wimbledon Cup 4) Nehru Cup 5) Ranji Trophy 35. Russia is now a member of which of the following organisations and will be inducted formally from 15th july 2012? 1) G-20 2) G-8 3) UN Security Council 4) World Trade Organisation 5) OPEC 36. Total Gross National Product divided by the total population is known as which of the following in economics? 1) Statutory Liquidity Ratio 2) Inflation 3) National Income 4) Deflation 5) Per Capita Income 37. Which of the following is a highlight of the Union Budget 2012-13? 1) GDP growth projected at 9% level 2) Direct Tax Bill to be introduced in 2014-15 3) FDI in retail will be allowed from 2015 4) Marginal increase in personal income tax limits 5) No new scheme in health sector will be launched 38. which of the following terms is used in the game of football? 1) Penalty 2) Cover Point 3) Cox 4) Bull's Eye 5) Half Nelson 39. Which of the following combinations of the name of countries and their capitals is NOT correct? 1) Bangladesh - Dhaka 2) Afghanistan - Kabul 3) Canada - Ottawa 4) China - Beijing 5) Italy - Milan 40. Which of the following instruments is used to measure intensity of earthquakes? 1) Seismograph 2) Periscope 3) Manometer 4) Galvano meter 5) Dynamometer NIACL Placement Paper This paper contains mainly two sections such as Reasoning Ability and General Awarene Section - 1 a) Reasoning Ability Directions(Question 1-5): In each of the following number series, two terms are put within brackets. (A) If both the bracketed terms are right; (B) If the first bracketed term is right and second is wrong; (C) If the first bracketed term is wrong and second is right; (D) If both the bracketed terms are wrong. 1 . 5, 17, (30), 73, 129, (225) Answer : C 2. 11, 29, (55), 89, (131), 181 Answer : A 3. 3, 12, 28, 32, (42), (57), 61, 70, 86 Answer : C 4. 2,3,6, (11), 18, (27), 38 Answer : A 5. 4, 14, (18), (24), 31, 36, 38, 48, 53 Answer : D Directions(Question 6-10): There are two or three statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II , III and IV. Take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows . 6. Statements: 1. Some songs are throngs. 2. Some throngs are longs. Conclusions: I. Some songs are longs. II. No songs are longs. III. Only longs are songs. IV Only songs are longs. (A) Only I Follows (B) Only III follows (C) Either I or II follows (D) Either III or IV follows Answer : C 7.Statements: 1. Some charts are darts. 2. All darts are carts. 3. Some carts are smarts. Conclusions: I. Some charts are carts. II. Some carts are darts. Ill. Some darts are smarts. IV. Some smarts are charts. (A) Only I and II follow (B) Only I and III follow (C) Only II and III follow (D) Only I, III and IV follow Answer : A 8. Statements: 1. All blanks are beams. 2. All bridges are beams. 3. All bridges are cows. Conclusions: I. Some cows are beams. II. Some blanks are cows. III. Some blanks are bridges. IV. Some bridges are not cows. (A) Only I follows (B) Only II follows (C) I,II and III follow (D) None follow Answer : D 9. Statements: 1. Some Chinese are not Russians. 2. All Russians are Africans. 3. Some Africans are Indians. Conclusions: I. Some Chinese are not Africans. II. Some Chinese are not Indians. Ill. All Russians are Indians. IV. Some Indians are Chinese. (A) Only II follows (B) Only III follows (C) Only IV follows (D) Either II or IV follows Answer : D 10. Statements: 1. All chalks are cheese. 2. No cheese are ships. 3. Some herds are ships. Conclusions: I. Some herds are not chalks. II. Some herds are cheese. Ill. Some cheese are not herds. IV. No chalk is a ship. (A) I, II and IV follow (B) Either II or III and IV follows (C) II and III follow (D) II and IV follow Answer : B Directions(Question11 -15): A word arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular logic.The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement? Input: CRI END YAM STU THE StepI : YAM THE CRI END STE StepII : YAM THE STE END CRI Step III : STU CRI YAM THE END Step IV : STU CRI END THE YAM Study the logic and answer questions 11. If step VII of an input is 'OVER THE PRE NEW BONE' what is the step IV of that input? (A) BONE THE PRE OVERNEW (B) THE PRE BONE NEW OVER (C) THE BONE PRE OVER NEW (D) PRE BONE THE OVER NEW Answer : C 12. Given the following input? SYM REACH LAD PHOTO CAL what step will the following arrangement? REACH LAD PHOTO SYM CAL (A) VI (B) V (C) IV (D) III Answer : B 13. If Step VI of a given input be 'MAP IND PAK RUS ENG', what would be the input? (A) IND MAP PAK RUS ENG (B) IND MAP ENG RUS PAK (C) ENG RUS IND PAK MAP (D) RUS MAP IND ENG PAK Answer : D 14. Given the following input, what would be Step VIII of the input? Input : BANK CRIS ATTRACT WITH PRIZE (A) PRIZE WITH CRIS ATTRACT BANK (B) CRIS BANK PRIZE WITH ATTRACT (C) PRIZE WITH BANK ATTRACT CRIS (D) CR15 BANK ATTRACT WITH PRIZE Answer : C 15. In which step will we get the same arrangement as the input? (A) VIII (B) IX (C)X (D)XI Answer : C Directions(Question 16- 20): In the following questions, the symbols +, -,x,÷ and = are used with the following meanings A + B means A is greater than B; A ? B means A is greater than or equal to B; A x B means A is equal to B; A ÷ B means A is smaller than B; and A = B means A is smaller than or equal to B. For each question you have to assume given statements to be true and then decide which of the two given conclusions is are definitely true. Give answer as (A) If only conclusion I is true; (B) If only conclusion II is true; (C) If either conclusion I or conclusion II is true; and (D) If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true. 16. Statements : D=S, N + V, D x R, R + V Conclusions : I. S + V II. D+N Answer : A 17. Statements: K x P, M + J, C÷ P, K = M Conclusions: I. M + P II. M x P Answer : C 18. Statements: L ? R, N x M, L ÷ M, N = P Conclusions: I. M + R II. R+P Answer : A 19. Statements: W + K, S = Z, X ? W, S x K Conclusions: I. K x Z II. X÷K Answer : B 20. Statements: P ÷ Q, W ? N, P ? N, T + W Conclusions: I. P x W II. Q÷W Answer : D Directions(Question 21- 25): Read the following information to answer the questions. A, B, C, D and E are sons of P, Q ,R, S and T but not in the same order.Match the right mother and son on the basis of the information given below. Q is not B's or C mother. A's or Es mother is not T. C is not R's son. E is not Q's or S's son and his mother's name does not start with the letter 'R'. A's mother is not Q or R 21. Who is S's son? (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D Answer : A 22. Who is C mother? (A) P (B) R (C) S (D) T Answer : D 23. Who is Q's son? (A) A (B) D (C) B (D) E Answer : B 24. Who is P's son? (A) B (B) C (C) D (D) E Answer : D 25. Who is son of R ? (A) E (B) A (C) B (D) D Answer : C Directions (Question26-30): In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I II and III. You have to consider the statement and the assumption, and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.Then decide which one of the answers, (A), (B), (C) and (D) is correct. 26. Statement : Considering the tickets sold during the last seven days, the circus authorities decided to continue the show for another fortnight which includes two weekends. Assumptions: I. People may not turn up on weekdays. II. The average number of people who will be visiting circus will be more or less the same as that of the last seven days. III. There may not be enough responses at other places. (A) None is implicit (B) Only II is implicit (C) Both I and II are implicit (D) Only III is implicit Answer : B 27. Statement : The telephone company informed the subscribers through a notification that those who do not pay their bills by the due date will be charged penalty for every defaulting day. Assumptions: I. Majority of the people may pay their bills by the due date to avoid penalty. II. The money collected as penalty may set off the losses due to delayed payment. III. People generally pay heed to such notices. (A) Only I and II are implicit (B) Only II and III are implicit (C) Only I and III are implicit (D) All are implicit Answer : D 28. Statement: The national air carrier has decided to start a weekly air service from town 'A' to town 'B'. Assumptions: I. There will be enough passengers to make the operation economically viable. II. Other carriers may not start such service. III The people staying around these towns can afford the cost of air travel. (A) Only I is implicit (B) Both II and III are implicit (C) Both I and II are implicit (D) ALL are implicit Answer : C 29. Statement : A group of friends decided to go for a picnic to Dum Duma Lake during the next holiday season to avoid crowd of people. Assumptions: I. Generally many people do not go to Dum Duma Lake. II. People prefer other spots to Dum Duma Lake. III. Many people do not know about Dum Duma Lake. (A) Only I is implicit (B) Only II is implicit (C) Only I and II are implicit (D) All are implicit Answer : D 30. Statement : "Wanted a two bedroom flat in the court area for immediate possession"-Advertisement. Assumptions: I. Flats are available in court II. Some people will respond to the advertisement. Ill. It is a practice to give such an advertisement. (A) Only I and II are implicit (B) Only II is implicit (C) Only III is implicit (D) All are implicit Answer : A Directions(Questions 31- 35): Choose the odd one. 31. (A) YNHIA (B) SGRFI (C) ISEPU (D) FHUJU Answer : D 32. (A) PROUD (B) DRIVER (C) WHEAT (D) TRAIN Answer : B 33. (A) CXHIA (B) RCFCL (C) MTOWF (D) CPRSV Answer : C 34. (A) JOT (B) OUT (C) TEN (D) DIN Answer : B 35. (A) HR (B) GT (C) KP (D) FU Answer : A Directions(Questions 36-37): Find the missing terms 36. pq.....rqp.....qrrq.......p.......rrqpp........r (A) rqpqr (B) qprrq (C) qrprp (D) rppqq Answer : D 37. A) nnqtq (B) qntnq (C) tnqtq (D) ttqtq Answer : C Directions(Question 38 - 39) P + Q means P is the brother of Q P ? Q means P is the sister of Q P x Q means P is the father of Q P ÷ Q means P is the mother of 38. A÷B-C x D,then A is D (A) Sister (B) Aunt (C) Mother (D) Grandmother Answer : D 39. Which of the following shows that V is the grandmother of Y? (A) VxR+KVY (B) V÷RxK-Y (C) V÷R+KxY (D) VxR-K÷Y Answer : B 40. How many pairs of letters are there in the word STRAIGHT FORWARD which have numbers of letters between them in the word equal to the number of letters between them in English alphabet? (A)4 (B)5 (C)6 (D)7 Answer : C 41. Milk: Butter (A) Banana : Fruit (B) Juice : Health (C) Wood: Paper (D) Chili Spices Answer : C 42. Hat : Headwear (A) Shark : Fish (B) Crocodile : Terrapin (C) Shoe : Socks (D) Glove: Hand Answer : D 43. Horse : Cow (A) Milk: Ice-cream (B) Mars : Moon (C) Snow : Water (D) Pink: Blue Answer : B 44. Hair : Head (A) Teeth : Mouth (B) Tea-leaves : Mountain slopes (C) Hand: Arm (D) Footpath : Road Answer : A 45. Fore: Hind (A) Sky:Space (B) Land:Sea (C) North : South (D) Face:Neck Answer : C Directions(Question 46 - 49): Read the following information and answer the questions given below it. If ranks of five candidates P, Q ,R,S and T are arranged in ascending order of their marks in Numerical Ability, T is the fourth and S is the first. When they are arranged in the ascending order of marks in General Awareness, P takes the place of T and T takes the place of Q. R's position remains the same in both the arrangements. Q's marks are lowest in one test and highest in the other test. P has more marks than R in Numerical Ability. 46. Who has secured the highest marks in General Awareness? (A)Q (B)T (C)S (D)R Answer : B 47. Who has secured the highest marks in Numerical Ability? (A)S (B)R (C)P (D)Q Answer : D 48. Which of the following groups of candidates has improvement in rank in General Awareness as compared to that in Numerical Ability? (A) SPT (B) PSR (C) QST (D) SPQ Answer : A 49. Whose marks in General Awareness are more than R's marks in General Awareness? (A) Only P's (B) P's, Q's and S's (C) P's, S's and T's (D) P's, Q's and T's Answer : C 50.In a certain code CAMEL is written as XPOGT and RABBITS as YPUULFZ. How can AIRMAIL be written in that code? (A) PIYOPLT (B) PLYOPTL (C) PLROPLT (D) PLYOPLT Answer : D Section- 2 General Awareness 1. Which of the following insurance companies writes its punch line in the advertisements "Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation" ? (A) CIC (B) LIC (C) ING Vysya Life Insurance Co. (D) Tata AIG Life Insurance Co. (E) None of these Answer : B 2. How much Foreign Institutional Investment is allowed in insurance sector at present. (A) 20% (B) 46% (C) 59% (D) 63% (E) None of these Answer : E 3. How many public sector companies in India are in Insurance Business. (A) Only one (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four (E) More than ten Answer : A 4. Which of the following was the parent company of New India Assurance ? (A) LIC (B) GIC (C) Oriental Insurance Co. Ltd. (D) United India Insurance (E) None of these Answer : B 5. Which of the following is not the name of an Insurance Scheme launched by the Government of India. (A) Janashree Bima Yojana (B) Krishi Shramik Sarnajik Suraksha Yojana (C) Shiksha Sahyog Yojana (D) Varsha Bima Yojana (E) National Saving Scheme Answer : D 6. Which of the following words/terms is closely associated with the insurance business. (A) Archives (B) Donation (C) Actuary (D) Quest (E) All are associated with insurance Answer : C 7. Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the agency /organization which is the regulator of insurance business in India ? (A) NHB (B) IRDA (C) IBA (D) IDFC (E) ICRISAT Answer : B 8. Insurance services are normally not provided for which of the following? (A) Health (B) Life (C) jobs (D) House & Property (E) It is available for all Answer : C 9. The New India Assurance Company was established in 1919 by (A) Dorab Tata (B) G. D. Birla (C) Iamunalal Baja] (D) Kamlapat Singhania (E) None of these Answer : A 10. Which of the following is largest Non Life Insurance Company in India ? (A) ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. (B) United India Insurance Company Ltd. (C) General Insurance Company Ltd. (D).New India Assurance Company Ltd. (E) None of these Answer : D 11. Which of the following organizations of the workers of unorganized sector has adopted an insurance scheme for all its workers and has become a model organization for the workers of the unorganized sector ? (A) SERC (B) SEWA (C) VSNL (D) SEBI (E) MTNL Answer : B 12. Which of the following projects of the ISRO was insured by the New India Assurance Company ? (A) MATSAT- II (B) Aryabhatt (C) PSLV (D) Chandrayaan (E) lNSAT- 2E Answer : C 13.Which of t.he following industrial groups of India is Not in any type of Insurance Business in India ? (A) Tatas (B) Birlas (C)' Iaipurias (D) Mahindras (E) All are in Insurance Business Answer : C 14. Which of the following Insurance Companies was launched with NABARD as one of its promoter"s with 30% stake in it ? (A) General Insurance Corporation Ltd. (B) National Insurance Company Ltd. (C) Agriculture Insurance Company Ltd (D) SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. (E) None of these Answer : A 15. Who amongst the following is new Foreign Secretary of India ? (A) Nirupama Rao (B) Goolarn E. Vahanvati (C) Brindeshwar Pathak (D) Naveen Chawla (E) None of these Answer : A 16.Which of the following is the abbreviated name of the organizations which provides credit guarantee to exporters ? (A) FICCI (B) NABARD (C) SIDBI (D) ECGC (E) SEBI Answer : D 17. The Railway Budget 2009-10 was presented in the Lok Sabha (in Iuly 2009) by (A) Lalu Prasad Yadav (B) Kapil Sibal (C) P. Chidambaram (D) Mamata Banerjee (E) Pranab Mukherjee Answer : D 18. 'Satyam' the well known company which has been in the news in recent past, is now known with its new name as............. (A) Mahindra Satyarn (B) Birla Satyam (C) Reliance Satyam (D) Tata Satyam (E) None of these Answer : A 19. As per the announcement made by the Govt. of India, which of the following organizations is set up by it for a very specific purpose of providing a personal identity card to all its citizens ? (A) National Remote Sensing Agency (B) Unique Identification Authority of India (UIA) (C) National Spot Exchange (D) Trade Development Authority (E) People's Union for Civil Liberties Answer : B 20. Saina Nehwal is a famous........ (A) Badminton player (B) Table Tennis Player (C) Lawn Tennis Player ? (D) Hockey Player (E) Chess Player Answer : A 21. 'No Tobacco Day' is observed every year on............. (A) lst May (B) lst ]une (C) 31st May (D) 30th june (E) None of these Answer : C 22. Which of the following awards is given for excellence in the field of Literature ? (A) N. Borlaug Award (B) Kalinga Prize (C) Kishor Kumar Award (D) Saraswati Samman (E) Dronacharya Award Answer : D 23. Which of the following states has highest Literacy Rate in country ? (A) Gujarat (B) Maharashtra (C) Delhi (D) Andhra Pradesh (E) Kerala Answer : E 24. Which of the following cups/trophies is closely associated with the game of Hockey ? (A) Mardeka Cup (B) Wimbledon Trophy (C) Ranji Trophy (D) Durand Cup (E) Agha Khan Cup Answer : E 25. Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus ? (A) Plague (B) Cholera (C) Whooping cough (D) Tetanus (E) Chicken pox Answer : E Punjab and Sind Bank Placement Paper Punjab and Sind Bank Placement Paper Reasoning Ability 1. In a certain code ?PLANT? is written as ?$@2*©? and ?YIELD? is written as ? ? 64@%?. How is ?DELAY? written in that code? (1) ? 4*2% (2) ? 4@2% (3) %42@? (4)%4@2 ? (5) None of these 2. How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ARILT using each letter only once in that word? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 3. D said, ?A?s fathers is only brother of my sister?s son.? How is A?s father related to D? (1) Cousin (2) Nephew (3) Aunt (4) Data Inadequate (5) None of these 4. If the positions of the first and the second digit within each number are interchanged, which of the following will be the second highest number? (1) 632 (2)783 (3) 576 (4)895 (5) 394 5. If the first and second digits of each of the numbers are added the resulting sum of which of the following numbers will not be exactly divisible by 3? (1) 895 (2)394 (3) 576 (4)632 (5) 783 6. If 2 is added to the last digit of each number and then the positions of the first and the third digit are interchanged, which of the following will be the highest number? (1) 576 (2)895 (3) 783 (4)394 (5) 632 7. If ?A? is coded as 1, ?B? as 3, ?C? as 5 and so on, which of the following is the numerical value of the word ?FAZED?? (1) 81 (2)79 (3) 77 (4)80 (5) None of these 8. Which of the following pairs of words have the same relationship as FAN : HEAT? (1) Water : Drink (2) Light : Night (3) Teach : Student (4) Air : Breathe (5) Food : Hunger 9. Q types faster than R but not as fast as V. T types faster than R. S types faster than V. Who amongst the five of them types the fastest? (1) V (2) T (3) S (4) Data Inadequate (5) None of these 10. If ?B × C? means ?B is the daughter of C?, ?B + C? means ?B is the husband of C? and ?B - C? means ?B is the sister of C?, then what does ?M + N - P × Q? mean? (1) M is the brother-in-law of Q (2) M is the uncle of Q (3) M is the son-in-law of Q (4) Q is the mother-in-law of M (5) None of these 11- 15. Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below: R D A K 5 B I 2 M J E N 9 7 U Z V 1 W 3 H 4 F Y 8 P 6 T G 11. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and immediately followed by a vowel? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) None of these 12. Which of the following is the eighth to the left of the seventeenth from the left end? (1) M (2) J (3) 8 (4)5 (5) None of these 13. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based of their positions in the above arrangement? (1) E 9 J (2) Z 1 U (3) H W 4 (4) Y 4 8 (5) B 2 K 14. Which of the following is the sixth to the right of the nineteenth from the right end? (1) 5 (2) Z (3) V (4)1 (5) None of these 15. How many such consonants are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by another consonant? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 16-20. Each of the questions below consists of a equation and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read the statements and _________ Give answer (1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question ,while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question ,while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (4) if the data given in both the statement I & II together are not sufficient to answer the question, and Give answer (5) if the data in both thestatement I & II together are necessary to answer the question. 16. How is ?never ? written in a code language? I . ?never ever go there? is written as ?na ja ni ho ? in that coed language. II . ?go there and come back ? is written as ?ma ho sa ni da? in that code language. 17. Among M, P, K, J, T and W, who is lighter than only the heaviest? I . P is heavier than M and T. II . W is heavier than P but lighter than J who is not the heaviest. 18. What does ? $ ? mean in a code language? I . ?5 $ # 3? means ?flowers are really good?. II . ?7 # 3 5? means ?good flowers are available?. 19. How is P related to J? I . M is brother of P and T is sister of P. II . P ?s mother is married to J ?s husband who has one son and two daughters. 20. How many students are there between Suresh and Mohan in a row of fifty students? I . Suresh is twelfth from the left end and Mohan is seventeenth from the right end. II . Suresh is six places away from Jayesh who is twentieth from the left end. 21-25. In each of the following question, a group of letters is to be coded by numbers/ symbol codes as per the codes given below and the conditions that follow. In each question, a group of letters is given followed by groups of numbers /symbol code numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4). The correct combination of codes is your answer. If none of the four combinations is correct, you answer is (5), i.e. ?None of these?. Letters : P D AF L H M R K T B E U Number/Symbol Code : 3 6 # 8 $4 2 7 @ 9 5 1 % Conditions: (I) If the first letters is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant, both are to be coded as ?0?. (II) If the first letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel, both are to be coded as ?©?. (III) If the first as well as the last letter are vowels, both are to be coded as the code for first letter. 21. KEDURT (1) @16%7@ (2)916%7@ (3) 916%79 (4) @16 $79 (5) None of these 22. EDRTMP (1) 167923 (2)167921 (3) 067920 (4)067923 (5) None of these 23. FHRAMU (1) 847#28 (2)%47#28 (3) 847#2% (4) ©47#2© (5) None of these 24. ULTPHE (1) %$934% (2)1 $9341 (3) %$9341 (4)1 $934% (5) None of these 25. HKEDLB (1) 5@16 $4 (2)4@16 $5 (3) ©@16 $4 (4)0@16 $5 (5) None of these 26-30. Read the following passage carefully and answers the questions given below it. A group of seven friends; A, B, C, D, E, F and G work as Economist, Agriculture Officer, IT Officer, Terminal Operator, Clerk, Forex Officer and Research Analyst, for Banks L, M, N, P, Q, R and S but not necessarily in the same order. C works for Bank N and is neither a Research Analyst nor a Clerk. E is an IT Officer and works for Bank R. A works as Forex Officer and does not work for Bank L or Q. The one who is an Agriculture Officer works for Bank M. The one who works for Bank L works and as a Terminal Operator. F works for Bank Q. G works for Bank P as a Research Analyst. D is not an Agriculture Officer. 26. Who amongst the following works as an Agriculture Officer? (1) C (2) B (3) F (4) D (5) None of these 27. What is the profession of C? (1) Terminal operator (2) Agriculture Officer (3) Economist (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 28. For which bank does B work? (1) M (2) S (3) L (4) Either M or S (5) None of these 29. What is the profession of the person who works for Bank S? (1) Clerk (2) Agriculture Officer (3) Terminal Operator (4) Forex Officer (5) None of these 30. Which of the following combinations of person , profession and bank is correct? (1) A - Forex Officer - M (2) D - Clerk - L (3) F - Agriculture - Officer - Q (4) B - Agriculture Officer - S (5) None of these 31-35. In the following questions, the symbols @, #, %, $ and © are used with the following meaning as illustrated below: ?P # Q? means ?P is neither greater than nor equal to Q?. ?P © Q? means ?P is neither equal to nor smaller than Q?. ?P % Q? means ?P is neither smaller than nor greater than Q?. ?P $ Q? means ?P is not smaller than Q?. ?P @ Q? means ?P is not greater than Q?. Now in each of the following question assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the three conclusions I, II and III given below them is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly. 31. Statements : R @ D, D © W,B $ W Conclusions : I . W # R II . B © D III. W $ R (1) None is true (2) Only I is true (3) Only III is true (4) Only either I or III is true (5) All are true 32. Statements : H $ V, V % M,K © M Conclusions : I . K © V II . M @ H III. H © K (1) Only I and III are true (2) Only II and III are true (3) Only I and II are true (4) All are true (5) None of these 33. Statements : K # T, T $ B, B@ F Conclusions : I . F $ T II . K # B III. T $ F (1) None is true (2) Only I is true (3) Only I and II are true (4) Only II and III are true (5) All are true 34. Statements : Z # F, R @ F, D© R Conclusions : I . Z # R II . F # D III. D © Z (1) None is true (2) Only I is true (3) Only III is true (4) Only either I or III is true (5) All are true 35. Statements : M © R, R % D,D @ N Conclusions : I . M © N II . N $ R II . M © D (1) Only I and II are true (2) Only II and III are true (3) Only I and III are true (4) All are true (5) None of these 36-40. Below in each question are given two statements (A) and (B). These statements may be either independent causes or may be effects of independent causes or a common cause. One of these statements may be the effect of the other statement. Read both the statements are decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts the relationship between these two statements. Mark answer (1) if statement (A) is the cause and statement (B) is its effect. Mark answer (2) if statement (B) is the cause and statement (A) is its effect. Mark answer (3) if both the statements (A ) and (B ) are independent causes. Mark answer (4) if both the statement (A) and (B ) are effects of independent causes. Mark answer (5) if both the statements (A) and (B) are effects of some common cause. 36. (A) State Govt . has ordered immediate ban on airing of certain movie channels on television. (B) Few social activists have come together and demanded ban on telecasting ?Adult? movies on television. 37. (A) Employment scenario in the country has remarkably improved recently. (B) The number of prospective job-seekers going abroad has increased recently. 38. (A) Government has tightened security checks at all important places and also at various public places. (B) Incidences of terrorist attacks are increasing day by day. 39. (A) High court has fixed a time limit for repairing all the roads in the city. (B) Road Development Authorities in the city are carrying out road work on urgent basis. 40. (A) There is an outbreak of several epidemics in the country. (B) There was a worst flood situation ever experienced in the past in most part of the country.