MPSC Exam Study Material

MPSC Exam Study Material 1. Land reforms promote triple revolution. Choose the correct option from the following : (1) Cultural, Political, Technological (2) Political, Social, Commercial (3) Economic, Political, Cultural (4) None of these 2. As per the 2011 census what was the rate of improvement in female literacy during 2001 to 2011 ? (1) 53.7 % to 65.5 % (2) 54.1% to 67.2 % (3) 52.3 % to 64.4 % (4) 55.3 % to 63.2 % 3. In plants, which enzyme is found in largest quantity ? (1) p galactosidase (2) RuBP carboxylase (3) Enterokinase (4) lleterokinase 4. The end product of aerobic respiration is : (1) CO2+CO (2) CO2+NO (3) C02+02 (4) CO2+H2O 5. The long term objective of population policy 2000 is to achieve stable population. During which of the following years this objective is targetted to be achieved ? (1) 2015 (2) 2025 (3) 2035 (4) 2045 6. Choose from the fo!lowing options what the "Malthusian Population Trap" is related to : (1) Population growth and positive checks (2) Population growth and preventive checks (3) Population growth and development (4) Population growth and fertility 7. What are the advantages of Microwave oven having microwave frequency of 2.45 GHz ? (a) There are no flames (b) Destruction of nutrients is less (c) There is a physical change in foods (d) Sterilization effected (1) (a), (b) and (d) (2) (a), (b) and (c) (3) (b), (c) and (d) (4) (c) and (d) 8. Raman effect is due to : (1) Inelastic collision of photon with e- (2) Elastic collision of photon with e- (3) Inelastic collision of photon with molecule (4) Elastic collision of photon with molecule 9. If a heavy load is pulled along a smooth horizontal surface, then the force acting on the load may be : (a) The applied force in the horizontal direction. (b) The force of gravity acting on the load vertically downwards (c) The force of friction acting in the horizontal direction opposite the motion (d) Reaction force due to the horizontal surface. Which of the above statements are true ? (1) (a) and (b) (2) (a), (b), (c) and (d) (3) (b), (c) and (d) (4) (a), (b) and (c) 10. The allotropes of carbon are . (a) Carbon halides (b) Diamond (c) Fullerenes (d) Graphite (e) Chaoite (1) All above (2) (b), (c), (d) (3) (a), (b), (c) (4) (a),(b), (d) 11. Oxygen occurs in nature in - isotopic forms. (1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 1 12. Choose correct statements from the following : (a) Sound waves travel fasler in solids than in gases. (b) Sound waves travel fastest through vacuum (c) Sound waves are longitudinal waves (d) Sound waves travel slower in gases than in liquids. (1) (a), jc) and (d) only (2) (a) and (b) only (3) (c) and (d) only (4) (b) and (d) only 13. Which Botanist introduced the 'Binomial' nomenclature to the plants ? (1 Bessey (2) Bmlham and Hooker (3) Carolus Linnaeus (4) 'Theophrastus 14. Which animal tissue synthesizes, stores and metabolizes fat ? (1) Epithelial tissue (2) Adipose tissue (3) Connective tissue (4) Muscle tissue 15. Viruses are : (1) Unicellular Organisms (2) Cellular without cell wall (3) Multicellular Organisms (4) Non-cellular Organisms 16. Spot the odd one out ? (1) Humerus (2) Femur (3) Radius (4) Scapula 17. Which of the following are essential whorls of the flowers ? (1) Sepal and Tepal (2) Sepal and Petal (3) Androecium and Gynoecium (4) Calyx and Stamens 18. Urea is transported by : (1) Plasma + Blood (3) RBC'+ CO2 (2) Blood + 02 (4) WBC + Saliva 19. Which of the following statements are true ? The guidelines for "the use of chemical additives in food processing" by Food Protection Committee in publication 398 include : (a) Use of antioxidants to maintain nutritional value. (b) Use of anti microbial agents and inert gases for food stability. (c) Use of colouring and flavouring agents to enhance the attractiveness. (d) Use of buffers in food processing. (1) All are true (2) (a), (b), (c) are true (3) (a) and (d) are ture (4) All are false 20. Which of the following statements is true ? (a) Indigo - blue is a natural dye. (b) Alizarin is a synthetic dye. (1) Both hue (2) (a) hue, (b) false (3) (a) false, (b) true (4) Both false 21. Upon hydrolysis, sucrose yields equimolar mixture of : (1) Glucose and ribose (2) Fructose and ribose (3) Glucose and fructose (4) Lactose and maltose 22. What is not a mixture ? (I) Water (2) Air (3) Soil (4) Chalk 23. The fundamental requirements for nitrogen fixation are : (a) Nihogenase (b) Ferredoxin (c) ATP (d) Aerobic conditions (1) All the above (2) (a), (b), (c) (3) (a), (b), (d) (4) (a), (c), (d) 24. In DNA, thymine always pairs with -- (1) Adenine (2) Cytosine (3) Guanine (4) Thymine 25. In protein synthesis, which RNA plays an improtant role ? (1) m RNA (2) t RNA (3) i RNA (4) r RNA 26. Under Article 22 of the Constitution of India, with the exception of certain provisions stated there in, what is the maximum period for detention of a person under preventive detention ? (1) 2 months (2) 3 months (3) 4 months (4) 6 months 27. Which of the following statutory provisions will you view as the most effective instrument of rural socio-economic distributive justice in the independent India ? (1) Forest Rights Act (2) Agricultural Tenancy Act (3) Agricultural Land Ceiling Act (4) Debt Relief Act 28. Which of the following two statements is correct ? (a) The soda commonly used in the kitchen for making tasty crispy pokodas is baking soda. The baking soda is a sodium carbonate. (b) Washing soda is usually used as a cleaning agent for domestic purposes and in glass, soap, paper industries. The washing soda is sodium hydrogen carbonate. (1) Only (a) (2) only (b) (3) Both (a) and (b) (4) Neither (a) nor (b) 29. The Chairman and Members of the National Human Rights Commission are appointed on the recommendations of a committee consisting of : (a) Speaker of the Lok Sabha (b) Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha (c) Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha (d) Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha (e) Prime Minister (f) Union Home Minister Select the correct answer from the codes given below : (1) (a), (c), (4 and (f) (2) (a), (c) and (e) (3) (a), (c), (d) and (e) (4) (a). (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) 30. Consider the following two statements : (a) Our stomach produces hydrochloric acid. It helps in digestion of food. During indigestion the stomach produces too much acid causing pain and irritation. (b) Magnesium hydroxide (milk of magnesia) is often used in the above condition which is an analgesic Which is a completely correct statement ? (1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Both (a) and (b) (4) Neither (a) nor (b) PSC Placement Paper MPSC Previous Year Question Paper 1. Which of the following plays were written by Harshavardhan ? (i) Priyadarsika (ii) Ratanavali (iii) Nagananda Answer options : (1) (i) only (2) (i) and (ii) only (3) (ii) and (iii) only (4) All the three 2. Who has rejected the 'Safety Valve Theory' about the foundation of the Congress calling it the 'myth' ? (1) A. 0. Hume (2) A. R. Desai (3) Tarachand (4) Bipan Chandra 3. He was given the title of Nizam-ul-Mulk. He was made the Governor of the Deccan. He founded the Asaf Jahi dynasty. His successors are called the Nizams of Hyderabad. Identify him : (1) Chin Quilich Khan (2) Murshid Quli Khan (3) Saadat Khan (4) Husain Ali Khan 4. The Maratha power suffered from certain basic weaknesses which led to its downfall. Which of the following was not one among them ? (1) The nature of their political svstem the Marathas alienated the sympathies of other people. (2) Their raids into the territories of other rulers made new enemies. (3) The levies charged by them added to the oppression of the common people, particularly peasants and traders. (4) None of the above 5. Which of the following statements are true about Ajatashatru ? (a) His name was also Kunika. (b) He was the last ruler of the Haryanka dynasty. (c) The first Budhist council was held at Rajgruh during his regime. (d) He integrated Lichhavi kingdom into Magadh. Answer options : (1) (a), (b) and (d) (2) (a), (c) and (d) (3) (a), (b) and (c) (4) (b), (c) and (d) 6. Arrange the following British trading centres in their chronological order. Choose the correct answer option. (i) Calcutta (ii) Sura t (iii) Madras (iv) Bombay Answer options : (1) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) (2) (iv), (i), (iii), (ii) (3) (ii), (iii), (iv), (i) (4) (ii), (iii), (i), (iv) 7. Who, among the following revolutionaries, was an atheist and a socialist in approach ? (1) Damodar Chaphekar (2) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar (3) Arabindo Ghosh (4) Bhagat Singh 8. Which one of the following statements about the Faizpur Session of Congress is not true ? (1) It was the first Session of Congress held in the rural area. (2) It was attended by about 40,000 peasants (3) Dhanajinana Choudhari and Sane Guruji played an important role in organizing this session. (4) Shankarrao Deo presided over this session. 9. The early nationalists provided the firm foundation to the 20th century freedom movement through : (1) Politics of petitions (2) Constitutional means (3) Agitational way (4) Economic critique of colonialism 10. Read statements (A) and (B) and choose appropriate option from the answer options : (A) Megasthenes mentions seven castes into which the Indian society was divided. (B) Megasthenes confused castes with professions. Answer options : (1) Both (A) and (8) are true, and (B) is the correct explanation of (A). (2) Both (A) and (B) are true, but (B) is not the correct explanation of (A). (3) (A) is true, but (B) is false. (4) (A) is false, but (B) is true. 11. Match the pairs. (Choose the correct answer option). List-I & List-I1 (a) Adil shahi (i) Bidar (b) Nizam shahi (ii) Golconda (c) Imad shahi (ii~) Vijapur (d) Qutub Shahi (iv) Ahemadnagax (e) Barid Shahi (vj Berar Answer options : (a) (b) (c) (4 (e) (1) (iii) (v) (ii) (iv) (i) (2) (v) (iv) (i) (ji) (iii) (3) (iii) (iv) (v) (ii) (i) (4) (v) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) 12. The most outstanding Rajput ruler in the post Aurangzeb period was Sawai Raja Jai Singh of Amber. He built the beautiful city of Jaipur. He also erected astronomical observatories at five places. At how many of the following places he did not erect these ? (a) Banaras (b) Ujjain (c) Mathura (d) Udaipur (e) Allahabad Answer options : (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four 13. Who among the following strongly opposed the interference of the Ulemas in the affairs of the state ? (i) Balban (ii) Alauddin Khilji (iii) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq (iv) Firoze Shah Tughlaq Answer options : (1) (i) and (ii) (3) (iii) and (iv) (2) (ii) and (iii) (4) (iv) and (i) 14. The princely states that were unwilling to join the Indian Union until July 1947 included : (a) Baroda (b) Travancore (c) Bikaner (d) Bhopal (1) All the above (2) (a), (c) (3) (b). (c) (4) (b), (d) 15. The Great Mughals included Babar, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb in that chronological order. The Mughal emperors who came to the throne after the death of Aurangzeb are called the Later Mughals. Arrange the following four Later Mughals in their chronoiogical order. (a) Ahmad Shah (b) Bahadur Shah (c) Jahandar Shah (d) Mohammad Shah Answer options : (1) Ahmad Shah, Bahadur Shah, Jahandar Shah, Mohammad Shah (2) Bahadur Shah, Jahandar Shah, Mohammad Shah, Ahmad Shah (3) Bahadur Shah, Mohammad Shah, Jahandar Shah, Ahmad Shah (4) Jahandar Shah, Mohammad Shah, Bahadur Shah, Ahmad Shah 16. Consider the following two statements : (A) There are deserts between 10" and 20" latitudes in both the hemispheres (B) Between 10" and 20" latitudes evaporation exceeds precipitation Answer options : (1) Both (A) and (B) are hue and (B) is the reason for (A) (2) Both (A) and (B) are true but (B) is not the reason for (A) (3) Only (A) is true (4) Only (B) is true 17. Which of the following statements is incorrect ? (a) Chauth : Tax realised by Marathas from the areas outside their domain-equal to one fourth of the revenue paid to the Mughal Empire. (b) Sardeshmukhi : Tax realised by the Marathas equal to one tenth of the land revenue. (c) Misl : Political unit among the Rajputs, each loyal to its own particular leader. Answer options : (1) Only (a) (2) (b) and (c) (3) Only (c) (4) None 18. The Ganga i'la~ns accomodate . . percent of population of India. (1) 13 (2) 23 (3) 33 (4) 43 19. Match the following : Column A & Column B (a) Hawaiian Type (i) Erupt with great force (b) Strombolian (ii) Most violent (c) Vulcanian (iii) E~pqtui etly (d) Peleean Type (iv) Erupt continuously (a) (b) (4 (4 (1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) (2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (3) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii) (4) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) 20. Match the following : Column A & Column B (a) Gulf of Tonkin (i) Arctic Ocean (b) Parsian Gulf (ii) China Sea (c) Gulf of Aquaba (iii) Indian Ocean (d) Gulf of Ob (iv) Red sea (a) (b) (c) (4 (1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (2) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv) (3) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii) (4) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i) 21. Match the following pairs and choose the correct option from those given below : Tribes & States (a) Angami (i) Zarkhand (b) Kota (ii) Assam (c) Munda (iii) Nilgiri mountain (Tamil Nadu) (d) Chutiya (iv) Nagaland Answer options : (a) (b) (c) (dl (1) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (2) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i) (3) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii) (4) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii) 22. Teej a Hindu festival is dedicated to which Goddess ? (1) Lakshmi (2) Saraswati (3) Parvati (4) Durga 23. Tea is made from young leaves of the tea plant. Chinese were the earliest tea drinkers in the world. The British first discovered the Assam tea in 1829 in the forests of North-East India. The popular brands in the world are : (a) Large leaved China tea (b) Small leaved Assam tea Answer options : (1) Only (a) is correct (2) Only (b) is correct (3) Both (a) and (b) are correct (4) Neither (a) nor (b) is correct 24. Consider the following two statements : (a) Tropical Evergreen forests : Scattered distribution of onc particular species of tree eg. Rosewood. (b) 'Tropical Deciduous Forests : They have fewer species but they are found in close proximity eg. Teak. Now state whether : (1) Only (a) is true (2) Only (b) is true (3) Both (a) and (b) are true (4) Neithel. (a) nor (b) is true 25. Newly developed 'Ennore' port near Chennai is the th largest port in the country and th largest port on the eastern coast. (1) 6 and12 (2) 8 and 20 (3) I2 and 6 (4) 4 and 9 MPSC Question-Paper MPSC Solved Question Paper 1. The respiration is carried on by (A) Kidneys (B) Brain (C) Intestine (D) Lungs Ans (D) 2. Which is the outer protective cover of the body? (A) Skeleton (B) Hair (C) Skin (D) None of these Ans (C) 3. Which collects the blood from the organs? (A) Arteries (B) Veins (C) Lungs (D) Nerves Ans (B) 4. Which removes waste materials from the body? (A) Kidneys (B) Lungs (C) Heart (D) Brain Ans (A) 5. Which of the following is well developed and functional in grazing animals? (A) Appendix (B) Liver (C) Duodenum (D) Rectum Ans (A) 6. How many teeth will the children have? (A) 10 (B) 15 (C) 28 (D) 20 Ans (D) 7. What is inner lining of the alimentary canal called ? (A) oesophagus (B) Mucous membrance (C) Muscle (D) Muscular Ans (B) 8. Which of the following is not a part of the alimentary canal? (A) Mouth (B) Stomach (C) Small intestine (D) lungs Ans (D) 9. Liver and pancreas are the ________ glands. (A) blood clear (B) digestive (C) breathing (D) none of these Ans (B) 10. _________ is a sticky substance in saliva and provides easy movement for food. (A) Insulin (B) Amylase (C) Mucin (D) none of these Ans (C) 11. Nose opens at the uuper end of _____ through a pair of internal nostrils. (A) Larnyx (B) Trachea (C) Pharnyx (D) none of these Ans (C) 12. Which of the following is a long tube and wind pipe? (A) Bronchi (B) Nasal canal (C) Pharnyx (D) Trachea Ans (D) 13. How many lungs are present in the human body? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) none of these Ans (B) 14. The lungs are covered by two membrances called as _______ (A) Veins (B) Air sacs (C) pleura (D) none of these Ans (C) 15. The normal temperature of a human body is _____ (A) 98.4ºC (B) 98.4ºF (C) 99.0ºC (D) 99.0ºF Ans (B) 16. What is the temperature of boiling water? (A) 100ºC (B) 32ºC (C) 180ºF (D) 32ºF Ans (A) 17. Units which can be expressed in terms of two or more fundamental units of mass or called____ units (A) Derived (B) defined (C) undefined (D) underived Ans (A) 18. The mean distance of sun from the earth is called (A) Astronomical units (B) Lightyear (C) Astrological units (D) Angstroms Ans (A) 19. One nano metre = (A) 10Aº (B) 11Aº (C) 12Aº (D) 10.5Aº Ans (A) 20. Which of the following is known as acqua gold (A) Sulphuric acid (B) Nitric Acid (C) Hydrochloric Acid (D) Ammonia 21. The force is the product of _____ (A) velocity and acceleration (B) the speed and acceleration (C) mass and speed (D) mass and acceleration Ans (D) 22. Root part is represented in a mature emryo by (A) plumule (B) radicle (C) chalaza (D) cotyledons Ans (B) 23. Bone deformities occur due to the excessive intake of (A) phosphorus (B) potassium (C) fatti acid (D) fluorine Ans (D) 24. Excess of fat in the body is stored in (A) Adipose tissue (B) Acrosome (C) Connective tissue (D) Bone marrow Ans (A) 25. Disease caused by HIV virus is (A) mumps (B) plague (C) AIDS (D) tuberculosis Ans (C) MPSC Question-Paper MPSC Exam Paper 1. Who is the father of Periodic Table? Answer: Dimithri Mendeleev 2. Number of horizontal rows in periodic table? Answer: 7 periods. 3. Number of vertical columns in periodic table? Answer: 18 (groups) 4. Shortest period? Answer: First period (Only two elements) 5. Longest period? Answer: Sixth period (Contain 32 elements) 6. Man made elements are called? Answer: Transuranics 7. Which is the first man made element? Answer: Technetium 8. Mendeleev?s periodic table based on? Answer: Atomic weight 9. Modern periodic table based on? Answer: Atomic number 10. Birth hormone? Answer: Oxytoxin 11. Milk ejection hormone? Answer: Oxytoxin 12. Hormone secreted by hypothalamus? Answer: Vasopressin and Oxytoxin 13. An Anti Diuretic Hormone (ADH)? Answer: Vasopressin 14. Hyposecretion of ADH causes a disorder known as? Answer: Diabetes insipidus 15. Hormone promotes the reabsorption of water by kidney tubules? Answer: Vasopressin 16. Supra renal gland? Answer: Adrenal gland 17. Which is the Image forming Eye layer? Answer: Retina 18. Which is the light sensitive pigment of rod cells? Answer: Rhodopsin 19. Rhodopsin synthesized from: Answer: Vitamin A 20. Most prominent pigment found in the cones? Answer: Iodopsin 21. The area of sharpest vision? Answer: Yellow spot 22. Myopia can be corrected with? Answer: Concave lenses 23. Hypermetropia can be corrected with? Answer: Convex lenses 24. Astigmatism can be corrected with? Answer: Cylindrical lenses 25. Increased pressure in the eye ball is known as? Answer: Glaucoma 26. Silent blinder? Answer: Glaucoma 27. Twenty ?Twenty means? Answer: Perfect vision 28. Study of Eye diseases is called? Answer: Ophthalmology 29. Father of ecosystem Ecology? Answer: Eugene P. Odum 30. The largest man made ecosystem? Answer: Agroecosystem (Agriculture) 31. Ecologically friendly tourism? Answer: Ecotourism 32. Father of ecology in India? Answer: R. Mishra 33. The rich source of energy which never causes Air pollution? Answer: Solar energy 34. Producers which change solar energy into? Answer: Chemical Energy 35. The total weight of living organisms per unit is called? Answer: Biomass MPSC Whole-Testpaper MPSC Previous Paper 1. Arrange the following States in descending order of their forest area, according to forest survey report 2009 : (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Maharashtra (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Chattisgarh Answer options : (1) (c), (d), (a), (b) (2) (a), (c), (b), (d) (3) (d), (c), (b), (a) (4) (c), (a), (d), (b) 2. Which of the following hills connect Eastern and Western Ghats ? (1) Biligri (2) Nilgiri (3) Nimgiri (4) Nailamala 3. Match thc following and choose the correct option from those given below : Shifting Cultivation State (a) Jhum (i) Chattisgarh (b) Podu (ii) Keral (c) Ponam (iii) Assam (d) Dahiya (iv) Andhra Pradesh Answer options : (a) (b) (c) (d) (1) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) (2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (3) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) (4) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii) 4. Match the foliowing and choose the correct option from those given below : River Water fall (a) Sharavati (i) Gokak (b) Kaveri (ii) Chulia (c) Ghatprabha (iii) Shivsamudram (d) Chambal (iv) Girsappa (a) (b) (c) (4 (1) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii) (2) (ii) (i) (iii) (iv) (3) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i) (4) (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) 5. Which of the following factors determine diurnal and seasonal vxiation in intensity and amount of solar radiation ? (a) Inclination of the axis of the earth. (b) Length of the day. (c) Extent of clouds (d) Angle of inclination of the Sun's rays Answer options : (1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c) (3) (c) and (d) (4) All the above 6. Accumulation of mercury into human body Leads to --------------- disease (1) Itai-itai (2) Methaemoglobinanemia (3) Minamata (4) Polio 7. The continuous increase in concentration of a toxicant at successive trophic levels in food chain is : (1) Biodegradation (2) Biomagnifiratlon (3) Bioaccumulation (4) Biorernediation 8. The main gas responsible for ozone depletion is : (1) Carbon dioxide (2) Nitrogen dioxide (3) Methane (4) Chloro fluro carbon 9. Heterotrophic organisms, chiefly bacteria and fungi that breakdown the complex compounds of dead protoplasm and release simple usable substances for other organisms are : (1) Autotrophs (2) Decomposers (3) Consutners (4) Omnivorous 10. The First National Park established in India was -------? (1) Jim Corbett (2) Sanjay Gandhi (3) Gir (4) Kanha 11. Which of the following is considered as a land mark year in the history of legislative action in India for environment concerns during which National Committee for Environment Planning and Co-ordination (NCEPC) was set up 7 (1) 1973 (2) 1971 (3) 1972 (4) 1974 18. Kidneys are helping to maintain pH balance by which of the following ? (I) Adding hydrogen ions to filtrate (2) Removal of hydrogen ions from blood (3) Dissolving calcium and sodium ions in blood (4) Removing carbonate ions from blood 19. One of the worst natural disasters of the World was the cyclone struck in Bangladesh. As many as 3,00,000 people, lost their lives, it is said. When did the disaster struck Bangladesh, then East Pakistan ? (1) 1970 (2) 1960 (3) 1950 (4)1940 20. Silicon Valley, California, United States is one of the greatest science parks in the world today as it contains hundreds of hightech information technology industries. Which of the following two statements about the Sillicon Valley is correct ? (A) Silicon Valley was once called the "Valley of Heart's Delight" (B) It was so called because hundreds and thousands of varieties of flowers bloomed therein. (1) Only (A) (2) Only (B) (3) Both (A) and (B) (4) Neither (A) nor (B) 21. Human development report of 2011, presented Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) estimates of 109 countries. What proportion of population according to this report, in these countries experience multidimensional poverty? (1) 1/2 (2) 1/3 (3) 1/4 (4) 1/5 22. What are the core values of development as described by Amartya Sen and Goulet D ? Choose the correct option given below : (1) Sustenance, self esteem, freedom, capabilites, entitlement. (2) Health, nutrition, education, capabilities, entitlement (3) Food, clothing, shelter, dl.inking water, sanitation (4) Increase in national income, per capita income, basic needs, freedom, education 23. The June 2012, Iiio + 20 conference on sustainable developn~enta dvocated the "green economy" model. In whose book the term '~eenec onomy' was coined ? (1) Ainartva Sen, D. Friedman, Samueisan (2) D. Pearce, A Markandya, E.Barbier (3) I. Quadeer, W. Berry, N. Matekar (4) D. Greenberg, J Taylor, Schmidth 24. The velocity of radio waves is (I) Greater than velocity of light (2) As that of velocity of light (3) Less than velocity of light (4) Exactly double the velocity of light 25. According to 2011 census how many cities in India have mare than 1 million population ? (1) 52 (2) 53 (3) 54 (4) 55