MPPSC Solved Question Paper

MPPSC Solved Question Paper 1. In which district of MP is the Industry of traction alternators of Diesel engines proposed in the rail budget 2012-13 ? A. Satna B. Gwalior C. Vidisha D. Bhopal Ans: C 2. In which district of P Mandideep Industrial cluster is situated ? A. Vidisha B. Bhopal C. Sehore D. Raisen Ans: D 3. In which district of MP is railway sleeper manufacturing factory situated ? A. Sehore B. Bhopal C. Hoshangabad D. Betul Ans: A 4. Who was the first woman CM of MP ? A. Vimla Sharma B. Vijaya Raje Scindia C. Nirmala Yadav D. Uma Bharti Ans: D 5. Jaldeep Yojana was initially started by MP Govt. from which reservoir ? A. Indira Sagar B. Gandhi Sagar C. Baan Sagar D. Yehswant Sagar Ans: A 6. At present, who is the speaker of MP Assembly ? A. Ishwardas Rohani B. Mukund Navalkar C. Sreenivas Tewari D. None of above Ans: A 7. Who was the of MP on 1-11-2000 at the time of division f state ? A. Arjun Singh B. Digvijay Singh C. Sundarlal Patwa D. Virendra Kumar Saklecha Ans: B 8. From where the Reliance industries got the coal bed Methane reserve in MP ? A. Suhagpur B. Guna C. Balaghat D. Rewa Ans: A 9. Where is Dushyant kumar manuscript museum situated ? A. Bhopal B. Jabalpur C. Ujjain D. Balaghat Ans: C 10. Who constructed the Sanchi stupa ? A. Chandragupta B. Gautam Budha C. Mahavira D. Ashoka Ans: D 11. Which of the following protocol may be used for accessing world wide web ? A. HTTP B. SMTP C. SLIP D. None of above Ans: A 12. Which of the following is the valid domain name extension ? A. .com B. .gov C. .net D. All the above Ans: D 13. URL Stands for ? A. Unique resource locator B. Universal Resource Locator C. Uniform Resource Locator D. United Resource Locator Ans: C 14. E-mail stands for ? A. Elecrical Mail B. Electonic Mail C. Elastic Mail D. None of above Ans: D 15. Which of the following is free E-Mail service provider ? A. Hotmail B. Rediffmail C. Yahoo D. All the above Ans: D 16. HTML stands for ? A. Hybrid Text Markup Language B. Hypertext Markup Language C. Higher Text Markup Language D. None of Above Ans: B 17. A computer virus is ? A. A computer program that can replicate itself B. A Virus that affect health of Human Being C. Both of above D. None of Above Ans: A 18. A Computer hacker is ? A. A person who maintains computer security B. a person who vilates computer security with malicious intension for personal gain C. a person responsible for safe operation D. a person who repairs computer Ans: B 19. Video conferencing is ? A. conduct of vide calls using telecom technology B. Conduct of telephone calls C. conduct f video conference using a set of telescope technology D. None of the above Ans: A 20. Cyber crime is ? A. Hacking B. Stalking C. Denial of Service attach D. All of the above Ans: D 21. Which of the following musician was selected in 2013 for Lifetime achievement Grammy Award ? A. Pandit Grijishankar B. Jakir Hussaen C. AR Rehman D. Pandit Ravishankar Ans: D 22. MP accountant general?s office is situated in which of the following cities ? A. Bhopal B. Gwalior C. Jabalpur D. Reva Ans: B 23. In which city is RCVP Naronha administrative academy situated ? A. Jabalpur B. MMussoorie C. Mumbai D. Bhopal Ans: A 24. All offences punishable under the protection of Civil Right Act. 1955 are ? A. Cognizable and Non-Bialable B. Cognizbale and Non-Compoundable C. Non-Cognizable and Bialable D. Non-Cognizable and commoundable Ans: B 25. An offence arising out of ?Untouchability? would not made out where ? A.The act of accused with regard to the enjoyment f benefit under a charitable trust created for the benefit of any section of the general public B. The act of accused is with regard to the use of finery C. As accused is not being copetent to commit an offence D. The accused and complainant victim belong to the same social group. Ans: D MPPSC Placement Paper MPPSC Previous Year Solved Paper 1. How many players play on the ground from oneteam in Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Volleyball and basket ball respectively? A.7,9,5,6 B.5,6,7,9 C.9,7,6,5 D.5,7,6,9 Answer: C 2. Which of the following award is given by MP a coach for his dedication in sports ? A.Dronacharya Award B.Parashuram Award C.Vikram Award D.Sandipani Award 3. What is the name of the goalkeeper of Indian Hockey team which won gold medals in 1956 and 1964 olympic game ? A.Dhyanchand B.Ajitpal singh C.Roop singh D.Shankar Laxman Answer: D 4. Which cricket player among the following has been honored by BCCI giving him CK Naidu Life time achievement Award ? A.Sunil gavaskar B.Anil Kumble C.Sachin Tedulkar D.Saurav Ganguly Answer: A 5. Who among the following won the World BilliardChampionship 2012 ? A.Mike Russel B.Rupesh Shah C.Dhruva Sitwala D.Pankaj Advani 6. Who among the following was awarded the prestigious ?Kalidas Saan? of MP Government in November 2012 ? A.Lata Mangeskar B.Amir Khan C.Anupam Kher D.Pandit Ravishankar Answer: C 7. Maximum soyabean is produced in which area of MP among the following ? A.Malwa B.Bundelkhand C.Baghelkhand D.None of above Answer: A 8. The boundary of which district of MP among following does not touch UP ? A.Bhind B.Satana C.Shivpuri D.Sheopur Answer: D 9. Which one of the following is the smallest district of MP by population ? A.Sheopur B.Raisen C.Datia D.Harda Answer: D 10. Who among the following was the First CM of MP ? A.Ravishankar Shukla B.Kailash Katju C.Pattabhi Sitarammaiya D.None of above Answer: A 11. What is the Number of Jyortirlings in MP out of twelve jyortirlingas of India ? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 Answer: B 12. With whom among the following MANDU is associated ? A.Jijai Rao B.Rani Rupmati C.Allauddin Khan D.Jhalkari Bai Answer: B 13.Which one of the following tribes of MP is the Biggest Population ? A.Saharia B.Bheel C.Cole D.Bharia Answer: B 14. Where among the following famous place for sculpture ?Phadake Studio? is situated ? A. Gwalior B.Reva C.Dhar D.Bhopal Answer: C 15. Where is the all India Classical Dance festival organized every year in MP ? A.Panchmarhi B.Khajuraho C.Gwalior D.Orachha Answer: B 16. Sometime back, parliament of which country has given extension of Six Months t constitutional assembly to frame new constitution ? A.Bhutan B.Nepal C.China D.None of above Answer: B 17.By end of which year America has given call to withdraw 33000 soldiers from afhanistan ? A.2012 B.2013 C.2014 D.2015 Answer: C 18. In November 2011, the Pakistan and china held a joint military exercise along which of the following river ? A.Indus B.Chenab C.Jhelam D.None of above Answer: C 19. Which of the following contries boycotted the International conference on Syria ? A.China B.Russia C.USA D.Both A, B Answer: D 20. First lady other than the queen of bitain who had addressed both houses of british parliament is ? A.India Gandhi B.Benazir Bhutto C.Sonia Gandhi D.Aung San Suukyi Answer: D 21. Sir creek dispute is in between which of the following two country ? A.India-Pakistan B.Afganistan-Pakistan C.China-India D.India-Bangladesh Answer: A 22. Anna Hazare got what place in the list of 36 demonstrators released by TIME Now ? A.1st B.5th C.10th D.12th Answer: B 23. Which one of the following is the National Voters day ? A.5th June B.1st November C.25th January D.8th March Answer: B 24. Where was the asian shooting championship, 2012 organized ? A.Kaula lampur B.Colombo C.Azerbaijan D.Doha Answer: D 25. In which country is Malaya being treated ? A.Pakistan B.Britain C.America D.Germany Answer: B MPPSC General-Studies MPPSC Old Paper for Preparation 1. India was part of an ancient super continent called Gondwanaland. It included present day? (A) South America (B) Africa (C) Australia (D) All of these Ans : (D) 2. Which plateau lies between the Aravalli and the Vindhya ranges ? (A) Malwa plateau (B) Chhota Nagpur plateau (C) Deccan plateau (D) Peninsular plateau Ans : (A) 3. Which state of India has borders with three countries namely Nepal, Bhutan and China ? (A) Arunachal Pradesh (B) Meghalaya (C) West Bengal (D) Sikkim Ans : (D) 4. The leading state in wheat production in India is? (A) Punjab (B) Haryana (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Madhya Pradesh Ans : (C) 5. Which state is the largest producer of tobacco in India ? (A) Gujarat (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) Karnataka (D) Madhya Pradesh Ans : (B) 6. One horned rhinoceros is found in the following states? (A) Arunachal Pradesh and Tripura (B) West Bengal and Assam (C) Arunachal Pradesh and Assam (D) West Bengal and Tripura Ans : (B) 7. Which of the following is different from the remaining three ? (A) Haematite (B) Magnetite (C) Limonite (D) Bauxite Ans : (D) 8. States with the highest and lowest density of population in India are respectively? (A) Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh (B) West Bengal and Arunachal Pradesh (C) Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim (D) West Bengal and Sikkim Ans : (B) 9. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below? (a) Hirakud Project (b) Haldia Refinery (c) Tarapur Nuclear Station (d) Kudremukh Hills 1. West Bengal 2. Orissa 3. Karnataka 4. Maharashtra Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 1 2 4 3 (C) 2 1 4 3 (D) 1 2 3 4 Ans : (C) 10. Arrange the following in decreasing order of size and select the correct answer from the codes given below? 1. Jupiter 2. Uranus 3. Earth 4. Saturn Codes : (A) 1, 4, 3, 2 (B) 4, 1, 2, 3 (C) 1, 4, 2, 3 (D) 4, 1, 3, 2 Ans : (C) 11. Arrange the following from west to east and select the correct answer from the codes given below? 1. London 2. Lisbon 3. Frankfurt 4. Beirut Codes : (A) 1, 2, 3, 4 (B) 2, 1, 3, 4 (C) 2, 1, 4, 3 (D) 1, 2, 4, 3 Ans : (B) 12. Match the following and select the correct answer from the codes given below? (a) Kenya (b) Uganda (c) Uzbekistan (d) Ukraine 1. Tashkent 2. Nairobi 3. Kiev 4. Kampala Codes : (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 2 1 3 (B) 2 4 1 3 (C) 2 4 3 1 (D) 4 2 3 1 Ans : (B) 13. Maximum strength of Lok Sabha as stipulated in the Constitution of India is? (A) 547 (B) 545 (C) 552 (D) None of these Ans : (C) 14. Which of the following political parties is not a national party as recognized by the Election Commission of India ? (A) Nationalist Congress Party (B) Bahujan Samaj Party (C) Communist Party of India (D) Samajwadi Party Ans : (D) 15. Consider the following statements with respect to qualification to become the member of Rajya Sabha and select the correct answer from the codes given below? 1. should be at least 30 years of age 2. should be registered as a voter on the list of voters in the state from which the candidate is to be elected 3. should not hold office of profit under the state Codes : (A) 1 and 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2 and 3 are correct (D) 1, 2 and 3 are correct 16. The 44th Amendment in the Constitution of India removed the following right from the category of Fundamental Right? (A) Freedom of speech (B) Constitutional remedies (C) Property (D) Freedom of religion Ans : (C) 17. Which among the following sectors contributes most to the GDP of India ? (A) Primary sector (B) Secondary sector (C) Tertiary sector (D) All three contribute equally Ans : (C) 18. Which is the final authority in India to approve Five Year Plans ? (A) Union Council of Ministers (B) Planning Commission (C) Prime Minister (D) None of these Ans : (D) 19. Who is called the pioneer of liberalization of Indian Economy ? (A) Dr. Manmohan Singh (B) P.V. Narsimha Rao (C) Dr. Bimal Jalan (D) P. Chidambaram Ans : (A) 20. Green Index has been developed by? (A) World Bank?s environmentally and socially sustainable development division (B) United Nations environment programme (C) United Nations development programme (D) Kyoto Protocol Ans : (B) 21. Public Distribution System is aimed at? (A) Providing food security to the poor (B) To prevent hoarding and black-marketing (C) To prevent overcharging by traders (D) All of the above Ans : (D) 22. Who among the following released ?Citizens guide to fight corruption? ? (A) Ministry of Family Welfare (B) Consumer Co-operative Societies (C) Central Vigilance Commission (D) Transparency International Ans : (D) 23. Which of the following is not included in Human Development Index ? (A) Life Expectary (B) Real per Capita Income (C) Social Inequality (D) Adult Literacy Ans : (C) 24. Bharat Nirman includes (select the correct answer from the codes given below)? 1. Bring an additional one crore hectares under assured irrigation 2. To provide road connectivity to all villages that have a population of 2000 3. To give telephone connectivity to the remaining villages Codes : (A) 1 and 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2 and 3 are correct (D) None of the above Ans : (B) 25. What is the size of the eleventh five year plan of India ? (A) Rs. 3,64,471 crore (B) Rs. 36,447 crore (C) Rs. 36,44,718 crore (D) Rs. 3,64,47,185 crore Ans : (C) 26. Consider the following statements and select the correct answer from the codes given below? 1. In Beijing Olympics, Abhinav Bindra won gold medal in 10 metres rifle shooting. 2. In Beijing Olympics, Sushil Kumar won bronze medal in fly weight boxing. Codes : (A) 1 is correct (B) 2 is correct (C) Both are correct (D) None of these Ans : (A) 27. When did India last win a hockey gold medal at the Olympics ? (A) 1964 Tokyo (B) 1972 Munich (C) 1976 Montreal (D) 1980 Moscow Ans : (D) 28. This great hockey player was the prolific goal scorer (24 goals approximately) in 1932 and 1936 Olympics. There was demand in the media to celebrate his birth centenary on 8th September 2008. He spent his later life in Gwalior. Identify him? (A) Dhyan Chand (B) Captain Roop Singh (C) Gurmeet Singh (D) A.I.S. Dara Ans : (A) 29. Virendra Sehwag scored his second triple century in the test cricket. He became only the third player in the history to do so. The other two are? (A) Brian Lara and Gary Sobers (B) Donald Bradman and Wally Hammond (C) Gary Sobers and Wally Hammond (D) Donald Bradman and Brian Lara Ans : (D) 30. Who among the following won the Rajeev Gandhi Khel Ratna Award last year (2008) ? (A) M.S. Dhoni (B) Vishwanathan Anand (C) Abhinav Bindra (D) Sachin Tendulkar Ans : (A) MPPSC Question-Paper MPPSC Solved Paper 1.Nagarjuna sagar dam is situated in which state of India ? A.Tamil nadu B.Andhra Pradesh C.Karnataka D.Orrisa Answer: B 2. The Himalayan mountain ranges are not a part of which of the following state ? A.Uttarakhand B.UP C.Sikkim D.Himachal Pradesh Answer: C 3. Which of the following is the general direction of flow of summer mansoon in India ? A.South to north B.South-West to South-East C.South-East to South-West D.South-West to North-West Answer: D 4.What is sex ratio as per Census 2011 ? A.935 B.940 C.945 D.950 Answer: B 5. Which of the following is First National park of India ? A.Kanha National Park B.Dudhwa National Park C.Rajaji National Park D.Corbett National Park Answer: D 6. Alaska is part of which country ? A.Greenland B.USA C.Canada D.Russia Answer: B 7. In which of the following continents the Andes Mountain range is located ? A.Australia B.Europe C.South America D.North America Answer: C 8. The equator does not pass through which of the Following country ? A.Kenya B.Mexico C.Indonesia D.Brazil Answer: B 9. Which of the following city is known as city of canals ? A.Amsterdam B.Rome C.Venice D.Athens Answer: C 10. Which one of following state does not share boarder with Bhutan ? A.Sikkim B.Meghalaya C.Arunachal Pradesh D.West bengal Answer: B 11. Which among the following is INCORRECT statement about constituent assembly ? A.It worked with the help of a large number of com-mittees, the most important among them being the drafting committee B.Minorities comunities were adequately represented in the assembly C.It was elected on the basis of universal adult fran-chise D.Its electoral processw as based on 6th Schedule ofthe act of 1935 which allowed for a restricted fran-chise based on tax, property and eduction qualificaiton. Answer: C 12. The party system is the part of which larger systems among the following A.Social system B.Economic system C.Political system D.International System Answer: C 13. RBI issues currency notes against which of the following A.Gold B.Foreign security C.Govt. of India security D.All the above Answer: D 14. The consultative committee of members of parliament for railway zones is constituted by whichof the following ? A.President of India B.Minstry of railways C.Ministry of parliament affairs D.Ministry of transport Answer: C 15. Which one of the following is the period of 12th Five year plan ? A. 2007-2012 B. 2012-2017 C. 2010-2015 D. 2006-2011 Answer: B 16. In India, National income is computed by which ofthe following ? A.Planning commission B.Ministry of Finance C.Central statistical Organization D.RBI Answer: C 17. Who among the following is associated with ?White Revolution? ? A.PJ Kurein B.Veghese Kurein C.MS Swaminathan D.MS Raghunathan Answer: B 18. Which of the following banks is the central bank of India ? A.State bank of India B.Bank of India C.Union bank of India D.Reserve bank of India Answer: D 19. Who among the follwing was the speaker of first lok sabha ? A.GV Mavalankar B.KM Munshi C.GB Pant D.Acharya Kriplani Answer: A 20. Which of the following is not a Public sector Undertaking (PSU)/ Enterprises ? A.NTPC B.SAIL C.BHEL D.TISCO Answer: D 21. Where among the following is the biggest Indoor stadium is situated in ? A. Gwalior B. Indore C. Bhopal D. Jabalpur Answer: B 22. Subrato cup is associated with which of the following ? A.Football B.Cricket C.Chess D.Badminton Answer: A 23. Which olympic swimmer amongst the following has won 18 gold medals in career ? A.Michel Phelps B.Florent Manaudov C.Cullen Jones D.Ian thrope Answer: A 24. Marry Kom is reciepent of ? A.Bronze medal in Olympics 2012 B.Arjuna Award C.Padma Shree D.All of above Answer: D 25. Who among the following is the chairman of MP Sports council at present ? A.Kailash Vijay vargiya B.SHivraj singh chauhan C.Tukoji rao chauhan D.Vikram Varma Answer: C MPPSC Whole-Testpaper MPPSC Solved Model Paper 1. The protection of Civil right act extends to ? A. The whole of India B. The whole of India except the scheduled area C. The whole of India except the scheduled area D. The whole of India except the union territories of Goa, Daman and diu Ans: C 2. The schedule caste and scheduled tribes (prevention of atrocities) act, 1989 came into force on ? A. 1st July 1980 B. 30th January 1990 C. 30th July 1989 D. 1st January 1990 Ans: B 3. The SC and ST act is a special provision for the advancement of SC and ST which is based on which one of the following doctrines ? A. Doctrine of severability B. Doctrine of preferred position C. Doctrine of protective discrimination D. Doctrine of Haronious Construction Ans: C 4. Which of the following powers is NOT provided to specified special court under SC and ST act ? A. Forfeiture of property of a convict of an offence B. To authorize a person for extra investigation other than police C. To remove a person from the area on whom there is a doubt of committing a crime D. Take measurement and photograph of a person on whom there is a doubt of committing a crime Ans: C 5. A court of session specified as special court to try the offences under the SC and ST act for the purpose of providing ? A. Speedy trial B. Time bound trial C. Special protection to victims D. All of above Ans: D 6. Scientists of NDRI Karnal (Haryana) developed second clone of which one of following animal ? A. Sheep B. Buffalo C. Cow D. Goat Ans: B 7. Which snake of the following is Non-poisonous? A. Cobra B. Viper C. Coral-snake D. Python Ans: D 8. In which year was the project tiger launched to save Indian tiger ? A. 1971 B. 1973 C. 1977 D. 1991 Ans: D 9. Which of the following is measured By Anemometer ? A. Velocity of water flow B. Depth of water C. Force of the wind D. Intensity of light Ans: C 10. Dengue is a fever caused by transmitted to other human by ? A. Virus and female aedes mosquito B. Bacteria and female culex mosquito C. Fungus and female aedes osquito D. Protozoa and female anopheles mosquito Ans: A 11. Carbon monoxide poisoning affects mainly which one of the following ? A. Digestive activity B. Liver Functioning C. Kidney Functioning D. Oxygen carryin capacity of blood Ans: D 12. Statics is related to which one of the following ? A. State of motion B. State of rest C. State of mind D. Study of data Ans :B 13. According to a new definition adopted by Internationa astronomical Union in 2006, which of the following is not a planet ? A. Uranus B. Neptune C. Pluto D. Jupitor Ans: C 14. World AIDS day is celebrated on which date ? A. 12TH January B. 1st april C. 1st may D. 1st December Ans: D 15. Which of the following is related with the field of electricity generation ? A. MMTC B. MTNL C. NCL D. NHPC Ans: D 16. Ajanta Cave are connected with which of the following ? A. Ramayana B. Mahabharata C. Jakata stories D. Panchtantra Stories Ans: C 17. Regarding the Indus valley civilization, consider the following statement 1) During this period cotton was used for manufacturing textiles in India 2) It was predominatly a secular civilization and the religious eleent, through present did not dominate the scene Which of the statement given above is/are correct ? A. 1 Only B. 2 Only C. Bothe 1 and 2 D. Either 1 nor 2 18. Tripitaka is associated with which of the following ? A. Jains B. Buddhists C. Sikhs D. Hindus Ans: B 19. ?Rajatarangini? written by kalhan is associated with which of the following ? A. Chandragupta reign B. Anthology of lyrics C. History of Kashmir D. Reign of Krishna Deva raya Ans: C 20. Who among the following was the advocate at the famous INA trials ? A. Subhash Chandra bose B. C. Rajagopalachari C. Asaf ali D. Bhulabhai Desai Ans: D 21. Who among the following attended all the three round table conferences ? A. Vallabhbhai patel B. Madan mohan malviya C. BR Ambedkar D. None of above Ans: C 22. Who among the following organized the society of revolutionaries ?Abhinav Bharat? ? A. Jatindra Nath Mukherjee B. Madan lal dhingra C. Vinayak damodar savarkar D. Lala hardayal Ans: C 23. Who among the following has been first person who delivered his speech in Hindi in UNO ? A. Swami Vivekanand B. Lal bahadur shashtri C. Atal bihari vajpeyi D. None of above Ans: C 24. Amir Khusro was associated with whose reign among the following ? A. Allauddin khilzi B. Muhammad bin tughlaq C. Ibrahi Lodhi D. Firoz shah Ans: A 25. Mohenjo daro is situated in which of the following ? A. Gujarat, India B. Punjab, India C. Sindh, Pakistan D. Afganistan Ans: C