Manipur Civil Service Preliminary Exam Sample Paper

Manipur Civil Service Preliminary Exam Sample Paper 1. Which committee was set up on the cash_credit system? (A) Raj Committee (B) Chore Committee (C) Rekhi Committee (D) Raman Committee 2. Land reform policies in India have met with (A) tremendous success (B) complete failure (C) Iimited success (D) None of the above 3. The cooperative credit societies have a (A) two_tier structure (B) three_tier structure (C) four_tier structure (D) None of the above 4. Which of the following operates at the district level? (A) State Cooperative Bank (B) Central Cooperative Bank (C) Agricultural Credit Society (D) The Reserve Bank of India 5. The success- of Green Revolution depends on the (A) high_yield variety (HYV) of seeds (B) adequate irrigational facilities (C) chemical fertilizers and pesticides (D) All the above 6. NAFED is connected with (A) animat husbandry (B) conservation of fuels (C) agricultural marketing (D) agricultural implements 7. The largest wheat-producing State in is (A) punjab (B) Haryana (C) Uttar pradesh (D) Madhya pradesh 8. AGMARK is (A) a cooperative for egg production (B) a regulated agricultural market (C) a farmers, cooperative (D) a quality guarantee agricultural commodities 9. The difference between GNP and NNP is equal to (A) direct tax revenue (B) indirect tax revenue (C) consumer expenditure on durable goods (D) capital depreciation 10. Which of the following has not been included in wealth of a nation? (A) Mines (B) Dams (C) Money supply (D) Animals 11. What is debt? (A) Stock-flow hypothesis (B) Flow hypothesis (C) Stock hypothesis (D) None of the above 12. The National Renewable Fund was constituted with the objective of (A) renewal of mines (B) modernization of industries (C) establishment of small units (D) rehabilitation of removed labourers due to modernization of industries 13. Who is the Supreme Commander of the Defence Forces of India? (A) The President (B) The Chief of the Army Staff (C) The Vice-President (D) The Defence Minister 14. Recently Li Na won the French Open Women's Singles Title. She thus became the first from _ to win a Grand Slam. (A) North Korea (B) China (C) Japan (D) us 15. The former President of which nation was sentenced, along with his wife, to 35 years in prison after a trial in absentia? (A) Espt (B) Syria (C) Vietnam (D) Nigeria 16. Which of the following nations passed a bill recently to phase out nuclear power by 2022? (A) Russia (B) France (C) Germany (D) Japan 17. ln which Indian district did the Government declare the nation's 42nd tiger reserve? (A) Adilabad (B) Allahabad (C) Seoni (D) Dhanbad 18. India's GDP grew by 8.5 percent in 2OLO-2OL1 due to a strong performance by the -sector., (A) industrial (B) power (C) mining (D) agricultural 19. Pedro passos Coelho, in June 2O11,was sworn in as the prime Minister of which nation? (A) Laos (B) Portugal (C) Ttrrkey (D) Peru 20. To which nation did India extend duty-free market access? (A) Bangladesh (B) Afghanistan (C) Nepal (D) Sri Lanka 21. On which date, the space shuttle 'Endeavour, returned. to the earth successfully completing its last mission? (A) June 1 (B) June 2 (C) June 3 (D) June 4 22. Maharashtra Government raised drinking age to (A) 25 years (B) 2O years (C) 18 years (D) 22 years 23. Which of the following missiles was inducted into the Armed Forces by DRDO? (A) Agni II (B) Agni III (c) Agni I (D) Agni IV 24. Which of the following countries signed Tax pact? (A) Malaysia-India (B) India-Singapore (C) Sri Lanka-England (D) US-pakistan 25. Economic growth is usually coupled with (A) deflation (B) inflation (C) stagflation (D) hyperinflation Manipur PSC Question-Paper Manipur PSC Previous Year Paper 1. The Constitution is silent in the Directive Principles about (A) living wages for workers (B) legal aid to the Poor (C) compulsory primary education (D) adult education 2. The President of India is (A) the Head of the Government (B) the Head of the State (C) the Head of the State as well as of the Government (D) None of the above 3. The President can be impeached for (A) violating the Constitution (B) disregarding the Parliament (C) not taking the Prime Minister?s advice (D) All the above 4. The Vice-President is elected for a term of (A) 5 years (B) 7 years (C) 6 years (D) 4 years 5. Ministers in the Union Cabinet are appointed by (A) the President (B) the Prime Minister (C) the President on the advice of the Prime Minister (D) the Prime Minister on the advice of the President 6. The main characteristic of the Cabinet system is (A) inclusion of the President (B) leadership of the Prime Minister (C) cabinet decisions are notbindings on all Ministers (D) All the above 7. Generally all important decisions are taken by (A) the Council of Ministers (B) the Cabinet (C) the Prime Minister (D) the Prime Minister and the Parliamentary Secretaries 8. The constituents of India?s Parliament are the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha and (A) the Prime Minister (B) the President (C) the Council of Ministers (D) None of the above 9. The States are represented in the Rajya Sabha (A) on the basis of equality (B) in proportion to the territories of the States (C) in proportion to the States? population (D) in proportion to the members of the State Legislatures 1O. Which of tJle following is not a Union Territory? (A) Daman and Diu, (B) Dadra and Nagar Haveli (C) Pondicherry (D) Mizoram 11. The Legislative Council. (A) has a term of six years (B) has a term of five years (C) has a permanent House (D) has a term of two years 12. The procedure for the amendment of the Indian Constitution is given in (A) Article 358 (B) Article 320 (C) Article 368 (D) Article 370 13. The 42nd Constitution Amendment Act added a chapter on (A) the Preamble of the Constitution (B) the Fundamental Rights (C) the Fundamental Duties (D) All the above 14. The members of the UPSC are (A) elected by the people (B) elected by the Parliament (C) appointed by the President (D) appointed by the Council of Ministers 15. Socialist pattern comes through (A) free economy (B) mixed economy (C) public economy (D) None of the above 16. In a free economy, inequalities of income are mainly due to (A) free competition (B) private property only (C) private property and inheritance (D) difference in the marginal productivity of labour 17. Which of the following is the cause of economic insecurity? (A) Poverty (B) Unemployment (C) Fall in real wages (D) All the above 18. National income is (A) income of the Government (B) budget of the Government (C) sum total of factor incomes (D) profits of the public undertakings 19. The Planning Commission was set up by the Government of India in (A) 1944 (B) 1947 (c) 1950 (D) 1951 2O. Indian industries have never suffered from (A) decrease in demand (B) power shortage (C) labour unrest (D) transportation bottlenecks 21. Which of the following is not a basic industry? (A) Iron and steel (B) Fertilizer (c) Paper (D) Cement 22. Tine All India Khadi and Village Industries Board was set uP during the (A) First Plan (B) second Plan (C) Third Pibn (D) Fourth Plan 23. IDBI is a (A) bank (B) board (C) bureau (D) corporation 24. Financial distribution between the Union and the States takes place on the basis of the recommendation of (A) the Planning Commission (B) the sarkaria commission (C) the Inter-State Council (D) the Finance Commission 25. Which of the following is exclusively ? concerned with the credit needs of alt types of agricultural and rural development in India? (A) RBI (B) SBI (c) IBRD (D) NABARD NPSC Paper Nagaland PSC Previous Year Solved Paper 1. In India, which one of the following states has the largest inland saline wetland? a) Gujarat b) Haryana c) Madhya Pradesh d) Rajasthan Answer: Rajasthan 2. In the context of Indian wild life, the flying fox is a a) Bat b) Kite c) Stork d) Vulture Answer: Bat 3. With reference to the mineral sources of India, consider the following pairs:Mineral 90% National Sources in 1. Copper ? Jharkhand 2. Nickel ? Orissa 3. Tungsten ? Kerala Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched? a) 1 and 2 only b) 2 only c) 1 and 3 only d) 1, 2 and 3 Answer: 2 only 4. The brothers Umakant and Ramakant Gundecha are a) Dhrupad vocalists b) Kathak dancers c) Sarod maestros d) Tabla Players Answer: Dhrupad vocalists 5. Which State of India has recorded the highest rate of population growth in the last census (2001)? a) Gujarat b) Manipur c) Nagaland d) Haryana Answer: Nagaland 6. what is the maximum period during which Parliament may not meet? A. Six months B. One year C. Two years D. Three years Answer - A. Six months 7. Rajya Sabha can delay the Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha for a period not exceeding A. 9 days B. 14 days C. 15 days D. 30 days Answer - B. 14 days 8. Parliament consists of ? A. Prime Minister and other Ministers B. President, Prime Minister and other Ministers C. President, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha D. President, Chief Justice and Lok Sabha Answer - C. President, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha 9. Which country is known as the ?Land of the Morning Calm? A. Japan B. Korea C. Taiwan D. Netherlands Answer - B. Korea 10. Country known as the Sugar Bowl of the World is A. Cuba B. India C. Burma D. Norway Answer - A. Cuba 11. Which of the following cows gives maximum milk yield ? A. Jersey B. Holstein C. Red Sindhi D. Sahiwal Answer - A. Jersey 12. The sculpture with the three faces of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh known as ?Trimurti? appears in A. Ajanta caves B. Ellora caves C. Kalva caves D. Elephanta caves Answer - D. Elephanta caves 13. During Aurangzeb?s reign, which of the following were not included in his government ? A. Rajputs B. Pathans C. Marathas D. All of these Answer - C. Marathas 14. What was the important reason for the fall of Vijayanagar Empire ? A. Unity among the Muslim rulers B. Internal instability and weakness of Princes C. Moplah?s rebellion D. Economic bankruptcy Answer - A. Unity among the Muslim rulers 15. ?Inquilab Zindabad? slogan was given by A. Chandra Shekhar Azad B. Subhash Chandra Bose C. Bhagat Singh D. Iqbal Answer - C. Bhagat Singh 16. ?Red Shirts? movement aimed at A. To throw out Britishers from India B. To promote Communist organisational activities C. To promote trade union activities D. All of the above Answer - A. To throw out Britishers from India 17. Which of the following was not the outcome of Jallianwalah Bagh massacre ? A. Suspension of Gen. Dyer B. Change in Gandhiji?s outlook towards Britishers C. Temporary peace in Punjab D. Renunciation of British titles and positions by many Indians Answer - C. Temporary peace in Punjab 18. ?Bijanti? government is compared to the Chola?s for A. Rural democracy B. Administrative system C. Land revenue collection system D. Display of wealth Answer - D. Display of wealth 19. Who evolved the national consciousness as a formal concept ? A. B.G. Tilak B. Mahatma Gandhi C. Jawaharlal Nehru D. Surendranath Bannerjee Answer - D. Surendranath Bannerjee 20. Why could British only succeed in trade and commerce in India ? A. Because of government backing B. Quality of merchandise C. Naval superiority D. All of the above Answer - C. Naval superiority 21. The Bhilai Steel Plant was set up with the collaboration of the U.S.S.R., the Rourkela Steel Plant with the collaboration of West Germany, the Durgapur Steel Plant was constructed with the collaboration of? A. Britain B. Japan C. U.S.A. D. Romania Answer - A. Britain 22. Who was the second President of the Indian Republic ? A. Dr. Zakir Hussain B. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan C. Dr. Rajendra Prasad D. V. V Giri Answer - B. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan 23. Who designed the city of Chandigarh ? A. Le Corbusier B. Jacob Epstein C. Rodhin Auguste D. Ferdinand M. V. De Lesseps Answer - A. Le Corbusier 24. The Muslims march seven times round the Kaaba as path of their Haj pilgrimage in the city of A. Riyadh B. Mecca C. Rabat D. Jeddah Answer - C. Rabat 25. Largest nationalised Bank in India is A. Central Bank of India B. Reserve Bank of India C. State Bank of India D. Bank of India Answer - C. State Bank of India