Licentiate Exam IC01


Licentiate Exam IC01

The Insurance Institute of India's (III) offers Licentiate in Life Insurance program consists of three papers:

1.) Licentiate Exam IC01/Principles of Insurance (IC01).

2.) The practice of Life Insurance (IC02).

3.) Regulation of Insurance Business (IC14).

Licentiate in General Insurance: The Licentiate in General Insurance exam consists of three papers: Principles of Insurance (IC 01), Practice of General Insurance (IC 11), and Regulation of Insurance Business (IC 14). Principles of Insurance (IC01) are common to both exams. Each paper contains 100 Multiple-Choice Questions. To qualify for Licentiate, candidates must earn at least 60% in each course. The examination lasts for two hours. There is no negative marking. IEXAM has prepared our mock tests for the Licentiate exam–Principles of Life Insurance (IC01) by including multiple practice tests, three very important LAST DAY REVISION exams, and a One-hour Real Feel Test (IC01-A total of 16 mock tests with 25 questions each). It is not necessary to study thousands of questions. IEXAM has provided explanations for nearly every response so that you can easily comprehend and remember the answers. The mathematical questions are also given. The monthly subscription fee is Rs299 till the exam date. Simply log in after purchasing to access the practice examinations. After going through the IEXAM Licentiate exam solution papers like practice tests, you will find it simpler to pass the Principles of Life Insurance (IC01) exam. To get a free demo of the IC01 question bank,