LIC Aptitude numerical

LIC Mathematical Aptitude Question and answers for Upcoming Exams - LIC previous years solved question papers with detailed explanations 1. Two numbers are respectively 25% and 20% less than a third number. What percent is the first number of the second. (A) 5.85% (B) 75.85% (C) 80.60% (D) 93.75% Ans (D) 2. A pump can fill a tank with water in two hours. Because of a leak in the tank it was taking two 1/3 hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water off the tank in. (A) 8 hours (B) 7 hours (C) 13/3 hours (D) 14 hours Ans (D) 3. A can do a peace of work in 4 hours. B and C can do it in 3 hours. A and C can do it in two hours. How long will B take to do it? (A) 10 hours (B) 12 hours (C) 8 hours (D) 24 hours Ans (B) 4. The difference between the simple and compound interest on a certain sum of money at 5% rate of interest p.a. for two years is Rs.15. Then the sum is _____ (A) Rs.6500 (B) Rs.5500 (C) Rs.6000 (D) Rs.7000 Ans (C) 5. A sum borrowed under compound interest doubles itself in 10 years. When will it become four fold of itself at the same rate of interest? (A) 15 years (B) 20 years (C) 24 years (D) 40 years ()Ans (B) 6. The students in three classes are in the ratio of 2:3:5 if 40 students are increased in each class the ratio changes to 4:5:7 if 40 students are increased in each class the ratio changes to 4:5:7 originally the total number of students was _______ (A) 100 (B) 180 (C) 200 (D) 400 Ans (C) 7. The ratio of incomes of two persons is 5:3 and that of their expenditure is 9.5. Find the income of each person if they save Rs.1300 and Rs.900 respectively. (A) Rs.4000, Rs.2400 (B) Rs.3000, Rs.1800 (C) Rs.5000, Rs.3000 (D) Rs.4500, Rs.2700 Ans (A) 8. A fort has provision for 50 days if after 10 days they are strengthen by 500 men and the remaining food lasts 35 days. How many men were there in the fort initially? (A) 3500 (B) 3000 (C) 2500 (D) 4000 Ans (A) 9. A number is increased by 20% and then it is decreased by 10%. Find the net increase or decrease in % (A) 10% increase (B) 10% decrease (C) 8%increase (D) 8% decrease Ans (C) 10. The product of two positive numbers is 2500 if one number is 4 times the other, the sum of the two numbers is ______ (A) 25 (B) 125 (C) 225 (D) 250 Ans (B) 11. Which of the following is the largest number which is exactly devisable by 7,9 and 15? (A) 9450 (B) 9765 (C) 9865 (D) 9550 Ans (B) 12. What percent of 5/8 is 8/5? (A) 100 (B) 64 (C) 256 (D) 1024 Ans (C) 13. 2.3 + 6.5 - 7.1 + 4.9 -1.4 + 8.6 - 5.3? (A) 8.5 (B) 8.6 (C) 8.7 (D) 8.4 Ans (A) 14. Example of a mathematical statement is ______ (A) (10+8)-9 (B) 2x+3=5 (C) 5<9+3 (D) x+3 Ans (C) 15. If 4x = 10 then X=? (A) 10-4 (B) 10 X 4 (C) 10 +4 (D) 10/4 Ans (D) 16. a and b are two numbers. The property of a = b then b=a is called _______ (A) Reflexive property (B) Transitive property (C) Symmetric property (D) Associative property Ans (C) 17. "10 added to 5 times x is equal to 20" in symbolic form is _______ (A) 5(x+10)=20 (B) 5x+10=20 (C) x/5+10=20 (D) 5x-10=20 Ans (B) 18. The point equidistant from the vertices of a triangle is its_____ (A) Orthocentre (B) Centroid (C) circumcentre (D) Incentre Ans (C) 19. The centroid of a triangle is the point of concurrence of its (A) angle bisectors (B) perpendicular bisector (C) altitudes (D) medians Ans (D) 20. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:7 then the triangle is ______ (A) acute angled (B) obtuse angled (C) right angled (D) isosceles Ans (D) 21. Two sides of a triangle are 8cm and 11cm then the possible third side is____ (A) 1 cm (B) 2 cm (C) 3 cm (D) 4 cm Ans (D) 22. A triangle always has exactly (A) one acute angle (B) at least two acute angles (C) exactly one right angle (D) exactly two acute angles Ans (B) 23. Two trains A and B are running at the speeds of 45 KMPH and 25 KMPH respectively in the same direction. The faster train i.e. train A crosses a Man sitting in the slower train B in 18 secs. Find the length of the train A? (A) 100 metres (B) 120 metres (C) 150 meters (D) 180 meters Ans (A) 24. A circular road runs round a circular ground. If the difference between the circumference of the outer circle and inner circle is 44 meters, find the width of road. (A) 8 meters (B) 7 meters (C) 17 meters (D) 9 meters Ans (B) 25. A and B started a business in partnership. A invested Rs.2000/- for six months and B invested Rs.1500 for 8 months. What is the share of A in total profit of Rs.510? (A) Rs.250 (B) Rs.255 (C) Rs.275 (D) Rs.280 Ans (B) Placement Paper LIC free solved sample placement papers for practice, LIC DSE and ADO recruitment written test procedure, Test pattern LIC apatitude questions for practice,LIC model questions and answers LIC,the given questions have been asked in various exams and will provide the idea of numerical aptitude and how to attempt them. 1. Five years ago the total age of a father and his son was 40 years. The ratio of their present ages is 4:1. What is the present age of father? (a) 30 years (b) 20 years (c) 25 years (d) None of these Answer d 2. Ten years ago A was half of B age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3:4, What will be the total of their present ages? (a) 8 years (b) 20 years (c) 30 years (d) 35 years Answer: d. 3. Sushil was thrice as old as snehal 6 years back. Sushil will be 5/3 times as old as snehal 6 years hence. How old is snehal today? (a) 18 years (b) 24 years (c) 12 years (d) 15 years Answer: c. 4. If 6 years are substracted from the age of Gulzar and remainder is devided by 18, then the present age of his grandson Anup is obtained. If Anup is 2 years younger to Mahesh whose age 5 years then what is the age of Gulzar? (a) 90 years (b) 84 years (c) 48 years (d) 60 years Answer: d. 5. The tatal age of A,B and C is 90 years . Ten years age the ratio of their ages was 1:2:3. What is present age of B? (a) 40 years (b) 30 years (c) 20 years (d) 18 years Answer: b 6. The sum of the ages of A,B and C is 96 years. To find out B age, which of the following information given in the statement P & Q is / are sufficent? P:A is 6 years older than C Q: the total of B & C ages is 56 years (a) P (b) Q (c) Both P & Q (d) None of these Answer: c 7. Snehs age is 1/6th of her fathers age. Snehs father age will be twice of Vimals age after 10 years. If Vimals 8th birthday was celebrated 2 years ago, what is Snehs present age? (a) 24 years (b) 30 years (c) 6 2/3 years (d) None of these Answer: d 8. .02 = ? %? (a) 20 (b) 2 (c) .02 (d) .2 Answer: b. 9 13937.869 ÷ 199.54 + 15% of 201 = ? (a) 150 (b) 90 (c) 80 (d) 100 Answer: d. 10. 5% of (25% of Rs 1600) is = ? (a) 5 (b) 17.50 (c) 20 (d) 25 Answer: c. 11. 8 1/3 % of ? = 150 (a) 1250 (b) 1800 (c) 1700 (d) 1400 Answer: b 12. An shopkeeper sold an article for Rs2504.36. Appx what was his profit %, if the cost prize of the article was Rs 2400? (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 12 (d) 60 Answer: a 13. When a commodity is sold for Rs 34.80, there is a loss of 25%. What is the CP of it? (a) 46.40 (b) 26.10 (c) 43 (d) 43.20 Answer: a 14. A shopkeeper bought an article for Rs 319.60. Appx, at what price should he sell to have 25% profit? (a) 400 (b) 450 (c) 500 (d) 600 Answer: a 15. There would be 10% loss if toy is sold for Rs 10.80 per piece. At what price it should be sold to earn the profit of 20%? (a) 12 (b) 12.96 (c) 14.40 (d) None Answer: c 16. If books bought of price ranging from Rs200 to Rs 350 are sold at prices ranging from Rs300 to Rs 425, what is the greatest possible profit that might be made in selling eight books? (a) 400 (b) 600 (c) Can’t be determined (d) None of these Answer: d 17. If a carton containing a dozen mirrors is dropped, which of the following can not be the ratio of broken mirrors to unbroken mirrors (a) 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 1 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 7 : 5 Answer: c 18 The salaries of A,B,andC,are in the ratio of1:2:3.The salaries of Band C together is Rs.6000.By what percentage is the salary of C more than that of A? (a) 100% (b) 200% (c) 300% (d) 600% Answer: b 19. The amount of money is to be distributed among P,Q & R in the ratio of 3:5:7. If Q’s share is Rs1500, what is the difference between P’s and R’s share? (a) 1200 (b) 1500 (c) 1600 (d) 1900 Answer: a 20. A sum of money is to be distributed among P,Q & R in the ratio of 2:3:5. If total share of P & R together is Rs400 more than of Q, what is R’s share in it? (a) 400 (b) 500 (c) 600 (d) 750 Answer : b Placement Paper LIC aptitude question for practice LIC free solved sample placement papers,LIC Aptitude,reasoning general awareness moel questions for practice,LIC numerical ability ,LIC previous years solved sample placement papers LIC Aptitude/Numerical/Analytical/general awareness 1.Three types of tea the a,b,c costs Rs. 95/kg,100/kg and70/kg respectively. How many kgs of each should be blended to produce 100 kg of mixture worth Rs.90/kg,given that the quntities of band c are equal a)70,15,15 b)50,25,25 c)60,20,20 d)40,30,30 Ans: (b) 2.What is the maximum number of half-pint bottles of cream that can be filled with a 4-gallon can of cream (2 pt. =1 qt. and 4 qt. =1 gal) A.16 B.24 C.30 D.64 Ans: D 3.There are two circles, one circle is inscribed and another circle is circumscribed over a square. What is the ratio of area of inner to outer circle? Ans: 1 : 2 4.In the following A B CDE F GH I Each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is: a)Represented by a different letter in the figure above. b) Positioned in the figure above so that each of A + B + C,C + D +E,E + F + G, and G + H + I is equal to 13. Which digit does E represent? Ans: E is 4 5.There are 12 boys and 15 girls, How many different dancing groups can be formed with 2 boys and 3 girls.48Which of the following fractions is less than 1/3 (a) 22/62 (b) 15/46 (c) 2/3 (d) 1 Ans: (b) 6.One of Mr. Horton,his wife,their son,and Mr. Horton's mother is a doctor and another is a lawyer. a)If the doctor is younger than the lawyer, then the doctor and the lawyer are not blood relatives. b)If the doctor is a woman, then the doctor and the lawyer are blood relatives. c)If the lawyer is a man, then the doctor is a man. Whose occupation you know? Ans: Mr. Horton:he is the doctor. 7.A person wants to buy 3 paise and 5 paise stamps costing exactly one rupee. If he buys which of the following number of stamps he won't able to buy 3 paise stamps. Ans: 9 8.Mr. and Mrs. Aye and Mr. and Mrs. Bee competed in a chess tournament.Of the three games played: a)In only the first game werethe two players married to each other. b)The men won two games and the women won one game. c)The Ayes won more games than the Bees. d)Anyone who lost game did not play the subsequent game. Who did not lose a game? Ans:Mrs.Bee did not lose a game. 9.Two cars are 15 kms apart. One is turning at a speed of 50kmph and the other at 40kmph . How much time will it take for the two cars to meet? Ans: 3/2 hours 10.Three piles of chips--pile I consists one chip, pile II consists of chips, and pile III consists of three chips--are to be used in game played by Anita and Brinda.The game requires: a)That each player in turn take only one chip or all chips from just one pile. b)That the player who has to take the last chip loses. c)That Anita now have her turn. From which pile should Anita draw in order to win? Ans:Pile II 11. 9.In a class composed of x girls and y boys what part of the class is composed of girls A.y/(x + y) B.x/xy C.x/(x + y) D.y/xy Ans:C 12.One of the following is my secret word:AIM DUE MOD OAT TIE.With the list in front of you, if I were to tell you any one of my secret word,then you would be able to tell me the number of vowels in my secret word.Which is my secret word? Ans:TIE 13.If the operation,^ is defined by the equation x ^ y = 2x + y,what is the value of a in 2 ^ a = a ^ 3 A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.4 Ans:B 14.A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee,putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm. grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm.If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2 parts of the less expensive grade,how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms. A.Rs.90 B.Rs.1.00 C.Rs.3.00 D.Rs.8.00 Ans:C 15.There are 200 questions on a 3 hr examination.Among these questions are 50 mathematics problems.It is suggested that twice as much time be spent on each maths problem as for each other question.How many minutes should be spent on mathematics problems A.36 B.72 C.60 D.100 Ans:B 16.In a group of 15,7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either.How many of these studied both Latin and Greek A.0 B.3 C.4 D.5 Ans.B 17.If 13 = 13w/(1-w) ,then (2w)2 = A.1/4 B.1/2 C.1 D.2 Ans:C 18. If a and b are positive integers and (a-b)/3.5 = 4/7, then (A) b < a (B) b > a (C) b = a (D) b >= a Ans: A 18. In june a baseball team that played 60 games had won 30% of its game played. After a phenomenal winning streak this team raised its average to 50% .How many games must the team have won in a row to attain this average? A. 12 B. 20 C. 24 D. 30 Ans: C 19. M men agree to purchase a gift for Rs. D. If three men drop out how much more will each have to contribute towards the purchase of the gift/ A. D/(M-3) B. MD/3 C. M/(D-3) D. 3D/(M2-3M) Ans: D 20. A company contracts to paint 3 houses. Mr.Brown can paint a house in 6 days while Mr.Black would take 8 days and Mr.Blue 12 days. After 8 days Mr.Brown goes on vacation and Mr. Black begins to work for a period of 6 days. How many days will it take Mr.Blue to complete the contract? A. 7 B. 8 C. 11 D. 12 Ans:C 21. 2 hours after a freight train leaves Delhi a passenger train leaves the same station travelling in the same direction at an average speed of 16 km/hr. After travelling 4 hrs the passenger train overtakes the freight train. The average speed of the freight train was? A. 30 B. 40 C.58 D. 60 Ans: B 22. If 9x-3y=12 and 3x-5y=7 then 6x-2y = ? A.-5 B. 4 C. 2 D. 8 Ans: D 23. There are 5 red shoes, 4 green shoes. If one draw randomly a shoe what is the probability of getting a red shoe Ans: 5c1/ 9c1 24. What is the selling price of a car? If the cost of the car is Rs.60 and a profit of 10% over selling price is earned Ans: Rs 66/- 25. 1/3 of girls , 1/2 of boys go to canteen .What factor and total number of classmates go to canteen. Ans: Cannot be determined. 26. The price of a product is reduced by 30% . By what percentage should it be increased to make it 100% Ans: 42.857% 27. There is a square of side 6cm . A circle is inscribed inside the square. Find the ratio of the area of circle to square. Ans: 11/14 28. There are two candles of equal lengths and of different thickness. The thicker one lasts of six hours. The thinner 2 hours less than the thicker one. Ramesh lights the two candles at the same time. When he went to bed he saw the thicker one is twice the length of the thinner one. How long ago did Ramesh light the two candles . Ans: 3 hours. 29. If M/N = 6/5,then 3M+2N = ? 30. If p/q = 5/4 , then 2p+q= ? 31. If PQRST is a parallelogram what it the ratio of triangle PQS & parallelogram PQRST . Ans: 1:2 32. The cost of an item is Rs 12.60. If the profit is 10% over selling price what is the selling price ? Ans: Rs 13.86/- 33. There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are drawn what is the probability of getting red shoes Ans: 6c2/10c2 34. To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water. What is % alcohol. Ans : 15% 35. A worker is paid Rs.20/- for a full days work. He works 1,1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 days in a week. What is the total amount paid for that worker ? Ans : 57.50 36. If the value of x lies between 0 & 1 which of the following is the largest? (a) x (b) x2 (c) -x (d) 1/x Ans : (d) 37. If the total distance of a journey is 120 km .If one goes by 60 kmph and comes back at 40kmph what is the average speed during the journey? Ans: 48kmph 38. A school has 30% students from Maharashtra .Out of these 20% are Bombey students. Find the total percentage of Bombay? Ans: 6% 39. An equilateral triangle of sides 3 inch each is given. How many equilateral triangles of side 1 inch can be formed from it? Ans: 9 40. If A/B = 3/5,then 15A = ? Ans : 9B 41. Each side of a rectangle is increased by 100% .By what percentage does the area increase? Ans : 300% 42. Perimeter of the back wheel = 9 feet, front wheel = 7 feet on a certain distance, the front wheel gets 10 revolutions more than the back wheel.What is the distance? Ans : 315 feet. 43. Perimeter of front wheel =30, back wheel = 20. If front wheel revolves 240 times. How many revolutions will the back wheel take? Ans: 360 times 44. 20% of a 6 litre solution and 60% of 4 litre solution are mixed. What percentage of the mixture of solution Ans: 36% 45.City A's population is 68000, decreasing at a rate of 80 people per year. City B having population 42000 is increasing at a rate of 120 people per year. In how many years both the cities will have same population? Ans: 130 years 46 It was calculated that 75 men could complete a piece of work in 20 days. When work was scheduled to commence, it was found necessary to send 25 men to another project. How much longer will it take to complete the work? Answer: 30 days. Explanation: Before: One day work = 1 / 20 One man’s one day work = 1 / ( 20 * 75) Now: No. Of workers = 50 One day work = 50 * 1 / ( 20 * 75) 47 A student divided a number by 2/3 when he required to multiply by 3/2. Calculate the percentage of error in his result. Answer: 0 % Explanation: Since 3x / 2 = x / (2 / 3) 48 A dishonest shopkeeper professes to sell pulses at the cost price, but he uses a false weight of 950gm. for a kg. His gain is …%. Answer: 5.3 % Explanation: He sells 950 grams of pulses and gains 50 grams. If he sells 100 grams of pulses then he will gain (50 / 950) *100 = 5.26 49 A man was engaged on a job for 30 days on the condition that he would get a wage of Rs. 10 for the day he works, but he have to pay a fine of Rs. 2 for each day of his absence. If he gets Rs. 216 at the end, he was absent for work for ... days. Answer: 7 days Explanation: The equation portraying the given problem is: 10 * x – 2 * (30 – x) = 216 where x is the number of working days. Solving this we get x = 23 Number of days he was absent was 7 (30-23) days. 50 A man bought a horse and a cart. If he sold the horse at 10 % loss and the cart at 20 % gain, he would not lose anything; but if he sold the horse at 5% loss and the cart at 5% gain, he would lose Rs. 10 in the bargain. The amount paid by him was Rs.¬¬¬¬_______ for the horse and Rs.________ for the cart. Answer: Cost price of horse = Rs. 400 & the cost price of cart = 200. Explanation:- Let x be the cost price of the horse and y be the cost price of the cart. In the first sale there is no loss or profit. (i.e.) The loss obtained is equal to the gain. Therefore (10/100) * x = (20/100) * y X = 2 * y -----------------(1) In the second sale, he lost Rs. 10. (i.e.) The loss is greater than the profit by Rs. 10. Therefore (5 / 100) * x = (5 / 100) * y + 10 -------(2) Substituting (1) in (2) we get (10 / 100) * y = (5 / 100) * y + 10 (5 / 100) * y = 10 y = 200 From (1) 2 * 200 = x = 400 Placement Paper LIC Numerical Ability questions with answers Directions (Q. 1- 25): What should come in place of question mark(?) in each of the following questions? 1. 47% of 492 = ? 1) 232.06 2) 418.23 3) 362.16 4) 231.24 (Ans) 5) 232.64 2. 1825 - ( 46 x 1.65)=? 1) 24.04 (Ans) 2) 26.05 3) 28.04 4) 25 5) 28.06 3. 6/5 of 7/4 of 12184 = ? 1) 25841.64 2) 25782.72 3) 23284.01 4) 25586.4 (Ans) 5) None of these 4. 67.80 + 4235 + 64.52 + ?= 5321.32 1) 957.64 2) 954 (Ans) 3) 952.72 4) 948.48 5) None of these 5. 12% of 140 + 20 = ? 1) 34.2 2) 36.8 (Ans) 3) 38.6 4) 42.4 5) None of these 6. 28% of 420 - ? % of 320 = 80 1) 11.75 (Ans) 2) 12.8 3) 10 and 1/2 4) 16.08 5) 20.24 Exp: 28 x 420 - 80 = 320 x ? 100 100 117.6 - 80 = 320 x ? :. ? = 37.6 x 100 = 11.75 100 320 7. 57. 2.65 x 4.8 x 17.3 - 42.36 =? 1) 174.696 2) 167.696 (Ans) 3) 182.696 4) 177.696 5) 162.62 8. 67562 + 77320 =? + 52314 1) 92567 2) 92568 (Ans) 3) 95568 4) 82568 5) None of these 9. 203 x 53-(600) " = (?)2 1) 700 2) 600 3) 800 (Ans) 4) 500 5) 900 10. 6.8 x ? = 530. 2 1) 77.102 2) 76.230 3) 77.800 4) 77.501 5) 77.970 (Ans) 11. 1836 + 2301 =21 x? 1) 195 2) 196 3) 197 (Ans) 4) 198 5) 199 12. 144 12 0.3= ? 1) 42 2) 44 3) 46 4) 48 5) None of these (Ans) Exp : ? = 144 = 40 12 x 0.3 13. I82 x l63 = ? 1) 1327104 (Ans) 2) 1227104 3) 1237104 4) 132706 5) None of these 14. 16 and 1/4 ÷ 4 and 1/3 = ? 1) 3and 2/4 2) 3 and 1/4 3) 3 and 3/4 (Ans) 4) 4 and 3/4 5) None of these 15. 68% of 548 + ? = 772 1) 329.36 2) 299.36 3) 399.36 (Ans) 4) 423.36 5) None of these 16. 12841+ 84101-636 = ? x 82 1) 1174.463 (Ans) 2) 1274.463 3) 1324.463 4) 2164.563 5) None of these 17. ? ÷ 18 x 14 = 438 1) 663.142 2) 563.142 (Ans) 3) 426.142 4) 436.423 5) 1362.631 18. 3156+ 1482 = ? x 24 1) 192.25 2) 193.25 (Ans) 3) 194.25 4) 182.25 5) 183.25 19. v ? + 84 = v 33856 1) 100000 2) 2209 3) 6250000 4) 10000 (Ans) 5) None of these Exp : :. v ? = 184 - 84 = 100 :. = (100)2 = 10000 20. 64032 ÷ v ? = 24 x 8 1) 111222.25 (Ans) 2) 122112.25 3) 112211.25 4) 121212.25 5) None of these Exp : 64032 = 24 x8 v ? :. v ? = 64032 = 333.5 24 x 8 :. v ? = (333.5)2 = 111222.25 21. 45 x ? = 7884 ÷ - 6 1) 39.2 2) 29.2 (Ans) 3) 28.2 4) 29.5 5) 27.2 22. (91)52 x (91) _ 39 = ? l) (9iy 2) (91f 3) (91)13 4) (91)13 (Ans) 5) None of these Ans : (1) 24. (.04)3= ? . 1) 2 2) 4 3) 5 (Ans) 4) 25 5) None of these Expl : 25. 729.29 + 72.20+ 12+ 2.20 + 0.02 = ? 1) 820.32 2) 815.92 3) 815.71 (Ans) 4) 815 5) None of these Placement Paper LIC Mathematical Aptitude for Upcoming Exams Bank PO, RRB,LIC previous years solved question papers with detailed explanations LIC Mathematical Aptitude Questions 1. Two numbers are respectively 25% and 20% less than a third number. What percent is the first number of the second. (A) 5.85% (B) 75.85% (C) 80.60% (D) 93.75% Ans (D) 2. A pump can fill a tank with water in two hours. Because of a leak in the tank it was taking two 1/3 hours to fill the tank. The leak can drain all the water off the tank in. (A) 8 hours (B) 7 hours (C) 13/3 hours (D) 14 hours Ans (D) 3. A can do a peace of work in 4 hours. B and C can do it in 3 hours. A and C can do it in two hours. How long will B take to do it? (A) 10 hours (B) 12 hours (C) 8 hours (D) 24 hours Ans (B) 4. The difference between the simple and compound interest on a certain sum of money at 5% rate of interest p.a. for two years is Rs.15. Then the sum is _____ (A) Rs.6500 (B) Rs.5500 (C) Rs.6000 (D) Rs.7000 Ans (C) 5. A sum borrowed under compound interest doubles itself in 10 years. When will it become four fold of itself at the same rate of interest? (A) 15 years (B) 20 years (C) 24 years (D) 40 years ()Ans (B) 6. The students in three classes are in the ratio of 2:3:5 if 40 students are increased in each class the ratio changes to 4:5:7 if 40 students are increased in each class the ratio changes to 4:5:7 originally the total number of students was _______ (A) 100 (B) 180 (C) 200 (D) 400 Ans (C) 7. The ratio of incomes of two persons is 5:3 and that of their expenditure is 9.5. Find the income of each person if they save Rs.1300 and Rs.900 respectively. (A) Rs.4000, Rs.2400 (B) Rs.3000, Rs.1800 (C) Rs.5000, Rs.3000 (D) Rs.4500, Rs.2700 Ans (A) 8. A fort has provision for 50 days if after 10 days they are strengthen by 500 men and the remaining food lasts 35 days. How many men were there in the fort initially? (A) 3500 (B) 3000 (C) 2500 (D) 4000 Ans (A) 9. A number is increased by 20% and then it is decreased by 10%. Find the net increase or decrease in % (A) 10% increase (B) 10% decrease (C) 8%increase (D) 8% decrease Ans (C) 10. The product of two positive numbers is 2500 if one number is 4 times the other, the sum of the two numbers is ______ (A) 25 (B) 125 (C) 225 (D) 250 Ans (B) 11. Which of the following is the largest number which is exactly devisable by 7,9 and 15? (A) 9450 (B) 9765 (C) 9865 (D) 9550 Ans (B) 12. What percent of 5/8 is 8/5? (A) 100 (B) 64 (C) 256 (D) 1024 Ans (C) 13. 2.3 + 6.5 - 7.1 + 4.9 -1.4 + 8.6 - 5.3? (A) 8.5 (B) 8.6 (C) 8.7 (D) 8.4 Ans (A) 14. Example of a mathematical statement is ______ (A) (10+8)-9 (B) 2x+3=5 (C) 5<9+3 (D) x+3 Ans (C) 15. If 4x = 10 then X=? (A) 10-4 (B) 10 X 4 (C) 10 +4 (D) 10/4 Ans (D) 16. a and b are two numbers. The property of a = b then b=a is called _______ (A) Reflexive property (B) Transitive property (C) Symmetric property (D) Associative property Ans (C) 17. "10 added to 5 times x is equal to 20" in symbolic form is _______ (A) 5(x+10)=20 (B) 5x+10=20 (C) x/5+10=20 (D) 5x-10=20 Ans (B) 18. The point equidistant from the vertices of a triangle is its_____ (A) Orthocentre (B) Centroid (C) circumcentre (D) Incentre Ans (C) 19. The centroid of a triangle is the point of concurrence of its (A) angle bisectors (B) perpendicular bisector (C) altitudes (D) medians Ans (D) 20. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio 1:2:7 then the triangle is ______ (A) acute angled (B) obtuse angled (C) right angled (D) isosceles Ans (D) 21. Two sides of a triangle are 8cm and 11cm then the possible third side is____ (A) 1 cm (B) 2 cm (C) 3 cm (D) 4 cm Ans (D) 22. A triangle always has exactly (A) one acute angle (B) at least two acute angles (C) exactly one right angle (D) exactly two acute angles Ans (B) 23. Two trains A and B are running at the speeds of 45 KMPH and 25 KMPH respectively in the same direction. The faster train i.e. train A crosses a Man sitting in the slower train B in 18 secs. Find the length of the train A? (A) 100 metres (B) 120 metres (C) 150 meters (D) 180 meters Ans (A) 24. A circular road runs round a circular ground. If the difference between the circumference of the outer circle and inner circle is 44 meters, find the width of road. (A) 8 meters (B) 7 meters (C) 17 meters (D) 9 meters Ans (B) 25. A and B started a business in partnership. A invested Rs.2000/- for six months and B invested Rs.1500 for 8 months. What is the share of A in total profit of Rs.510? (A) Rs.250 (B) Rs.255 (C) Rs.275 (D) Rs.280 Ans (B) LIC Aptitude-Numerical LIC AAO Exam Paper - Numerical Aptitude 1 (95.6x 910.3) ÷ 92.56256 = 9? (A) 13.14 (B) 12.96 (C) 12.43 (D) 13.34 (E) None of these 2. (4 86%of 6500) ÷ 36 =? (A) 867.8 (B) 792.31 (C) 877.5 (D) 799.83 (E) None of these 3. (12.11)2 + (?)2 = 732.2921 (A)20.2 (B) 24.2 (C)23.1 (D) 19.2 (E) None of these 4.576÷ ? x114=8208 (A)8 (B)7 (C)6 (D)9 (E) None of these 5. (1024?263?233)÷(986?764? 156) =? (A)9 (B)6 (C)7 (D)8 (E) None of these 6. ?125÷5x ?=6265 (A)1253 (B) 1250 (C)1245 (D) 1550 (E) None of these 7.(42)2÷6.3 x 26 =? (A)7182 (B) 7269 (C)7260 (D) 7240 (E) None of these 8.384×12×2=? (A)9024 (B) 9216 (C)6676 (D) 6814 (E) None of these 9.6534÷40÷33=? (A)3.06 (B) 5.25 (C)4.82 (D) 6.12 (E) None of these 10. ?2704 x ?2209=? (A)1996 (B)2444 (C)2452 (D)1983 (E)None of these 11.2536+4851??=3450+313 (A)3961 (B)4532 (C)3624 (D)4058 (E) None of these 12. (2560 x 1.4) +(7400 x 0.6) =? (A)7512 (B) 9746 (C)6523 (D) 8024 (E) None of these 13. 36%of 850+? %of 592 = 750 (A)73 (B)89 (C)82 (D)75 (E) None of these 14.64%of 2650+40% 0f 320=? (A)1824 (B) 1902 (C)1829 (D) 1964 (E) None of these 15. 486+32×25?59=? (A) 514 (B) 528 (C) 599 (D) 507 (E) None of these 16. 1827÷ 36 x ?=162.4 (A)4.4 (B)3.2 (C)2.1 (D) 3.7 (E) None of these 17. 1008÷36=? (A)28 (B) 32.5 (C)36 (D) 22.2 (E) None of these 18. 56.21 +2.36+5.41 ?21.4+1.5=? (A)40.04 (B) 46.18 (C)44.08 (D) 43.12 (E) None of these 19. 65%of 320+?=686 (A) 480 (B) 452 (C)461 (D) 475 (E) None of these 20. 83250÷?=74×25 (A)50 (B) 45 (C)40 (D) 55 (E) None of these 21. ?7744=? (A)88 (B)62 (C)58 (D)78 (E)None of these 22.35%of ?=242 (A)729 (B)652 (C)693 (D)759 (E) None of these 23. 1256+4813+765=? (A)5642 (B) 5876 (C)6788 (D) 6878 (E) None of these 24. 22 x4+(?)2=(13)2 (A) 81 (B) 9 (C) 27 (D) 64 (E) None of these 25. 432+2170+35=? (A)494 (B) 475 (C)481 (D) 469 (E) None of these 26. Three numbers are in the ratio of 3: 4 :5 respectively. If the sum of the first and third numbers is more than the second number by 52, then which will be the largest number? (A) 65 (B) 52 (C) 79 (D) 63 (E) None of these 27. The compound interest on a certain amount for 2 years at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a. is Rs.312. What will be the simple interest on the same amount and at the same rate and same time? (A)Rs. 349.92 (B) Rs. 300 (C)Rs. 358.92 (D) Rs. 400 (E) None of these 28. The length of a rectangle exceeds its breadth by 7 ems. If the length is decreased by 4 cm. and the breadth is increased by 3 cms., then the area of the new rectangle will be the same as the area of the original rectangle. What will be the perimeter of the original rectangle? (A)45 cms. (B)40 cems. (C)50 cms. (D)55 cms. (E)None of these 29. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. If the new number formed by reversing the digits is greater than the original number by 54, then what will be the original number? (A)28 (B) 48 (C)39 (D) 93 (E) None of these 30. In a fraction, twice the numerator is two more than the denominator. If 3 is added to the numerator and the denominator each, then the resultant fraction will be 2/3 .What was the original fraction ? (A)5/18 (B)6/13 (C)13/6 (D)7/12 (E) None of these 31. Four-fifth of a number is 10 more than two-third of the same number. What is the number? (A) 70 (B) 75 (C) 69 (D) 85 (E) None of these 32. A shopkeeper purchased 200 bulbs for Rs. 10 each. However, 5 bulbs were fused and had to be thrown away. The remaining were sold at Rs. 12 each. What will be the percentage profit? (A) 25 (B) 15 (C) 13 (D) 17 (E) None of these 33. What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the number series given below 25, 34, 52,79, 115,? (A)160 (B) 140 (C)153 (D) 190 (E)None of these 34. What number should replace both the question marks (?) in the following question ? ?/144= 49 /? (A)95 (B) 76 (C)82 (D) 84 (E)None of these 35. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 252. What is the sum of the smallest and the largest numbers? (A)158 (B) 148 (C)168 (D) 198 (E) None of these 36. Ajay spends 25% of his salary on house rent, 5% on food, 15% on travel, 10% on clothes and the remaining amount of Rs. 27,000 is saved. What is Ajay?s income? (A) Rs. 60,000 (B) Rs. 80,500 (C) Rs. 60,700 (D) Rs. 70,500 (E) None of these 37. In how many different ways, can the letters of the word ?CRISIS? be arranged ? (A) 150 (B) 240 (C) 120 (D) 200 (E) None of these 38. At each corner of a square park with side equal to 40 m, there is a flower bed in the form of a sector of radius 14 m. What is the area of the remaining part of the park? (A)984 Square m (B) 789 Square m (C) 1014 Square m (D) 1024 Square m (E) None of these 39. The length of a rectangular field is thrice its breadth. If the cost of cultivating the field at Rs. 367.20 per square meter is Rs. 27,540, then what is the perimeter of the rectangle? (A)47m (B) 39m (C)52m (D)40m (E) None of these 40. If the fractions8/5,7/2,9/5,5/4,4/5 are arranged in descending order of their values, which one will be fourth? (A)4/5 (B)5/4 (C)9/5 (D)8/5 (E) 7/2 41. The present ages of Chetna and Shikha are in the ratio of 5 :7 respectively. After 7 years, their ages will be in the ratio of 11:14 respectively. What is the difference between their ages? (A)9 years (B) 4 years (C)5 years (D) 7 years (E) None of these 42. If 13 men can complete a piece of work in 36 days, then in how many days will 18 men complete the same work? (A)16 days (B) 20 days (C)26 days (D) 30 days (E) None of these 43. If the area of a circle is 75.44 square cm then what is the circumference of the circle? (A)29.2 cm (B) 28.9 cm (C)30.8 cm (D) 40.2 cm (E) None of these 44. Girish started a business investing Rs. 45,000. After 3 months, Vijay joined him with a capital of Rs. 60,000. After another 6 months, Ankush joined them with a capital of Rs. 90,000. At the end of the year, they made a profit of Rs. 16,500. What is Girish?s share of profit ? (A) Rs. 5,500 (B) Rs. 6,000 (C) Rs. 6,600 (D) As. 5,900 (E) None of these 45. What is the average age of a family of five members, whose ages are 42, 49, 56, 63 and 35 years respectively? (A)60 years (B) 49 years (C)45 years (D) 58 years (E) None of these 46. A and B are two taps which can fill a tank individually in 10 minutes and 20 minutes respectively. However, there is a leakage at the bottom which can empty a filled tank in 40 minutes. If the tank is empty initially, how much time will both the taps take to fill the tank (leakage is still there) ? (A) 8 minutes (B) 7 minutes (C) 10 minutes (D)15 minutes (E) None of these 47. What is 50% of 40% of Rs. 3,450? (A) Rs. 690 (B) As. 520 (C) Rs. 517.5 (D) Rs. 499.2 (E) None of these 48. If an amount of Rs. 5,86,700 is distributed equally amongst 25 persons, then how much would each person get? (A) Rs. 2,54,876 (B) Rs. 2,34,68 (C) Rs. 3,74,20 (D) Rs. 1,95,62 (E) None of these 49. An urn contains 9 blue, 7 white and 4 black balls. If 2 balls are drawn at random, then what is the probability that only one ball is white? (A) 71/190 (B) 121/190 (C) 91/190 (D) 93/190 (E) None of these 50. If the price of 5 transistors and 2 pen stands is Rs. 810, then what will be the price of 7 transistors and 9 pen stands? (A) Rs. 1,320 (B) Rs. 1,500 (C) Rs.1,150 (D) Cannot be determined (E) None of these Placement Paper LIC Apprentice Development officeres written test model questions for practice,LIC aptitude reasoning solved question papers to practice,LIC free solved sample placement papers with detailed explnations LIC Reasoning and aptitude questions 1 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group, which is the one that does not belong to that group? (1) Violin (2) Harp (3) Guitar (4) Flute (Ans) 2 In a certain language 'give me more' is coded as '7 3 5', 'she has more' is coded as '9 7 1' and 'she asked me gently' is coded as '6 3 2 1'. Which of the following is the code for 'give' in that language? (1) 5 (Ans) (2) 7 (3) 6 (4) 9 (5) 1 Explanation : give me more ? 7 3 5 she has more ? 9 7 1 she asked me gently = 6 3 2 1 So, give = 5 (5) Sitar 3 If each of the vowels in the word GOLIATHS is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series and each consonant is changed to the previous letter in the English alphabetical series, and then the alphabets so formed are arranged in alphabetical order from left to right, which of the following will be sixth from the left of the new arrangement thus formed? (1) S (2) P (Ans) (3) G (4) J (5) F Explanation : After changing the word GOLIATHS will be F P K J B S G R The new word will be in alphabetical order B F G J K P R S So, sixth letter from left = P 4 In a certain language 'WEAK' is coded as 4$9ß' and REST' is coded as 7$8#' and 'WREK' is ceded as '4$ß7'. How will 'KEWRA' be coded in the same code? (1) 7 4 $ ß # (2) ß 7 $ 8 # (3) # ß 9 7 4 (4) $ ß 7 9 4 (Ans) (5) 4 7 8 ß $ Explanation : WEAK ? 4 $ 9 8, REST ? 7 $ 8 # and WREK ? 4 $ 8 7 So, KEWRA ? 4 $ 9 8 7 5. What should come in place of question Mark (?) in the following questions? 92.5% of 550 = ? (1) 506.45 (2) 521.65 (3) 518.55 (4) 508.75 (Ans) (5) None of these 6 If (9)3 is subtracted from the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 567. What is the number? (1) 36 (Ans) (2) 28 (3) 42 (4) 48 (5) None of these Explanation : x2 - 93 = 567 ? x = 36 7 The product of two successive numbers is 8556. What is the smaller number? (1) 89 (2) 94 (3) 90 (4) 92 (Ans) (5) None of these Explanation : x(x +1) = 8556 ? x = 92 8 45% of a number is 255.6. What is 25% of that number? (1) 162 (2) 132 (3) 152 (4) 142 (Ans) (5) None of these Explanation : 45/100 of x = 255.6 ? x = 255.6 x 100/45 ? 25/100 x 255.6 x 100/45 = 142 9 If (78)2 is subtracted from the square of the number, the answer so obtained is 6,460. What is the number? (1) 109 (2) 111 (3) 113 (4) 115 (5) None of these (Ans) Explanation : x2 - 782 = 6460 ? x =112 10 Pinku, Rinku and Tinku divide an amount of Rs. 4,200 amongst themselves in the ratio of 7 : 8 : 6 respectively. If an amount of Rs. 200 is added to each of their shares, what will be the new respective ratio of their shares of amount? (1) 8 : 9 : 6 (2) 7 : 9 : 5 (3) 7 : 8 : 6 (4) 8 : 9 : 7 (Ans) (5) None of these Explanation : Share of Pinku, Rinku and Tinku in Rs. 4200 are 7/ 7 + 8 + 6 x 4200, 8/ 21 x 4200, 6/ 21 x 4200 i.e. 1400, Rs. 1600, Rs. 1200 Reqd. ratio = (1400 + 200) : (1600 + 200) : (1200 + 200) = 8 : 9 : 7 11 If an amount of Rs 41,910 is distributed equally amongst 22 persons. How much amount would each person get? (1) Rs. 1,905 (Ans) (2) Rs. 2,000 (3) Rs. 1,885 (4) Rs. 2,105 (5) None of these 12 The cost of 4 Cell-phones and 7 Digital cameras is Rs 1,25,627. What is the cost of 8 Cell-phones and 14 Digital cameras? (1) Rs. 2,51,254 (Ans) (2) Rs. 2,52,627 (3) Rs. 2,25,524 (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these Explanation : 4x + 7y = 125627] x 2 ? 8x + 14y = 251254 13 A car covers a distance of 200 kms in 2 hours 40 minutes, whereas a jeep covers the same distance in 2 hours. What is the ratio of their speeds? a) 3 : 4 (Ans) b) 4 : 3 c) 4 : 5 d) 5 : 4 14 In a certain code language CROWN is written as DPRSS. How will PRINT be written in that code language a) QTMJU b) QPLJY (Ans) c) QTLJO d) QTLKO 15 Which word cannot be made from the letters of following word: 'OBSTETRICIAN' a) SIREN b) TERMITE (Ans) c) RETAIN d) SOBER 16 Which one of the numbers is wrong in the following series? 4, 8, 7, 14, 12, 24, 19, 36, 28 a) 12 b) 24 (Ans) c) 28 d) 36 17 Starting from a point 'P' Dinesh walked 18 metres towards south. He turned to his left and walked 25 metres. He then turned to his left and walked 18 metres. He gain turned to his left and walked 35 metres and reached a point 'Q'. How far is Dinesh from the point 'P' and in which direction? a) 10 metres East b) 10 metres West (Ans) c) 35 metres West d) 10 metres South 18 Sun : Star :: a) Day : Night b) Lamp : Light c) Bed : Sleep d) Dove : Bird (Ans) 19 'Hillock' is related to 'Mountains' in the same way as Bush is related to a) Ground b) Jungle (Ans) c) Plant d) Tree 20. Find the odd one out a) Swan (Ans) b) Vulture c) Ostrich d) Eagle 21. The total cost price of two watches is Rs.840. One is sold at a profit of 16% and other at a loss of 12%. There is no loss or gain in the whole transaction the cost price of the watch on which the shopkeeper gains is a) Rs.360 (Ans) b) Rs.370 c) Rs.380 d) Rs.390 21. If a person repaid Rs.22,500 after 10 years of borrowing a loan at 10% per annum simple interest find out what amount did he take as loan a) Rs.11,225 b) Rs.11,250 (Ans) c) Rs.10,000 d) Rs.7500 22 'A, B' and 'C' entered into partnership 'A' invested Rs.2,560 and 'B' Rs. 2,000. At end of the year they gained Rs. 1,105 out of which 'A' got Rs.320, 'C's capital was a) Rs.4280 (Ans) b) Rs.2840 c) Rs.4820 d) Rs.4028 23. The average age of 24 boys and their teacher is 15 years. When the teachers age is excluded the average age decreases by one year. The age of the teacher is a) 38 years b) 39 years (Ans) c) 40 years d) 41 years 24. A tank can be filled by two pipe in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. When the tank was empty the two pipes were opened. After sometime, the first pipe were opened. After sometime, the first pipe was stopped and the tank was filled in 18 minutes. After how much time of the start was the first pipe stopped a) 5 minutes b) 8 minutes (Ans) c) 10 minutes d) 12 minutes 25 Complete the following series : 380, 465, 557, 656, 762, 875 .... a) 995 (Ans) b) 992 c) 975 d) 985 26 . Two trains are moving on two parallel tracks but in opposite directions. A person sitting in the train moving at the speed of 80 km/hr passes the second train in 18 seconds. If the length of the second train is 1000 metres, its speed is a) 100 km/hr b) 120 km/hr (Ans) c) 140 km/hr d) 160 km/hr 27. Fill in the blank BLOCKED : YOLXPVW :: ........?........ OZFMXS a) RESULT b) LAUNCH (Ans) c) LABOUR d) NAUGHT 28 . If in a certain language PRIVATE is coded as 1234567 and RISK is coded as 2098 how is RIVETS coded in that language? a) 687543 b) 234769 (Ans) c) 496321 d) 246598 29. In an examination 65% of the total examinees passed. If the number of failures was 420 what was the total number of examinees? a) 1200 (Ans) b) 685 c) 690 d) 1000 30. Dr. Sharma bought a car and got 15% of its original price as dealers discount. He then sold it with 20% profit on his purchase price. What percentage profit did he get on the original price a) 2% (Ans) b) 12% c) 5% d) 17% 31 A and B together can complete a work in 8 days and B and C together in 12 days. All of the three together can complete the work in 6 days. In how much time can A and C together complete the work? a) 8 days (Ans) b) 10 days c) 12 days d) 14 days Read the following information carefully and then answer the questions. Four friends W, X, Y and Z are students of Class 10th. W and X are good in Hindi but poor in English. W and Y are good in Science but poor in Mathematics. Y and Z are good in English but poor in Social Studies. Z and X are good in Mathematics as well as in Science. 32 Who amongst the following friends is not good in Mathematics but good in Hindi? (A) W (Ans) (B) Y (C) X (D) Z 33. Which of the following pairs of friends are good, both in English and Science? (A) W and Y (B) W and Z (C) Y and Z (Ans) (D) Z and X 34 . Which of the following statements is definitely true? (A) Y and Z are good in English as well as in Hindi (B) All four friends are good in Science (Ans) (C) W is good in Social Studies, Hindi and Science (D) Y is not good in Mathematics, Hindi and Social Studies 35 If the volume of a sphere is divided by its surface area, we obtain 27 cm. The radius of the sphere is (A) 9 cm. (B) 81 cm. (Ans) (C) 27 cm. (D) 24 cm. 36 One-third of one fourth of a number is 12. Then the number is (A) 96 (B) 144 (Ans) (C) 108 (D) 36 37 In the number series 4,10,23,50,104,216,439 the wrong number is (A) 10 (B) 23 (C) 104 (Ans) (D) 50 38 The price of 2 trousers and 4 shirts is Rs. 1,600. With the same amount one can buy 1 trouser and 6 shirts. If one wants to buy 12 shirts, he has to pay (A) Rs. 2400 (Ans) (B) Rs. 4800 (C) Rs. 1200 (D) Rs. 3700 39 In a factory, the production of scooters rose to 48400 from 40000 in 2 years. The rate of growth per annum is (A) 20% (B) 10% (Ans) (C) 30% (D) 8% 40 The sum of two numbers is 2490. If 6.5% of one number is equal to 8.5% of the other, the numbers are (A) 1411 and 1079 (Ans) (B) 1412 and 1080 (C) 1141 and 1709 (D)1214 and 1800 Placement Paper LIC free solved placement paper,LIC aptitude reasoning questions with answers ande detailed explnations,LIC general awreness and free on line mock test to practice,LIC largest collection of solved question papers LIC Reasoning Questions with answers 1. If in the word VITREOUS all the consotants are first arranged alphabetically, and then all the vowels are arranged alphabetically, which letter will be second to the right of fourth from the left ? (a) S (b) T (c) I (Ans) (d) E 2. If ÷ means '-' '-' means '+' '+' means 'x' and 'x' means ' ÷' then what is the value of 16+5 -90 ÷15x 3 ? (a) 165 (Ans) (b) 185 (c) 98 (d) 62 3. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group ? (a) Apple (b) Pear (c) Papaya (d) Orange (Ans) 4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group (a) 48 (b) 54 (c) 42 (d) 46 (Ans) 5. In a certain code language, 'go home now' is written as 'ho ka pa' and 'come home again' is written as 'ka da sa'. How is 'now' written in that code language ? (a) ka (b) ho (c) pa (d) ho or pa (Ans) 6. Q is taller than P.H is not as tall as P.J and R are shorter than H. Who among them is the tallest? (a) P (b) H (c) Q (Ans) (d) J 7. SORROW :CRY::MIRTH:? (a) JOY (b) LAUGHTER (Ans) (c) FROWN (d) WEEP 8. LJH:KKI:: CIA:? (a) DBB (b) BJB (Ans) (c) CBZ (d) BBZ 9. Ramu walks 2 km towards North and turn to his right and walks 4 km more. He then turns to his right and walk 4 km and turns again to his right and walks another 4 km. (a) East (b) North (c) South (d) West (Ans) 10. A is the sister of B, B is the brother of C, C is the son of D. How is D related to A ? (a) Mother (Ans) (b) Daughter (c) Son (d) Uncle 11. A and B alone can complete work in 9 days and 18 days respectively. They worked together. However 3 days before the completion of the work A left. In how many days was the work completed ? (a) 13 (b) 8 (Ans) (c) 6 (d) 5 12. The ratio of two numbers is 4:5 when the first is increased by 20% and the second is decreased by 20%, the ratio of the resulting number is (a) 4:5 (b) 5:4 (c) 5:6 (d) 6:5 (Ans) 13. Two trains are running in opposite direction with the same speed. If the length of each train is 120 metres and they cross each other in 12 seconds, the speed of each train (in km/hours) is (a) 72 (b) 10 (c) 36 (Ans) (d) 18 14. A bag contains Rs.90 in coins of denominations of 50 paise, 25 paise and 10 paise. If coins of 50 paise, 25 paise and 10 paise are in the ratio 2:3:5, then the number of 25 coins in the bag is (a) 80 (b) 120 (Ans) (c) 100 (d) 135 15. Difference of two numbers is 1660. If 6% of one number is 8% of the other number, the smallest number is (a) 7055 (b) 5395 (Ans) (c) 3735 (d) 2076 16. The average age of 15 student of a class in 15 years. Out of these the average age of 5 students is 14 years and that of the other 9 students is 16 years. The age of the 15th student is (a) 11 years (Ans) (b) 15 years (c) 15 years (d) 14 years 17. The product of two numbers is 4107. If the H.C.F of the numbers is 37, the greater number is (a) 185 (b) 111 (Ans) (c) 107 (d) 101 18. In an examination 80% of the candidates passed in English and 85% in Mathematics; while 75% passed in both English and Mathematics. If 45 candidates failed in both these subjects then the total number of candidates was (a) 225 (b) 450 (Ans) (c) 400 (d) 350 19. In a box, there are 10 white socks and 16 black sock. what is the minimum number of socks that a blindfolded man should take out to get one pair? (a) 5 (b) 3 (Ans) (c) 2 (d) 4 20. 10 goats jum over a fence one after the other in 10 minutes. Then how many goats will jump over the same fence at the same rate in one hour ? (a) 60 (b) 54 (c) 55 (Ans) (d) 61 21. -------bits equal one byte (a) Eight (Ans) (b) Two (c) One thousand (d) One million 22. ------- controls the way in which the computer, responsible for processing data (a) The platform (b) The operating system (Ans) (c) Application software (d) The motherboard 23. The ---- also called the "brains" of the computer, is responsible for processing data (a) Motherboard (b) Memory (c) RAM (d) Central processing Unit (CPU) (Ans) 24. The operation system is the most common type of -----software (a) Communication (b) Application (c) System (Ans) (d) Word -processing 25. When you quickly press and re-lease the left mouse button, twice, you are ------- (a) Primary - Clicking (b) Pointing (c) Double -clicking (Ans) (d) Secondary - clicking 26. The horizontal and vertical lines on a worksheet are called ------ (a) Cells (b) Sheets (c) black lines (d) gridlines (Ans) 27. To delete an incorrect character in a document, -------- to erase to the right of the insertion point (a) Press the left mouse key (b) double-click the right mouse key (c) press the BACKSPACE key (d) press the delete key (Ans) 28. The 'Hollerith' code is used with : (a) Magnetic tape (b) Punched card (Ans) (c) Floppy disk (d) Paper tape 29. Volatile memory means: (a) Fixed memory (b) Can make changes (c) Content will lose if power fails (Ans) (d) Cannot be erased 30. A 'T State' means: (a) Portion of operation in a cycle (Ans) (b) Total time to execute an instruction (c) Time to complete one machine cycle (d) Operations performed for an instruction 31. Diamond is harder then grahite because if (a) its tetrahedral structure (b) Difference in layers of atoms (c) Difference of crystalline structure (Ans) (d) Being dried in the sun 32. A foreign particle that stimulates the formation of antibodies is called a/am (a) Receptor (b) Histone (c) Antibiotic (d) Antigen (Ans) 33. The function of the tongue is snakes is to ---- the food. (a) Detect (b) Smell (Ans) (c) Catch (d) Taste 34. An enzyme that work in an acidic medium is (a) Maltose (b) Trypsin (c) Pepsin (Ans) (d) ptyalin 35. How many pairs of salivate glands does the human body have ? (a) 8 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 3 (Ans) 36. Wilson's disease is caused by an excess in the human body of (a) Cobalt (b) Copper (Ans) (c) Iron (d) Sodium 37. The specific test for the detection of tuberculosis is the -----test. (a) Kahn's (b) Widal's (c) Robert's (d) Mantoux's (Ans) 38. Mirage is an optical illusion caused by (a) Reflection (b) Refraction (c) Total internal reflection (Ans) (d) Scattering 39. Which of the following regulates the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil ? (a) Ciliary muscles (b) Retina (c) Iris (Ans) (d) none of these 40. In a dry cell, the depolaizer is (a) MnO2 (Ans) (b) NH4CL (c) ZnCL2 (d) none of these 41. What is 'Zero Hour'? (a) When the proposals of the opposition are considered (b) When matters of utmost importance are raised (Ans) (c) Interval between the morning and afternoon session (d) When a Money Bill is introduced in the Lok-Sabha 42. When the Lok Sabha is dissolve, the Speaker continues in office till a new (a) Lok Sabha is formed (b) Speaker is appointed by the president (c) Speaker is elected when the new House meets (Ans) (d) Government is formed 43. The first no confidence motion was moved in the Lok Sabha after independence was in the year (a) 1954 (b) 1960 (c) 1963 (Ans) (d) 1975 44. The preamble includes all of the following except (a) Fraternity (b) Adult franchise (Ans) (c) Justice (d) Equality of status 45. Free and compulsory education for children up to the age of 14 years has been envisaged in the Constitution under its Article (a) 14 (b) 19 (c) 32 (d) 21(A) (Ans) 46. In the Constitution, there is a reference to the development of scientific temper, humanism and spirit of inquiry and reform, in the (a) Preamble (b) Fundamental right (c) Fundamental duties (Ans) (d) Directive principles 47. The part of the Constitution that deals with the directive principle of state policy is part (a) II (b) III (c) IV (Ans) (d) V 48. The Constitution confers special responsibility for the enforcement of fundamental rights upon the (a) State legislature (b) President (c) Supreme Court (Ans) (d) Parliament 49. When is Windows 8 set to be released by Microsoft ? (a) October 26 2012 (Ans) (b) January 1st 2012 (c) August 10th 2012 (d) March 23rd 2013 50. Who is the first Indian defence Minister to visit Saudi Arabia (a) A.K. Antony (Ans) (b) George Fernandez (c) V. R. Krishnayyar (d) Beldev 51. Find out the wrongly spelt word (a) Moustache (b) hipcrasy (Ans) (c) omission (d) maitre 52. 'Chaos' means (a) Paradise (b) Complete disorder or confusion (Ans) (c) busy (d) solutide 53. Few people knew the answer ? (a) didn't they (b) did they (Ans) (c) don't they (d) will they 54. The children were warned -------- (a) to commit the mistake (b) for committing the mistake (c) Against committing the mistake (Ans) (d) with committing the mistake Direction (5-6) chose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold 55. Emerging (a) Satisfied (b) profiting (c) Modern (d) dull (Ans) 56. Reverse (a) Remove (b) destroy (c) motivate (d) establish (Ans) Direction (7-8) choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning of the word/of words printed in bold 57. Centred on (a) Gets boost (b) revolves around (c) inspired from (Ans) (d) thrives on 58. Mitigate (a) Migrate (b) take off (c) out (d) reduce (Ans) 59. The jailer saw------the prisoner's scheme (a) to (b) through (Ans) (c) about (d) into 60. His company is greatly so sought ------ (a) for (b) at (c) after (Ans) (d) out 61. The chief guest came into the room ----by the chairman of the company (a) Preceded (Ans) (b) Coupled (c) Joined (d) allowed 62. A jaundiced eye (a) Jealously (b) a generous view (c) Angry (d) prejudice (Ans) 63. To see red (a) To be very angry (b) To victimize someone (c) To find fault with (Ans) (d) To criticise others 64. Butter is made -----milk (a) of (b) from (Ans) (c) with (d) by Complete the sentence 65. It you come to me (a) I would help you (Ans) (b) will help you (c) had helped you (d) would have helped you 66. Cows----grass (a) eats (b) has eaten (c) eat (Ans) (d) eating 67. The prime minister called ------ the president (a) at (b) an (Ans) (c) of (d) with 68. You may sit ------ (a) Wherever you liked (b) When you are tired (Ans) (c) When you got permission (d) Whenever you liked 69. Though he refused at first he---- in the end (a) came out (b) came away (c) came up (d) came around (Ans) 70. The new manager has ----- many changes (a) brought about (Ans) (b) brought round (c) brought up (d) brought off 71. Who declared as his ultimate aim that, to wipe 'every tear from every eye'? (a) Jawaharlal Nehu (b) Gandhiji (Ans) (c) Sardar Patel (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad 72. The Lahore session of congress of 1929 is historic as (a) Jawaharlal Nehru was made president of the congress party (b) son had succeeded father as the official head of the national movement (c) it marked a unique family triumph in the annals of modern history (d) it passed a resolution declaring Poorna Swaraj to be the congress objective (Ans) 73. The system of separate electorates was introduced by the act of (a) 1813 (b) 1833 (c) 1858 (d) 1909 (Ans) 74. The British Prime Ministers who opposed to the continuation of British Rule over India was (a) Winston Churchill (b) Atlee (Ans) (c) Chamberlain (d) Lloyd George 75. IT amendment Act (a) 2006 (b) 2008 (Ans) (c) 2010 (d) 2005 76. Present Union Minister of IT and Communication (a) A. K. Antony (b) Kapil Sibal (Ans) (c) Ajit Sigh (d) none of these 77. Present world Bank president (a) Haruhiko (b) Donald Kaberuka (c) Christine Lagarde (d) Jim Yong Kim (Ans) 78. United Nations University is located at (a) Washington (b) Newyork (c) Tokyo (Ans) (d) London 79. The first Indian to get Pulitzer Prize (a) U Thant (b) Gopal Reddy (c) Sasi Tharoor (d) Jhumpa lahiri (Ans) 80. Which city is set to host 2017 world athletic champion ship (a) Newyork (b) Parris (c) London (Ans) (d) Delhi 81. Consumer Protection Act was passed in (a) 1986 (Ans) (b) 1950 (c) 1947 (d) 1964 82. The 'Garibi hatao' (eradicate poverty) slogan was coined by Indira Gandhi during the (a) First plan (b) Second plan (c) Third plan (d) fifth plan (Ans) 83. Where is STARS (Satellite Tracking and Ranging station)? (a) Ahmadabad (b) Kavalur (Ans) (c) Sreeharikotta (d) Bangalore 84 Dry farming in India is extensively practiced in (a) Kanara Plains (b) Deccan region (Ans) (c) Coromandal plains (d) Punjab plains 85. Coconut island is located at (a) Kamala sager (b) Dumboorlake (Ans) (c) Wularlake (d) Vembanad lake 86. The District in Kerala with highest schedule caste population is (a) Idukki (b) Wayanad (c) Malappuram (d) Palakkad (Ans) 87. The first ministry of E.M. Sankaran Namboothiripad ruled Kerala for ----- months (a) 25 (b) 26 (c) 27 (d) 28 (Ans) 88. The sex ratio in Kerala according to the census conducted in 2011 (a) 1006/1000 (b) 1020/1000 (c) 1084/1000 (Ans) (d) 1133/1000 89. The woman's reservation bill was passed by the Rajya Sabha on (a) 09.01.2010 (b) 09.01.2009 (c) 09.03.2010 (Ans) (d) 01.03.2010 90. 'Syananduram ' is the Sanskrit name for (a) Kannur (b) Kozhikode (c) Kochi (d) Thiruvananthapuram (Ans Placement Paper LIC practice questions,LIC previous years solved question papers,LIC aptitude numerical ability,reasoning,general awareness questions with answers,LIC largest collection of model questions for practice LIC practice questions 1. In a certain code BASKET is written as '5%3#42' and ARM is written as ' % @ 9 ' . How i s TERM written in that code ? (1) 23@9 (2) 249® (3) 42@9 (4) 24@9 (5) None of these 2. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word CHRONICLE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 3. The positions of how many digits in the number 53269718 will remain unchanged if the digits with-in the number are rearranged in ascending order ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 4. In a Certain code ARCHIVE is written as DSBGFWJ. How is SYSTEMS written in that code ? (1) TZTSTNF (2) TZTUTNF (3) TZTSFNT (4) RXRSTNF (5) None of these 5. If 'R' denotes 'divided by'; T' denotes 'added to'; 'W denotes 'subtracted from' and 'B' denotes 'multiplied by', then— 15 W 12 T 8 R 2 B 6 = ? (1) 11/12 (2) 3 and 2/3 (3) 27 (4) 3 (5) None of these 6. What should come next in the following letter series ? I H G F E D C B A 1 H G F E D C I H G F E (1) I (2) D (3) B (4) A (5) None of these 7. How many meaningful English words can be made with the letters TSFI using each letter only once in each word ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 8. Pointing to a boy, Sunita said "He is the son of my grandfather's only son". How is the boy related to Sunita ? (1) Son (2) Nephew (3) Uncle (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these 9. The positions of the first and the fifth digit in the number 89123654 are interchanged. Similarly the positions of the second and the sixth digits are interchanged and so on. Which of the following will be the second digit from the right end after the rearrangement? (1) 9 (2) 8 (3) 1 (4) 2 (5) None of these 10. 'MP' is related to 'HK' in the same way as 'WZ' is related to ? (1) QS (2) RU (3) PS (4) QU (5) None of these Answers with explanation : 7. (3) Meaningful Words => FIST, SIFT 8. (4) The only son of Sunita's grandfather means either father or maternal uncle of Sunita. Therefore, the boy is either or cousin of Sunita. 9. (3) 10.(2) Directions ( 11 - 16 ) : Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and—Give answer (1) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (2) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (3) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer (4) if the data given in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question, and Give answer (5) if the data in both the statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. 11. How is 'sure' written in a code language ? I. 'he is sure' is written as ja ha ma' in that code language. II. 'is she sure' is written as 'ka ja ma' in that code language. 12. What is Rs position from the left end in a row ? I. M is tenth from the left end of the row. II. There are sixteen children between M and R. 13. How is J related to M ? I. M has only one brother and two sisters. II. J is daughter of T who is wife of M. 14. Town P is towards which direction of town T ? I. Town T is towards South of town K which is towards West of town P. II. Town R is towards South of town V and towards East of town T. 15. Among P, Q, R, S and T each having different age, who is the youngest among them ? I. Q is younger than only P. II. S is older than only R. 16. On which day of the week did Sourav visit Delhi ? I. Sourav visited Delhi after Monday but before Thursday but not on an odd day of the week. II. Sourav visited Delhi before Friday but after Monday. Answers : 11.(4), 12(5), 13(2), 14(1), 15(5), 16(1) Directions (17-22) : In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by three conclusions numbered 1,' II and III. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements is regarding commonly known facts. 17. Statements: All chairs are fires. Some fires are winds. AllWinds are nets. Some nets are clocks. Conclusions: I. Some clocks are winds. II. Some nets are fires. III. Some winds are chairs. (1) None follows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only III follows (5) Only II and III follow 18. Statements: Some tyres are ropes. Some ropes are tents. Some tents are walls. Some walls are buildings. Conclusions: I. Some buildings are ropes. II. Some walls are ropes. III. Some tents are tyres. (1) None follows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only III follows (5) Only I and II follow 19. Statements: All desks are pillars. All pillars are circles. Some circles are squares. Some squares are rectangles. Conclusions: I. Some rectangles are pillars. II. Some circles are desks. III. Some squares are desks. (1) Nonefollows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only III follows (5) Only I and II follow 20. Statements: Some beads are rings. Some rings are bangles. All bangles are clothes. All clothes are boxes. Conclusions: I. Some boxes are bangles. II: Some clothes are rings. III. Some bangles are beads. (1) None follows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only III follows (5) Only I and II follow Conclusions: I. Some boxes are bangles. II: Some clothes are rings. III. Some bangles are beads. (1) Nonefollows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only III follows (5) Only I and II follow Answers :17(3), 18(1), 19(3), 20(5) LIC Aptitude and Reasoning Question Paper LIC Latest Numerical ability Questions| LIC Latest 2011-2012 Placement papers| LIC Direct Executives and Development Officers Examination Questions LIC Aptitude, Reasoning ,English Language and General Awareness Questions LIC Numerical Ability Questions 1.Which of the following numbers is exactly divisible by 99? a.114345 b.135792 c.3572404 d.913464 2.In a division sum, the divisor is 10 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder, if the remainder is 46 the dividend a.4356 b.4816 c.5096 d.5336 3.On 1 st January every year a person buys NSC of value exceeding that of his last year's purchase by Rs.100 After 10 years, he finds that the total value of the certificate held by him is Rs. 54,500. Find the value (in Rupee)of the certificates purchased by him in the first year? a.4,00 b.4800 c.5000 d.6000 4.A tennis ball bounds each time to a height equal to one-half of the height of the previous bounce if it is first dropped from a height of 8 meters, find the total vertical distance (in metres) it hs traveled when it hits the ground for the 10th time a.21,969 b.22,969 c.23,969 24,969 5. The L.C.M of 1/3,5/6,2/9,4/27 is a.1/54 b.10/27 c.20/3 d.27/4 6.4.8438?0.069 a.60.2 69.2 c.70.2 71.2 7.In a certain city there are 5 colleges and20 schools Each school has 3 persons,1 clerk and 1 head clerk, whereas a college has 5 peons,3 clerks,1 head clerk and an additional staff as caretaker. The monthly salary of each of them is as follows Peon=Rs.1,100:Head clerk = Rs.3,000 clerk+Rs.1,700,Caretaker+Rs 2,500 The total monthly salary bill (in Rupees) of Schools and colleges of the city is a.2,10,800 b.2.20.600 c.2.30.400 d.2.40,500 8.what fraction must be subtracted from the sum of 1/4 and 1/6 to have an average of 1/12 of all the three fractions? a.1/2 b.1/3 c.1/4 d.1/6 9.The value of square root of 0.4 is: a.0.2 b.0.02 c.0.063 d.0.51 10.A team of 8 persons joins in a shooting completion. The best marksman scored 85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average score for the team would have been 84. The number of points, the team scored was: a.64.5 b.66.5 c.588 d.672 11.The sum of three numbers is 136 If the ratio between first and second be 2:3 AND THAT BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD IS 5:3 THEN THE SECOND NUMBER IS A.40 B.48 c.52 d.60 12 A is as much younger to B as he is elder to C. If the sum of the ages of B and C is 48 years, What is the age of A in years a.20 b.24 c.30 d.32 13 P is six times as large as q. The percent that q is less than p is a.83 and 1/3 b,16 and 2/3 c.90 d.60 14 The income of a broker remains unchanged though the rate of commission is increased from 4% to 5% The percentage of slump in business is: a.10% b.15% c.20% d.40% 15 A man purchased 35kg of rice at the rate of Rs.9.50 pe rkg and 30kg @of Rs.10.50 per kg He mixed the two Approximately at what price per kg should he sell the mixture to make 35% profit in the transaction a.12 b.12.50 c.13 d.13.50 LIC Reasoning Questions 16 What is the common ratio of the progression 3v2, 6, 6v2 ? (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) v2 (d) v3 17. A clock shows the time as 6 a.m. If the minute hand gains 2 minutes every hour, how many minutes will the clock gain by 9 p.m.? (a) 30 minutes-Ans (b) 25 minutes (c) 28 minutes (d) 34 minutes Directions (questins 18 to 22): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements marked I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer (a) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question. (b) If the data in statements I alone are not sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. (c) If the data either in statement I or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question. (d) If the data even in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question. (e) If the data in both statements I and II together are needed to answer the question. 18. What does ‘Ne’ stands for in the code language? I. ‘Na Ni Nok Ne’ means ‘I will tell you’ and ‘Ni Nok Ne Nam’ means ‘he will tell you’ in that code language. II. ‘Ni Ne Mo Nam’ means ‘will he call you’ and ‘Ne Mok Sac Ni’ means ‘how will you go’ in that code language. Ans (d) 19. Who amongst P, Q, R, S, T and U is the tallest? I. P is taller that R and T but not as tall as U, who is taller than Q and S. II. R is the third in height in the ascending order and not as tall as U, P and Q, Q being taller than P but not the tallest. Ans (c) 20. Who among A, B, C, D, E & F read the book last? I. F, who gave the book to B after reading, was third to read the same. II. C, who read the book after A, was the third person to read the book before it reached E. Ans (d) 21. Who is paternal uncle of Pavan? I. Pavan is brother of Poornima, who is daughter of Meena, who is sister of Kumar, who is brother Smrithi. II. Prithvi is brother of Indrajith, who is husband of Poornima, who is mother of Ganga, who is sister of Pavan. Ans (b) 22. What is Milan’s rank in the class of 44 students? I. Ramesh, whose rank is 17th in the class, is ahead of Shyam by 6 ranks, Shyam being 7 ranks ahead of Milan. II. Suketu is 26 ranks ahead of Milan and Shyamala is 6 ranks behind Milan while Savita stands exactly in the middle of Shyamala and Suketu in ranks, her rank being 17. Ans (c) 23. Below are given six three-digit numbers. The digits comprise of numeric and letters. The letter indicates its serial order in the English alphabet. What will be the middle digit of the 4th number when the numbers are arranged in the descending order after interchanging numeric in each number without altering the place of letter in the number? 19F, 2H9, 98B, D76, 7A6, 61E (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 6 (d) 7 (e) None of these Ans (e) 24. How many pairs of letters are there in the word SPONTANEOUS which have number of letters between them in the word one less than the number of letters between them in English alphabet? (a) five (b) one (c) four (d) Two (e) Three Ans (a) 25. Four of the following five have similar relationship and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group? (a) BROTHER : DORVEHT (b) ENGLISH : GGNNSIJ (c) ANOTHER : CONVEHT (d) BETWEEN : DTEZEEP (e) HUSBAND : JSUDNAF Ans (d) LIC Reasoning paper LIC Latest Placement Paper| LIC written test pattern and Written Questions LIC Sales Aptitude ,Reasoning, General Awareness and English Language Questions LIC Test-1 Reasoning ability Directions (Q.No. 1-5): Find out the correct answer out of the four alternatives given below each question and then mark it in your answer sheet 1.Ice : Coolness :: Earth : ? a. Forest b. Weight c.Gravitation-Ans d.Ocean 2.Coconut:Shell :: Letter : ? a.Mail b.Letter-box c.Stamp d.Emvelope-Ans 3.Income is related to profit in the same way as expenditure is related to a.Loss-Ans b.Surplus c.Balance d.Sale 4.Much is related to many in the same way as measure is related to a.Calculate b.Count c.Weigh d.Measurement-Ans 5.Clue is related to Mystery in the same way as warning is related to a.Precaution-Ans b.Disaster c.Risk d.Danger 6.Directions (Q.No.6-10) : Find out the missing term in the following letter-number series: 6.H 4 W, I 18 V, K 48 T, N 100 Q, ? ,W 294 H a.P1485 S b.R 180 M-An c.S 198 1 d.T 206 K 7.I ED, 2 FD, 3 KH, ? 15 KG 48 KF a. 12 PX b.6 RI c.9LV d.8TQ 8M4, T7, P7, Q 10, S 10, N 13 ? K 16 a.V 4 b.K 7 c.T 13 d. G15 9.R 5 P, T 6 M, V 9 J, X 15 G, ? a. A 12 L b. I 18 X c. T 13 d. G 15 10.DGK0, GKP3, ? PVC 15 a. GKV 5 b. KPV 8 c. PVZ 9 d. KPU 11 Tips -Objective tests require a lot of practice. Particularly for the Reasoning and Numerical Ability tests, practice pays. It not only enables a candidate to solve the problems correctly by indicating the methods to be used but also by achieving the required speed. Regular practice also generates a lot of confidence in the mind of the candidate to attempt the paper. 11. If the first 6 letter of the English Alphabet series are written in reversed order, then the next 6 letter are written in reversed order and so on, and at the end Y is interchanged Z, then which letter is fourth letter to the right of 13th letter from the left? a.M b.N c. Q d.P 12 If the English Alphabet series is written in the reverse order and every alternate letter starting from Y is dropped, which letter will be exactly in the middle of the remaining letters of the alphabet series? a.L b.O c.M d.N 13 If the letters in each of the following five groups of letters are first rearranged in the alphabetical order and then the groups of letters so formed are rrearranged ias in a dictionary,which letter group would have its group of letter in the MIDDLE among the five letter-groups? a.LACK b.MEET c.ROAD d.DEAF 14 Find the odd man out a.MOndAy b.tUESdAy c.WEdNESdAy d.thUrSdAy 15 Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? a.CUSTOMER :SGPSYYBK b.INTEREST : UUHVJYUQ c.OVERSEAS: TCHWWKCW d.BANKING : HPLOSGI 16 Three of the four groups of letter given below are alike in a certain way while one is different Choose the odd one a.PROFIT : RPQCKR b.OTHERS : QRJCTQ. c.LEGUME : NCISOC dCANKER : EYPIGP 17 Three of the four groups of letters given below are alike in a certain way while oneis different Choose the odd one a.GOWOURV b.LZKMSU c.JOEHNP d.SFXPMG 18 Three of the four groups of letters given below are alike in a certain way while one is different choose the odd one a.TW b.MS c.FT JU 19 Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? a. Pineapple b.Guava c.Grapes d.Papaya e.Pea-Ans 20 If the word STABLE all the consonants are replaced by the previous letter and all the vowels are replaced by the next letter which letter will be third from the left end? aS b.B c.A d.K 21 If ‘ P Q' means ‘P is wife of Q', ‘P+Q' means ‘P is father of Q' and ‘P Q' means ‘P is sister of Q' then in G H +R D, how is G related to D? a.Cannot be determined b.Mother-ans c.Niece d.Aunt e.None of these 22Which pair of the letters in the word BEAUTIFUL has the same relationship between its letters with respect to their position in the English alphabet as the pair EA in that word has between its letters? a. IB b.LF c.IE-Ans d.FL e TL 23 In the sequence given below the sum of the two digits which immediately precede the digit ‘4' exceeds the sum of the two digits which immediately follow the digit 4 and sum of the two digits which immediately follow the digit 6 exceeds the sum of the two digits which immediately precede the digit 6. How many such 4’s and 6’s together are there? 5 4 4 6 2 6 3 5 6 4 2 8 4 3 7 6 6 4 8 3 a.4-a b.6 c.3 d.5 e None of these 24 Accident is related to Carefulness in the same way as Disease is related to a.Sanitation-Ans (a) Lack of second results in the first b.Treatment c.Medicine (Doctor Four of the following five have similar relationship and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group? a. BROTHER : DORVEHT b.ENGLISH : GGNNSIJ c.ANOTHER : CONVEHT d.BETWEEN : DTEZEEP-Ans (d) e HUSBAND : JSUDNAF LIC Aptitude Reasoning Questions LIC upcoming written tests aptitude, reasoning data analysis solved questions with detailed explanations LIC previous years solved question papers.LIC aptitude,reasoning,general awareness questions with answers Directions (Q.1-5) In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by your conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 1. Statements All cups are bottles. Some bottles are jugs. No jug is plate. Some plates are tables. Conclusions I. Some tables are bottles II. Some plates are cups. III. No table is bottle IV. Some jugs are cups (1) Only I follows (2) Only II follows (3) Only III follows (4) Only IV follows (5) Only either I or III follows Ans : (5) Expl : Conclusions I. X ] II. X ] or III. ? ] IV. X Either I or III is true 2. Statements All birds are horses. All horses are tigers. Some tigers are lions. Some lions are monkeys. Conclusions I. Some tigers are horses II. Some monkeys are birds III. Some tigers are birds IV. Some monkeys are horses (1) Only I and III follow (2) Only I, II and III follow (3) Only II, III and IV follow (4) All I, II, III and IV follow (5) None of the above Ans : (1) Conclusions I. ? II. X III. ? IV. X So, I and III follows only. 3. Statements Some chairs are handles. All handles are pots. All pots are mats. Some mats are buses. Conclusions I. Some buses are handles. II. Some mats are chairs III. No bus is handle IV. Some mats are handles (1) Only I, II and IV follow (2) Only II, III and IV follow (3) Only either I or III and II follow (4) Only either I or III and IV follow (5) Only either I or III and II and IV follow Ans : (5) Conclusions I. X ] II. ? ] or III. ? ] IV. ? Either I or III and II, IV are true. 4. Statements Some sticks are lamps. Some flowers are lamps. Some lamps are dresses. All dresses are shirts Conclusions I. Some shirts are sticks II. Some shirts are flowers III. Some flowers are sticks IV. Some dresses are sticks (1) None follows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only III follows (5) Only IV follows Ans : (1) Conclusions I. X II. X III. X IV. X None is true 5. Statements Some benches are walls. All wall are houses. Some houses are jungles. All jungles are roads. Conclusions I. Some roads are benches II. Some jungles are walls III. Some houses are benches IV. Some roads are houses (1) Only I and II follow (2) Only I and III follow (3) Only III and IV follow (4) Only II , III and IV follow (5) None of the above Ans : (3) SBI Qnos.15 Explanation Conclusions I. X II. X III. ? IV. ? Only III and IV follow. Directions (Q. 6-10) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are eight employees of an organization working in three department viz. Personnel Administration and Marketing with not more than three of them in any department. Each of them has a different choice of sports from football, cricket, volleyball badminton, lawn tennis, basketball, hockey and table tennis not necessarily in the same order. D works in Administration and does not like either football or cricket. F works in Personnel with only A who likes table tennis. E and H do not work in the same department as D. C likes hockey and does not work in Marketing. G does not work in Administration and does not like either cricket or badminton. One of those who work in Administration likes football. The one who likes volley ball works in personnel. None of those who work in Administration likes either badminton or lawn tennis. H does not like cricket. 6. Which of the following groups of employees work in Administration department ? (1) EGH (2) AF (3) BCD (4) BGD (5) Data inadequate Ans : (3) 7. In which department does E work ? (1) Personnel (2) Marketing (3) Administration (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Ans : (2) 8. What is E's favourite sport ? (1) Cricket (2) Badminton (3) Basketball (4) Lawn Tennis (5) None of these Ans : (1) 9. Which of the following combinations of employee department - favourite sport is correct ? (1) E-Administration - Cricket (2) F-Personnel -Lawn Tennis (3) H-Marketing -Lawn Tennis (4) B-Administration -Table Tennis (5) None of these Ans : (5) 10. What is G's favourite sport ? (1) Cricket (2) Badminton (3) Basketball (4) Lawn Tennis (5) None of these Ans : (4) 1. Each odd digit in the number 5263187 is substituted by the next higher digit and each even digit is substituted by the next higher digit and each even digit is substituted by the previous lower digit and the digits so obtained are rearranged in ascending order, which of the following will be the third digit from the left end after the rearrangement ? (1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6 (5) None of these Ans : (2) Expl: Given number ---> 5 2 6 3 1 8 7 After rearrangement ---> 6 1 5 4 2 7 8 Arranged in ascending order 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 so, the third digit from left end is 4 2. Town D is towards East of town F. Town B is towards North of town D. Town H is towards South of town B. Towards which directions is town H from town F ? (1) East (2) South - East (3) North - East (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Ans : (4) Expl : According to question, H is South of B. Therefore the position of H may be between B and D or it may be South of D. So, the position of H cannot determined 3. Among A, B, C, D and E each having different weight, D is heavier than only A and C is lighter than B and E. Who among them is the heaviest ? (1) B (2) E (3) C (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these Ans : (4) Expl : D> A (B, E) >C D is heavier than only A So, (B,E) > C> D> A So, heaviest is either B or E 4. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word SEARCHES each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet ? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three Ans : (4) Expl : SBI Qnos.4 Explanation 5. If '÷' means '+', '-' means 'x', 'x' means '÷ ' and '+' means '-' then 15-8 x 6 ÷12+4 = ? (1) 20 (2) 28 (3) 8 and 4/7 (4) 2 and 2/3 (5) None of these Ans : (2) Expl : 15 - 8 x 6 ÷ 6 + 12-4 = ? After changing the sign 15 x 8 ÷ 6 + 12 -4 = ? LIC Aptitude-Reasoning Candidates who are going to write LIC ADO online exam they must and should check solved question papers, last year question papers PDF, books, study material, syllabus and pattern for better preparation. All the best to all LIC ADOs. LIC ADO Previous Year Solved Paper Reasoning Ability 1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word TRANSFER each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three 2. D is sister of F. M is brother of F. K is brother of D and son of T. R is wife of T. How is F related to T? 1) Son 2) Daughter 3) Son or daughter 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these 3. The positions of how many digits in the number 8359614 will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three 4. In a certain code 'STAGE' is written as '4@Ù59' and 'EARN' is written as 9Ù87'. How is 'NEST' written in that code? 1) 497@ 2) 794@ 3) @Ù79 4) 79@Ù 5) None of these 5. In a certain code TRILOGY is written as HQSMXFN. How is CREDITS written in that code? 1) DQBERSH 2) FSDCTUJ 3) DQBETUJ 4) FSDCRSH 5) None of these Directions (6 - 10) : Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below: H 3 $ E K 5 @ M % I 8 2 T A F 6 W I Ù N V ? P 4 Q ä R D Z 6. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? 1) FAW 2) NÙ? 3) 4Pä 4) MÙI 5) SEH 7. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a letter? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three 8. Which of the following is the fifth to the left of the sixteenth from the left end of the above arrangement? 1) 2 2) Ù 3) 8 4) 6 5) None of these 9. If all the symbols and numbers are dropped from the above arrangement which of the following will be the fourteenth from the right end? 1) T 2) K 3) N 4) P 5) None of these 10. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a letter but not immediately followed by a letter? 1) None 2) One 3) Two 4) Three 5) More than three Directions (11 - 15): In these questions, certain symbols have been used to indicate relationships between elements as follows: 'P Ù Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q. 'P $ Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q. 'P @ Q' means 'P is not smaller than Q. 'P % Q means P is not greater than Q. 'P ? Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q. In each question, four statements showing relationships have been given, which are followed by three conclusions I, II and III. Assuming that the given statements are true, find out which conclusion(s) is /are definitely true? 11. Statement: R % T, T Ù K, K $ M, M @ V Conclusions: I. M Ù T II. R Ù K III. K $ V 1) None is true 2) Only I and II are true 3) Only II and III are true 4) Only I and III are true 5) All I, II and III are true 12. Statements: W $ N N Ù R, R @ K, K % F Conclusions: I. F ? R II. R $ W III. N Ù K 1) None is true 2) Only I is true 3) Only II is true 4) Only III is true 5) Only II and III are true 13. Statements: F @ M, M % W, W $ R, R Ù V Conclusions: I. V $ M II. F $ W III. R Ù F 1) None is true 2) Only I is true 3) Only II is true 4) Only III is true 5) Only I and III are true 14. Statements: B $ D, D @ M, M % K, K Ù R Conclusions: I. R $ M II. K@D III. B $ M 1) Only I and II are true 2) Only I and III are true 3) Only II and III are true 4) All I, II and III are true 5) None of these 15. Statements: N@W, W?K, KÙV, V$F Conclusions: I. K?N II. K@N III. FÙW 1) Only I is true 2) Only II is true 3) Only III is true 4) Only either I or II is true 5) None of these Directions (16-20) Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: P.Q.R.S.T.V.W and Z are sitting around a circle facing the centre. S is second to the right of V who is third to the right of T.Q. is second to the left of T and fourth to the right of Z, W is third to the right of P who is not an immediate neighbour of T. 16. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions is the above arrangement and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group? 1) ZRV 2) SPQ 3) VZP 4) TWR 5) QWT 17. Who is to the immediate left of W? 1) Q 2) T 3) S 4) Data inadequate 5) None of these 18. Who is second to the left of R? 1) T 2) Q 3) W 4) Data Inadequate 5) None of these 19. Who is fourth to the left of P? 1) R 2) Z 3) W 4) T 5) Data inadequate 20. In which of the following pairs is the first person sitting to the immediate right of the second person? 1) SQ 2) TW 3) ZV 4) PS 5) QW Directions (21-25): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below: Following are the conditions for selecting Manager- Accounts in an organisation. The Candidate must: i. be at least 28 years and not more than 33 years as on 01.06.2010. ii. be agraduate with at least 55 percent marks. iii. be a post graduate dergee/ diploma holder in financial management with atleast 60 percent marks. iv. have post qualification work experience of atleast seven years in the Finance department of an organisation. v. have secured 40 percent marks in the personal interview. In the case of a candidates who satisfies all the conditions EXCEPT: A) at (iii) above but has completed CA/ICWA/CFA after his/ her graduation, the case is to be referred to executive Director- Finance. B) at (v) above but has secured atleast 35 percent marks in the personal interview and at least 65 percent marks in graduation. The case is to be referred to General Manager - Finance. In each question below are given details of one candidate. You have to take one of the following courses of action based on the information provided and the conditions and sub- conditions given above and mark the number of that course of action as your answer. You are not to assume anything other that the information provided in each question. All These cases are given to your as on 01.06.2010. Mark Answer (1) if the case is to be referred to Executive Director - Finance. Mark answer (2) if the case is to be referred to General Manager- Finance. Mark answer (3) if the candidate is to be selected. Mark answer (4) if the candidate is not to be selected. Mark answer (5) if the data provided are not adequate to take a decision 21. Subodh Saha has been working in the finance department of an organisation for the past seven years after completing his post Graduate degree in Financial Management with 60 percent marks. He has secured 53 percent marks in the personal interview. He was born on 8th may 1984. Ans: 4 22. Abhiram Gupta was born on 8th July 1980. He has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past nine years after completing his post graduation degree in Financial Management with 68 percent marks. He has secured 37 percent marks in personal interview and 70 percent marks in graduation. Ans: 2 23. Suchitra Kulkarni has been working in the finance department of an organisation for the past eight years. She was born on 12th April 1979. She has secured 65 percent marks in both graduation and post graduate diploma in financial management. She has also secured 50 percent marks personal interview. Ans: 3 24. Atul Sangma was born on 24th March 1980. He has secured 45 percent marks in the personal interview and 60 percent marks in graduation. He has been working organisation for th past seven yeas after completing his post graduate degree in Financial Management with 65 percent marks. Ans: 3 25. Neha Juneja was born on 4th September 1981. She has been working in the Finance department of an organisation for the past eight years after completing her ICWA after obtaining 58 percent marks in graduation. she has secured 48 percent marks in the personal Interview. Ans: 1 Placement Paper L.I.C. (ADO) Recruitment Exam Solved Paper (Held on 10-6-2007)LIC model questions papers for practice,LIC free solved sample placement papers,LIC 2010,2011,2013 free mock tests and sample test for practice, LIC aptitude, reasoning, general awareness and English language questions and answers,LIC previous years solved question papers,LIC Apprentice Development Officers job recruitment questions with answers for practice ,LIC Examination preparation materials ,LIC free Mock on line Test LIC -English Language Directions—(Q. 1–10) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. Politicians and generals talk of military strategies and manoeuvers but something completely different is needed. Stability will come only when economic opportunities exist, when youth can find jobs and support families rather than seeking their livelihood in violence. Peace can only be achieved with a withdrawal of foreign troops, sanctions and peace-keepers and the arrival of jobs, productive farms and factories, healthcare and schools. Repeatedly the fragile peace in impoverished countries has broken down because of the lack of economic follow-up. Despite promises of aid, the actual record of international aid to post war reconstruction is deficient. Once the war ends agencies involved in post war relief efforts fail to understand how to start or restart economic development in a low income setting. They squander time, surplus aid funds and opportunities because they are not familiar with local conditions and do not under-stand their point of view. There are distinct phases of outside help to end a conflict. In the first phase focus is on providing food, water, shelter and medicine to refugees i.e., humani-tarian. In the second, emphasis is on the refugees returning home while in the last phase long term investments and strengthening of courts is the main focus. However once a conflict is over aid agencies sanctioned by the World Bank send study groups instead of requisite personnel. There is a gap of several years before moving from humanitarian relief to economic development. By the time such help arrives the war has restarted. It is possible to restart economic develop-ment through targeted ‘quick impact’ initiatives. Most economies in post conflict countries are based on agri-culture. Providing free packages of seeds, fertilizers and low cost equip-ment quickly will ensure that former soldiers will return to their farms and establish their livelihood. But the window of opportunity closes quickly and one has to implement these measures almost immediately. 1. Which of the following is a reason, post conflict reconstruc-tion efforts have failed ? (A) Aid organizations do not understand issues from the pers-pective of the poor (B) Rapid economic develop-ment in low income countries-Answer (C) World Bank studies are not valid (D) International aid organiza-tions become too involved in reconstruction efforts (E) None of these 2. Where does the problem lie in implementing post war relief measures ? (A) Aid agencies fail to study the situation-Answer (B) Economic development measures are too rapid (C) Focus on economic deve-lopment not humanitarian aid (D) Lack of funds to implement programmes (E) Lack of essential and quali-fied personnel 3. According to the author how can political stability be achieved ? (A) Increasing the number of foreign troops in areas of conflict (B) Depending more on foreign aid (C) Following recommendations given by the World Bank (D) Providing economic oppor-tunities-Answer (E) None of these 4. Which of the following is not true in the context of the pas-sage ? (A) Focus in the first phase of a war is on providing humani-tarian aid (B) Sanctions are not a means to ensure peace (C) Adequate time must be taken to plan and implement quick impact strategies (D) Providing employment to the younger generation will prevent wars (E) Focus on delivering justice through courts should be in the last phase of conflict aid-Answer 5. How can economic development be restarted in an impoverished country ? (A) Long term studies should be commissioned (B) Retaining soldiers in the army to ensure law and order (C) Restrict number of aid agencies to avoid waste (D) Focusing on agricultural ini-tiatives-Answer (E) Deploying peace keepers in the country 6. What is the benefit of ‘quick impact’ aid ? (A) Soldiers earn income from the army and their farms (B) Providing alternate liveli-hood to soldiers before war can restart (C) Free land is given to soldiers (D) Price of equipment is low (E) None of these-Answer Directions—(Q. 7 and 8) Choose the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 7. exist (A) live (B) fit (C) create (D) occur-Answer (E) survive 8. squander (A) lavish (B) spend-Answer (C) displace (D) lose (E) misuse Directions—(Q. 9 and 10) Choose the word which is most opposite in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 9. fragile (A) weak (B) lasting (C) long (D) strong-Answer (E) unstable 10. deficient (A) surplus -Answer (B) valued (C) short (D) secure (E) repaired Directions—(Q. 11–15) Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below it— A. Strict obedience to these rules is called discipline. B. In the same way, a society where rules are not followed cannot survive for long. C. Only then a society can be run in an orderly fashion. D. A society can exist properly only when men living in it agree upon certain rules of conduct.-Answer E. For example, if the people on the road do not obey traffic rules there will be complete disorder and con-fusion. F. Students must obey their teachers, children their parents, citizens the laws and so on and so forth. 11. Which of the following is the fifth sentence ? (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) E-Answer (E) F 12. Which of the following is the sixth (Last) sentence ? (A) A -Answer (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E 13. Which of the following is the second sentence ? (A) A -Answer (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E 14. Which of the following is the first sentence ? (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D (E) E-Answer 15. Which of the following is the third sentence ? (A) A (B) B (C) C (D) E (E) F-Answer Directions—(Q. 16–20) Pick out the most effective word from among the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully com-plete. 16. She did not like to…………her decision like a dictator on her subordinates. (A) divulge (B) prompt (C) enforce -Answer (D) deploy (E) make 17. People unfortunately………that money brings happiness. (A) assume-Answer (B) deny (C) object (D) rely (E) conscious 18. The public have………a protest against the new rules of the budget. (A) organize (B) demonstrated (C) compiled (D) pursued (E) launched-Answer 19. Sarojini Naidu will always be remembered for her……… to the national cause. (A) blessing (B) involvement (C) pursuit (D) dedication-Answer (E) command 20. Poverty has to be………and the basic necessities of life should be made available to everyone. (A) destroyed (B) eliminated-Answer (C) finished (D) magnified (E) considered Directions—(Q. 21–25) In each of these questions, two of the words are related in some way i.e., they are similar or opposites. Pick out the option which represents that pair. 21. 1. moderate -Answer 2. easy 3. significant 4. strenuous (A) 2–4 (B) 1–2 (C) 1–3 (D) 2–3 (E) 3–4 22. 1. focus 2. trivial 3. vital 4. site (A) 1–2 (B) 2–4 (C) 1–3 (D) 3–4 (E) 2–3-Answer 23. 1. defer 2. dispute 3. prefer 4. challenge (A) 2–3 (B) 1–3-Answer (C) 2–1 (D) 2–4 (E) 3–4 24. 1. consequence 2. potential 3. influence 4. ability (A) 4–3 (B) 2–4-Answer (C) 2–3 (D) 1–3 (E) 4–1 25. 1. rebuke 2. oppose 3. praise 4. distrust (A) 1–2 (B) 2–3 (C) 1–3-Answer (D) 3–4 (E) 2–4 Directions—(Q. 26–35) In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested, one of which fills the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. Delinking of jobs from degrees is one of the …(26)… features of our education …(27)…. There has been a …(28)… fall in …(29)… in the acade-mic field in recent years. There is a …(30)… of degree holders in the country, as a result, university degrees have …(31)… their value and charm while the number of students in colleges and universities of the country has been …(32)… rising. Consequently thousands of graduates and post graduates come out of these institutions and stand in queues waiting to get some …(33)… jobs …(34)… in the country. Moreover, these degree holders do not have any technical or vocational knowledge needed for a particular job. As a result, the number of educated unemployed has been rising …(35)…. It has created a very serious problem. 26. (A) minor (B) trivial (C) unachievable (D) irrelevant (E) salient-Answer 27. (A) process (B) policy-Answer (C) development (D) guideline (E) procedures 28. (A) expected (B) sheer (C) rough (D) steep-Answer (E) gentle 29. (A) assessment (B) evaluation (C) competence-Answer (D) fees (E) value 30. (A) flood -Answer (B) class (C) party (D) mob (E) rabble 31. (A) mislaid (B) lost-Answer (C) increase (D) found (E) establish 32. (A) slowly (B) hastily-Answer (C) deeply (D) waiting (E) out 33. (A) suitable -Answer (B) remain (C) study (D) live (E) place 34. (A) frequency (B) occurrence (C) event (D) chance-Answer (E) blocking 35. (A) fever (B) outshine (C) lean (D) dwarfed (E) horribly-Answer Placement Paper LIC English questions for practice,LICsptitude,reasoning,general awareness questions with answers LIC English Questions with answers Directions (For Questions 1 to 4): In these questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which express the correct meaning of the given word printed in bold. 1. Encompassing a) Surrounding b) Incorporating (Ans) c) Enveloping d) Accepting 2. Prudence a) Wisdom (Ans) b) Gentleness c) Providence d) Pride 3. Fetter a) Restore b) Lavish c) Squander d) Chain (Ans) 4. Diligent a) Slack b) Steady c) Careful d) Laborious (Ans) Directions (For Question 5 and 6) : In these questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which is the most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold 5. Commendable a) Invaluable b) Undeserved c) Unreliable d) Unworthy (Ans) 6. Frugality a) Luxury b) Extravagance (Ans) c) Providence d) Familiarity 7. Substitute a single word for One who hates mankind a) Mercenary b) Philanthropist c) Neurotic d) Misanthropist (Ans) 8. Substitute a single word for 'Violation of something holy and sacred' a) Pollution b) Pilferage c) Sacrilege (Ans) d) Pittance 9. Fill in the blank with a suitable word He was apprised ......... the latest developments on the war front a) of (Ans) b) about c) on d) for 10. Find out the word which is spelt incorrect a) Proficient b) Efficient c) Sufficient d) Magnificient (Ans) Qs. 11-15. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 11. The price of (1) all petroleum products (2) is controlled (3) by the government. (4) No error. (5) (Ans : 5) No error. 12. There is a (1) tax benefit for (2) the income of (3) senior citizens. (4) No error. (5) (Ans : 2) 'tax benefit on'. 13. In my opinion (1) Vikas has (2) failed to follow (3) none of the instructions. (4) No error.(5) (Ans : 4) 'any of the instructions'. 14. At least of (1) three per cent of (2) those who applied (3) will be selected. (4) No error. (5) (Ans : 1) 'At least'. 15. He was (1) well known economist (2) who usual wrote (3) for international journals. (4) No error. (5) (Ans : 3) 'who usually wrote'. Qs. 16-20. Which of the phrases (1),(2),(3) and (4) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (5) as the answer 16. Occupying by many meetings, he did not reach home till late. (1) By occupying (2) While occupied (3) Occupation of (4) Occupied with (Ans) (5) No correction required 17. We were nervous while the auditor was going by the accounts. (1) had gone through (2) was going over (Ans) (3) gone through (4) went by (5) No correction required 18. Parents have to take some of this precaution while allowing their children to use the internet. (1) each of these precaution (2) every precautions (3) all these precaution (Ans) (4) No correction required (5) No correction required 19. An employee will get the incentive, only if he deserves it. (1) he himself deserves (2) they deserving it (3) he deserved for it (4) he was deserving (5) No correction required (Ans) 20. Sunita has been posted in Chennai, where is her birthplace. (1) which is her (Ans) (2) that is her (3) that she has (4) there is her (5) No correction required Qs. 21-25. Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them. (A) The old lady however refused to pay him and was taken to court. (B) The doctor, confident of his abilities, agreed. (C) Finally he cured her after all the valuable furniture had been removed from her house. (D) He then saw her furniture, realized its value and decided to delay curing her till he could steal it. (E) A blind old lady promised to pay the doctor a large sum of money if she was cured and nothing if she wasn't. (F) She was asked why she refused to pay by the judge. "I am not cured. I cannot see all my furniture!" was the reply. 21. Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement? (1) B (2) C (3) D (4) E (5) F (Ans) 22. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement? (1) B (2) C (3) D (Ans) (4) E (5) F 23. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement? (1) A (Ans) (2) B (3) C (4) D (5) E 24. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement? (1) A (2) B (Ans) (3) C (4) D (5) E 25. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement? (1) B (2) C (3) D (4) E (Ans) (5) F Qs. 26-30. In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given. These are numbered as (1), (2), (3), and (4). One of these four words printed in bold may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out the word, which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The number of that word is your answer. If all the words printed in bold are correctly spelt and also appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark (5) i.e. 'All Correct' as your answer. 26. There were many objectives (1) from employees to the proposal (2) to amend (3) the regulations. (4) All correct (5). (Ans : 1) 'objections' 27. Since he has provided (1) over halve (2) the finance for the infrastructure (3) he should be in charge. (4) All correct (5). (Ans : 2) 'half' 28. The scheme permits (1) investors (2) to buy the shares from foreign (3) companies at a ficsed. (4) price, All correct (5). (Ans : 4) 'fixed' 29. A leader who relies (1) on his team members (2) for advice (3) is respected. (4) All correct (5). (Ans : 5) All correct 30. He is in complete (1) agreement (2) with your analyze (3) of the situation. (4) All correct (5). (Ans : 3) 'analysis' Qs. 31-40. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each five words are suggested one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. Most of the employees had no (31) in the oil industry. Employees were paid a (32) salary but they were loyal and hardworking. They often worked without breaks - they once worked (33) for 72 hours to discharge oil from a Russian tanker. (34) made the difference was the support they (35) from their bosses. On (36) occasions the barrier between boss and subordinate vanished. We all worked like a team and (37) unexpected results. The air force (38) presented a letter of (39) to the determined (40) poorly paid employees have built the company into what it is today. 31. (1) practise (2) contact (3) discipline (4) experience (Ans) (5) knowledge 32. (1) minor (2) low (Ans) (3) less (4) cheaper (5) little 33. (1) continuously (Ans) (2) fully (3) running (4) near (5) slowly 34. (1) Which (2) They (3) What (Ans) (4) There (5) That 35. (1) showed (2) taken (3) wanted (4) needed (5) received (Ans) 36. (1) any (2) many (Ans) (3) couple (4) regularly (5) this 37. (1) achieve (2) seen (3) given (4) contribute (5) produced (Ans) 38. (1) was (2) yet (3) even (Ans) (4) instead (5) still 39. (1) compliment (2) thank (3) regret (4) appreciation (Ans) (5) reward 40. (1) though (Ans) (2) not (3) enough (4) beside (5) despite Placement Paper LIC (ADO) RECRUITMENT EXAM ; 2007 SOLVED PAPER (HELD ON 10-06-2007)LIC Previous years solved question papers,LIC Aptitude,Reasoning,General awareness model questions for practice GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND CURRENT AFFAIRS 1. The pumch line of the advertisement of which of the following organization is "Ji ndagi ke sath bhi Jindagi ke bad bhi" ? (A) New India Assurance (B) General Insurance Corporation (C) ICICI Prudential (D) Life Insurance Corporation Of India (E) None of these ANS- D 2. The central office of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is located at - (A) Kolkata (B) New Delhi (C) Chennai (D) Pune (E) Mumbai ANS- E 3. Th Life Insurance Corporation Of India has how many Zonal offices in India ? (A) Five (B) Seven (C) Ten (D) Fifteen (E) None of these ANS- B 4. Which of the following schemes was launched by the LIC in December 2001 with the object to lessen the burden of parents in meeting the educational expenses of their children ? (A) Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana (B) Jan Shree Bima Yojana (C) Shiksha Sahyog Yojana (D) Bhagyashree Child Welfare Bima Yojana (E) None of these ANS- C 5. If an organization wishes to venture into Insurance Business it has to obtain a licence first from which of the following ? (A) Indian Bnaks Association (IBA) (B) Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (C) Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) (D) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) (E) None of these ANS- D 6. Which of the following schemes launched in the year 2000 by the LIC replaced social Securitty group Insurance Schemes (SSIGS) and Rural Group Life Insurance Schemes (RGLIS) ? (A) Janshree Bima Yojana (B) Bhagyashree Child Welfare Bima Yojana (C) Jan Arogya Bima Yojana (D) Raj Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojana (E) None of these ANS- A 7. How many maximum children from a family are covered for the benefits under the Shiksha Sahyog Yojana launched by the LIC ? (A) One only (B) Two only (C) Three only (D) One Girl Child only (E) None of these ANS- B 8. Which of the following Scheme was launched by the LIC to provide life insurance protection, perodical lumpsum survival benefit and pension to the agricultural workers in India ? (A) Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana (B) Jan Shree Bima Yojana (C) Mahila Kalyan Yojana (D) Sampurna Arogya Bima Policy (E) None of these ANS- A 9. On December 6yh 2006, the president of India launched on exclusive health Insurance Scheme for senior citizens. Which of the following insurance company has launched the schemes ? (A) National Insurance Company (B) Life Insurance Corporation Of India (C) ICICI Prudential (D) HDFC Life (E) None of these ANS- A 10. Which of the following cities does not have one of the zonal offices of the Life Insurance Corporation Of India ? (A) Mumbai (B) Kolkata (C) Chennai (D) Hyderabad (E) Jhansi ANS- E 11. Which of the following is the Basic Life Insurance Plan of the Life Insurance Corporation Of India ? (A) Jeevan Tarang (B) Jeevan Nidhi (C) Jeevan Adhar (D) Jeevan Umang (E) None of these ANS- E 12. Anmol Jeevan is a ........ of the LIC (A) Basic Life Insurance Plan (B) Term Insurance Plan (C) Children's Plan (D) Pension Plan (E) None of these ANS- B 13. As per policy of the LIC, loans are granted on unencumbered policies upto what per cent of the surrender value ? (A) 60 % (B) 70 % (C) 80 % (D) 90 % (E) None of these ANS- D 14. Which of the following group Schemes of the LIC Provides pensiobn to employees on their retirement from service ? (A) Group Term Insurance Scheme (B) Group Insurance in Liew of EDLI (C) Group Gratuity Scheme (D) Group Supeannuation Scheme (E) None of these ANS- D 15. Which of the following is the pension plam of the LIC (A) Jeevan Adhar (B) Jeevan ANAND (C) Jeevan Akshay (D) Amulya Jeevan (E) None of these ANS- C 16. Which of the following is not a scheme of the LIC ? (A)Jeevan Sangam (B) Jeevan Saral (C) Jeevan Adhar (D) Jeevan Pramukh (E) None of these ANS- A 17. Which of the following is a term Assurance plan of the LIC ? (A) Jeevan Akshay (B) Jeevan Adhar (C) Jeevan Nivesh (D) Jeevan Nidhi (E) None of these ANS- E 18. Premium to LIC policies can be paid by which of the following modes ? (a) Cash (b) Cheque (c) Electronic Charging Machine (A) Only a (B) Only b (C) Only c (D) Both a and b (E) All a, b and c ANS- E 19. Customers of Lic can now get information about their policies by dialing which of the following telephone numbers in most of the centres ? (A) 101 (B) 135 (C) 136 (D) 1251 (E) None of these ANS- D 20. Lic policy holders do not get any income tax benefit under which of the following sections of the income tax act ? (A) Section 80C (B) Section 68 A, B and C (C) sECTION 80 CCC (D) Section 80 CD (E) None of these ANS- B 21. Who amongst the following is not a Bharat Ratna Awardee ? (A) Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam (B) Dr. V.VGiri (C) Dr. Rajendra Parsad (D) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma (E) None of these ANS- D 22. Duran Lineb devides which of the following pair of the countries ? (A) China - Afghanistan (B) Afghanistan - Pakistan (C) India - Pakistan (D) India - Nepal (E) Bangladesh - India ANS- B 23. Who has become the second person of Indian origin to go into space after Kalpana Chawala ? (A) Koneru Humpi (B) Indra Nooyi (C) Sunita Williams (D) Sudha Murti (E) None of these ANS- C 24. Shinzo Abe is the new elected - (A) Prime minister of Singapore (B) Prime minister of South Korea (C) President of Soth Korea (D) President of North Korea (E) Prime minister of Japan ANS- E 25. Which of the following cups is associated with the game of Hockey ? (A) Whiteman Cup (B) Evert Cup (C) Agha Khan Cup (D) Hafed Open Cup (E) None of these ANS- C Placement Paper LIC general awareness questions with answers,LIC aptitude, reasoning and general awareness questions with answers 1 In which year did Gandhiji start Satyagraha Movement ? A) 1919-Answer B) 1927 C) 1934 D) 1942 2. An ecosystem consists of A) producers, consumers and decomposers in a particular area.-Answer B) all the plants and animals of an area. C) a living community and its environment. D) carnivorous and herbivorous of an area 3. The telephone was invented by A) G. Marconi B) Alexander Graham Bell-Answer C) J.L Baird D) Thomas Barrow 4. The crop mainly grown in hills is A) Sweet corn B) Sweet jowar-Answer C) Sweet potato D) Sweet pea 5. Who is called as the 'Prophet of New India ' A) Dayanand Saraswati B) Sri Ramakrishna-Answer D) Raja Ram Mohan Roy D) Swami Vivekananda 6. Ethnic group Mongoloids are found in India in A) Southern region B) South-central region C) North-western region D) North-eastern region-Answer 7. When a vibrating tuning fork is placed on table, a loud sound is heard. This is due to A) reflection B) refraction C) forced vibrations D) damped vibrations-Answer 8. An insect-catching plant is A) Australian Acacia B) Smilax C) Nepenthes-Answer D) Nerium 9. The method not used as a Biological control is A) Use of predators of a pest. B) Pheromone traps C) Use of pesticides D) Use of neem extracts 10. The States in India are demanding greater autonomy from the centre in the ___ field , A) Legislative B) Administrative C) Financial D) All the above-Answer 11. Light houses are places with powerful lights to A) guide and resolve traffic jams in crowded metro-cities during nights B) guide and help large crowds at religious gatherings during nights C) indicate to the incoming war-ships, the location of a harbour during night D) guide and warn the ships coming from different directions in the oceans.-Answer 12. In a Capitalistic Economy, the Prices are determined by A) Demand and Supply-Answer B) Government Authorities C) Buyers in the Market D) Sellers in the Market 13. Who of the following has not been an interlocutor on Jammu & Kashmir ? A) M.M. Ansari B) Radha Kumar C) Shujaat Bukhari-Answer D) Dilop Padgaonkar 14. The Zone of Earth's atmosphere immediately above its surface up to a height of about 16 kms above equator and 8 Kms over the poles is known as A) Mesosphere B) Thermosphere C) Troposphere-Answer D) Stratosphere 15. The term 'Pitcher' is associated with A) Wrestling B) Boxing C) Baseball-Answer D) Basketball 16. The filament of electric bulb is made up of A) Copper B) Nichrome C) Lead D) Tungsten-Answer 17. Which of the following is called ' Brown paper " A) Jute B) Cotton-Answer C) Rubber D) Tea 18. A Secular State is one which : A) has no religion of its own-Answer B) is irreligious C) is anti- religion D) takes into consideration the religious sentiments of the people 19. What does Jahangir means ? A) National Monarch B) The Grand Monarch C) Conqueror of the world-Answer D) Hero of hundred battles 20. Gol Gumbaz is in A) Konark B) Hyderabad C) Puri D) Bijapur-Answer 21. The early Buddhist scriptures were composed in A) Prakrit texts B) Pali texts-Answer C) Sanskrit texts D) Pictographical text 22. In Mohanjadaro, the Largest building is A) the great bath-Answer B) a granary C) the Pillared hall D) a two storeyed house 23. Where was the Royal Durbar held on November 1st 1858 to issue the Queen's proclamation ? A) Lucknow B) Kanpur D) Delhi-Answer D) Allahabad 24. Male(Anopheles) mosquito feeds on: A) Blood of man-Answer B) Nectar of flower C) Blood of Culex D) Blood of leech 25. Tooth paste is a product sold under : A) Monopolistic Competition-Answer B) Perfect Competition C) Monopoly D) Duopoly 26. The National Development Council includes : A) all central Cabinet Ministers-Answer B) Chief Ministers of all the States-Answer C) Cabinet Ministers of all the States and the Centre D) Members of the Estimates Committee of the Parliament 27. Which of the following is not a cause of low productivity in Indian agriculture A) Co-operative farming-Answer B) Inadequate inputs availability C) Sub-division and fragmentation of Land D) Poor finance and marketing facilities. 28. The gas that is used in the manufacture of vanaspati ghee is A) Oxygen B) Carbon dioxide C) Hydrogen-Answer D) Nitrogen 29. Cement is usually a mixture of A) Calcium silicate and calcium aluminate-Answer B) Calcium silicate and calcium ferrate C) Calcium aluminate and calcium ferrate D) Lime stone and silicon dioxide 30. Which of the following is not a Hardware ? A) Processor chip B) Printer C) Mouse D) Java-Answer 31. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of : A) Vitamin- D B) Vitamin - K C) Vitamin - E D) Vitamin - C-Answer 32. According to a study conducted by Hyderabad's National Institute of Nutrition, The healthiest of 14 fresh fruits commonly consumed in India with maximum' Goodness Index' is A) Indian Plum B) Mango C) Guava-Answer D) Custard apple 33. The Parliament can legislate on subjects given in the Union List only in consultation with the State Government for the State of : A) Assam B) Rajasthan C) Jammu & Kashmir-Answer D) Kerala 34. Tsunamis are waves generated by A) Earthquakes beneath the Sea-Answer B) Moon's pull C) High tides of the oceans D) Cyclones 35. Which is the largest State of India ? A) Madhya Pradesh B) Andhra Pradesh C) Rajasthan-Answer D) Maharashtra 36. Which one of the following is a system software A) Database programs B) Word processors-Answer C) Spreadsheets D) Compilers 37. A piece of wood is held under water. The upthrust on it will be : A) Equal to the weight of the wood-Answer B) less than weight of the wood C) more than weight of the wood D) zero 38. Kamakhya temple is an important place of tourism in the State of A) Tamil Nadu B) Assam-Answer C) Himachal Pradesh D) Manipur 39. Electric bulbs are filled with A) Nitrogen B) Carbon dioxide C) Argon-Answer D) Oxygen 40. The atmospheric gas that is mainly responsible for Green House effect: A) Ozone B) Oxygen C) Nitrogen D) Cabondioxide-Answer 41. Wisdom teeth is the A) 1st molar teeth B) 2nd molar teeth C) 3rd molar teeth-Answer D) 4th molar teeth 42. Who of the following pairs of Nobel Laureates in Physics was awarded 2010 Nobel Prize ? A) John C Mather, George F. Smoot B) Albert fert, Peter Grunberg C) David J Gross, Frank. Wilczek D) Andre Geim, Konstantin Novoselov-Answer 43. "Tabal Chongli" is a form of folk dance associate with the State of A) West Bengal B) Assam-Answer C) Andhra Pradesh D) Maharashtra 44. Who is the supreme Commander-in-Chief of armed forces of the country ? A) Defence Minister B) Prime Minister C) Senior-most among the three service Chiefs. D) President-Answer 45. Which of the following is correctly matched ? A) Assam-Itanagar B) Arunachal Pradesh-Guwahati C) Tripura-Agartala-Answer D) Nagaland-Shillong 46. The purest form of Iron is A) Cast iron B) Steel B) Pig iron D) Wrought iron-Answer 47. The caste system of India was created for : A) Immobility of labour B) recognition of the dignity of labour C) economic uplift D) occupational division of labour-Answer 48. The iron ore which contains 72 % of iron is A) Magnetite-Answer B) Limonite C) Haematite D) Siderite 49. Surat is located on the banks of the river : A) Narmada B) Sharavathi C) Mahi D) Tapti-Answer 50. The tusk of elephant is an enormously enlarged: A) Upper incisor-Answer B) Upper canine C) lower canine D) lower incisor 51. Megasthenes lived for many years at the court of the : a) Magadha kings b) Nanda kings c) Mauryas-Answer d) Guptas 52. As per the provisional data of the 2011 census of India, the gap in literacy between men and women stands reduced to percentage points: a) 10.8 b) 16.5-Answer c) 18.4 d) 20.3 53. The people of the Indus Valley worshiped : a) Brahma b) Vishnu c) Pashupathi-Answer d) Vayu 54. Haemoglobin of the blood forms carbonyl haemoglobin with: a) Carbon dioxide b) Carbon monoxide-Answer c) Sulphur dioxide d) Nitrogen dioxide 55. What should be the minimum size of a plane mirror to have the full image of a person, when he stands at a distance? a) same size as the person b) double the size of the person c) half the size of the person-Answer d) 1/4th of the size of the person 56. Banana leaf tears easily because : a) leaf blade is thin b) leaf blade has no veins c) leaf blade has veins arranged in parallel manner-Answer d) leaf blade has undeveloped veins 57. Who was the Judge against whom the Parliament initiated impeachment proceedings, but failed ultimately? a) Justice Bhagawati-Answer b) Justice Ajit Ray c) Justice Sikri d) Justice Ramaswami 58. A heavy and a lighter body of same size are dropped from a height. Which one of them will reach a) Lighter body b) Heavier body-Answer c) Both of them together d) Cannot be predicted 59. The Atomic Energy Commission was set up in : a) 1948-Answer b) 1950 c) 1952 d) 1960 60. The humidity of air is measured by the instrument called a) Hydrometer b) Hygrometer-Answer c) Seismometer d) Barometer 61. The term ‘Gambit’ is associated with: a) Chess-Answer b) Tennis c) Basketball d) Baseball 62. The most common indicator organism that indicates level of water pollution is : a) E.coli b) P.typhi c) C.vibrio d) Entamoeba-Answer 63. Which of the following States of India has the largest length of surface roads? a) Uttar Pradesh b) Andhra Pradesh c) Maharashtra-Answer d) Tamilnadu 64. Chhatrapati Shivaji’s Court was adorned by the Ministers called: a) Nayanmars b) Ashtadiggajas c) Navaratnas d) Ashtapradhans-Answer 65. Hot water bag is used for fomentation because: a) Water is a cheap liquid b) Water has high specific heat capacity-Answer c) Water has high latent heat d) Water is easily available 66. ‘Tappatikkali’ is a folk dance associated with the State of : a) Tamil Nadu b) Kerala-Answer c) Andhra Pradesh d) Gujarat 67. The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 due to the initiative of : a) Gopal Krishna -Answer b) Dadabhai Naoroji c) W.C. Banerjee d) Allan Octavian Hume 68. From where are the words ‘Satyameva Jayate’ inscribed below the base plate of the emblem of India taken? a) Rigveda b) Mundaka Upanishad-Answer c) Padam Purana d) Ramayana 69. Real National Income is equal to the size of Population multiplied by : a) Per Capita Real Income-Answer b) Personal Income c) Personal Disposable Income d) Market Prices 70. The tree which releases oxygen even during night is : a) Neem b) Banyan c) Mango d) Pipal-Answer 71. Quagga is an extinct species of : a) Cat b) Horse c) Zebra-Answer d) Antelope 72. Martyr’s day is observed on the death anniversary of : a) Mahatma Gandhi-Answer b) Smt. Indira Gandhi c) Lal Bahadur Shastri d) Rajiv Gandhi 73. The expansion of the term HTML is: a) Higher Text Markup Language b) Higher Text Machine Language c) Hyper Text Machine Language d) Hyper Text Markup Language-Answer 74. The blood group that lacks antigen is : a) A b) B c) AB-Answer d) O 75. Lightning conductor is made of : a) Copper-Answer b) Glass c) Ebonite d) Plastic 76. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is : a) calcium b) aluminium-Answer c) iron d) magnesium 77. When Indian leaders stress upon making with indigenous resources, they advocate : a) stopping imports-Answer b) promoting exports c) self-reliance d) national pride 78. The maximum strength of Lok Sabha is _______. a) 543 b) 555 c) 553 d) 552-Answer 79. The golden fibre of India is a) Cotton b) Hemp c) Jute-Answer d) Silk 80. Which one of the following is known as ‘Brown Coal’? a) Bituminous b) Anthracite c) Peat d) Lignite-Answer 81. The new agricultural strategy called ‘Green Revolution’ was initiated in : a) 1947 b) 1951 c) 1965-Answer d) 1972 82. The State of Assam has : a) five National Parks and eleven wildlife sanctuaries-Answer b) three National Parks and nine wildlife sanctuaries c) three National Parks and eight wildlife sanctuaries d) two National Parks and six wildlife sanctuaries 83. The decision of how much to produce is determined by the individuals in a : a) Socialistic Economy b) Mixed Economy c) Capitalistic Economy-Answer d) All the above 84. The famous ‘Dilwara Temples’ are situated in : a) Rajasthan-Answer b) Maharashtra c) Madhya Pradesh d) Andhra Pradesh 85. To edit text read by an optical scanner, one needs ____________ to translate the image into ASCII characters a) an OMR b) an OCR-Answer c) a MICR d) a digitizer 86. In mammals, the cheek teeth are : a) Incisors-Answer b) Premolar c) Molar d) Premolar and Molar 87. Who discovered Insulin? a) William Harvey b) Louis Pasteur c) F.G. Banting-Answer d) Alexander Fleming 88. The term ‘operation flood’ refers to : a) Flood Control b) Milk Production-Answer c) Food grain Production d) Population Control 89. PVC is obtained by the polymerisation of : a) Propene b) Vinyl Chloride-Answer c) Styren d) Acetylene 90. The fundamental rights have : a) moral force behind them. b) force of public opinion behind them. c) legal force behind them.-Answer d) no force behind them. 91. Which of the following is correctly matched? a) Assam – Itanagar b) Arunachal Pradesh – Guwahati c) Manipur – Imphal-Answer d) Nagaland – Shilong 92. A candidate contesting for Lok Sabha must have attained the age of : a) 21 years b) 18 years c) 25 years-Answer d) 30 years 93. The second session of the Indian National Congress was presided over by : a) W.C. Banerjee b) Badruddin Tyabji c) Dadabhai Naoroji-Answer d. Surendra Nath Banerjee 94. For controlling pollution, dust escaping from factory chimneys is to be prevented. For this : a) metal grid or wire-mesh is placed over it. b) a metal grid coated with an insulator is placed on it. c) a wire-mesh coated with grease is placed on it d) an electrically charged wire-mesh is placed on it to attract dust.-Answer 95. Which of the following is the worst flood affected area in India? a) Assam-Answer b) Nagaland c) Manipur d) Tripura 96. Which of the following is correct about Socialism? a) State is a necessary evil. b) State is a march of God on earth. c) State is an unnecessary evil. d) State promotes common goods.-Answer 97. Full form of BCG is : a) Bacillus Cholera Germ b) Bacillus Calmette Guerin-Answer c) Bacillus Curative Gene d) Bacillus Cholera Guerin 98. The organic compounds present in petroleum are separated by : a) Distillation b) Fractional crystallisation c) Frractional distillation-Answer d) Sublimation 99. Who of the following is NOT a recepient of 2011 Nobel Peace Prize? a) Hu Jintao-Answer b) Leymah Gbowee c) Ellen Jhonson-Sirleaf d) Tawakkol Karman 100. The pH of human blood is : a) 2 b) 10 c) 5.5 d) 7.3-Answer 1. Ankaleswar is famous for : (A) Silk (B) Gold (C) Petrol-Answer (D) Iron 2. The largest city in India is : (A) Lakshadweep-Answer (B) Kanakumari (C) Indira Point (D) Rameshwaram 3. The southern most tip of India is : (A) Lakshadweep (B) Kanyakumari (C) Indira Point-Answer (D) Rameshwaram 4. In which city is the countrys largest stadium located? (A) Kolkata-Answer (B) Delhi (C) Patiala (D) Chandigarh 5. Who was the oldest person to become the Prime Minister of India? (A) Charan Singh (B) Morarji Desai-Answer (C) H. D. Deve Gowda (D) P. V. Narasimha Rao 6. Which was the first feature film shown on the TV in colour? (A) Mughal-e-Azam (B) Mother India (C) Shatranj Ke Khiladi-Answer (D) Sholay 7. In which city is the country s largest prison located? (A) Lucknow (B) Kolkata (C) Kanpur (D) Delhi-Answer 8. Which is the largest orange-growing state? (A) Maharashtra-Answer (B) Punjab (C) Orissa (D) Madhya Pradesh 9. Who was the first Indian to win an individual Olympic medal? (A) Norman Pritchard-Answer (B) Milkha Singh (C) Leander Paes (D) P.T. Usha 10. Which is Indias largest religious community? (A) Muslims (B) Hindus-Answer (C) Jews (D) Christians 11. Which is the largest chilli-producing state? (A) Gujarat (B) Jammu & Kashmir (C) Asom (D) Andhra Pradesh-Answer 12. Name the first Indian soap opera which was telecast from July 1984 to December 1985. (A) Hum Log-Answer (B) Buniyad (C) Rajani (D) Khaandan 13. In which state is the longest canal located? (A) Rajasthan-Answer (B) Gujarat (C) Punjab (D) Haryana 14. In which city was the first engineering college set up? (A) Roorkee-Answer (B) Ranchi (C) Pilani (D) Kanpur 15. Which regiment of the Indian Army has won the heighest number of gallantry awards? (A) Rajputana Rifles (B) Punjab Regiment (C) Madras Regiment (D) Sikh Regiment-Answer 16. In which city was the first underground bazar constructed? (A) Delhi-Answer (B) Mumbai (C) Bangalore (D) Hyderabad 17. Who was the first Indian President to cast his vote in a General Election while in office? (A) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (B) Dr. S.D. Sharma (C) K. R. Narayanan-Answer (D) R. Venkataraman 18. In which year did All India Radio begin broadcasting news? (A) 1921 (B) 1927-Answer (C) 1935 (D) 1942 19. In which city was the first milk powder plant set up? (A) Anand-Answer (B) Delhi (C) Chandigarh (D) Patiala 20. Who among the following was not a Vice-President? (2A) Gulzarilal Nanda-Answer (B) Gopal Swarup Pathak (C) B. D. Jatti (D) M. Hidayatullah Placement Paper LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA ,RECRUITMENT OF APPRENTICE DEVELOPMENT OFFICERS recruit all over India LIC of India (Central Zonal Office),LIC of India (North Central Zonal Office) LIC of India (East Central Zonal Office)LIC of India (South Central Zonal Office) LIC of India (Eastern Zonal Office) LIC of India (Southern Zonal Office) Apprentice Development Officers Any Graduate LIC latest selection Procedure,LIC on line written test procedure LIC General Awareness and Descriptive Test Questions LIC On-line Test: On-line test will be of objective type, multiple choice of two hours duration comprising of the following two papers: 1. Test of Reasoning and Numerical Ability. 2. General Knowledge, Current Affairs and English Language with Special emphasis on Grammar and Vocabulary. 1. Which 3 eminent persons nominated by the government for as members of Rajya Sabha on April 26, 2012 ? Ans:- Sachin Tendulkar, actress Rekha and industrialist Anu Aga 2. Which indian Bollywood actress passed away recently ? Ans:- Achla Sachdev 3. Who won India Open badminton 2012 Men’s singles title ? Ans:- Shon Wan Ho (South Korea) 4. Who won India Open badminton 2012 Women’s singles title ? Ans:- Li Xuerui(China) 5. Who won 6 NTR National Literary Award ? Ans:- Ashokamitran (Tamil writer) 6. Name of new web-enabled mobile Phone launched by Nokia ? Ans:- Asha 202 7. Who win 28th Asian snooker title ? Ans:- Aditya Mehta (defeated Pankaj Advani) 8. Who has been elected as New President of France ? Ans:- Francois Hollande (defeating the incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy) 9. Who became the first batsman to hit five consecutive Twenty20 half-centuries ? Ans:- Virender Sehwag (In IPL-5) 10. Who were awarded with Kalpana Chawla excellence award on 6 May 2012 ? Ans:- Miss India World Vinya Mishra and actress Sushma Seth 11. Which indian discus thrower created a new national record bywinning the silver medal at the Altius Track Crew Throwdown meet in Maui Island, Hawaii ? Ans:- Krishna Poonia (64.76 meters) 12. Who became the first-ever batsman to cross 2000 runs in the Indian Premier League ? Ans:- Suresh Raina 13. Who has re-appointed as Attorney General of india ? Ans:- Goolam E.Vahanvati 14. Which missile was successfully test-fired by pakistan on May 012 ? Ans:- Hatf III Ghaznavi missile (Range – 290 km) 15. What is HSRP ? Ans:- High Security Registration number Plates 16. when was India’s first Parliament session held ? Ans:- 13th May, 1952 ( On 13 may, 2012 Indian Parliament celebrate 60th anniversary) 17. When was the World red cross day celebrated? Ans:- May 8th (every year) 18. Who won Junior Hockey World Cup 2012 ? Ans:- Malaysia (defeated Pakistan) 19. Which mobile manufacturer became Number One Mobile Company in the World ? Ans:- Samsung (Korean mobile company) 20. Who is elected as new chairman of Atomic Energy Commission of India ? Ans:- Dr.Ratan Kumar Sinha 21. Who has been elected New Chairman of the Standing Committee of Parliament on Personnel Public Grievances, Law and Justice ? Ans:- Shantaram Naik 22. Which 2 Indian women Squash Players won the 16th Asian Team Squash Championship in Kuwait? Ans:- Dipika Pallikal (ranked 14th) and Joshna Chinnappa (ranked 71st) 23. Name of The joint exercise carried out by the Army and the Indian Air Force in the desert of Rajasthan ? Ans:- Operation Shoorveer 24. Who has been elected as Chair of the ADB’s( Asian Development Bank) Board of Governors, India ? Ans:- Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee 25. Who was sworn in as Russian president for 3rd time? Ans:- Vladimir Putin 26. who has been selected as the brand ambassador of ‘Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan’ (a programme of the rural development ministry to spread awareness about sanitation and cleanliness in india) ? Ans:- Vidya Balan 27. Who became the 1st player to win Barcelona title for 7 times? Ans:- Rafael Nadal 28. Which English team won 2012 FA Cup Final ? Ans:- Chelsea (defeat Liverpool by 2-1) 29. Who has been conferred with his first American Honorary Doctorate by the Miami University ? Ans:- A.R.Rahman 30. Which 3 northeastern Indian states will have its own high courts? Ans:- Tripura, Manipur and Meghalaya 31. Who won the Madrid Masters woman single’s title 2012 ? Ans:- Serena Williams 32. Who won the men single’s Madrid Masters title 2012? Ans:- Roger Federer 33. Who became World’s Oldest Women to climb the Mount Everest the world’s highest mountain peak ? Ans:- Tamae Watanabe (73-year-old) 34. who became the youngest Indian to win Asian Chess Championship 2012 ? Ans:- Primarjan Negi (Negi is also the third Indian afer Krishnan Sasikaran (2003), Surya Sekhar Ganguly (2009) and Pendyala Harikishna (2011) to win the Asian title.) 35. Who has been appointed as TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) chairman for a 3 year term? Ans:- Rahul Khullar 36. Who is sworn in as the 24th President of France? Ans:- Francois Hollande 37. Who is sworn in as the Prime Minister of France? Ans:- Jean-Marc Ayrault 38. Which football club won the 2012 English Premier League Championship after 44 years? Ans:- Manchester city 39. Who won the Football Champions League 2012 ? Ans:- Chelesa 40. where was held 38th G-8 summit recently(May -2012) ? Ans:- Camp David, Maryland (USA) 41. Who sworn in as the 19th Governor of Rajasthan ? Ans:- Margaret Alva 42. Who won the men’s Rome Masters (Italian Open ) 2012 for a record 6th time? Ans:- Rafael Nadal (Spain) 43. Who won the women’s Rome Masters 2012 (Italian Open) for 2nd time? Ans:- Maria Sharapova (russia) 44. Who won the Men’s doubles Rome Masters 2012 title? Ans:- Marcel Garnollers and Marc Lopez 45. Who won the Women’s doubles Rome Masters 2012 title? Ans:- Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci 46. Name of the bollywood movie, which has figured in the TIME magazine’s 10 greatest movies of the millenium ? Ans:- Devdas (directed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali) 47. Who is set to be India’s next football coach ? Ans:- Wim Koevermans (former Dutch central defender) 48. Which indigenously built Missile was test- fired by india, at Chandipur, Odisha on 24 May 2012 ? Ans:- Akash missile 49. Who won Indian Premier League Season 5 (IPL 2012) ? Ans:- Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) defeated the Chennai Super Kings (CSK) 50. Who won won the Man of the Tournament award in IPL 2012 ? Ans:- Sunil Naraine (KKR) 51. Who won Orange Cap(highest run getter) of IPL-2012 ? Ans:- Chris Gayle (Royal Challengers Banglore) – 733 runs 52. Who Won Purple Cap (highest wicket- taker) of IPL 2012 ? Ans:- Morne Morkel (Delhi Daredevils) – 25 wickets 53. Who won the Chennai Open 2012 Squash title ? Ans:- Joshna Chinappa 54. Who won FIDE World Chess Championship 2012 title for the record fifth time ? Ans:- Vishwanathan Anand (defeated Boris Gelfand-isreal) 55. Who became the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Myanmar after 25 years ? Ans:- Dr.Manmohan Singh 56. Who won the 66th Santosh Trophy? Ans:- Services team against Tamil Nadu 57. What is current economic growth rate of india in the January-March quarter of 2011-12 ? Ans:- 5.3 percent (The figure is lowest in the past 9 years.) 58. Who assumed the charge as the 25th Chief of the Indian Army ? Ans:- General Bikram Singh (He succeeded General V K Singh.) 59. As per Latest India state of forest Report 2011, Which indian state has the maximum forest cover area in Country ? Ans:- Madhya Pradesh 60. 2012 summer olympic games is of which Olympiad ? Ans:- 30th (XXX) Olympiad 61. India conducted its first underground nuclear test Ans. Rajasthan 62. Which of the following states in India is the largest in area? Ans. Madhya Pradesh 63. A large sized nitrogenous plant based on the gas supplied through Hazira-Bijapur-Jagdishpur pipeline is being set up at Ans. Hazira 64. Fazilka-Abohar region is noted for Ans.prosperous cotton textile industry 65. In which industry is sal wood used mostly? Ans. Railway sleepers 66. Which of the following is the principal reason for the concentration of heavy industries in the South Bihar region? Ans. Availability of raw materials in the region 67. Out of the following, India earns the maximum foreign exchange from the export of Ans. handicrafts 68. Kandla, situated on the Gulf of Kachchh, is well known for which of the following? Ans. Export processing zone 69. The main centre of diamond cutting industry in India is Ans.Jaipur 70 The Himalayan region inspite of having raw material for paper and pulp industry could not develop so far. Which of the following is the most important factor for this? Ans. Poor means of transport in the region 71. As per the latest figures available, out of the total sugar production in India, Maharashtra contributes about Ans. 23% 72. Where is the Hindustan Shipyard located? Ans. Vishakhapatnam 73. The ‘satellite freight city’ is being developed near which of the following cities? Ans. Gurgaon 74. Which of the following states accounts for the largest share of industrial production and capital investment? Ans.Maharashtra 75. Consider the following statements: The Rourkela steel plant obtains 1. hydel power from the Hirakud dam 2. coking coal from Jharia coalfields 3. iron ore from Baba Budon hills Of these statements, the correct ones are: (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 2 and 3 Ans. (c) 76. A group of tourists is interested in visiting some beaches in India. Which of the following groups of cities would you suggest? A. Calcutta, Bangalore, Baroda B. Ahmedabad, Ranchi, Hyderabad C. Bombay, Goa, Madras (a) Only A (b) Only B (c) Only C (d) Both A and B (e) Both A and C Ans. (c) 77. Which of the following cities is situated on the bank of river Saryu? Ans.Ayodhya 78. Railway rolling stock is not manufactured at Ans.Ahmedabad 79. Of the following cities, which one is situated along the banks of river Sabarmati? Ans. Ahmedabad 80 .Which industry in India was worst affected be cause of the partition? Ans.Jute and Cotton 81. Which of the following cities is known as ‘Pink City’? Ans.Jaipur 82. Indian Standard Time is the time at which of the following longitudes East of Greenwich? Ans. 82 .5 ° 83. Which of the following places is not associated with India’s space programme? Ans. Trombay 84. Garo and Khasi tribes are mainly found in Ans.Meghalaya 85. In terms of the area of the countries, India ranks in the world. Ans.7th 86. Which is the most urbanized state in India? Maharashtra 87 In addition to the entire Union Territory of Delhi, the National Capital Region covers parts of the states of Ans. Haryana, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh 88. ‘Ghotul’, a tribal youth dormitory is found among the Ans. M of Madhya Pradesh 89 Which one of the following organizations is responsible for production of topographical sheets? Ans.Survey of India (501) 90. In terms of area, which of the following is the smallest state in India? Ans.Sikkim 91. India’s oldest planetarium is located at Ans. Calcutta 92. Consider the following satellites put into orbit by India 1. Bhaskara 2. INSAT-1 B 3. Rohini 4. APPLE Ans. 2 and 4 93. What is SLV-3? Ans. India’s space launching vehicle 94. Which one of the following is the most important reason for the establishment of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre at Thumba? Ans.The sea is near to the place in the East, West and South directions. 95. The first submarine built by India is Ans. INS Shalki 96. The satellite Aryabhatta was built at Ans.Bangalore 97. In which of the following regions is ‘Dandakaranya’ located? Ans.Orissa, MR and Andhra Pradesh 98. Onge tribe is mainly settled in which of the following States / Union Territories? Ans.Meghalaya 99. Which of the following places is not associated with the launching of the space satellites? Ans.Hassan 100. INSAT – 2B was launched from Ans. Kourou 1. What is the percentage of geographical area of India in the world area? (a) 2.3% (b) 3.2% (c) 4% (d) 5% Ans. (a) 2. India- built remote sensing satellite Bhaskara II was put into space with the help of (a) an intercosmos rocket from a soviet cosmodrome (b) an SLV-3 rocket from Thumba (c) an Ariana from French Guiana (d) None of the above Ans. (a) 3. Which one of the following is known as the Pearl City? (a) Cochin (b) Tuticorin (c) Masulipatnam (d) Rameshwaram Ans. (b) 4. In which of the following places is India’s second satellite launching station being developed? (a) Sriharikota (b) Trombay (c) Hyderabad (d) Vishakhapatnam (e) Balasore Ans. (e) 5. The highest number of tribal population in Tamil Nadu is (a) Todas (b) Irulas (c) Kodas (d) Malayalis Ans. (a) 6. Kukis belong to which state? (a) Nagaland (b) Tripura (c) Manipur (d) Arunachal Pradesh (e) Mizoram Ans. (c) 7. Which one of the following pairs is not correct? (a) Sriharikota – India’s satellite launching centre (b) Bangalore – India’s space application centre (c) Thumba – India’s first earth satellite station (d) SLV-3 – India’s four stage rocket Ans. (c) 8. In Mizoram, the settlement pattern is mostly of ‘linear type’ along the ridges because (a) the ridges are cooler than the valleys (b) the valleys are densely forested (c) the valleys are cooler than the ridges (d) accessibility is easier on the ridge tops Ans. (c) 9. The first district in India to have telephones in all its villages is (a) Dakshina Kannada (b) Nellore (c) Gurdaspur (d) Ahmednagar Ans. (a) 10.The city of Surat is situated on the bank of the river (a) Krishna (b) Kaveri (c) Tapti (d) Godavari Ans. (c) 11. What does Yugoslavia mean? a. The land of the rising sun b. The land of the midnight sun c. The land of the Southern Slavs d. The land of Yahoos Ans. C 12. Which state of USA was once part of Russia? a. Alaska b. Louisiana c. Florida d. California Ans. A 13. What did the Greeks call the present day Amu River in Iran? a. Indus b. Ganges c. Jhelum d. Oxus Ans. D 14. Which of these is not a metal? a. Gold b. Diamond c. Silver d. Copper Ans. B 15. Who won Wimbledon Men’s Singles Championship in 2011? a. Rafael Nadal b. Andy Roddick c. Roger Federer d. Novak Djokovic Ans. D 16. Who won the Olympic Gold Medal for hockey in 1980 Moscow Olympics? a. India b. UK c. USA d. USSR Ans. A 17. What name was taken by Cardinal Joseph Sarto when he became pope? a. John XXIII b. Paul VI c. Benedict XVI d. Pius X Ans. D 18. How many metres is one mile? a. 1000 b. 100 c. 1609.344 d. 1705.212 Ans. C 19. What are vertebrates that live both under water and on land called? a. Amphibians b. Cats c. Grasshoppers d. Frogs Ans. A 20. Who is the first President of the United States of America? a. George Washington b. Thomas Jefferson c. James Monroe d. John Adams Ans. A 21. Who was born on August 15, 1769? a. Winston Churchill b. Queen Victoria c. Napoleon Bonaparte d. George V Ans. C 22. Which city was previously known as Salisbury? a. London b. Paris c. Harare d. New York Ans. C 23. Who is the author of “The Namesake”? a. Jhumpa Lahiri b. Tennessee Williams c. Ian Fleming d. Salman Rushdie Ans. A 24. What is the number of squares on a chess board? a. 72 b. 64 c. 32 d. 48 Ans. B 25. Which city was the summer capital of India during British Rule? a. Nainital b. Darjeeling c. Simla d. Ooty Ans. C 26. The name of which city was changed to Petrograd and Leningrad? a. Moscow b. Tashkent c. Kiev d. St. Petersburg Ans. D 27. Which film is in Aramaic and Latin? a. The Ten Commandments b. Ben-Hur c. Apocalypto d. The Passion of the Christ Ans. D 28. Which of the following books is not part of Pentateuch? a. Genesis b. Numbers c. Ruth d. Exodus Ans. C 29. Which of the following countries is landlocked? a. Brazil b. Cuba c. Bolivia d. Colombia Ans. C 30. Which language is written in five scripts? a. Hindi b. Urdu c. Konkani d. Telugu Ans. C 31. Which British monarch in 20th century was not crowned? a. George V b. Edward VIII c. George VI d. William IV Ans. B 32. Who was told “Beware the Ides of March.”? a. Julius Caesar b. Augustus Caesar c. Mark Antony d. Cleopatra Ans. A 33. Which country’s postal stamps have the name Helvetia? a. Finland b. Iceland c. Switzerland d. Swaziland Ans. C 34. Yen is the currency of which country? a. Japan b. China c. Nepal d. Bhutan Ans. A 35. Which is the national flower of Australia? a. Red Rose b. Lotus c. Tulip d. Golden Wattle Ans. D 36 Literacy in India according to 2011 census: (A) 74.06 % (B) 75.06%-Answer (C)76.08% (D)77.01% 37. Name of the director of the film ” The dirty picture” which got thumbs up from film critics recently: (A) Ekta kapoor (B) Abhinav Kashyap (C) Gurvinder Singh (D) Milan Luthria-Answer 38.Besides USA and France, India has a Civil Nuclear Deal with a) Britain b) Russia-Answer c) Germany d) Australia 39.Name the gene found by the neuroscientists, which could help in creating and altering memory. a) Mpas 4 b) Npas 4-Answer c) Npas 3 d) Mpas 2 5.Which of the following is NOT a missile developed by the Defence Research and Development. Organisation (DRDO) ? a) Shaurya b) Pinaka-Answer c) Brahmos d) Agni 40.Who is crowned Miss India Earth 2012? A) Prachi mishra-Answer B) Vanya mishra C)Rochelle maria rao D)Erica fernandez 41 Highest divident paying company a. TCS b. Reliance Mobile c. ITC d. None of these-Answer(ONGC) 42. Recently RBI changed repo rate in % : a. 7.75% b. 7.5% c.8%-Answer d.8.5% 43 Pradeep Saurabh bagged the prestigious International Indu Sharma Katha Samman-2012 for his novel………….. a) Teesari Aankh b) Teesri Tali-Answer c) Teesri Manjil d) Teesri Tasveer 44. The Union cabinet of India on 22 December 2011 approved __ percent share for minorities within the 27% OBC quota in jobs and university seats. a) 4.5-Answer b) 5.6 c) 3.4 d) 5 Placement Paper LIC general awareness questions with answers,LIC aptitude, reasoning and general awareness questions with answers 1 In which year did Gandhiji start Satyagraha Movement ? A) 1919-Answer B) 1927 C) 1934 D) 1942 2. An ecosystem consists of A) producers, consumers and decomposers in a particular area.-Answer B) all the plants and animals of an area. C) a living community and its environment. D) carnivorous and herbivorous of an area 3. The telephone was invented by A) G. Marconi B) Alexander Graham Bell-Answer C) J.L Baird D) Thomas Barrow 4. The crop mainly grown in hills is A) Sweet corn B) Sweet jowar-Answer C) Sweet potato D) Sweet pea 5. Who is called as the 'Prophet of New India ' A) Dayanand Saraswati B) Sri Ramakrishna-Answer D) Raja Ram Mohan Roy D) Swami Vivekananda 6. Ethnic group Mongoloids are found in India in A) Southern region B) South-central region C) North-western region D) North-eastern region-Answer 7. When a vibrating tuning fork is placed on table, a loud sound is heard. This is due to A) reflection B) refraction C) forced vibrations D) damped vibrations-Answer 8. An insect-catching plant is A) Australian Acacia B) Smilax C) Nepenthes-Answer D) Nerium 9. The method not used as a Biological control is A) Use of predators of a pest. B) Pheromone traps C) Use of pesticides D) Use of neem extracts 10. The States in India are demanding greater autonomy from the centre in the ___ field , A) Legislative B) Administrative C) Financial D) All the above-Answer 11. Light houses are places with powerful lights to A) guide and resolve traffic jams in crowded metro-cities during nights B) guide and help large crowds at religious gatherings during nights C) indicate to the incoming war-ships, the location of a harbour during night D) guide and warn the ships coming from different directions in the oceans.-Answer 12. In a Capitalistic Economy, the Prices are determined by A) Demand and Supply-Answer B) Government Authorities C) Buyers in the Market D) Sellers in the Market 13. Who of the following has not been an interlocutor on Jammu & Kashmir ? A) M.M. Ansari B) Radha Kumar C) Shujaat Bukhari-Answer D) Dilop Padgaonkar 14. The Zone of Earth's atmosphere immediately above its surface up to a height of about 16 kms above equator and 8 Kms over the poles is known as A) Mesosphere B) Thermosphere C) Troposphere-Answer D) Stratosphere 15. The term 'Pitcher' is associated with A) Wrestling B) Boxing C) Baseball-Answer D) Basketball 16. The filament of electric bulb is made up of A) Copper B) Nichrome C) Lead D) Tungsten-Answer 17. Which of the following is called ' Brown paper " A) Jute B) Cotton-Answer C) Rubber D) Tea 18. A Secular State is one which : A) has no religion of its own-Answer B) is irreligious C) is anti- religion D) takes into consideration the religious sentiments of the people 19. What does Jahangir means ? A) National Monarch B) The Grand Monarch C) Conqueror of the world-Answer D) Hero of hundred battles 20. Gol Gumbaz is in A) Konark B) Hyderabad C) Puri D) Bijapur-Answer 21. The early Buddhist scriptures were composed in A) Prakrit texts B) Pali texts-Answer C) Sanskrit texts D) Pictographical text 22. In Mohanjadaro, the Largest building is A) the great bath-Answer B) a granary C) the Pillared hall D) a two storeyed house 23. Where was the Royal Durbar held on November 1st 1858 to issue the Queen's proclamation ? A) Lucknow B) Kanpur D) Delhi-Answer D) Allahabad 24. Male(Anopheles) mosquito feeds on: A) Blood of man-Answer B) Nectar of flower C) Blood of Culex D) Blood of leech 25. Tooth paste is a product sold under : A) Monopolistic Competition-Answer B) Perfect Competition C) Monopoly D) Duopoly 26. The National Development Council includes : A) all central Cabinet Ministers-Answer B) Chief Ministers of all the States-Answer C) Cabinet Ministers of all the States and the Centre D) Members of the Estimates Committee of the Parliament 27. Which of the following is not a cause of low productivity in Indian agriculture A) Co-operative farming-Answer B) Inadequate inputs availability C) Sub-division and fragmentation of Land D) Poor finance and marketing facilities. 28. The gas that is used in the manufacture of vanaspati ghee is A) Oxygen B) Carbon dioxide C) Hydrogen-Answer D) Nitrogen 29. Cement is usually a mixture of A) Calcium silicate and calcium aluminate-Answer B) Calcium silicate and calcium ferrate C) Calcium aluminate and calcium ferrate D) Lime stone and silicon dioxide 30. Which of the following is not a Hardware ? A) Processor chip B) Printer C) Mouse D) Java-Answer 31. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of : A) Vitamin- D B) Vitamin - K C) Vitamin - E D) Vitamin - C-Answer 32. According to a study conducted by Hyderabad's National Institute of Nutrition, The healthiest of 14 fresh fruits commonly consumed in India with maximum' Goodness Index' is A) Indian Plum B) Mango C) Guava-Answer D) Custard apple 33. The Parliament can legislate on subjects given in the Union List only in consultation with the State Government for the State of : A) Assam B) Rajasthan C) Jammu & Kashmir-Answer D) Kerala 34. Tsunamis are waves generated by A) Earthquakes beneath the Sea-Answer B) Moon's pull C) High tides of the oceans D) Cyclones 35. Which is the largest State of India ? A) Madhya Pradesh B) Andhra Pradesh C) Rajasthan-Answer D) Maharashtra 36. Which one of the following is a system software A) Database programs B) Word processors-Answer C) Spreadsheets D) Compilers 37. A piece of wood is held under water. The upthrust on it will be : A) Equal to the weight of the wood-Answer B) less than weight of the wood C) more than weight of the wood D) zero 38. Kamakhya temple is an important place of tourism in the State of A) Tamil Nadu B) Assam-Answer C) Himachal Pradesh D) Manipur 39. Electric bulbs are filled with A) Nitrogen B) Carbon dioxide C) Argon-Answer D) Oxygen 40. The atmospheric gas that is mainly responsible for Green House effect: A) Ozone B) Oxygen C) Nitrogen D) Cabondioxide-Answer 41. Wisdom teeth is the A) 1st molar teeth B) 2nd molar teeth C) 3rd molar teeth-Answer D) 4th molar teeth 42. Who of the following pairs of Nobel Laureates in Physics was awarded 2010 Nobel Prize ? A) John C Mather, George F. Smoot B) Albert fert, Peter Grunberg C) David J Gross, Frank. Wilczek D) Andre Geim, Konstantin Novoselov-Answer 43. "Tabal Chongli" is a form of folk dance associate with the State of A) West Bengal B) Assam-Answer C) Andhra Pradesh D) Maharashtra 44. Who is the supreme Commander-in-Chief of armed forces of the country ? A) Defence Minister B) Prime Minister C) Senior-most among the three service Chiefs. D) President-Answer 45. Which of the following is correctly matched ? A) Assam-Itanagar B) Arunachal Pradesh-Guwahati C) Tripura-Agartala-Answer D) Nagaland-Shillong 46. The purest form of Iron is A) Cast iron B) Steel B) Pig iron D) Wrought iron-Answer 47. The caste system of India was created for : A) Immobility of labour B) recognition of the dignity of labour C) economic uplift D) occupational division of labour-Answer 48. The iron ore which contains 72 % of iron is A) Magnetite-Answer B) Limonite C) Haematite D) Siderite 49. Surat is located on the banks of the river : A) Narmada B) Sharavathi C) Mahi D) Tapti-Answer 50. The tusk of elephant is an enormously enlarged: A) Upper incisor-Answer B) Upper canine C) lower canine D) lower incisor 51. Megasthenes lived for many years at the court of the : a) Magadha kings b) Nanda kings c) Mauryas-Answer d) Guptas 52. As per the provisional data of the 2011 census of India, the gap in literacy between men and women stands reduced to percentage points: a) 10.8 b) 16.5-Answer c) 18.4 d) 20.3 53. The people of the Indus Valley worshiped : a) Brahma b) Vishnu c) Pashupathi-Answer d) Vayu 54. Haemoglobin of the blood forms carbonyl haemoglobin with: a) Carbon dioxide b) Carbon monoxide-Answer c) Sulphur dioxide d) Nitrogen dioxide 55. What should be the minimum size of a plane mirror to have the full image of a person, when he stands at a distance? a) same size as the person b) double the size of the person c) half the size of the person-Answer d) 1/4th of the size of the person 56. Banana leaf tears easily because : a) leaf blade is thin b) leaf blade has no veins c) leaf blade has veins arranged in parallel manner-Answer d) leaf blade has undeveloped veins 57. Who was the Judge against whom the Parliament initiated impeachment proceedings, but failed ultimately? a) Justice Bhagawati-Answer b) Justice Ajit Ray c) Justice Sikri d) Justice Ramaswami 58. A heavy and a lighter body of same size are dropped from a height. Which one of them will reach a) Lighter body b) Heavier body-Answer c) Both of them together d) Cannot be predicted 59. The Atomic Energy Commission was set up in : a) 1948-Answer b) 1950 c) 1952 d) 1960 60. The humidity of air is measured by the instrument called a) Hydrometer b) Hygrometer-Answer c) Seismometer d) Barometer 61. The term ‘Gambit’ is associated with: a) Chess-Answer b) Tennis c) Basketball d) Baseball 62. The most common indicator organism that indicates level of water pollution is : a) E.coli b) P.typhi c) C.vibrio d) Entamoeba-Answer 63. Which of the following States of India has the largest length of surface roads? a) Uttar Pradesh b) Andhra Pradesh c) Maharashtra-Answer d) Tamilnadu 64. Chhatrapati Shivaji’s Court was adorned by the Ministers called: a) Nayanmars b) Ashtadiggajas c) Navaratnas d) Ashtapradhans-Answer 65. Hot water bag is used for fomentation because: a) Water is a cheap liquid b) Water has high specific heat capacity-Answer c) Water has high latent heat d) Water is easily available 66. ‘Tappatikkali’ is a folk dance associated with the State of : a) Tamil Nadu b) Kerala-Answer c) Andhra Pradesh d) Gujarat 67. The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 due to the initiative of : a) Gopal Krishna -Answer b) Dadabhai Naoroji c) W.C. Banerjee d) Allan Octavian Hume 68. From where are the words ‘Satyameva Jayate’ inscribed below the base plate of the emblem of India taken? a) Rigveda b) Mundaka Upanishad-Answer c) Padam Purana d) Ramayana 69. Real National Income is equal to the size of Population multiplied by : a) Per Capita Real Income-Answer b) Personal Income c) Personal Disposable Income d) Market Prices 70. The tree which releases oxygen even during night is : a) Neem b) Banyan c) Mango d) Pipal-Answer 71. Quagga is an extinct species of : a) Cat b) Horse c) Zebra-Answer d) Antelope 72. Martyr’s day is observed on the death anniversary of : a) Mahatma Gandhi-Answer b) Smt. Indira Gandhi c) Lal Bahadur Shastri d) Rajiv Gandhi 73. The expansion of the term HTML is: a) Higher Text Markup Language b) Higher Text Machine Language c) Hyper Text Machine Language d) Hyper Text Markup Language-Answer 74. The blood group that lacks antigen is : a) A b) B c) AB-Answer d) O 75. Lightning conductor is made of : a) Copper-Answer b) Glass c) Ebonite d) Plastic 76. The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust is : a) calcium b) aluminium-Answer c) iron d) magnesium 77. When Indian leaders stress upon making with indigenous resources, they advocate : a) stopping imports-Answer b) promoting exports c) self-reliance d) national pride 78. The maximum strength of Lok Sabha is _______. a) 543 b) 555 c) 553 d) 552-Answer 79. The golden fibre of India is a) Cotton b) Hemp c) Jute-Answer d) Silk 80. Which one of the following is known as ‘Brown Coal’? a) Bituminous b) Anthracite c) Peat d) Lignite-Answer 81. The new agricultural strategy called ‘Green Revolution’ was initiated in : a) 1947 b) 1951 c) 1965-Answer d) 1972 82. The State of Assam has : a) five National Parks and eleven wildlife sanctuaries-Answer b) three National Parks and nine wildlife sanctuaries c) three National Parks and eight wildlife sanctuaries d) two National Parks and six wildlife sanctuaries 83. The decision of how much to produce is determined by the individuals in a : a) Socialistic Economy b) Mixed Economy c) Capitalistic Economy-Answer d) All the above 84. The famous ‘Dilwara Temples’ are situated in : a) Rajasthan-Answer b) Maharashtra c) Madhya Pradesh d) Andhra Pradesh 85. To edit text read by an optical scanner, one needs ____________ to translate the image into ASCII characters a) an OMR b) an OCR-Answer c) a MICR d) a digitizer 86. In mammals, the cheek teeth are : a) Incisors-Answer b) Premolar c) Molar d) Premolar and Molar 87. Who discovered Insulin? a) William Harvey b) Louis Pasteur c) F.G. Banting-Answer d) Alexander Fleming 88. The term ‘operation flood’ refers to : a) Flood Control b) Milk Production-Answer c) Food grain Production d) Population Control 89. PVC is obtained by the polymerisation of : a) Propene b) Vinyl Chloride-Answer c) Styren d) Acetylene 90. The fundamental rights have : a) moral force behind them. b) force of public opinion behind them. c) legal force behind them.-Answer d) no force behind them. 91. Which of the following is correctly matched? a) Assam – Itanagar b) Arunachal Pradesh – Guwahati c) Manipur – Imphal-Answer d) Nagaland – Shilong 92. A candidate contesting for Lok Sabha must have attained the age of : a) 21 years b) 18 years c) 25 years-Answer d) 30 years 93. The second session of the Indian National Congress was presided over by : a) W.C. Banerjee b) Badruddin Tyabji c) Dadabhai Naoroji-Answer d. Surendra Nath Banerjee 94. For controlling pollution, dust escaping from factory chimneys is to be prevented. For this : a) metal grid or wire-mesh is placed over it. b) a metal grid coated with an insulator is placed on it. c) a wire-mesh coated with grease is placed on it d) an electrically charged wire-mesh is placed on it to attract dust.-Answer 95. Which of the following is the worst flood affected area in India? a) Assam-Answer b) Nagaland c) Manipur d) Tripura 96. Which of the following is correct about Socialism? a) State is a necessary evil. b) State is a march of God on earth. c) State is an unnecessary evil. d) State promotes common goods.-Answer 97. Full form of BCG is : a) Bacillus Cholera Germ b) Bacillus Calmette Guerin-Answer c) Bacillus Curative Gene d) Bacillus Cholera Guerin 98. The organic compounds present in petroleum are separated by : a) Distillation b) Fractional crystallisation c) Frractional distillation-Answer d) Sublimation 99. Who of the following is NOT a recepient of 2011 Nobel Peace Prize? a) Hu Jintao-Answer b) Leymah Gbowee c) Ellen Jhonson-Sirleaf d) Tawakkol Karman 100. The pH of human blood is : a) 2 b) 10 c) 5.5 d) 7.3-Answer 1. Ankaleswar is famous for : (A) Silk (B) Gold (C) Petrol-Answer (D) Iron 2. The largest city in India is : (A) Lakshadweep-Answer (B) Kanakumari (C) Indira Point (D) Rameshwaram 3. The southern most tip of India is : (A) Lakshadweep (B) Kanyakumari (C) Indira Point-Answer (D) Rameshwaram 4. In which city is the countrys largest stadium located? (A) Kolkata-Answer (B) Delhi (C) Patiala (D) Chandigarh 5. Who was the oldest person to become the Prime Minister of India? (A) Charan Singh (B) Morarji Desai-Answer (C) H. D. Deve Gowda (D) P. V. Narasimha Rao 6. Which was the first feature film shown on the TV in colour? (A) Mughal-e-Azam (B) Mother India (C) Shatranj Ke Khiladi-Answer (D) Sholay 7. In which city is the country s largest prison located? (A) Lucknow (B) Kolkata (C) Kanpur (D) Delhi-Answer 8. Which is the largest orange-growing state? (A) Maharashtra-Answer (B) Punjab (C) Orissa (D) Madhya Pradesh 9. Who was the first Indian to win an individual Olympic medal? (A) Norman Pritchard-Answer (B) Milkha Singh (C) Leander Paes (D) P.T. Usha 10. Which is Indias largest religious community? (A) Muslims (B) Hindus-Answer (C) Jews (D) Christians 11. Which is the largest chilli-producing state? (A) Gujarat (B) Jammu & Kashmir (C) Asom (D) Andhra Pradesh-Answer 12. Name the first Indian soap opera which was telecast from July 1984 to December 1985. (A) Hum Log-Answer (B) Buniyad (C) Rajani (D) Khaandan 13. In which state is the longest canal located? (A) Rajasthan-Answer (B) Gujarat (C) Punjab (D) Haryana 14. In which city was the first engineering college set up? (A) Roorkee-Answer (B) Ranchi (C) Pilani (D) Kanpur 15. Which regiment of the Indian Army has won the heighest number of gallantry awards? (A) Rajputana Rifles (B) Punjab Regiment (C) Madras Regiment (D) Sikh Regiment-Answer 16. In which city was the first underground bazar constructed? (A) Delhi-Answer (B) Mumbai (C) Bangalore (D) Hyderabad 17. Who was the first Indian President to cast his vote in a General Election while in office? (A) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy (B) Dr. S.D. Sharma (C) K. R. Narayanan-Answer (D) R. Venkataraman 18. In which year did All India Radio begin broadcasting news? (A) 1921 (B) 1927-Answer (C) 1935 (D) 1942 19. In which city was the first milk powder plant set up? (A) Anand-Answer (B) Delhi (C) Chandigarh (D) Patiala 20. Who among the following was not a Vice-President? (2A) Gulzarilal Nanda-Answer (B) Gopal Swarup Pathak (C) B. D. Jatti (D) M. Hidayatullah Placement Paper Last three months current affairs questions and answer to practice all bank LIC examinations, LIC examination practice questions for general awareness, aptitude sales aptitude, reasoning, numerical ability solved question papers,LIC DSE ADO practice questions Current Affairs October 2012 - Current Affairs October Question and Answers The month of October will start with the celebration for nomination of Barfi in Oscar. As Indian team is going good for in the ICC T-20 world Cup 2012. Apple iPhone 5 has sold out with increasing demands over 5 million. UPA Government is trying to take big decision for the growth of India. Current Affairs October Question and Answers Q. 1 What was the reason that Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee left UPA? Ans. FDI, unsubsidized LPG, hike in diesel prices Q. 2 Which Mobile phone has sold out over 5 million in just three days? Ans. Apple iPhone 5 Q. 3 Which Indian company signed a pact with a French Energy company GDF Suez to import LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)? Ans. GAIL Q. 4 Name the Indian telecom service company which had acquired US firm WPCS International. Ans. Kavveri telecom Q. 5 Name the steel plant of India which has won the Prime Minister trophy for the 10th Time. Ans. Bhilai steel plant, Chattisgarh Q. 6 In which country ICC World Twenty20 is being held? Ans. Srilanka ( ICC T20 World Cup 2012 ) Q. 7 Jagbir Singh Malik, the first investigating officer (IO) in the case, was mowed down by a vehicle in Ghaziabad recently. Which case he belongs to? Ans. Aarushi-Hemraj murder case Q. 8 Which movie has nominated for Oscar Award? Ans. Barfi Current Affairs November 2012- Question Answers on Current affairs:November 2012- Indian women’s cricket team won the inaugural Asian Cricket Council’s Twenty20 Asia Cup 2012, World Space Radio Re launched and brought Back on Airtel Digital TV, Amitabh Bachchan Got Best TV Host Award for KBC, Union Government of India Approved Indo-Pak Cricket Series, Uttarakhand Named best Performing States in terms of Environmental standards. Question Answers on Current affairs: Q.1- The Indian national who was appointed as the as chief economist and Senior vice president of World bank? Ans- Kaushik Basu Q.2-Who said “My father brought computers, we brought FDI”? Ans- Rahul Gandhi. Q.3-Who won the inaugural Asian Cricket Council’s Twenty20 Asia Cup 2012? Ans-The Indian women’s cricket team. Q.4-Who will take over as DGP of Haryana from Ranjeev Singh Dalal? Ans-S N Vashisht. Q.5-Which company was downgraded on the lines of earnings outlook to underperform from neutral recently by Credit Suisse? Ans- Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Q.6-Which stock exchange was shut for 2 days because of Hurricane Sandy? Ans- New York Stock Exchange Questions and Answers for Current Affairs December 2012: Current affairs include happenings like Indian writers agin got shortlisted for DSC South Asian Literature awards; an e-court fee system was recently launched at a high court to remove the paper work, Mumbai attacks terrorist Ajmal Kasab, finally got hanged, Sunita Williams landed back on earth after completing her space journey, and many others. Questions and Answers for Current Affairs December 2012: Q) How many Indian writers are shortlisted for DSC South Asian Literature Prize 2013? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. One Q) How many Billion tones of ice has been reparted to lose by Greenland? A. 200 B. 100 C. 300 D. 400 Q) Recently, a book on the life of which cricketer has been relaesed? A. Sachin B. Dravid C. Kapil Dev D. Yuvraj Q) A book titled Victory India - A Key to Quality Military Leadership has been released by which Chief Marshal of Military? A. Army B. Navy C. Air force D. Paramilitary Forces Q) Ajmal Kasab got hanged in the jail of which city? A. Mimbai B. Pune C. Delhi D. Nagpur Similar Categories more HCL Mu-Sigma TCS Amazon CTS Placement Paper LIC free solved placement paper,LIC aptitude reasoning questions with answers ande detailed explnations,LIC general awreness and free on line mock test to practice,LIC largest collection of solved question papers LIC General awareness questions for practicee 1. Name the revolutionary leader who turned into an ascetic in the later years of his life (a) B. G. Tilak (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Bipin Chandra Pal (d) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) 2. Whom Gandhiji called 'the great sentinel'? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Rabindranath Tagore (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 3. The Viceroy who introduced financial decentralization ? (a) Dufferin (b) Lytton (c) Mayo (Ans) (d) Hardinge I 4. Who founded the 'Servants of India society'? (a) M. G. Ranade (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) G. K. Gokhale (Ans) (d) M. K. Gandhi 5. Who gave the slogan 'Jai Hind'? (a) Tagore (b) Gandhiji (c) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Nehru 6. In which year Gandhiji was arrested for the first time in India ? (a) 1917 (Ans) (b) 1918 (c) 1919 (d) 1920 7. Who was the Viceroy when Diarchy was introduced in provinces as per the Govt. of India Act, 1919 ? (a) Reading (b) Hardinge II (c) Wellington (d) Chelmsford (Ans) 8. Who is called the 'mother of Indian nationalism'? (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant (c) Madam Bhikaji Cama (Ans) (d) Aruna Asaf Ali 9. Who was known as 'the lion of Punjab'? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Lala Lajpath Rai (Ans) (c) Ajith Singh (d) Chandrasekhar Azad 10. Whom Sarojini Naidu one called the 'Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Jinnah (Ans) (d) Ambedkar 11. Gandhiji was undergone for imprisonment for----days in his life. (a) 2338 (Ans) (b) 1338 (c) 3338 (d) 3120 12. Who was the Viceroy when Minto-Morley reforms were introduced ? (a) Hardinge II (b) Minto (Ans) (c) Morley (d) Chelmsford 13. Who coined the term Pakistan for the first time ? (a) Jinnah (b) Liaqat Ali (c) Rahmat Ali (Ans) (d) Shoukat Ali 14. Who started the journal 'New India'? (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant (Ans) (c) Madam Bhikaji Cama (d) Aruna Asaf Ali 15. In which year Indian National Congress approved the Basic Education System propounded by Gandhiji ? (a) 1935 (b) 1936 (c) 1934 (d) 1938 (Ans) 16. Who authored 'Arctic Home in the Vedas'? (a) Lajpath Rai (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (d) Dayanand Saraswathy 17. During which agitation Gandhiji gave the slogan 'Do or die'? (a) Salt satyagraha (b) Champaran Satyagraha (c) Quit India movement (Ans) (d) Kheda satyagraha 18. The only Viceroy who was assassinated while he was in power : (a) Dufferin (b) Curzon (c) Mayo (Ans) (d) Ripon 19. The first Indian woman to become the president of Indian National Congress (a) Indira Gandhi (b) Vijayalekshmi Pandit (c) Annie Besant (d) Sarojini Naidu (Ans) 20. Who mooted the idea of separate province for Muslims for the first time ? (a) Jinnah (b) Liaqat Ali (c) Rehmat Ali (d) Muhammad Iqbal (Ans) 21. Who is the founder of the Indian National Congress ? (a) Gandhiji (b) W. C. Banerji (c) A. O. Hume (Ans) (d) S. N. Banerjee 22. Who was the Viceroy when Archaeological Survey of India was established? (a) Lytton (b) Dufferin (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Ripon 23. Who popularised the worship of Ganapathi in Maharashtra? (a) B. R. Ambedkar (b) B. G. Tilak (Ans) (c) K. T. Telang (d) V. D. Savarkar 24. The candidate whom Gandhiji supported when election was conducted to the post of president of Indian National Congress in 1939? (a) Nehru (b) Rajendraprasad (c) J.B. Kripalani (d) Pattabhi sitaramayya Seetharamaiah (Ans) 25. The first muslim to become the president of Indian National Congress: (a) Jinnah (b) Badruddin Tyabji (Ans) (c) Syed Ahmed Khan (d) Maulana Azad 26. Gandhiji conducted Champaran Satyagraha for : (a) Cotton farmers (b) Indigo farmers (Ans) (c) Ground nut farmers (d) Jute farmers 27. Who established the Benarus Hindu University? (a) Gandhiji (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (c) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (d) P.D. Tandon 28. Who got lathi blows while protesting against Simon Commission, which became fatal to him? (a) Netaji Bose (b) Lajpath Rai (Ans) (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Jatin Das 29. Who was called the Bismark of India? (a) Gandhiji (b) Sardar Patel (Ans) (c) B.R. Ambedkar (d) V.P. Menon 30. Who was called the 'Grand old man of India'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Dadabhai Naoroji (Ans) (d) W. C. Bannerjee 31. The Viceroy during the Dandi March of Gandhiji: (a) Wellington (b) Chelmsford (c) Linlithgo (d) Irwin (Ans) 32. Who said 'Swarajya is my birth right'? (a) Sardar Patel (b) Gandhiji (c) Nehru (d) B.G. Tilak (Ans) 33. Who was called the hero of the Bardoli sathyagraha ? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Vinoba Bhave (d) Sardar Patel (Ans) 34. Who was popularly called Rajaji? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Rajagopalachari (Ans) (c) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (d) Raj Guru 35. Who was the political guru of Gopala Krishna Gokhale? (a) Dadabhai Navroji (b) W.C. Bannerjee (c) S. N. Bannerjee (d) M. G. Ranade (Ans) 36. Who was the president of Indian National Congress when it launched Quit India Movement? (a) Subash Bose (b) J. B. Kripalani (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) 37. Who was the Viceroy when the grand coronation of George V was held at Delhi ? (a) Hardinge I (b) Hardinge II (Ans) (c) Minto II (d) Chelmsford 38. The leader of national movembet whose birth day is August 15: (a) Vinoba Bhave (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Sardar Patel (d) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) 39. The Viceroy when the Doctrine of Lapse was officially withdraw: (a) Mayo (b) Dufferin (c) Canning (Ans) (d) Curzon 40. In which jail Gandhiji was imprisoned when he was arrested for salt satyagraha? (a) Pune (Ans) (b) New Delhi (c) Kolkata (d) Chennai 41. In which year Gopala Krishna Gokhale, the political guru of Gandhiji, passed away? (a) 1913 (b) 1914 (c) 1915 (Ans) (d) 1916 42. The first and last Indian to become the Governor General of Independent India: (a) Mountbatten (b) Rajendraprasad (c) Rajagopalachari (Ans) (d) S. Radhakrishnan 43. India Councils Act of 1861 was passed during the tenure of : (a) Dufferin (b) Dalhousie (c) Canning (Ans) (d) Mayo 44. Name the nationalist leader who was born in Mecca : (a) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (d) Muhammad Iqbal 45. Who led the activities of the Theosophical Society in Inda ? (a) Aurobindo (b) Gandhiji (c) Annie Besant (Ans) (d) Vinoba Bhave 46. Who was instrumental in the integration of princely states after the independence ? (a) Sardar Patel (Ans) (b) B. R. Ambedkar (c) Baldev Singh (d) Lal Bahadur Shastri 47. Who was the founder of Muslim League ? (a) Muhammed Ali Jihhah (b) Agha Khan (Ans) (c) Liaqat Ali Khan (d) Muhammad Iqbal 48. Who wrote 'Gitarahasya'? (a) Sardar Patel (b) Gandhiji (c) Aurobindo (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) 49. The first foreigner to become the president of INC ? (a) A. O. Hume (b) William Wedderbum (c) George Yule (Ans) (d) Alfred Webb 50. The Viceroy who established two colleges for the education and political training of the Indian Princes; (a) Dufferin (b) Mayo (Ans) (c) Minto (d) Curzon 51. Who gave the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad'? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Ajith Singh (c) Muhammad Ali (d) Muhammad Iqbal (Ans) 52. Who raised the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' for the first time? (a) Lajpath Rai (b) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (d) Motilal Nehru 53. Who was defeated by Subhas Chandra Bose in 1939 when he was elected to the post of Congress president? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Pattabhi Sitha ramayya (Ans) (d) Maulana Abul 54. Who was elected the president of INC when Subhas Chandra Bose resigned ? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) C. Rajagopalachari (c) Rajendraprasad (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 55. Who was the president of INC when it split in the Surat session in 1907? (a) Rash Behari Ghosh (Ans) (b) G.K. Gokhale (c) A.C. Majumdar (d) M.M. Malavya 56. Why Gandhiji called for the boycott of the Simon Commission ? (a) None of the members was Indian (Ans) (b) India was dragged into the Second World War (c) The Commission refused to come to India (d) None of these 57. Who presided over the all party conference in 1928? (a) Motilal Nehru (b) M.A Ansari (Ans) (c) Rajendraprasad (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 58. Who was the Viceroy when the Naval Mutiny (1946) was held? (a) Wavell (Ans) (b) Mountbatten (c) Irwin (d) Linlithgo 59. Who authored 'India wins Freedom'? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Rajagopalachari (c) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) (d) Sardar Patel 60. Who was known as the 'spiritual heir' of Mahathma Gandhi? (a) Vinoba Bhave (Ans) (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Abbas Tyabji (d) Jamnalal Bajaj 61. Whom Gandhiji called Rajarshi? (a) Vinoba Bhave (b) D.K. Karve (c) Prushotham Das Tandon (Ans) (d) Gokhale 62. Who was the Viceroy when communal reservation was introduced for Muslims? (a) Minto II (Ans) (b) Hardinge II (c) Chelmsford (d) Reading 63. Who started the Khilafat movement in India? (a) Gandhiji (b) Ali brothers (Ans) (c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (d) Syed Ahmed Khan 64. Who founded forward Bloc? (a) Motilal Nehru (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Gandhiji (d) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) 65. The incident which compelled Gandhiji to repeal non-cooperation movement? (a) Wagon tragedy (b) Jallianwallabagh Massacre (c) Chauri-Chaura incident (Ans) (d) Champaran satyagraha 66. Who was called the Heroine of the Quit India Movement ? (a) Annie Besant (b) Vijayalekshmi Pandit (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Aruna Asaf Ali (Ans) 67. Who said'Give me blood, I shall give you freedom' ? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Nehru (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 68. Who was the president of INC when India got independence ? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) J.B. Kripalani (Ans) 69. The Viceroy who introduced Budget system in India: (a) Canning (Ans) (b) Dufferin (c) Mayo (d) Curzon 70. Who put forwarded the 'Fourteen Point Formula'? (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Ans) (b) Nehru (c) Gandhiji (d) Rajagopalachari 71. Who headed Cabinet Mission ? (a) Stafford Crips (b) A.V. Alexander (c) Cyril Radcliff (d) Pethic Lawrence (Ans) 72. Who is regarded as the father of the 'Two Nation Theory'? (a) Muhammad Iqbal (b) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Ans) (c) Nehru (d) Rajagopalachari 73. Who was the last Governor General of British India? (a) Rajagopalachari (b) Lord Wavell (c) Lord Mountbatten (Ans) (d) Lord Linlithgo 74. The date in which Gandhiji violated salt law in Dandi beach : (a) 1930 March 12 (b) 1930 April 6 (Ans) (c) 1930 May 6 (d) 1930 April 16 75. In which state the Sevagram Ashram of Mahathma Gandhi is situated ? (a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra (Ans) (c) Gujarat (d) UP 76. The Viceroy who ruled for the longest period: (a) Wellington (b) Irwin (c) Linlithgo (Ans) (d) Mayo 77. Who head the boundary commission appointed to demarcate the boundary between India and Pakistan? (a) Sir Stafford Crips (b) Lord Mountbatten (c) Cyril Radcliff (Ans) (d) Pethic Lawrence 78. Which one of the following was a moderated Congress leader ? (a) Lajpath Rai (b) Bal Gagadhar Tilak (c) Bipin Chandra Pal (d) G.K. Gokhale (Ans) 79. The ideal state envisaged by Gandhiji. (a) Ram Rajya (Ans) (b) Grama Swaraj (c) Hind Swaraj (d) Dharma Rajya 80. Who founded the Hindu Maha Sabha? (a) V. D. Savarkar (b) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (c) S.P. Mukherjee (d) Hedgewar 81. Name the leadeer who was known as 'Mahamana': (a) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (b) Jayaprakash Narayan (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Vinoba Bhave 82. The only Keralite to become the president of INC: (a) John Mathai (b) R. K Shanmugham Chetty (c) C. Sankaran Nair (Ans) (d) K. Kelappan 83. The Viceroy who resigned after the llbert Bill controversy: (a) Duffering (b) Lytton (c) Ripon (Ans) (d) Canning 84. Who advised Gandhiji to make a visit to the whole country before entering into Indian politics? (a) Dadabhai Navroji (b) Pheroz Shah Mehta (c) Gopala krishna Gokhale (Ans) (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 85. Who was called 'Lok Manya'? (a) Madan Mohan Malavya (b) Jayaprakash Narayan (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 86. Who was popularly called 'Bengal Tiger'? (a) S.C. Bose (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Bankim chandra Chatterji (d) Bipin Chandra Pal (Ans) 87. The Viceroy who formed the 'Safety Valve Theory' (a) Canning (b) Mayo (c) Curzon (d) Dufferin (Ans) 88. Who established Indian Trade Union Federation in 1929? (a) N. G. ranga (b) Swami Sahajanand Saraswati (c) E.M.S. Nambuthirippad (d) N. M. Joshi (Ans) 89. Who led the Quit India Movement ? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Abdul Kalam Azad (d) None of these (Ans) 90. Who was known as the 'saint of Pavnar'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Vinoba Bhave (Ans) (c) Jamnalal Bajaj (d) V. D. Paluskar 91. Who was the president of INC when the resolution for compiete independence was passed in the Lahore session in 1929? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (b) Lajpath Rai (c) Motilal Nehru (d) Chitharanjan Das 92. Who wrote 'Sare Jaham se Achcha'? (a) Muhammad Ali (b) Muhammad Iqbal (Ans) (c) B.C. Chatterjee (d) Subramanya Bharti 93. Why Gandhi opted very little cloth for dressing ? (a) To show his solidarity to poor people (Ans) (b) Due to humid weather (c) As per the direction of Congress party (d) None of these 94. The first occupant of 'Viceregal Palance': (a) Reading (b) Irwin (Ans) (c) Chelmsford (d) Wellington 95. The last Viceroy of British India: (a) Wavell (b) Linlithgo (c) Wellington (d) Mountbatten (Ans) 96. Who called Gandhiji as 'half naked fakir'? (a) Lord Mountbatten (b) Winston Churchill (Ans) (c) Clement Atlee (d) Lord Wavell 97. Who started the daily 'The Hindu' in 1878? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) G. Subramanya Iyer (Ans) (c) V.D. Savarkar (d) None of these 98. Who was known as 'Kappalotiya Tamilan'? (a) Veeraraghavachari (b) Chempaka Raman Pillai (c) C.N. Annadurai (d) V. O. Chidambaram Pillai (Ans) 99. Who was the first general secretary of INC? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (c) A.O. Hume (Ans) (d) None of these 100. Who wrote the famous Tamil patriotic song "Odivilayadu papa----" (a) G. S. Iyer (b) V.O. Chidambaram Pillai (c) Subramanya Bharti (Ans) (d) Rajaji 101. Name the leaders who formed Swaraj Party : (a) Nitukak Behru and C Rajagopalachari (b) Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Motilal Nehru and Chitharanjan Das (Ans) (d) None of these 102. Who was the prime minister of England when India got independence ? (a) Winston Churchill (b) Ramsay Mc Donald (c) Clement Atlee (Ans) (d) Neville Chamberlain 103. Who was the founder of the Pakistan national movement? (a) Iqbal (b) Jinnah (c) Rehmat Ali (Ans) (d) Aga Khan 104. Who founded the jounals 'Kesari' (Marathi) and 'Mahratha' (English)? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Nehru (d) G.G. Agarkar 105. Who called Gandiji as 'Father of Nation' for the first time? (a) Tagore (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) None of these 106. Who designed the national flag of India ? (a) Gandhiji (b) A.O. Hume (c) Pingale Venkaiah (Ans) (d) Tagore 107. Who wrote the book We? (a) M.S. Golwalkar (Ans) (b) K. R. Hegdewar (c) Rehmat Ali (d) Aga Khan 108. Who wrote the national song of India ? (a) Iqbal (b) Tagore (c) Bankim Chandra Chaterjee (Ans) (d) None of these 109. 'I know this that when i am gone, he will speak my language' Gandhiji made this tatement on 15th January, 1941 before AICC, intending: (a) C. Rajagopalachari (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (d) None of these 110. Who urfurled the tricolour of India abroad for the first time at struttgart, Germany ? (a) Madeleine Slade (b) Annie Besant (c) Madam Bhikaji Cama (Ans) (d) None of these 111. Who led the Jhansi regiment of Indian National Army ? (a) Captain Lakshmi (Ans) (b) Sarojini Naidu (c) Annie Besant (d) None of these 112. Who among the following was not a defense counsel for the INA trial in Red fort ? (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (Ans) (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Tej Bahadur Sapru (d) Bhula Bhai Desai 113. Who wrote 'Poverty and UnBritish Rule in India'? (a) S.N. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) Mahathma Gandhi (d) Bhagat Singh 114. Which song was sung by Gandhiji and his followers during the Dandi March ? (a) Raghupati Raghava rajaram (Ans) (b) Vaishnava Janato (c) Vande Mataram (d) Sare Jaham Se Achcha 115. Who started Bhoodan Movement ? (a) Nehru (b) Gandhiji (c) Vinoba Bhave (Ans) (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 116. Who founded 'Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha'? (a) Jotiba Phule (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (c) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (d) P. Ananda Charlu 117. Who established the Central Hindu School at Varanasi in 1898? (a) Madan Mohan Malavya (b) Annie Besant (Ans) (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) V.D. Savarkar 118. Who appointed a Famine Commission under Richard Strachy? (a) Mayo (b) Duffering (c) Lytton (Ans) (d) Lansdwone 119. Who was known as 'Warrior from the south'? (a) C.S. Nair (b) C. Rajagopalachari (Ans) (c) S. Satyamurti (d) None of these 120. Who among the following started the Home Rule League ? (a) Annie Besant (Ans) (b) Gokhale (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) Ambedkar 121. Gandhiji returned Kaizar-eiHind to the British to protest against : (a) Chauri Chaura incident (b) Wagon Tragedy (c) Jallianwallabagh Massacre (Ans) (d) None of these 122. Which of following influenced Gandhiji ? (a) Leo Tolstoy (b) Henry David Thoreau (c) John Ruskin (d) All of these (Ans) 123. Who founded the Indian Independence League in Japan? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (b) Sarath Chandra Bose (c) Rash Behari Bose (Ans) (d) Kudiram Bose 124. Name the leader who died after hunger strike for 63 days: (a) Jatin Das (Ans) (b) Ajith Singh (c) Vinoba Bhave (d) Raj Guru 125. The Congress at which Gandhiji and Nehru met for the first time was that of 1916. It was held at : (a) Faizpur (b) Kolkata (c) Lucknow (Ans) (d) Belgaum 126. The period mentioned in the autobiography of Mahathma Gandhi is from childhood to : (a) 1922 (Ans) (b) 1925 (c) 1926 (d) 1927 127. Who authored 'The Indian Struggle'? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Ambedkar (c) Gandhiji (d) Patel 128. Who founded the Red Shirt Movement ? (a) Muhammed Ali Jinnah (b) Syed Ahmed Khan (c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Ans) (d) Nawab Abdul Latif 129. Who introduced Arms Act in 1878? (a) Dufferin (b) Northbrook (c) Mayo (d) Lytton (Ans) 130. Who organised 'Abhinav Bharat'? (a) Surya Sen (b) Lajpath Rai (c) V.D.Savarkar (Ans) (d) Hedgewar 131. Who organised the raid in Chittagong Government armoury? (a) Surya Sen (Ans) (b) Khudiram Bose (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Lala Hardayal 132. Labour Acts were introduced for the first time in India during the reign of: (a) Lytton (b) Ripon (Ans) (c) Curzon (d) Northbrook 133. Who published Al Hilal and Al Balagh ? (a) Badshah Khan (b) Muhammad Ali (c) Muhammad Iqbal (d) Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) 134. Who introduced separate civil service for Indians? (a) Northbrook (b) Lytton (Ans) (c) Ripon (d) Dufferin 135. Who shot dead Michael O'Dyer to avenge for the Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre ? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Surya Sen (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Uddam Singh (Ans) 136. The viceroy who survived a bomb explosion at Chandni Chowk in New Delhi in 1912: (a) Minto II (b) Hardringe II (Ans) (c) Chelsmsform (d) Reading 137. Who took initiative as the president of INC to constitute the first National Planning Committee under INC? (a) Nehru (b) Gandhiji (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (d) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) 138. Who were the Ali Brothers in the national movement ? (a) Muhammad Ali and Rehmat Ali (b) Rehmat Ali and Shoukat Ali (c) Shoukat Ali and Muhammad Ali (Ans) (d) None of these 139. Who wrote 'India Divided'? (a) Abdul Kalam Azad (b) Rajagopalachari (c) Rajendraprasad (Ans) (d) Ambedkar 140. Name the revolutionary who was shot dead in an encounter with police at a public park in Allahabad: (a) Surya Sen (b) Khudiram Bose (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (Ans) (d) Lala Hardyal 141. Who wrote 'Percepts of Jesus'? (a) Ram Mohan Roy (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Vivakananda (d) Annie Besant 142. In which year Gandhiji established Ahmedabad Textile labour association ? (a) 1915 (b) 1916 (c) 1920 (Ans) (d) 1918 143. Who was the Viceroy when Hunter Commission was appointed to enquire into Jallianwala Bagh Massacre? (a) Hardinge II (b) Chelsmsford (Ans) (c) Reading (d) Irwin 144. Gandhiji was sentenced for six years imprisonment in 1922 for sedition on behalf of the articles published in : (a) Harijan (b) Navjeevan (c) Young India (Ans) (d) Satyagrahi 145. Who founded the 'Servants of God'? (a) Dr.Khan Sahib (b) Jinnah (c) Gokhale (d) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Ans) 146. The book writtern by Gandhiji in 1909 during his sail for London: (a) The story of my experiments with truth (b) Hind Swaraj (Ans) (c) An authobiography (d) None of these 147. Who did the first political murder in modern India? (a) Chapekar brothers (Ans) (b) Uddam Singh (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Surya Sen 148. Who said 'Go back to Vedas'? (a) Vivekananda (b) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) (c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (d) Sankaracharya 149. The Viceroy when the second World War was started : (a) Mountbatten (b) Linlithgo (Ans) (c) Wavell (d) Reading 150. Name the freedom fighter who passed away on August 15, 1947 ? (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Ajigh Singh (Ans) (c) J.B Kripalani (d) Jatin Das 151. Who was called 'the grand old lady of Indian nationalism'? (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Madam Cama (c) Annie Besant (Ans) (d) Kadambini Ganguli 152. Who was popularly called 'Badshah Khan'? (a) Jinnah (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Ans) (c) Sheikh Abdullah (d) Salimullah Khan 153. The year of the Round Table conference in which Gandhiji attended (a) 1930 (b) 1931 (Ans) (c) 1932 (d) 1933 154. Who said 'Political freedom is the life breath of a nation'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) (c) Subash Bose (d) Vivekananda 155. Who represented Hindu community in the Second Round Table Conference'? (a) Savarkar (b) S.P. Mukharjee (c) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (d) Hedgewar 156. The Viceroy when the Second World War was ended : (a) Mountbatten (b) Wavell (Ans) (c) Reading (d) Linlithgo 157. Who is know as the father of Indian Politics and Economics? (a) W.C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) Mahalanobis (d) R.C. Dutt 158. Who founded Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan ? (a) Nehru (b) K M Munshi (Ans) (c) Ambedkar (d) Savarkar 159. Who were the Bose brothers in the national movement ? (a) Sarath Chandra Bose and Rash Behari Bose (b) Khudiram Bose and Rash Behari Bose (c) Sarath Chandra Bose and Subash Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Nanda Lal Bose and Ananda Mohan Bose 160. Who was known as 'the conscience keeper of Gandhiji'; (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (b) Rajendraprasad (c) C. Rajagopalachari (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 161. The Viceroy when the interim government assumed office on 2nd September, 1946: (a) Wavell (Ans) (b) Linlithgo (c) Irwin (d) Mountbatten 162. The news paper Hitavada was published by : (a) G.K. Gokhale (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (d) Aurobindo Ghosh 163. Whom the British called 'the Father of Indian Unrest'? (a) S.N. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (d) Gandhiji 164. Who authored 'The History of the War of Indian Independence'? (a) V.D. Savarkar (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 165. Who said 'Go back to Gita'? (a) Dayanand Saraswathy (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Vivekananda (Ans) (d) Ram Mohun Roy 166. Who founded Bharat Sevak Samaj ? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (b) Patel (c) Gandhiji (d) K. M Munshi 167. Who was known as the fire brand of South India ? (a) Rajagopalachari (b) S. Sathyamurti (Ans) (c) K. Kamaraj (d) T. Prakasam 168. Who founded the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha in 1870? (a) M.G. Ranade (Ans) (b) Gokhale (c) Pheroz Shah Mehata (d) None of the above 169. What was the subject of the resolution moved by Gandhiji in the first session of the Congress he attended ? (a) The problems of Indians in South Africa (Ans) (b) Complete independence for India (c) Ban of foreign cloths (d) Upliftment of the depressed classes 170. Who acted India's first ambassador to US ? (a) V. K. Krishnamenon (b) Sardar K.M. Panicker (c) Asaf Ali (Ans) (d) Vijayalekshmi Pandit 171. Who founded Dev Samaj ? (a) Ram Mohun Roy (b) Dayanand Saraswathy (c) Shiv Narayan Agnihotri (Ans) (d) Vivekananda 172. Who among the following played a key role in the foundation of Prarthana Samaj in Maharashtra ? (a) Ram Mohum Roy (b) Atmaram Pandurang (Ans) (c) Ddabhai Naoroji (d) Gandhiji 173. Who called upon his followers to observe 16th August, 1964 as 'Direct Action Day'? (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Ans) (b) Liaqat Ali Khan (c) Nehru (d) J.B. Kripalani 174. Identify the Viceroy who wrote home these words after his first meeting with Gandhiji:"Mr Gandhi's religious and moral views are, I believe, admirable, but I confess that I find it difficult to understand the practice of them in politics". (a) Lord Mountbatten (b) Lord Wavell (c) Lord Reading (Ans) (d) Lord Linlithgo 175. Who founded Satyashodak Samaj ? (a) Jotiba Phule (Ans) (b) B. R. Ambedkar (c) Veeresalingam (d) GG Agarkar 176. Who was the first president of AITUC ? (a) Ljpath Rai (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) S. A. Dange (d) M.N. Joshi 177. The first modern trade union in India was founded in 1918 by : (a) B.P. Wadia (Ans) (b) S. A. Dange (c) M. N. Roy (d) N.M. Joshi 178. Who is regarded as the father of Indian national movement? (a) M. K. Gandhi (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (c) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (d) W. C. Bannerjee 179. Who founded Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) ? (a) Hedgewar (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) V. D. Savarkar (d) None of these 180. Who referred Gandhiji's decision to call-off the Non-Cooperation Movement as a "National Calamity"? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Sardar Vllabhbhai Patel (d) Tagore 181. Who established Muhammadan Literary Society ? (a) Nawab Abdul Latif (Ans) (b) Ameer Ali (c) Niam Ul Mulk (d) Syed Ahmed Khan 182. Servants of India Society was founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale in : (a) 1900 (b) 1905 (Ans) (c) 1906 (d) 1907 183. Whose autobiography is 'A Nation in Making'? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (d) Dadabhai Navroji 184. The lathi blows huried at me will prove as nails in the coffin of the British imperialism' - whose words are these ? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Gandhiji (c) Lajpath Rai (Ans) (d) G.B. Pant 185. Who founded the Aligarh Movement ? (a) Shah Walliuallah (b) Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (c) Syed Ahmed Khan (Ans) (d) Muhammed Ali Jinnah 186. Who said this "The individual must die so that India may live, today I must die so that India may win freedom and glory? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Jatin Das (Ans) (c) Raj Guru (d) Mangal Pandey 187. Which education system did Gandhiji advocate for the country? (a) Basic Education (Ans) (b) English Education (c) Musical Education (d) None of these 188. The Surat split of INC was in the year (a) 1907 (Ans) (b) 1908 (c) 1909 (d) 1910 189. Who was known as 'Shahid-e-Azam'? (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Muhammad Iqbal (c) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (d) Lajpath Rai 190. Who founded justice party? (a) K Kamaraj (b) T. M. Nair and Theagaroya Chetty (Ans) (c) C. N. Annadurai (d) None of these LIC free solved placement paper,LIC aptitude reasoning questions with answers ande detailed explnations,LIC general awreness and free on line mock test to practice,LIC largest collection of solved question papers LIC General awareness questions for practice 1. What was the real name of Dayanand Saraswathy ? (a) Mool Sankar Tiwari (Ans) (b) Narendranath (c) Gadhadhar (d) Moniya 2. Who was the Viceroy when Indian Penal Code was brought into effect ? (a) Mayo (b) Ripon (c) Minto (d) Canning (Ans) 3. Muslim League was formed at: (a) Lahore (b) Dhaka (Ans) (c) Kolkata (d) New Delhi 4. In which year the Swaraj Party founded by C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru started functioning ? (a) 1923 (Ans) (b) 1924 (c) 1925 (d) 1926 5. During whose governor generalship Royal Asiatic Society was found in India ? (a) Warren Hastings (Ans) (b) William Bentick (c) Canning (d) Mayo 6. In 1878, some of the followers left the organisation led by Keshav Chandra Sen and formed new organisation named Sadharan Brahma Samaj. Who among the following was the leader of it? (a) Warren Hastings (Ans) (b) William Bentick (c) Canning (d) Mayo 7. Who formed the Indian Reform Association in 1870? (a) Ram Mohun Roy (b) Keshav Chandra sen (Ans) (c) Vivekananda (d) Ananda Mohan Bose 8. Who founded Arya Samaj in 1875 / (a) Vivekanda (b) Ram Mohun Roy (c) Dwarakanath Tagore (d) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) 9. Who was the Viceroy when the first Census was held in 1871 ? a) Mayo (Ans) (b) Curzon (c) Hardinge II (d) Minto I 10. The original name of Sriramakrishna Paramhamsa ? (a) Mool Sankar Tiwari (b) Narendranath Dutt (c) Veereswar Dutt (d) Gadhadhar Chaterjee (Ans) 11. The year in which Congress launched the individual Satyagraha : (a) 1939 (b) 1940 (Ans) (c) 1941 (d) 1942 12. Who among the following was the disciple of Sriramakrishna Paramahamsa ? (a) Ram Mohun Roy (b) Ananda Mohan Bose (c) Vivekananda (Ans) (d) Dwarakanath Tagore 13. Who founded Theosophical Society in United States in 1875 ? (a) Annie Besant (b) Helena Blavatsky (c) H.S. Olcott (d) Both (b) and (c) (Ans) 14. Who founded Wahabi Movement ? (a) Shah Walliuallah (Ans) (b) Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (c) Syed Ahmed Khan (d) Muhammad Ali Jinnah 15. An Irish woman Margaret Noble became the disciple of ----- and adopted the name Sister Nivetita. (a) Vivekananda (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) Dayanand Saraswathy 16. Who wrote the book"What Congress and Gandhi have done to untouchables'? (a) C. Sankaran Nair (b) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (d) Chitharanjan Das 17. Who started the Self Respect Movement in Tamil Nadu (a) C. N. Annadurai (b) T. M. Nair (c) E. V. Ramaswami Naicker (Ans) (d) P.Tyagaraja Chetty 18. Who was elected as the president in the All India Kisan Sabha held on Lucknow in 1936 ? (a) N. G. ranga (b) Swami Sahajanand Saraswati (Ans) (c) EMS Nambuthirippad (d) None of these 19. In 1885 who established All India National Conference in Calcutta? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (c) Sirir Bose (d) None of these 20. Who was known as 'the Saint of Dakshineswar '? (a) Vivekananda (b) Sriramakrishna Paramhamsa (Ans) (c) Ram Mohun Roy (d) Dayanand Saraswathy 21. Ramakrishna Mission was founded by Vivekanda in: (a) 1897 (Ans) (b) 1900 (c) 1901 (d) 1902 22. Who formed the Hindu Widows home Association ? (a) Mahadev Govinda Ranade (b) Dhondo Keshav Karve (Ans) (c) Iswar Chandra Vidhyasagar (d) None of these 23. Who was the viceroy when the first regular census was held in 1881: (a) Ripon (Ans) (b) Lytton (c) Mayo (d) hardingeI 24. Out of subhas bregade the Indian National Army had three Guerilla regiments named after Gandhiji , Azad and ----------------- (a) Nehru (Ans) (b) Bhagath singh (c) Rash Behari Bose (d) Rajaji 25. Who was known as 'Lokahtawadi? (a) Gopal krishna Gokhale (b) Gopal Hari Deshmukh (Ans) (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) None of these 26. Who suggested the name "Congress''? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) A. O. Hume (d) Chitharanjan Das 27. The Viceroy when Vernacular Press Act was introduced ? (a) Lytton (Ans) (b) Ripon (c) Dufferin (d) Curzon 28. Who is called "the Prince of Martyrs''? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (b) Madan Mohan Malavya (c) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (d) Mahathma Gandhi 29. Who founded the Scheduled Caste Federation in 1942 ? (a) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (b) Kakasaheb Kalelkar (c) Jotiba Phule (d) None of these 30. Who led the march in connection with salt satyagraha in Tamil Nadu, from Thiruchirappally to Vedaranyam ? (a) Dr. S. Krishnan (b) K. Kamaraj (c) C. Rajagopalachari (Ans) (d) C. N. Annadurai 31. In which year the first Round Table Conference was held in London : (a) 1929 (b) 1930 (Ans) (c) 1931 (d) 1932 32. Who designed the national flag of India ? (a) Pingale Venkiah (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) M.N. Roy (d) Subhas Chandra Bose 33. Lyall Commission was appointed during the reign of the Viceroy: (a) Curzon (b) Hardinge II (c) Minto II (d) Lord Elgin II (Ans) 34. Who was called 'Desh Nayak'? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Madan Mohan Malavya (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Mahathma Gandhi 35. Who was known as 'Deshbandu'? (a) C. F. Andrews (b) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Chitharanjan Das (Ans) (d) Bhagat Singh 36. Who was the Governor General when the administration of British India was transferred from East India Company to the British Crown : (a) Dalhousie (b) Mayo (c) Dufferin (d) Canning (Ans) 37. Who wrote'Anand Mat'? (a) Tagore (b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (Ans) (c) Tarasanker Bannerjee (d) None of these 38. Before Independence who served as the president of Indian National Congress for the longest continuous period ? (a) J. L. Nehru (b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) (c) Dabahai Navroji (d) W. C. banerjee 39. Dadabhai Navroji served as the prime minister of : (a) Baroda (Ans) (b) Mysore (c) Travancore (d) Kashmir 40. Who was the Viceroy when Indian National Congress was formed in 1885? (a) Dufferin (Ans) (b) Reading (c) Mayo (d) Curzon 41. The first Mrtyr of the 1857 revolt : (a) Jhansi Rani (b) Tantiya Tope (c) Mangal Pandey (Ans) (d) Nana Sahib 42. Lord Mountbatten became the Viceroy in : (a) 1946 (b) 1947 (Ans) (c) 1948 (d) 1949 43. Who was known as the 'Calvin of Hinduism'? (a) Iswar Chndra Vidhya Sagar (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (c) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) (d) Vivekananda 44. Who was the political guru of Subhas Chandra Bose ? (a) Chitharanjan Das (Ans) (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Tagore (d) Dadabhai Naoroji 45. Who among hte following is a leader who participated in all the three Round Table Conferences ? (a) Gandhiji (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (d) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) 46. Simon Commission visited India in : (a) 1926 (b) 1927 (c) 1928 (Ans) (d) 1929 47. Who was known as the Nightingale of India ? (a) Indira Gandhi (b) Sarojini Naidu (Ans) (c) Aruna Asaf Ali (d) Annie Besant 48. Who prepared the draft of the Quit India resolution ? (a) Mahathma Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (c) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 49. The Viceroy during the partition of Bengal : (a) Hardinge II (b) Minto I (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Reading 50. Political guru of B. R. Ambedkar : (a) Jyotiba Phule (Ans) (b) Veeresalingam (c) Birsa Munda (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 51. Mira Richard was the disciple of (a) Gandhiji (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) (c) Vivekananda (d) None of these 52. Which of the following revolutionary Indian leader born in 1906 July 23 (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) (b) Surya Sen (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Chandrasekhar Azad 53. Who were hanged along with Bhagat Singh? (a) Surya Sen and Prafulla Chaki (b) Surya Sen and Khudiram Bose (c) SKhudiram Bose and Lala Hardayal (d) Raj Guru and Sukhdev (Ans) 54. The Viceroy when the partition of Bengal was repealed in 1911: (a) Minto I (b) Hardinge II (Ans) (c) Chelmsford (d) Chelmsford 55. Who made the statement : God is of no use the hungry belly? (a) Gandhiji (b) Ramakrishna parama hamsa (Ans) (c) Vivekananda (d) C.R. Das 56. In which year Chapekar Brothers assassisinated two unpopular British officials at Pune ? (a) 1885 (b) 1897 (Ans) (c) 1931 (d) 1913 57. Damodar and Yasoda was the parents of ? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Chandrasekhar Azad (c) V. D. Savarkar (Ans) (d) Prafulla Chaki 58. India became a member of United nations in : (a) 1945 (Ans) (b) 1946 (c) 1947 (d) 1948 59. Who, along with Khuriram Bose, threw a bomb at a carriage believed to be carrying Kingsford, an unpopular judge at Mussafarpur ? (a) Chandrasekhar Azad (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Uddham Singh (d) Prafulla Chaki (Ans) 60. Ram Prasad Bismil was hanged in association with------conspiracy case. (a) Alipore (b) Lahore (c) Kakori (Ans) (d) Delhi 61. Under whose leadership Hindustan Republican Association changed its title to Hindustan Socialist Republican Association ? (a) Chandrasekhar Azad (Ans) (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Uddam Singh (d) Khudiram Bose 62. The leader of modern India who embraced Buddhism in the later years of his life : (a) M. M. Malavya (b) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) None of these 63. How many days did it take to complete the process of transfer of power from the British to India as per the mountbatten plan ? (a) 72 (Ans) (b) 82 (c) 92 (d) 102 64. Who killed the Sanders, the police officer whose blows on Lala Lajpath Rai led to his death ? (a) Chandrasekhar Azad (b) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (c) Uddham Singh (d) Prafulla Chaki 65. Who among the following was hanged on 23rd March 1931? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Raj Guru (c) Sukh Dev (d) All of these (Ans) 66. The Viceroy when Muslim Leaque was formed in 1906: (a) Minto II (Ans) (b) Hardinge II (c) Chelmsford (d) Rippon 67. Who is known as Anthra Kesari ? (a) T. Prakasham (Ans) (b) Sreeramalu (c) Surya Sen (d) None of these 68. Who was known as 'Masterda'? (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Uddam Singh (d) Surya Sen (Ans) 69. The woman who faced trial along with Surya Sen? (a) Kalpana Joshi (Ans) (b) Pritilatha Wadedar (c) Beena Das (d) Santhi Ghosh 70. Who killed Bengal Governor in a convocation ceremony ? (a) Santhi Ghosh (b) Kalpana Joshi (c) Pritilatha Wadedar (d) Beena Das (Ans) 71. Which of the following national leader born in cuttack ? (a) Netaji (Ans) (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Madanlal Dhingra (d) Bhagat Singh 72. Cripp's Mission visited India during the period of : (a) Wavell (b) Linlithgo (Ans) (c) Wellington (d) Mountbatten 73. The Central Legislative Assembly was created by : (a) Regulating Act (b) Govt of India Act, 1919 (Ans) (c) Govt of India Act, 1935 (d) Indian Independence Act 74. The Viceroy during the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly held on 9th December, 1946 ? (a) Mountbatten (b) Linlithgo (c) Wavell (Ans) (d) Irwin 75. Aurobindo Ghosh was trialed in connection with ---------conspiracy case : (a) Lahore (b) Kakori (c) Alipore (Ans) (d) Delhi 76. Who was called 'the mother of Indian Revolution '? (a) Annie Besant (b) Beena Das (c) Madam Bhikaji Kama (Ans) (d) Sarojini Naidu 77. The Round Table Conferences were conducted as per the recommendations of (a) Lyall Commission (b) Hunter Commission (c) Simon Commission (Ans) (d) Crip's Mission 78. What was called 'post dated cheque' by Gandhiji? (a) Cabinet Mission (b) Crip's Mission (Ans) (c) Govt. of India Act, 1935 (d) Quit India movement 79. The founder of East India Association in 1866? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) M. K. Gandhi (d) Mahadev Govind Ranade 80. Who founded the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha in 1870? (a) Mahadev Govind Ranade (Ans) (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Jyotiba Phule (d) W. C. Bannerjee 81. The founder of Satyashodhak Samaj in 1873: (a) B. R. Ambedkar (b) G.G. Agarkar (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Jyotiba phule (Ans) 82. The exclusive woman force of Indian National Army was named after : (a) Captain Lakshmi (b) Sarojini Naidu (c) Jhansi Rani (Ans) (d) Annie Besant 83. The founder of Indian League in 1875 : (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Shishirkumar Ghosh (Ans) (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) G. G. Agarkar 84. The organisation founded by G.G.Agarkar, B.G. Thilak and V.G. Chiplunkar in 1885? (a) Indian League (b) Satyashodhak Samaj (c) Deccan Education Society (Ans) (d) Bombay 85. The first countrywide agitation launched by Gandhiji in India : (a) Champaran Satyagraha (b) Kheda Satyagraha (c) Non Cooperation movement (Ans) (d) Civil Disobedience Movement 86. In 1885 Dadabhai Naoroji was elected on e of the vice presidents of : (a) Indian Association (b) Bombay Presidency Association (Ans) (c) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (d) Indian National Congress 87. The post of the Secretary of State for India was created in : (a) 1857 (b) 1858 (Ans) (c) 1861 (d) 1877 88. Who presided over the 1901 session of INC in which Gandhiji attended for the first time ? (a) D. E. Wacha (Ans) (b) Feroz Shah Mehta (c) Dadabhai Navroji (d) Gopala Krishna Gokhale 89. Who laid the foundation of the Indian Patriotic Association in 1888? (a) Aga Khan (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) Nawab Abdul Latif (d) Syed Ahmed Khan (Ans) 90. Who founded Social Service League in 1911? (a) B. R. Ambedkar (b) G.G. Agarkar (c) N. M. Joshi (Ans) (d) Mahadevb Govind Ranade 91. Who threw a bomb on Central Legislative Assembly in 1929 to protest against the public safety bill which would have curtailed civil liberties ? (a) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (b) Prafulla Chaki (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Uddham Singh 92. Who was the Viceroy during the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre ? (a) Wellington (b) Hardinge II (c) Reading (d) Chelmsford (Ans) 93. In association with which conspiracy case 31 prominent trade union and communist leaders were arrested ? (a) Meerut Conspiracy case (Ans) (b) Lahore conspiracy case (c) Alipore conspiracy case (d) Kakori conspiracy case 94. Burma separated from India in ? (a) 1936 (b) 1937 (Ans) (c) 1939 (d) 1950 95. Who founded Indian Liberal Federation in 1918? (a) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (b) Hedgewar (c) K M Munshi (d) B. R. Ambedkar 96. The Viceroy who announced the date of transfer of power to Indian hands : (a) Linlithgo (b) Wellington (c) Wavell (d) Mountbatten (Ans) 97. The year of temple entry proclation: (a) 1898 (b) 1921 (c) 1936 (Ans) (d) 1942 98. Yachana yathra associated with ? (a) V. T. Bhattathirippad (Ans) (b) Thilak (c) Ambedkar (d) AKG 99. The founder of Van mahotsav (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Pheroz Shah Mehta (c) Vir Savarkar (d) K. M. Munshi (Ans) 100. The founder of All India Scheduled Caste Federation : (a) M. K. Gandhi (b) Jyotiba Phule (c) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (d) G.G. Agarkar 101. The Indian Penal Code was passed in : (a) 1860 (Ans) (b) 1865 (c) 1875 (d) 1885 102. When did Gandhiji get his head shaved, discard his clothes and settle for a loin cloth ? (a) 1925 (b) 1930 (c) 1931 (d) 1921 (Ans) 103. A spinal injury while horseback riding left this person in lifelong pain for which he wore a metal corset under his clothes. He served as the Viceroy of India. Name this person. (a) Chelmsford (b) Dufferin (c) Mayo (d) Curzon (Ans) 104. Which of the following year Delhi Durbar was conducted : (a) 1911 (Ans) (b) 1912 (c) 1913 (d) 1914 105. Which tool did Gandhiji promote to achieve economic, and ultimately complete independence from the British Empire ? (a) Spinning Wheel (Ans) (b) Sewing Machine (c) Plough (d) Weaving Stool 106. In 1924 Gandhiji became the president of Indian National Congress. The session was held at : (a) Wardha (b) New Delhi (c) Belgaum (Ans) (d) Lucknow 107. The Viceroy who undertook the restoration of the Taj Mahal : (a) Curzon (Ans) (b) Chelmsford (c) Irwin (d) Wellington 108. Who had prepared the rules and regulations of the Congress Party before Gandhiji joined the party? (a) Gokhale (Ans) (b) BG Tilak (c) Dadabhai Navroji (d) Pheroz Shah Mehta 109. In which year Ghadar party was formed in Sanfrancisco? (a) 1916 (b) 1914 (c) 1915 (d) 1913 (Ans) 110. The Indian revolutionary who participated in Mainpuri Conspiracy of 1918, and the Kakori conspiracy of 1925, and was awarded death sentence along with Ashfaqulla Khan (a) Prafulla Chaki (b) Ram Prasad Bismil (Ans) (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Surya Sen 111. Postal System was introduce by : (a) Canning (b) Dufferin (c) Dalhousie (Ans) (d) Wellesley 112. Who gave Saigaon village as a gift to Gandhiji? (a) Kalelkar (b) Jamnalal Bajaj (Ans) (c) Mahadev Desai (d) None of these 113. The Indian Police Act was passed in : (a) 1861 (Ans) (b) 1865 (c) 1878 (d) 1908 114. Who was the Viceroy when the Ancient Monument Protection Act was passed ? (a) Curzon (Ans) (b) Mayo (c) Minto II (d) Hardinge II 115. Who amongst the following was chosen as the Dewan of three princely states-Mysore, Jaipur and Hyderabad ? (a) M. Visweswaraih (b) C.P. Ramaswami Iyer (c) V. P. Madhava Rao (d) Mirza Ismail (Ans) 116. The Viceroy during the Mopla revolt of 1921: (a) Wellington (b) Hardinge II (c) Reading (Ans) (d) Minto 117. First Justice Party Government was formed in : (a) 1923 (b) 1921 (c) 1922 (d) 1920 (Ans) 118. Name the person who resigned his position as Viceroy of India in August 1905 because of a difference of opinion with Lord Kitchener, the British military Commander-in-Chief in India : (a) Minto I (b) Chelmsford (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Dufferin 119. What was the age of Gandhiji when he reached South Africa for the first time ? (a) 33 (b) 27 (c) 29 (d) 24 (Ans) 120. At the time of independence the most populous princely state was : (a) Kashmir (b) Bikanir (c) Mysore (d) Hyderabad (Ans) 121. Whom Gandhiji called 'the prince of patriots'? (a) Tagore (b) C. Rajagopalachari (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 122. The largest princely state at the time of independence in terms of area : (a) Mysore (b) Hyderabad (c) Kashmir (Ans) (d) Bhopal 123. In which language, the autobiography of Gandhiji wa published for the first time ? (a) English (b) Hindi (c) Gujarati (Ans) (d) Marathi 124. Who founded Muslim League in 1906? (a) Aga Khan (Ans) (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) Nawab Abdul Latif (d) Muhammad Ali Jinnah 125. The leader who escaped from the ustody of the British and went to Germany secretly to met Hitler : (a) Chempakaraman Pillai (b) Rash Behari Bose (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) None of these 126. The Viceroy during the Second and Third Round Table Conference : (a) Reading (b) Irwin (c) Wellington (Ans) (d) Linlithgo 127. Who founded Dayanand Anglo Vedic School ? (a) Lala Hansraj (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Vivekananda (d) Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar 128. Sreemoolam praja sabha started in : (a) 1848 (b) 1956 (c) 1921 (d) 1904 (Ans) 129. The first Indian to preach the gospel of Swadeshi and India for Indians : (a) W.C. Banerjee (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (d) Swami Dayanand Saraswathi (Ans) 130. The Viceroy who appointed Police Commission under Sir Andrew Frazer to enquire into the police (a) Minto II (b) Ripon (c) Duffering (d) Curzon (Ans) 131. The mutiny of 1857 failed because : (a) The British have powerful arms (b) The British outnumbered the Indians (c) Of the lack of proper planning and leadership (Ans) (d) It was premature 132. Who was known as 'Bihar Gandhi'? (a) Jayaprakash Narayan (b) Morarji Desai (c) Rejendraprasad (Ans) (d) Lal Bahadur Shastri 133. The founder of 'Mahila Rashtriya Sangh ': (a) Lathika Ghosh (Ans) (b) Sarala Devi (c) Preethi Vadekar (d) Kasthurba Gandhi 134. Hindustan Republican Association was formed in 1924 at : (a) Kolkata (b) Kanpur (Ans) (c) Mumbai (d) Lahore 135. The incident responsible for Kakori Conspiracy Case was occured in : (a) 1925 (Ans) (b) 1927 (c) 1928 (d) 1929 136 The Drama Valmiki Prathibha associated with (a) Ranade (b) Eswar Chandra Vidyadsagar (c) Tagore (Ans) (d) Athmaram Pandurang 137. In which language Gandhiji started the weekly 'Young India '? (a) English (Ans) (b) Marathi (c) Hindi (d) Gujarati 138. Which of the following events occurred first ? (a) Chinese Revolution (b) Quit India Movement (c) Division of Bengal (Ans) (d) Formation of Constituent Assembly 139. Who compared the Dandi March to Napoleon's march to Paris from Elba ? (a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) Lala Lajpath Rai (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 140. Name the Viceroy who was called the "Aurangazeb of British India "? (a) Wellesley (b) Wavell (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Irwin 141. In which Jail Gandhiji started the writing of his autogiography? (a) Ambala (b) Thihar (c) Pune (d) Yervada (Ans) 142. The author of '1857 The Great Rebellion': (a) Vir Savarkar (b) Ashok Mehta (Ans) (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Sarojini Naidu 143. Which of the following was known as 'Indian Gladstone'? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (Ans) (c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (d) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad 144. In which year All India village industr s association was brought into existence under the patronage of Gandhiji? (a) 1934 (Ans) (b) 1935 (c) 1936 (d) 1937 145. 'Prabudha Bharat' was a paper published in English by: (a) Louis Vivian Derozio (b) G.H. Deshmukh (c) Swami Vivekanand (Ans) (d) Swami Dayanand 146. The Radical Demoratic Party was formed in 1940 by : (a) N.D. Majumdar (b) S.C. Bose (c) B. R. Ambedkar (d) M. N. Roy (Ans) 147. Which organization is led by 'Ten Principles'? (a) Buddhism (b) Jainism (c) Christianity (d) Arya Samaj (Ans) 148. The first war of Independence in India lasted for almost : (a) Two weeks (b) Two years (Ans) (c) Two days (d) One year 149. The place where the first war of independence was led by Kunwar Singh : (a) Bareilly (b) Faizabad (c) Jagdishpur (Ans) (d) Kanpur 150. Brave heroine of Nagaland during the civil disobedience movement : (a) Begum Hazratmahal (b) Rani Gaidulu (Ans) (c) Rani Lakshmi Bhai (d) Rani Parvathi Bhai 151. What was the honour given to Gandhiji by the British in recognition to his contribution during the Boer war? (a) Victoria Cross (b) Star of Africa (c) Kaizar-i-Hind (Ans) (d) Knighthood 152. Who was the president of Indian National Congress during Bengal partition? (a) Motilal Nehru (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) Pheroz Shah Mehta (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (Ans) 153. The first Indian to be elected to the leadership of Communist International was : (a) M.N. Roy (Ans) (b) P.C. Joshi (c) Sohan Singh Josh (d) S. A. Dange 154. Who was the Viceroy when INC launched Quit India Movement (a) Wavell (b) Wellington (c) Linlithgo (Ans) (d) Irwin 155. The 'Voice of India' published extracts from Indian Press. It was started by: (a) S. N. Bannerjee (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Dadabhai Naoroji (Ans) (d) P. Ananda Charlu 156. In which year Numismatic Society of India was established at Allahabad ? (a) 1908 (b) 1910 (Ans) (c) 1912 (d) 1914 157. Madras Mahajana Sabha was established in : (a) 1884 (Ans) (b) 1887 (c) 1894 (d) 1904 158. Gandhiji went to South Africa to appear in the court for the case of : (a) Abdulla Sait (Ans) (b) Polak (c) Mansukhlal Nasar (d) Gokhale 159. The symbol of 1857 revolt : (a) Rose and Bread (b) Lotus and cow (c) Rose and Lamp (d) Lotus and Bread (Ans) 160. The Viceroy when Ramsay McDonald announced Communal Award : (a) Wellington (Ans) (b) Irwin (c) Reading (d) Linlithgo 161. The first conference of All India States People's Conference was in : (a) 1927 (Ans) (b) 1928 (c) 1929 (d) 1930 162. The session of INC which approved the non-cooperation movement of Gandhiji was held at : (a) Nagpur (b) Kolkata (Ans) (c) Lucknow (d) Belgaum 163. The party founded by T.M. Nair and Theagaroya Chetty in 1917? (a) Forward Bloc (b) Swatantra Party (c) Swaraj Party (d) Justice Party (Ans) 164. Which is the last one in the chronological order ? (a) Cabinet Mission Plan (b) Bombay Plan (c) Wavell Plan (d) Mountbatten Plan (Ans) 165. What was the age of Gandhiji when he conducted the historic Dandi march ? (a) 61 (Ans) (b) 71 (c) 75 (d) 56 166. What was the purpose behind the establishment of Natal Indian Congress by Gandhiji? (a) to promote vegetarian food (b) To get permanent employment to the Indians (c) For the increase of pay (d) To fight against racial discrimination (Ans) 167. Adyar was the famous centre and headquarters of the : (a) Aurobindo Ashram (b) Madras Mahajan Sabha (c) Ramakrishna Mission (d) Theosophical Society (Ans) 168. The Indian Industrial Commission of 1915 was headed by : (a) Sir Thomas Holland (Ans) (b) John Simon (c) Stafford Crips (d) A.V. Alexander 169. In which year Gandhiji established Sevagram Ashram at Wardha ? (a) 1934 (b) 1935 (c) 1936 (Ans) (d) 1937 170. Who was the Viceroy when Montague-Chelmsford reforms were introduced ? (a) Montague (b) Minto (c) Chelmsford (Ans) (d) Reading 171. The Nation and its Fragments ' is authored by (a) Anil Seal (b) Partha Chatterjee (Ans) (c) R. Chandravarkar (d) G. Alloysius 172. Who wrote Satyarthaprakash ? (a) Vivekananda (b) Ram Mohun Roy (c) Dwarakanath Tagore (d) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) 173. The journal published by Gandhiji in South Africa : (a) Harijan (b) Young India (c) Indian Opinion (Ans) (d) Navjeevan 174. In which year Gandhiji started 'Indian Opinion'? (a) 1901 (b) 1902 (c) 1903 (d) 1904 (Ans) 175. Who was the first president of Harijan Sevak Sangh founded by Mahathma Gandhi (a) G. D. Birla (Ans) (b) Mahadev Desai (c) Amritlal Takkar (d) B.R. Ambedkar 176. Who among the following participated in the Chittagong armoury raid , along with Surya Sen and other revolutionaries on April 18, 1930 ? (a) Jatin Das (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Ganesh Ghosh (Ans) (d) Aurobindo Ghosh 177. The code of Civil Procedure was enacted in : (a) 1908 (Ans) (b) 1861 (c) 1868 (d) 1881 178. Who was the Viceroy when Edward VII was declared as the emperor of India? (a) Curzon (Ans) (b) Rippon (c) Hardinge II (d) Minto II 179. Ashfaqulla Khan was sentenced to death in connection with : (a) Lahore case (b) Kakori Case (Ans) (c) Chittagong Case (d) Alipur Case 180. The number of volunteers who followed Mahathma Gandhi in Dandi march: (a) 78 (Ans) (b) 88 (c) 98 (d) 68 181. Who among the following is related to Tirunelveli Conspiracy case : (a) Vanchi Iyer (Ans) (b) T. K. Madhavan (c) E. V. Ramaswami Naiker (d) G. S. Iyer 182. M.A.O. College later became : (a) Benarus Hindu University (b) Aligarh Muslim University (Ans) (c) Delhi University (d) Magadh University 183. Who formulated Sevagram project ? (a) Vinoba Bhave (b) Mahathma Gandhi (Ans) (c) Mahadev Desai (d) Tagore 184. Who was the Viceroy when the Cabinet Mission visited India ? (a) Mountbatten (b) Wavell (Ans) (c) Wellington (d) Linlithgo 185. The resolution passed by Indian National Congress in -----at its Madras Session lay down that the declaration of Fundamental Rights should be the basis of future Constitution of India . (a) 1927 (Ans) (b) 1928 (c) 1929 (d) 1930 186. In which year Gandhiji established Satyagraha ashram at Kochrab near Ahmedabad ? (a) 1914 (b) 1915 (Ans) (c) 1916 (d) 1917 187. Which commission recommended for the adoption of a famine code for india ? (a) Campbell Commission 1868 (b) Macdoneel Commission 1898 (c) Strachey Commission 1880 (Ans) (d) Lyall Commission 1901 188. Who wrote the book 'Gandhi and Anarchy '? (a) C. Sankaran Nair (Ans) (b) V. D. Savarkar (c) B. R. Ambedkar (d) Syamaprasad Mukherjee 189. Which is considered by academics abroad to be the Indian equivalent of Harvard? (a) Presidency College Kolkata (Ans) (b) Christian College, Chennai (c) Ferguson College (d) Madras Presidency College 190. Who was the Viceroy when INC passed resolution demanding complete independence ? (a) Irwin (Ans) (b) Reading (c) Linlithgo (d) Wellington LIC general awareness questions and answers, LIC previous years solved question papers, LIC aptitude, reasoning English and general awareness model questions with answers and detailed explanations, LIC free solved sample placement papers, LIC written test pattern, LIC apprentice Development Officers, Agent written test pattern recruitment notificationLIC general awareness questions and answers, LIC previous years solved question papers, LIC aptitude, reasoning English and general awareness model questions with answers and detailed explanations, LIC free solved sample placement papers, LIC written test pattern, LIC apprentice Development Officers, Agent written test pattern recruitment notification 1. The Governor General during the Sepoy Mutiny: (a) Delhousie (b) Canning  (Ans) (c) William Bentick (d) Warren Hastings 2. After 1857, who among the following announced at a Durbar at Allahabad, the assumption of the Government of India by the Sovereign of Great Britain ? (a) Lord Canning   (Ans) (b) Sir John Lawrence (c) Lord Mayo (d) Lord Northbrook 3. Who said 'Patriotism is religion and religion is love for India'? (a) Raj Narain Bose (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Swami Vivekananda   (Ans) (d) Acharya Vinoba Bhave 4. The Viceroy during INA Trial : (a) Mountbatten (b) Linlithgo (c) Wellington (d) Wavell   (Ans) 5. Who among the following was the editor of 'Deenabandhu' ? (a) Dadabhai Navroji (b) Jotiba Phule   (Ans) (c) Robert Knight (d) Manmohan Ghosh 6. The first Indian to join the ICS : (a) Surendranath Bannerjee (b) Manmohan Ghosh (c) S.P. Sinha (d) Satyendranath Tagor   (Ans) 7. Swami Vivekananda born in : (a) 1831 (b) 1844 (c) 1863  (Ans) (d) 1848 8. The Viceroy when Gandhiji launched Civil Disobedience Movement in 1930 : (a) Wellington (b) Chelmsford (c) Reading (d) Irwin   (Ans) 9.  In which year Gandhiji announced his decision to resign from Congress ? (a) 1933 (b) 1934  (Ans) (c) 1935 (d) 1936 10. The Viceroy who made August Offer : (a) Wellington (b) Wavell (c) Linlithgo   (Ans) (d) Mountbatten 11. An Indian revolutionary who was a professor of Sanskrit in the Universities of Berkeley and Stanford died in Philadelphia : (a) Shyamji Krishna Varma (b) Lala Hardayal   (Ans) (c) Taraka Nath Das (d) Bhai Parmanand 12. Indian Broadcasting Corporation was renamed in 1936 as : (a) Akashvani (b) Nabhovani (c) Doorvani (d) All India Radio   (Ans) 13. Who was born in 1866 may 9 ? (a) Atmaram Pandurang (b) B.G. Tilak   (Ans) (c) G.K. Gokhale (d) Gopal Hari Deshmukh 14.  A leading British Parliamentarian and politician admitted that the revolt of 1857 was a National Revolt' not a' Military Mutiny' ? (a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Canning (c) William Gladstone (d) Benjamin Disraeli   (Ans) 15. During 1940s, Nanasaheb Ramchandra Patil founded parallel government named Pratil Sarkar in the 150 villages in : (a) Bengal (b) Bihar (c) Maharashtra   (Ans) (d) Orissa 16. Who was not a founder member of Muslim League in 1906 ? (a) Agha Khan (b) Mohsinul Mulk (c) M.A. Jinnah   (Ans) (d) Nawab Salimulla 17. Who was preferred by Pheroz Shah Mehta in his place when he resigned from Central Legislative Assembly in 1901 ? (a) G.K. Gokhle  (Ans) (b) K.T. Telang (c) D.E. Wacha (d) B.G. Tilak 18.  The India lOffice, a British government Department was created in : (a) 1858  (Ans) (b) 1859 (c) 1861 (d) 1877 19.  Whose words are these " The Congress is tottering to its fall and one of the greatest ambitions while in India to assist it to a peaceful demise": (a) Dufferin (b) Curzon   (Ans) (c) Minto II (d) Hardingell 20. Mrs. Annie Besant set up Home Rule League in September 1916 with its seat at : (a) Pune (b) Kolkata (c) Adayar   (Ans) (d) Delhi 21. Pondicherry was  the main base on the coromandel coast of the : (a) English East India Company (b) French East India Company   (Ans) (c) Dutch East India Company (d) Danish East India Company 22. Under whose Chairmanship Indian Education Commission 1882 was appointed ? (a) Charles Wood (b) Lord Curzon (c) W.W. Hunter   (Ans) (d) Lord Lytton 23. After the demise of which leader, Gandhiji was emerged as the eminent leader of the Indian National congress ? (a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak   (Ans) (c) Lala Lajpath Rai (d) Feroz Shah Mehta 24. Revolutionary youth Madanlal Dhingra shot dead : (a) Michael O'Dyer (b) General Dyer (c) Lord Curzon (d) Curzon Wylie   (Ans) 25. During Quit India movement, Tamralipta Jatiya Sarkar (Tamralipta National Government) was  formed in : (a) Maharashtra (b) Bengal   (Ans) (c) Orissa (d) Bihar 26. Who was the Viceroy when the first Factory Act was introduced ? (a) Mayo (b) Ripon   (Ans) (c) Lytton (d) Dufferin 27. Which modern historian opined that "the so called First National War of Independence of 1857 is neither First, nor National, nor War of Independence". ? (a) S.N. Sen (b) Tara Chand (c) R.C. Majumdar   (Ans) (d) K.K.Dutta 28. 'My one man army' who made this remark about Gandhiji ? (a) Nehru (b) Lord Mountbatten   (Ans) (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (d) Clement Atlee 29. The British introduced the railways in India in order to : (a) promote heavy industries (b) facilitate British commerce and administrative control   (Ans) (c) move food stuff in case of famine (d) enable Indians to move freely within the country 30. Who among the following wrote the book 'Bahuvivah' ? (a) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (b) Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar   (Ans) (c) Pandita Rambai (d) Rabindranath Tagore 31. In 1905, Bhavani Mandir was published by : (a) B. G. Tilak (b) Aurobindo (c) Sachin Sanyal (d) Barindrakumar Ghosh   (Ans) 32. Appointment of an Educational Commission under Sir William Hunter in 1882 was during the period of : (a) Lytton (b) Ripon   (Ans) (c) Mayo (d) Dufferin 33. Which session of the Indian National Congress decided to reorganise Provincial Congress Committees on the basis of linguistic areas : (a) 1920 Nagpur   (Ans) (b) 1911 Kolkata (c) 1916 Lucknow (d) 1924 Belgaum 34. The Viceroy who made the 'Deepavali Declaration': (a) Wellington (b) Chelmsford (c) Linlithgo (d) Irwin   (Ans) 35. The first secretary of Punjab Naujawan Sabha was : (a) Ajith Singh (b) Lajpath Rai (c) Bhagat Singh   (Ans) (d) Thilak 36. All India Hindu Maha Sabha was setup in 1915 under the presidentship of : (a) Sahajanand (b) Maharaja of Kasimbazar   (Ans) (c) Lajpath Rai (d) M.M. Malavya 37. Who codified the RSS doctrine in his booklet 'We' ? (a) Savarkar (b) N.V. Godse (c) M.S. Golwalker   (Ans) (d) None of these 38. The word 'Swaraj' was first used in the Congress platform in the 1906 session of : (a) Pune (b) Lucknow (c) Surat (d) Kolkata   (Ans) 39. "Christianity wins its prosperity by cutting throats of its fellow mean" Who said this ? (a) Dayanand (b) Vivekananda   (Ans) (c) Ram Krishna Paramhansa (d) Gandhihi 40. Simla Conference (1945) was held during the period of : (a) Linlithgo (b) Wavell   (Ans) (c) Mountbatten (d) Irwin 41. Who was elected the first president of the Indian Liberal Federation (1918) ? (a) S.N. Bannerjee   (Ans) (b) M.M. Malavya (c) C.R. Das (d) Motilal Nehru 42. Who was the leader of the 1857 Revolt at Bareilly : (a) Lakshmi Bhai (b) Tantya Tope (c) Kunwar Singh (d) Khan Bahadur   (Ans) 43. When India celebrated independence on August 15, 1947 Gandhiji was in : (a) New Delhi (b) Lahore (c) Pune (d) Kolkata   (Ans) 44. 'Sudharak' was a newspaper by : (a) G.K. Gokhale   (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) M.G. Ranade (d) B.G. Tilak 45. Who started the journal 'Kudi Arasu' in 1929 to propagate his ideas ? (a) Ramaswami Naicker   (Ans) (b) Annadurai (c) Chidambaram Pillai (d) Subramanya Bharati 46. Who called Gopala Krishna Gokhale 'the Diamond of Inida, Jewel of Maharashtra, Prince of Workers' ? (a) Gandhiji (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak   (Ans) (c) Pheroz Shah Mehta (d) M.G. Ranade 47. Who compared Curzon to Aurangazeb ? (a) V. A. Smith (b) Lane Pool (c) G.K. Gokhale   (Ans) (d) V.D. Savarkar 48. "God is of no use to the hungry belly' - Whose words are these ? (a) Vivekananda (b) Dayanand (c) Guru Nanak (d) Ram Krishna Paramhansa  (Ans) 49. Who was Popularly known as the "Christian Viceroy' ? (a) Wellington (b) Irwin   (Ans) (c) Wavell (d) Linlithgo 50. The word 'National' was added to the name of Congress during the Nagpur session of : (a) 1891  (Ans) (b) 1892 (c) 1897 (d) 1899 51. Who was the president of the Socialist Conference held at Patna in 1934: (a) J.P. Narayan (b) Minu Masani (c) Acharya Narendradev   (Ans) (d) J.B. Kripalani 52. Who edited 'Abhudaya' ? (a) S.N. Bannerjee (b) M.M. Malavya   (Ans) (c) C.R. Das (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 53. What was called by Gandhiji as his 'two lungs' ? (a) Truth and Non-violence   (Ans) (b) Khadi and Charkha (c) Prayer and Satyagraha (d) Turth and Khadi 54. In which year Gandhiji attended the Congress session for the first time ? (a) 1899 (b) 1900 (c) 1901  (Ans) (d) 1902 55. Which was published from Allahabad by M.M. Malavya ? (a) Indian Mirror (b) Hindustani (c) The Leader   (Ans) (d) National Herald 56. The Viceroy who refused to meet the Congress deputation led by its president in 1904 ? (a) Curzon   (Ans) (b) Dufferin (c) Rippon (d) Lytton 57.  The venue of Satyagraha by Gandhiji to protest against Jallianwallabagh massacre : (a) Pune (b) Mumbai   (Ans) (c) Ahmedabad (d) New Delhi 58.  Who was the secretary of Dadabhai Navroji in 1906 session of INC ? (a) D.E. Wacha (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Pheroz Shah Mehta (d) M.A. Jinnah   (Ans) 59.  The political guru of K. Kamaraj : (a) Annadarai (b) Ramaswami Naicker (c) S. Satyamurti   (Ans) (d) T.M. Nair 60. What was the real name of Sarala Behn, who was a disciple of Gandhiji ? (a) Madelein Slade (b) Catherine Mary Heilman   (Ans) (c) Mira Richard (d) Margaret Noble 61. Netaji founded Forward Bloc in : (a) 1939   (Ans) (b) 1941 (c) 1942 (d) 1943 62. Who proposed financial support to Vivekananda for his voyage to Chicago ? (a) Maharaja of Jodhpur (b) Maharaja of Khetri    (Ans) (c) Maharaja of Kasimbazar (d) Maharaja of Vizianagar 63. The Viceroy when the First World War was started : (a) Minto II (b) Hardinge II    (Ans) (c) Chelsmsford (d) Linlithgo 64. Who was selected as the first Satyagrahi when Gandhiji launched individual satyagraha in 1940 ? (a) Abbas Tyabji (b) Sarojini Naidu (c) Vinoba Bhave    (Ans) (d) Jawaharla Nehru 65. Gandhiji established ........ in Johennesberg in 1910. (a) Phoenix settlement (b) Tolstoy Farm    (Ans) (c) Ruskin  Farm (d) Gokhale  Farm 66.  Bombay Stock Exchange was established in : (a) 1875   (Ans) (b) 1876 (c) 1878 (d) 1880 67. The Dev Samaj founded in 1887 had it headquarters at : (a) Calcutta (b) Belur (c) Lahore   (Ans) (d) Bombay 68. Mulsim League observed 'Direct Action Day' in : (a) 1945 (b) 1946   (Ans) (c) 1944 (d) 1947 69. Who among the following helped the British during the 1857 mutiny and received as a reward a pension of Rs.200 per month ? (a) Agha Khan (b) Chirag Ali (c) Radhakant Deb (d) Syed Ahmed Khan   (Ans) 70. In the last months of Gandhiji's life, he fasted to end bloody clashes between Muslims and Hindus in which two cities ? (a) Lahore and Karachi (b) Mumbai and Delhi (c) Kolkata and Dhaka (d) Kolkata and Delhi    (Ans) 71. The Viceroy who conceded to the demand of separate electorate to Muslims : (a) Dufferin (b) Rippon (c) Hardinge (d) Minto II     (Ans) 72. The venue of Round Tabel Conference : (a) Kolkata (b) London     (Ans) (c) New Delhi (d) Glasgow 73. The year of Sharda Act : (a) 1925 (b) 1926 (c) 1928 (d) 1929    (Ans) 74. "Hamdard' was launched by : (a) Jinnah (b) Syed Ahmed Khan (c) B.R. Ambedkar (d) Muhammad Ali     (Ans) 75. Which one of the following was not one of the three who was invited to take part in the Round Table Conference in 1930 ? (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Jehanara Shah Nawaz (c) Radhabhai Subbaroyan (d) Kasturba Gandhi     (Ans) 76. Who repealed the Vernacular Press Act ? (a) Differin (b) Mayo (c) Ripon     (Ans) (d) Hardinge II 77. At the earlier stage backward classes movement means ? (a) Antirulers movement (b) Harijan movement (c) Non-Brahmin movement     (Ans) (d) Santal movement 78. 'Mookanayak' was started by : (a) MG Rande (b) BR Ambedkar     (Ans) (c) GG Agarkar (d) Atmaram Pandurang 79. In the year 1946, who among the following joined the viceroy's executive council with the finance Portfolio ? (a) Liaqat Ali Khan     (Ans) (b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah (c) Nawab Salimullah (d) Shaukat Ali 80. Who accompanied Bhagat Singh to bomb Central Legislature in Delhi ? (a) Raj Guru (b) Sukh Dev (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Batukeswar Dutt    (Ans) 81. Who organised Translation Society in 1864 which later became 'the Aligarh Scientific Society' ? (a) Agha Khan (b) Salimulla Khan (c) Syed Ahmed Khan     (Ans) (d) Syed Ahmed Brelvi 82. Who was the Viceroy when Reserve Bank of India was formed in 1935 ? (a) Reading (b) Irwin (c) Wellington     (Ans) (d) Wavell 83. During whose tenure as the Viceroy of India were the great martyrs Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru handed ? (a) Lord Chelsmford (b) Lord Minto (c) Lord Curzon (d) Lord Irwin     (Ans) 84. Who was the spokesman of untouchables in the Round Table Conference ? (a) V.R. Shinde (b) B.R. Ambedkar     (Ans) (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Tej Bahadur Sapru 85. The Viceroy of India during the Delhi Durbar of 1877 : (a) Wellesley (b) Lytton     (Ans) (c) Dufferin (d) Curzon 86. 'Karm Yogi' was started by : (a) V.D. Savarkar (b) Aurobindo Ghosh     (Ans) (c) Annie Besant (d) Sarojini Naidu 87. Who was the Chairman of the Partition Council ? (a) Mountbatten     (Ans) (b) M.A. Jinnah (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) V.P. Memon 88. Who authored 'Nil Darpan' (1858 - 59) ? (a) Prem Chand (b) Dinabandhu Mitra     (Ans) (c) Banking Chandra (d) Tagor 89. Who opened a widow home at Pune, formed a widow remarriage association, married to a widow in 1893 and in 1916 founded a Woen's University in Bombay ? (a) M.G. Ranade (b) Prof.D.K. Karve     (Ans) (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) G.V. Joshi 90. In which Round Table Conference Gandiji attended ? (a) First (b) Second     (Ans) (c) Third (d) None of these 91. In which journal, the autobiography of Mahathma Gandhi was published for the first time ? (a) Young India (b) Harijan (c) Navjeevan    (Ans) (d) Satyagrahi 92. The Federal Court of India was brought into existence in 1937 during the reign of : (a) Wavell (b) Reading (c) Linlithgo    (Ans) (d) Mountbatten 93. Who denounced Congress as a 'microscopic minority' ? (a) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (b) Lord Dufferin    (Ans) (c) Lord Curzon (d) Theodore Beck 94. In which session the Indian National Congress adopted the resolution on Fundamental Rights ? (a) Madras (1927) (b) Lahore (1929) (c) Karachi (1931)   (Ans) (d) Faizpur (1936) 95.  Who authored Gandhiji's favorite prayer 'Vaishnava Janato' ? (a) Tagor (b) Vishnu Diagambar Paluskar (c) Narasimha Mehta    (Ans) (d) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee 96. The publication launched by the British Committee of INC in 1890: (a) Pioneer (b) National Herald (c) India    (Ans) (d) Vanguard 97. Which is the last one in the chronological order ? (a) Cripps Mission (b) Quit India Movement (c) August Offer    (Ans) (d) Individual Satyagraha 98. Who was the Viceroy when the Indian Independence Act was given royal assent on 18th July, 1947 ? (a) Wavell (b) Linlithgo (c) Mountbatten    (Ans) (d) Reading 99.  The last Viceroy of India : (a) Wavell (b) C. Rajagopalachari (c) Mountbatten    (Ans) (d) Wellington 100. Who said "The British rule was a bleeding drain from India" ? (a) M.G. Ranade (b) R.C. Dutt (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Dadabhai Naoroji    (Ans) 101. Who is related to Gadkari Revolt 1944 ? (a) Krishna Daji Pandit (b) Haji Shariat Ullah (c) Alluri Sitaram Raju     (Ans) (d) Birsa Munda 102. Gandiji ended his fast in Yervada prison which he started after the Communal Award of Ramsay Mc Donald : (a) Lahore Pact (b) Poona Pact    (Ans) (c) Lucknow Pact (d) Shimla Pact 103. Gandhiji got Barrister at Law from : (a) India (b) America (c) England     (Ans) (d) South Africa 104. The Viceroy during the Chauri Chaura incident : (a) Hardinge II (b) Reading     (Ans) (c) Wellington (d) Chelmsford 105. 'Comrade' was started by : (a) Muhammad Ali     (Ans) (b) Maulana Azad (c) Syed Ahmed Khan (d) Gandhiji 106. First Marathi monthly "Digdarshan" was published by : (a) Balshastri Jambhekar     (Ans) (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) K.T. Telang (d) Pheroz Shah Mehta 107. Fourth kerala visit of gandhiji was in ? (a) 1934    (Ans) (b) 1948 (c) 1938 (d) 1942 108. Which Princely State resembled 'Ramrajya' according to Gandhiji ? (a) Baroda (b) Gwalior (c) Mysore     (Ans) (d) Patiala 109. He was born with a withered arm and no left hand. He was appointed Viceroy of India in 1926. Name this person : (a) Reading (b) Irwin     (Ans) (c) Linlithgo (d) Wavell 110. Whom Gandhiji declared as his political heir ? (a) Acharya Vinoba (b) Rajagopalachari (c) Jawaharlal Nehru     (Ans) (d) None of these LIC free solved placement paper,LIC aptitude reasoning questions with answers ande detailed explnations,LIC general awreness and free on line mock test to practice,LIC largest collection of solved question papers LIC General awareness questions for practicee 1. Name the revolutionary leader who turned into an ascetic in the later years of his life (a) B. G. Tilak (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Bipin Chandra Pal (d) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) 2. Whom Gandhiji called 'the great sentinel'? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Rabindranath Tagore (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 3. The Viceroy who introduced financial decentralization ? (a) Dufferin (b) Lytton (c) Mayo (Ans) (d) Hardinge I 4. Who founded the 'Servants of India society'? (a) M. G. Ranade (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) G. K. Gokhale (Ans) (d) M. K. Gandhi 5. Who gave the slogan 'Jai Hind'? (a) Tagore (b) Gandhiji (c) Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Nehru 6. In which year Gandhiji was arrested for the first time in India ? (a) 1917 (Ans) (b) 1918 (c) 1919 (d) 1920 7. Who was the Viceroy when Diarchy was introduced in provinces as per the Govt. of India Act, 1919 ? (a) Reading (b) Hardinge II (c) Wellington (d) Chelmsford (Ans) 8. Who is called the 'mother of Indian nationalism'? (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant (c) Madam Bhikaji Cama (Ans) (d) Aruna Asaf Ali 9. Who was known as 'the lion of Punjab'? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Lala Lajpath Rai (Ans) (c) Ajith Singh (d) Chandrasekhar Azad 10. Whom Sarojini Naidu one called the 'Ambassador of Hindu Muslim Unity'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Jinnah (Ans) (d) Ambedkar 11. Gandhiji was undergone for imprisonment for----days in his life. (a) 2338 (Ans) (b) 1338 (c) 3338 (d) 3120 12. Who was the Viceroy when Minto-Morley reforms were introduced ? (a) Hardinge II (b) Minto (Ans) (c) Morley (d) Chelmsford 13. Who coined the term Pakistan for the first time ? (a) Jinnah (b) Liaqat Ali (c) Rahmat Ali (Ans) (d) Shoukat Ali 14. Who started the journal 'New India'? (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Annie Besant (Ans) (c) Madam Bhikaji Cama (d) Aruna Asaf Ali 15. In which year Indian National Congress approved the Basic Education System propounded by Gandhiji ? (a) 1935 (b) 1936 (c) 1934 (d) 1938 (Ans) 16. Who authored 'Arctic Home in the Vedas'? (a) Lajpath Rai (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (d) Dayanand Saraswathy 17. During which agitation Gandhiji gave the slogan 'Do or die'? (a) Salt satyagraha (b) Champaran Satyagraha (c) Quit India movement (Ans) (d) Kheda satyagraha 18. The only Viceroy who was assassinated while he was in power : (a) Dufferin (b) Curzon (c) Mayo (Ans) (d) Ripon 19. The first Indian woman to become the president of Indian National Congress (a) Indira Gandhi (b) Vijayalekshmi Pandit (c) Annie Besant (d) Sarojini Naidu (Ans) 20. Who mooted the idea of separate province for Muslims for the first time ? (a) Jinnah (b) Liaqat Ali (c) Rehmat Ali (d) Muhammad Iqbal (Ans) 21. Who is the founder of the Indian National Congress ? (a) Gandhiji (b) W. C. Banerji (c) A. O. Hume (Ans) (d) S. N. Banerjee 22. Who was the Viceroy when Archaeological Survey of India was established? (a) Lytton (b) Dufferin (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Ripon 23. Who popularised the worship of Ganapathi in Maharashtra? (a) B. R. Ambedkar (b) B. G. Tilak (Ans) (c) K. T. Telang (d) V. D. Savarkar 24. The candidate whom Gandhiji supported when election was conducted to the post of president of Indian National Congress in 1939? (a) Nehru (b) Rajendraprasad (c) J.B. Kripalani (d) Pattabhi sitaramayya Seetharamaiah (Ans) 25. The first muslim to become the president of Indian National Congress: (a) Jinnah (b) Badruddin Tyabji (Ans) (c) Syed Ahmed Khan (d) Maulana Azad 26. Gandhiji conducted Champaran Satyagraha for : (a) Cotton farmers (b) Indigo farmers (Ans) (c) Ground nut farmers (d) Jute farmers 27. Who established the Benarus Hindu University? (a) Gandhiji (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (c) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (d) P.D. Tandon 28. Who got lathi blows while protesting against Simon Commission, which became fatal to him? (a) Netaji Bose (b) Lajpath Rai (Ans) (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Jatin Das 29. Who was called the Bismark of India? (a) Gandhiji (b) Sardar Patel (Ans) (c) B.R. Ambedkar (d) V.P. Menon 30. Who was called the 'Grand old man of India'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Dadabhai Naoroji (Ans) (d) W. C. Bannerjee 31. The Viceroy during the Dandi March of Gandhiji: (a) Wellington (b) Chelmsford (c) Linlithgo (d) Irwin (Ans) 32. Who said 'Swarajya is my birth right'? (a) Sardar Patel (b) Gandhiji (c) Nehru (d) B.G. Tilak (Ans) 33. Who was called the hero of the Bardoli sathyagraha ? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Vinoba Bhave (d) Sardar Patel (Ans) 34. Who was popularly called Rajaji? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Rajagopalachari (Ans) (c) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (d) Raj Guru 35. Who was the political guru of Gopala Krishna Gokhale? (a) Dadabhai Navroji (b) W.C. Bannerjee (c) S. N. Bannerjee (d) M. G. Ranade (Ans) 36. Who was the president of Indian National Congress when it launched Quit India Movement? (a) Subash Bose (b) J. B. Kripalani (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) 37. Who was the Viceroy when the grand coronation of George V was held at Delhi ? (a) Hardinge I (b) Hardinge II (Ans) (c) Minto II (d) Chelmsford 38. The leader of national movembet whose birth day is August 15: (a) Vinoba Bhave (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Sardar Patel (d) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) 39. The Viceroy when the Doctrine of Lapse was officially withdraw: (a) Mayo (b) Dufferin (c) Canning (Ans) (d) Curzon 40. In which jail Gandhiji was imprisoned when he was arrested for salt satyagraha? (a) Pune (Ans) (b) New Delhi (c) Kolkata (d) Chennai 41. In which year Gopala Krishna Gokhale, the political guru of Gandhiji, passed away? (a) 1913 (b) 1914 (c) 1915 (Ans) (d) 1916 42. The first and last Indian to become the Governor General of Independent India: (a) Mountbatten (b) Rajendraprasad (c) Rajagopalachari (Ans) (d) S. Radhakrishnan 43. India Councils Act of 1861 was passed during the tenure of : (a) Dufferin (b) Dalhousie (c) Canning (Ans) (d) Mayo 44. Name the nationalist leader who was born in Mecca : (a) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (d) Muhammad Iqbal 45. Who led the activities of the Theosophical Society in Inda ? (a) Aurobindo (b) Gandhiji (c) Annie Besant (Ans) (d) Vinoba Bhave 46. Who was instrumental in the integration of princely states after the independence ? (a) Sardar Patel (Ans) (b) B. R. Ambedkar (c) Baldev Singh (d) Lal Bahadur Shastri 47. Who was the founder of Muslim League ? (a) Muhammed Ali Jihhah (b) Agha Khan (Ans) (c) Liaqat Ali Khan (d) Muhammad Iqbal 48. Who wrote 'Gitarahasya'? (a) Sardar Patel (b) Gandhiji (c) Aurobindo (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) 49. The first foreigner to become the president of INC ? (a) A. O. Hume (b) William Wedderbum (c) George Yule (Ans) (d) Alfred Webb 50. The Viceroy who established two colleges for the education and political training of the Indian Princes; (a) Dufferin (b) Mayo (Ans) (c) Minto (d) Curzon 51. Who gave the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad'? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Ajith Singh (c) Muhammad Ali (d) Muhammad Iqbal (Ans) 52. Who raised the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad' for the first time? (a) Lajpath Rai (b) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (d) Motilal Nehru 53. Who was defeated by Subhas Chandra Bose in 1939 when he was elected to the post of Congress president? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Pattabhi Sitha ramayya (Ans) (d) Maulana Abul 54. Who was elected the president of INC when Subhas Chandra Bose resigned ? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) C. Rajagopalachari (c) Rajendraprasad (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 55. Who was the president of INC when it split in the Surat session in 1907? (a) Rash Behari Ghosh (Ans) (b) G.K. Gokhale (c) A.C. Majumdar (d) M.M. Malavya 56. Why Gandhiji called for the boycott of the Simon Commission ? (a) None of the members was Indian (Ans) (b) India was dragged into the Second World War (c) The Commission refused to come to India (d) None of these 57. Who presided over the all party conference in 1928? (a) Motilal Nehru (b) M.A Ansari (Ans) (c) Rajendraprasad (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 58. Who was the Viceroy when the Naval Mutiny (1946) was held? (a) Wavell (Ans) (b) Mountbatten (c) Irwin (d) Linlithgo 59. Who authored 'India wins Freedom'? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Rajagopalachari (c) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) (d) Sardar Patel 60. Who was known as the 'spiritual heir' of Mahathma Gandhi? (a) Vinoba Bhave (Ans) (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Abbas Tyabji (d) Jamnalal Bajaj 61. Whom Gandhiji called Rajarshi? (a) Vinoba Bhave (b) D.K. Karve (c) Prushotham Das Tandon (Ans) (d) Gokhale 62. Who was the Viceroy when communal reservation was introduced for Muslims? (a) Minto II (Ans) (b) Hardinge II (c) Chelmsford (d) Reading 63. Who started the Khilafat movement in India? (a) Gandhiji (b) Ali brothers (Ans) (c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (d) Syed Ahmed Khan 64. Who founded forward Bloc? (a) Motilal Nehru (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Gandhiji (d) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) 65. The incident which compelled Gandhiji to repeal non-cooperation movement? (a) Wagon tragedy (b) Jallianwallabagh Massacre (c) Chauri-Chaura incident (Ans) (d) Champaran satyagraha 66. Who was called the Heroine of the Quit India Movement ? (a) Annie Besant (b) Vijayalekshmi Pandit (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Aruna Asaf Ali (Ans) 67. Who said'Give me blood, I shall give you freedom' ? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Nehru (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 68. Who was the president of INC when India got independence ? (a) Rajendraprasad (b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) J.B. Kripalani (Ans) 69. The Viceroy who introduced Budget system in India: (a) Canning (Ans) (b) Dufferin (c) Mayo (d) Curzon 70. Who put forwarded the 'Fourteen Point Formula'? (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Ans) (b) Nehru (c) Gandhiji (d) Rajagopalachari 71. Who headed Cabinet Mission ? (a) Stafford Crips (b) A.V. Alexander (c) Cyril Radcliff (d) Pethic Lawrence (Ans) 72. Who is regarded as the father of the 'Two Nation Theory'? (a) Muhammad Iqbal (b) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Ans) (c) Nehru (d) Rajagopalachari 73. Who was the last Governor General of British India? (a) Rajagopalachari (b) Lord Wavell (c) Lord Mountbatten (Ans) (d) Lord Linlithgo 74. The date in which Gandhiji violated salt law in Dandi beach : (a) 1930 March 12 (b) 1930 April 6 (Ans) (c) 1930 May 6 (d) 1930 April 16 75. In which state the Sevagram Ashram of Mahathma Gandhi is situated ? (a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra (Ans) (c) Gujarat (d) UP 76. The Viceroy who ruled for the longest period: (a) Wellington (b) Irwin (c) Linlithgo (Ans) (d) Mayo 77. Who head the boundary commission appointed to demarcate the boundary between India and Pakistan? (a) Sir Stafford Crips (b) Lord Mountbatten (c) Cyril Radcliff (Ans) (d) Pethic Lawrence 78. Which one of the following was a moderated Congress leader ? (a) Lajpath Rai (b) Bal Gagadhar Tilak (c) Bipin Chandra Pal (d) G.K. Gokhale (Ans) 79. The ideal state envisaged by Gandhiji. (a) Ram Rajya (Ans) (b) Grama Swaraj (c) Hind Swaraj (d) Dharma Rajya 80. Who founded the Hindu Maha Sabha? (a) V. D. Savarkar (b) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (c) S.P. Mukherjee (d) Hedgewar 81. Name the leadeer who was known as 'Mahamana': (a) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (b) Jayaprakash Narayan (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Vinoba Bhave 82. The only Keralite to become the president of INC: (a) John Mathai (b) R. K Shanmugham Chetty (c) C. Sankaran Nair (Ans) (d) K. Kelappan 83. The Viceroy who resigned after the llbert Bill controversy: (a) Duffering (b) Lytton (c) Ripon (Ans) (d) Canning 84. Who advised Gandhiji to make a visit to the whole country before entering into Indian politics? (a) Dadabhai Navroji (b) Pheroz Shah Mehta (c) Gopala krishna Gokhale (Ans) (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 85. Who was called 'Lok Manya'? (a) Madan Mohan Malavya (b) Jayaprakash Narayan (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 86. Who was popularly called 'Bengal Tiger'? (a) S.C. Bose (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Bankim chandra Chatterji (d) Bipin Chandra Pal (Ans) 87. The Viceroy who formed the 'Safety Valve Theory' (a) Canning (b) Mayo (c) Curzon (d) Dufferin (Ans) 88. Who established Indian Trade Union Federation in 1929? (a) N. G. ranga (b) Swami Sahajanand Saraswati (c) E.M.S. Nambuthirippad (d) N. M. Joshi (Ans) 89. Who led the Quit India Movement ? (a) Gandhiji (b) Nehru (c) Abdul Kalam Azad (d) None of these (Ans) 90. Who was known as the 'saint of Pavnar'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Vinoba Bhave (Ans) (c) Jamnalal Bajaj (d) V. D. Paluskar 91. Who was the president of INC when the resolution for compiete independence was passed in the Lahore session in 1929? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (b) Lajpath Rai (c) Motilal Nehru (d) Chitharanjan Das 92. Who wrote 'Sare Jaham se Achcha'? (a) Muhammad Ali (b) Muhammad Iqbal (Ans) (c) B.C. Chatterjee (d) Subramanya Bharti 93. Why Gandhi opted very little cloth for dressing ? (a) To show his solidarity to poor people (Ans) (b) Due to humid weather (c) As per the direction of Congress party (d) None of these 94. The first occupant of 'Viceregal Palance': (a) Reading (b) Irwin (Ans) (c) Chelmsford (d) Wellington 95. The last Viceroy of British India: (a) Wavell (b) Linlithgo (c) Wellington (d) Mountbatten (Ans) 96. Who called Gandhiji as 'half naked fakir'? (a) Lord Mountbatten (b) Winston Churchill (Ans) (c) Clement Atlee (d) Lord Wavell 97. Who started the daily 'The Hindu' in 1878? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) G. Subramanya Iyer (Ans) (c) V.D. Savarkar (d) None of these 98. Who was known as 'Kappalotiya Tamilan'? (a) Veeraraghavachari (b) Chempaka Raman Pillai (c) C.N. Annadurai (d) V. O. Chidambaram Pillai (Ans) 99. Who was the first general secretary of INC? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (c) A.O. Hume (Ans) (d) None of these 100. Who wrote the famous Tamil patriotic song "Odivilayadu papa----" (a) G. S. Iyer (b) V.O. Chidambaram Pillai (c) Subramanya Bharti (Ans) (d) Rajaji 101. Name the leaders who formed Swaraj Party : (a) Nitukak Behru and C Rajagopalachari (b) Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Motilal Nehru and Chitharanjan Das (Ans) (d) None of these 102. Who was the prime minister of England when India got independence ? (a) Winston Churchill (b) Ramsay Mc Donald (c) Clement Atlee (Ans) (d) Neville Chamberlain 103. Who was the founder of the Pakistan national movement? (a) Iqbal (b) Jinnah (c) Rehmat Ali (Ans) (d) Aga Khan 104. Who founded the jounals 'Kesari' (Marathi) and 'Mahratha' (English)? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Nehru (d) G.G. Agarkar 105. Who called Gandiji as 'Father of Nation' for the first time? (a) Tagore (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) None of these 106. Who designed the national flag of India ? (a) Gandhiji (b) A.O. Hume (c) Pingale Venkaiah (Ans) (d) Tagore 107. Who wrote the book We? (a) M.S. Golwalkar (Ans) (b) K. R. Hegdewar (c) Rehmat Ali (d) Aga Khan 108. Who wrote the national song of India ? (a) Iqbal (b) Tagore (c) Bankim Chandra Chaterjee (Ans) (d) None of these 109. 'I know this that when i am gone, he will speak my language' Gandhiji made this tatement on 15th January, 1941 before AICC, intending: (a) C. Rajagopalachari (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (d) None of these 110. Who urfurled the tricolour of India abroad for the first time at struttgart, Germany ? (a) Madeleine Slade (b) Annie Besant (c) Madam Bhikaji Cama (Ans) (d) None of these 111. Who led the Jhansi regiment of Indian National Army ? (a) Captain Lakshmi (Ans) (b) Sarojini Naidu (c) Annie Besant (d) None of these 112. Who among the following was not a defense counsel for the INA trial in Red fort ? (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (Ans) (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Tej Bahadur Sapru (d) Bhula Bhai Desai 113. Who wrote 'Poverty and UnBritish Rule in India'? (a) S.N. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) Mahathma Gandhi (d) Bhagat Singh 114. Which song was sung by Gandhiji and his followers during the Dandi March ? (a) Raghupati Raghava rajaram (Ans) (b) Vaishnava Janato (c) Vande Mataram (d) Sare Jaham Se Achcha 115. Who started Bhoodan Movement ? (a) Nehru (b) Gandhiji (c) Vinoba Bhave (Ans) (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 116. Who founded 'Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha'? (a) Jotiba Phule (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (c) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (d) P. Ananda Charlu 117. Who established the Central Hindu School at Varanasi in 1898? (a) Madan Mohan Malavya (b) Annie Besant (Ans) (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) V.D. Savarkar 118. Who appointed a Famine Commission under Richard Strachy? (a) Mayo (b) Duffering (c) Lytton (Ans) (d) Lansdwone 119. Who was known as 'Warrior from the south'? (a) C.S. Nair (b) C. Rajagopalachari (Ans) (c) S. Satyamurti (d) None of these 120. Who among the following started the Home Rule League ? (a) Annie Besant (Ans) (b) Gokhale (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) Ambedkar 121. Gandhiji returned Kaizar-eiHind to the British to protest against : (a) Chauri Chaura incident (b) Wagon Tragedy (c) Jallianwallabagh Massacre (Ans) (d) None of these 122. Which of following influenced Gandhiji ? (a) Leo Tolstoy (b) Henry David Thoreau (c) John Ruskin (d) All of these (Ans) 123. Who founded the Indian Independence League in Japan? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (b) Sarath Chandra Bose (c) Rash Behari Bose (Ans) (d) Kudiram Bose 124. Name the leader who died after hunger strike for 63 days: (a) Jatin Das (Ans) (b) Ajith Singh (c) Vinoba Bhave (d) Raj Guru 125. The Congress at which Gandhiji and Nehru met for the first time was that of 1916. It was held at : (a) Faizpur (b) Kolkata (c) Lucknow (Ans) (d) Belgaum 126. The period mentioned in the autobiography of Mahathma Gandhi is from childhood to : (a) 1922 (Ans) (b) 1925 (c) 1926 (d) 1927 127. Who authored 'The Indian Struggle'? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Ambedkar (c) Gandhiji (d) Patel 128. Who founded the Red Shirt Movement ? (a) Muhammed Ali Jinnah (b) Syed Ahmed Khan (c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Ans) (d) Nawab Abdul Latif 129. Who introduced Arms Act in 1878? (a) Dufferin (b) Northbrook (c) Mayo (d) Lytton (Ans) 130. Who organised 'Abhinav Bharat'? (a) Surya Sen (b) Lajpath Rai (c) V.D.Savarkar (Ans) (d) Hedgewar 131. Who organised the raid in Chittagong Government armoury? (a) Surya Sen (Ans) (b) Khudiram Bose (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Lala Hardayal 132. Labour Acts were introduced for the first time in India during the reign of: (a) Lytton (b) Ripon (Ans) (c) Curzon (d) Northbrook 133. Who published Al Hilal and Al Balagh ? (a) Badshah Khan (b) Muhammad Ali (c) Muhammad Iqbal (d) Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) 134. Who introduced separate civil service for Indians? (a) Northbrook (b) Lytton (Ans) (c) Ripon (d) Dufferin 135. Who shot dead Michael O'Dyer to avenge for the Jallian Walla Bagh Massacre ? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Surya Sen (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Uddam Singh (Ans) 136. The viceroy who survived a bomb explosion at Chandni Chowk in New Delhi in 1912: (a) Minto II (b) Hardringe II (Ans) (c) Chelsmsform (d) Reading 137. Who took initiative as the president of INC to constitute the first National Planning Committee under INC? (a) Nehru (b) Gandhiji (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (d) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) 138. Who were the Ali Brothers in the national movement ? (a) Muhammad Ali and Rehmat Ali (b) Rehmat Ali and Shoukat Ali (c) Shoukat Ali and Muhammad Ali (Ans) (d) None of these 139. Who wrote 'India Divided'? (a) Abdul Kalam Azad (b) Rajagopalachari (c) Rajendraprasad (Ans) (d) Ambedkar 140. Name the revolutionary who was shot dead in an encounter with police at a public park in Allahabad: (a) Surya Sen (b) Khudiram Bose (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (Ans) (d) Lala Hardyal 141. Who wrote 'Percepts of Jesus'? (a) Ram Mohan Roy (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Vivakananda (d) Annie Besant 142. In which year Gandhiji established Ahmedabad Textile labour association ? (a) 1915 (b) 1916 (c) 1920 (Ans) (d) 1918 143. Who was the Viceroy when Hunter Commission was appointed to enquire into Jallianwala Bagh Massacre? (a) Hardinge II (b) Chelsmsford (Ans) (c) Reading (d) Irwin 144. Gandhiji was sentenced for six years imprisonment in 1922 for sedition on behalf of the articles published in : (a) Harijan (b) Navjeevan (c) Young India (Ans) (d) Satyagrahi 145. Who founded the 'Servants of God'? (a) Dr.Khan Sahib (b) Jinnah (c) Gokhale (d) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Ans) 146. The book writtern by Gandhiji in 1909 during his sail for London: (a) The story of my experiments with truth (b) Hind Swaraj (Ans) (c) An authobiography (d) None of these 147. Who did the first political murder in modern India? (a) Chapekar brothers (Ans) (b) Uddam Singh (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Surya Sen 148. Who said 'Go back to Vedas'? (a) Vivekananda (b) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) (c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (d) Sankaracharya 149. The Viceroy when the second World War was started : (a) Mountbatten (b) Linlithgo (Ans) (c) Wavell (d) Reading 150. Name the freedom fighter who passed away on August 15, 1947 ? (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Ajigh Singh (Ans) (c) J.B Kripalani (d) Jatin Das 151. Who was called 'the grand old lady of Indian nationalism'? (a) Sarojini Naidu (b) Madam Cama (c) Annie Besant (Ans) (d) Kadambini Ganguli 152. Who was popularly called 'Badshah Khan'? (a) Jinnah (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (Ans) (c) Sheikh Abdullah (d) Salimullah Khan 153. The year of the Round Table conference in which Gandhiji attended (a) 1930 (b) 1931 (Ans) (c) 1932 (d) 1933 154. Who said 'Political freedom is the life breath of a nation'? (a) Gandhiji (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) (c) Subash Bose (d) Vivekananda 155. Who represented Hindu community in the Second Round Table Conference'? (a) Savarkar (b) S.P. Mukharjee (c) Madan Mohan Malavya (Ans) (d) Hedgewar 156. The Viceroy when the Second World War was ended : (a) Mountbatten (b) Wavell (Ans) (c) Reading (d) Linlithgo 157. Who is know as the father of Indian Politics and Economics? (a) W.C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) Mahalanobis (d) R.C. Dutt 158. Who founded Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan ? (a) Nehru (b) K M Munshi (Ans) (c) Ambedkar (d) Savarkar 159. Who were the Bose brothers in the national movement ? (a) Sarath Chandra Bose and Rash Behari Bose (b) Khudiram Bose and Rash Behari Bose (c) Sarath Chandra Bose and Subash Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Nanda Lal Bose and Ananda Mohan Bose 160. Who was known as 'the conscience keeper of Gandhiji'; (a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (b) Rajendraprasad (c) C. Rajagopalachari (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 161. The Viceroy when the interim government assumed office on 2nd September, 1946: (a) Wavell (Ans) (b) Linlithgo (c) Irwin (d) Mountbatten 162. The news paper Hitavada was published by : (a) G.K. Gokhale (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (d) Aurobindo Ghosh 163. Whom the British called 'the Father of Indian Unrest'? (a) S.N. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (Ans) (d) Gandhiji 164. Who authored 'The History of the War of Indian Independence'? (a) V.D. Savarkar (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 165. Who said 'Go back to Gita'? (a) Dayanand Saraswathy (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Vivekananda (Ans) (d) Ram Mohun Roy 166. Who founded Bharat Sevak Samaj ? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (b) Patel (c) Gandhiji (d) K. M Munshi 167. Who was known as the fire brand of South India ? (a) Rajagopalachari (b) S. Sathyamurti (Ans) (c) K. Kamaraj (d) T. Prakasam 168. Who founded the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha in 1870? (a) M.G. Ranade (Ans) (b) Gokhale (c) Pheroz Shah Mehata (d) None of the above 169. What was the subject of the resolution moved by Gandhiji in the first session of the Congress he attended ? (a) The problems of Indians in South Africa (Ans) (b) Complete independence for India (c) Ban of foreign cloths (d) Upliftment of the depressed classes 170. Who acted India's first ambassador to US ? (a) V. K. Krishnamenon (b) Sardar K.M. Panicker (c) Asaf Ali (Ans) (d) Vijayalekshmi Pandit 171. Who founded Dev Samaj ? (a) Ram Mohun Roy (b) Dayanand Saraswathy (c) Shiv Narayan Agnihotri (Ans) (d) Vivekananda 172. Who among the following played a key role in the foundation of Prarthana Samaj in Maharashtra ? (a) Ram Mohum Roy (b) Atmaram Pandurang (Ans) (c) Ddabhai Naoroji (d) Gandhiji 173. Who called upon his followers to observe 16th August, 1964 as 'Direct Action Day'? (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (Ans) (b) Liaqat Ali Khan (c) Nehru (d) J.B. Kripalani 174. Identify the Viceroy who wrote home these words after his first meeting with Gandhiji:"Mr Gandhi's religious and moral views are, I believe, admirable, but I confess that I find it difficult to understand the practice of them in politics". (a) Lord Mountbatten (b) Lord Wavell (c) Lord Reading (Ans) (d) Lord Linlithgo 175. Who founded Satyashodak Samaj ? (a) Jotiba Phule (Ans) (b) B. R. Ambedkar (c) Veeresalingam (d) GG Agarkar 176. Who was the first president of AITUC ? (a) Ljpath Rai (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) S. A. Dange (d) M.N. Joshi 177. The first modern trade union in India was founded in 1918 by : (a) B.P. Wadia (Ans) (b) S. A. Dange (c) M. N. Roy (d) N.M. Joshi 178. Who is regarded as the father of Indian national movement? (a) M. K. Gandhi (b) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (c) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (d) W. C. Bannerjee 179. Who founded Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) ? (a) Hedgewar (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) V. D. Savarkar (d) None of these 180. Who referred Gandhiji's decision to call-off the Non-Cooperation Movement as a "National Calamity"? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Sardar Vllabhbhai Patel (d) Tagore 181. Who established Muhammadan Literary Society ? (a) Nawab Abdul Latif (Ans) (b) Ameer Ali (c) Niam Ul Mulk (d) Syed Ahmed Khan 182. Servants of India Society was founded by Gopal Krishna Gokhale in : (a) 1900 (b) 1905 (Ans) (c) 1906 (d) 1907 183. Whose autobiography is 'A Nation in Making'? (a) Subhas Chandra Bose (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (d) Dadabhai Navroji 184. The lathi blows huried at me will prove as nails in the coffin of the British imperialism' - whose words are these ? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Gandhiji (c) Lajpath Rai (Ans) (d) G.B. Pant 185. Who founded the Aligarh Movement ? (a) Shah Walliuallah (b) Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (c) Syed Ahmed Khan (Ans) (d) Muhammed Ali Jinnah 186. Who said this "The individual must die so that India may live, today I must die so that India may win freedom and glory? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Jatin Das (Ans) (c) Raj Guru (d) Mangal Pandey 187. Which education system did Gandhiji advocate for the country? (a) Basic Education (Ans) (b) English Education (c) Musical Education (d) None of these 188. The Surat split of INC was in the year (a) 1907 (Ans) (b) 1908 (c) 1909 (d) 1910 189. Who was known as 'Shahid-e-Azam'? (a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah (b) Muhammad Iqbal (c) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (d) Lajpath Rai 190. Who founded justice party? (a) K Kamaraj (b) T. M. Nair and Theagaroya Chetty (Ans) (c) C. N. Annadurai (d) None of these Placement Paper LIC free solved placement paper,LIC aptitude reasoning questions with answers ande detailed explnations,LIC general awreness and free on line mock test to practice,LIC largest collection of solved question papers LIC General awareness questions for practice 1. What was the real name of Dayanand Saraswathy ? (a) Mool Sankar Tiwari (Ans) (b) Narendranath (c) Gadhadhar (d) Moniya 2. Who was the Viceroy when Indian Penal Code was brought into effect ? (a) Mayo (b) Ripon (c) Minto (d) Canning (Ans) 3. Muslim League was formed at: (a) Lahore (b) Dhaka (Ans) (c) Kolkata (d) New Delhi 4. In which year the Swaraj Party founded by C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru started functioning ? (a) 1923 (Ans) (b) 1924 (c) 1925 (d) 1926 5. During whose governor generalship Royal Asiatic Society was found in India ? (a) Warren Hastings (Ans) (b) William Bentick (c) Canning (d) Mayo 6. In 1878, some of the followers left the organisation led by Keshav Chandra Sen and formed new organisation named Sadharan Brahma Samaj. Who among the following was the leader of it? (a) Warren Hastings (Ans) (b) William Bentick (c) Canning (d) Mayo 7. Who formed the Indian Reform Association in 1870? (a) Ram Mohun Roy (b) Keshav Chandra sen (Ans) (c) Vivekananda (d) Ananda Mohan Bose 8. Who founded Arya Samaj in 1875 / (a) Vivekanda (b) Ram Mohun Roy (c) Dwarakanath Tagore (d) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) 9. Who was the Viceroy when the first Census was held in 1871 ? a) Mayo (Ans) (b) Curzon (c) Hardinge II (d) Minto I 10. The original name of Sriramakrishna Paramhamsa ? (a) Mool Sankar Tiwari (b) Narendranath Dutt (c) Veereswar Dutt (d) Gadhadhar Chaterjee (Ans) 11. The year in which Congress launched the individual Satyagraha : (a) 1939 (b) 1940 (Ans) (c) 1941 (d) 1942 12. Who among the following was the disciple of Sriramakrishna Paramahamsa ? (a) Ram Mohun Roy (b) Ananda Mohan Bose (c) Vivekananda (Ans) (d) Dwarakanath Tagore 13. Who founded Theosophical Society in United States in 1875 ? (a) Annie Besant (b) Helena Blavatsky (c) H.S. Olcott (d) Both (b) and (c) (Ans) 14. Who founded Wahabi Movement ? (a) Shah Walliuallah (Ans) (b) Mirza Ghulam Ahmed (c) Syed Ahmed Khan (d) Muhammad Ali Jinnah 15. An Irish woman Margaret Noble became the disciple of ----- and adopted the name Sister Nivetita. (a) Vivekananda (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) Dayanand Saraswathy 16. Who wrote the book"What Congress and Gandhi have done to untouchables'? (a) C. Sankaran Nair (b) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (d) Chitharanjan Das 17. Who started the Self Respect Movement in Tamil Nadu (a) C. N. Annadurai (b) T. M. Nair (c) E. V. Ramaswami Naicker (Ans) (d) P.Tyagaraja Chetty 18. Who was elected as the president in the All India Kisan Sabha held on Lucknow in 1936 ? (a) N. G. ranga (b) Swami Sahajanand Saraswati (Ans) (c) EMS Nambuthirippad (d) None of these 19. In 1885 who established All India National Conference in Calcutta? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (c) Sirir Bose (d) None of these 20. Who was known as 'the Saint of Dakshineswar '? (a) Vivekananda (b) Sriramakrishna Paramhamsa (Ans) (c) Ram Mohun Roy (d) Dayanand Saraswathy 21. Ramakrishna Mission was founded by Vivekanda in: (a) 1897 (Ans) (b) 1900 (c) 1901 (d) 1902 22. Who formed the Hindu Widows home Association ? (a) Mahadev Govinda Ranade (b) Dhondo Keshav Karve (Ans) (c) Iswar Chandra Vidhyasagar (d) None of these 23. Who was the viceroy when the first regular census was held in 1881: (a) Ripon (Ans) (b) Lytton (c) Mayo (d) hardingeI 24. Out of subhas bregade the Indian National Army had three Guerilla regiments named after Gandhiji , Azad and ----------------- (a) Nehru (Ans) (b) Bhagath singh (c) Rash Behari Bose (d) Rajaji 25. Who was known as 'Lokahtawadi? (a) Gopal krishna Gokhale (b) Gopal Hari Deshmukh (Ans) (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) None of these 26. Who suggested the name "Congress''? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) A. O. Hume (d) Chitharanjan Das 27. The Viceroy when Vernacular Press Act was introduced ? (a) Lytton (Ans) (b) Ripon (c) Dufferin (d) Curzon 28. Who is called "the Prince of Martyrs''? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (b) Madan Mohan Malavya (c) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (d) Mahathma Gandhi 29. Who founded the Scheduled Caste Federation in 1942 ? (a) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (b) Kakasaheb Kalelkar (c) Jotiba Phule (d) None of these 30. Who led the march in connection with salt satyagraha in Tamil Nadu, from Thiruchirappally to Vedaranyam ? (a) Dr. S. Krishnan (b) K. Kamaraj (c) C. Rajagopalachari (Ans) (d) C. N. Annadurai 31. In which year the first Round Table Conference was held in London : (a) 1929 (b) 1930 (Ans) (c) 1931 (d) 1932 32. Who designed the national flag of India ? (a) Pingale Venkiah (Ans) (b) Gandhiji (c) M.N. Roy (d) Subhas Chandra Bose 33. Lyall Commission was appointed during the reign of the Viceroy: (a) Curzon (b) Hardinge II (c) Minto II (d) Lord Elgin II (Ans) 34. Who was called 'Desh Nayak'? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (Ans) (b) Madan Mohan Malavya (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Mahathma Gandhi 35. Who was known as 'Deshbandu'? (a) C. F. Andrews (b) Subhas Chandra Bose (c) Chitharanjan Das (Ans) (d) Bhagat Singh 36. Who was the Governor General when the administration of British India was transferred from East India Company to the British Crown : (a) Dalhousie (b) Mayo (c) Dufferin (d) Canning (Ans) 37. Who wrote'Anand Mat'? (a) Tagore (b) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (Ans) (c) Tarasanker Bannerjee (d) None of these 38. Before Independence who served as the president of Indian National Congress for the longest continuous period ? (a) J. L. Nehru (b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (Ans) (c) Dabahai Navroji (d) W. C. banerjee 39. Dadabhai Navroji served as the prime minister of : (a) Baroda (Ans) (b) Mysore (c) Travancore (d) Kashmir 40. Who was the Viceroy when Indian National Congress was formed in 1885? (a) Dufferin (Ans) (b) Reading (c) Mayo (d) Curzon 41. The first Mrtyr of the 1857 revolt : (a) Jhansi Rani (b) Tantiya Tope (c) Mangal Pandey (Ans) (d) Nana Sahib 42. Lord Mountbatten became the Viceroy in : (a) 1946 (b) 1947 (Ans) (c) 1948 (d) 1949 43. Who was known as the 'Calvin of Hinduism'? (a) Iswar Chndra Vidhya Sagar (b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (c) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) (d) Vivekananda 44. Who was the political guru of Subhas Chandra Bose ? (a) Chitharanjan Das (Ans) (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Tagore (d) Dadabhai Naoroji 45. Who among hte following is a leader who participated in all the three Round Table Conferences ? (a) Gandhiji (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel (d) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) 46. Simon Commission visited India in : (a) 1926 (b) 1927 (c) 1928 (Ans) (d) 1929 47. Who was known as the Nightingale of India ? (a) Indira Gandhi (b) Sarojini Naidu (Ans) (c) Aruna Asaf Ali (d) Annie Besant 48. Who prepared the draft of the Quit India resolution ? (a) Mahathma Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (Ans) (c) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel 49. The Viceroy during the partition of Bengal : (a) Hardinge II (b) Minto I (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Reading 50. Political guru of B. R. Ambedkar : (a) Jyotiba Phule (Ans) (b) Veeresalingam (c) Birsa Munda (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 51. Mira Richard was the disciple of (a) Gandhiji (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) (c) Vivekananda (d) None of these 52. Which of the following revolutionary Indian leader born in 1906 July 23 (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (Ans) (b) Surya Sen (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Chandrasekhar Azad 53. Who were hanged along with Bhagat Singh? (a) Surya Sen and Prafulla Chaki (b) Surya Sen and Khudiram Bose (c) SKhudiram Bose and Lala Hardayal (d) Raj Guru and Sukhdev (Ans) 54. The Viceroy when the partition of Bengal was repealed in 1911: (a) Minto I (b) Hardinge II (Ans) (c) Chelmsford (d) Chelmsford 55. Who made the statement : God is of no use the hungry belly? (a) Gandhiji (b) Ramakrishna parama hamsa (Ans) (c) Vivekananda (d) C.R. Das 56. In which year Chapekar Brothers assassisinated two unpopular British officials at Pune ? (a) 1885 (b) 1897 (Ans) (c) 1931 (d) 1913 57. Damodar and Yasoda was the parents of ? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Chandrasekhar Azad (c) V. D. Savarkar (Ans) (d) Prafulla Chaki 58. India became a member of United nations in : (a) 1945 (Ans) (b) 1946 (c) 1947 (d) 1948 59. Who, along with Khuriram Bose, threw a bomb at a carriage believed to be carrying Kingsford, an unpopular judge at Mussafarpur ? (a) Chandrasekhar Azad (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Uddham Singh (d) Prafulla Chaki (Ans) 60. Ram Prasad Bismil was hanged in association with------conspiracy case. (a) Alipore (b) Lahore (c) Kakori (Ans) (d) Delhi 61. Under whose leadership Hindustan Republican Association changed its title to Hindustan Socialist Republican Association ? (a) Chandrasekhar Azad (Ans) (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Uddam Singh (d) Khudiram Bose 62. The leader of modern India who embraced Buddhism in the later years of his life : (a) M. M. Malavya (b) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) None of these 63. How many days did it take to complete the process of transfer of power from the British to India as per the mountbatten plan ? (a) 72 (Ans) (b) 82 (c) 92 (d) 102 64. Who killed the Sanders, the police officer whose blows on Lala Lajpath Rai led to his death ? (a) Chandrasekhar Azad (b) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (c) Uddham Singh (d) Prafulla Chaki 65. Who among the following was hanged on 23rd March 1931? (a) Bhagat Singh (b) Raj Guru (c) Sukh Dev (d) All of these (Ans) 66. The Viceroy when Muslim Leaque was formed in 1906: (a) Minto II (Ans) (b) Hardinge II (c) Chelmsford (d) Rippon 67. Who is known as Anthra Kesari ? (a) T. Prakasham (Ans) (b) Sreeramalu (c) Surya Sen (d) None of these 68. Who was known as 'Masterda'? (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Uddam Singh (d) Surya Sen (Ans) 69. The woman who faced trial along with Surya Sen? (a) Kalpana Joshi (Ans) (b) Pritilatha Wadedar (c) Beena Das (d) Santhi Ghosh 70. Who killed Bengal Governor in a convocation ceremony ? (a) Santhi Ghosh (b) Kalpana Joshi (c) Pritilatha Wadedar (d) Beena Das (Ans) 71. Which of the following national leader born in cuttack ? (a) Netaji (Ans) (b) Aurobindo Ghosh (c) Madanlal Dhingra (d) Bhagat Singh 72. Cripp's Mission visited India during the period of : (a) Wavell (b) Linlithgo (Ans) (c) Wellington (d) Mountbatten 73. The Central Legislative Assembly was created by : (a) Regulating Act (b) Govt of India Act, 1919 (Ans) (c) Govt of India Act, 1935 (d) Indian Independence Act 74. The Viceroy during the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly held on 9th December, 1946 ? (a) Mountbatten (b) Linlithgo (c) Wavell (Ans) (d) Irwin 75. Aurobindo Ghosh was trialed in connection with ---------conspiracy case : (a) Lahore (b) Kakori (c) Alipore (Ans) (d) Delhi 76. Who was called 'the mother of Indian Revolution '? (a) Annie Besant (b) Beena Das (c) Madam Bhikaji Kama (Ans) (d) Sarojini Naidu 77. The Round Table Conferences were conducted as per the recommendations of (a) Lyall Commission (b) Hunter Commission (c) Simon Commission (Ans) (d) Crip's Mission 78. What was called 'post dated cheque' by Gandhiji? (a) Cabinet Mission (b) Crip's Mission (Ans) (c) Govt. of India Act, 1935 (d) Quit India movement 79. The founder of East India Association in 1866? (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Dadabhai Navroji (Ans) (c) M. K. Gandhi (d) Mahadev Govind Ranade 80. Who founded the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha in 1870? (a) Mahadev Govind Ranade (Ans) (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Jyotiba Phule (d) W. C. Bannerjee 81. The founder of Satyashodhak Samaj in 1873: (a) B. R. Ambedkar (b) G.G. Agarkar (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Jyotiba phule (Ans) 82. The exclusive woman force of Indian National Army was named after : (a) Captain Lakshmi (b) Sarojini Naidu (c) Jhansi Rani (Ans) (d) Annie Besant 83. The founder of Indian League in 1875 : (a) W. C. Bannerjee (b) Shishirkumar Ghosh (Ans) (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) G. G. Agarkar 84. The organisation founded by G.G.Agarkar, B.G. Thilak and V.G. Chiplunkar in 1885? (a) Indian League (b) Satyashodhak Samaj (c) Deccan Education Society (Ans) (d) Bombay 85. The first countrywide agitation launched by Gandhiji in India : (a) Champaran Satyagraha (b) Kheda Satyagraha (c) Non Cooperation movement (Ans) (d) Civil Disobedience Movement 86. In 1885 Dadabhai Naoroji was elected on e of the vice presidents of : (a) Indian Association (b) Bombay Presidency Association (Ans) (c) Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (d) Indian National Congress 87. The post of the Secretary of State for India was created in : (a) 1857 (b) 1858 (Ans) (c) 1861 (d) 1877 88. Who presided over the 1901 session of INC in which Gandhiji attended for the first time ? (a) D. E. Wacha (Ans) (b) Feroz Shah Mehta (c) Dadabhai Navroji (d) Gopala Krishna Gokhale 89. Who laid the foundation of the Indian Patriotic Association in 1888? (a) Aga Khan (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) Nawab Abdul Latif (d) Syed Ahmed Khan (Ans) 90. Who founded Social Service League in 1911? (a) B. R. Ambedkar (b) G.G. Agarkar (c) N. M. Joshi (Ans) (d) Mahadevb Govind Ranade 91. Who threw a bomb on Central Legislative Assembly in 1929 to protest against the public safety bill which would have curtailed civil liberties ? (a) Bhagat Singh (Ans) (b) Prafulla Chaki (c) Chandrasekhar Azad (d) Uddham Singh 92. Who was the Viceroy during the Jallianwalla Bagh Massacre ? (a) Wellington (b) Hardinge II (c) Reading (d) Chelmsford (Ans) 93. In association with which conspiracy case 31 prominent trade union and communist leaders were arrested ? (a) Meerut Conspiracy case (Ans) (b) Lahore conspiracy case (c) Alipore conspiracy case (d) Kakori conspiracy case 94. Burma separated from India in ? (a) 1936 (b) 1937 (Ans) (c) 1939 (d) 1950 95. Who founded Indian Liberal Federation in 1918? (a) Surendranath Bannerjee (Ans) (b) Hedgewar (c) K M Munshi (d) B. R. Ambedkar 96. The Viceroy who announced the date of transfer of power to Indian hands : (a) Linlithgo (b) Wellington (c) Wavell (d) Mountbatten (Ans) 97. The year of temple entry proclation: (a) 1898 (b) 1921 (c) 1936 (Ans) (d) 1942 98. Yachana yathra associated with ? (a) V. T. Bhattathirippad (Ans) (b) Thilak (c) Ambedkar (d) AKG 99. The founder of Van mahotsav (a) Aurobindo Ghosh (b) Pheroz Shah Mehta (c) Vir Savarkar (d) K. M. Munshi (Ans) 100. The founder of All India Scheduled Caste Federation : (a) M. K. Gandhi (b) Jyotiba Phule (c) B. R. Ambedkar (Ans) (d) G.G. Agarkar 101. The Indian Penal Code was passed in : (a) 1860 (Ans) (b) 1865 (c) 1875 (d) 1885 102. When did Gandhiji get his head shaved, discard his clothes and settle for a loin cloth ? (a) 1925 (b) 1930 (c) 1931 (d) 1921 (Ans) 103. A spinal injury while horseback riding left this person in lifelong pain for which he wore a metal corset under his clothes. He served as the Viceroy of India. Name this person. (a) Chelmsford (b) Dufferin (c) Mayo (d) Curzon (Ans) 104. Which of the following year Delhi Durbar was conducted : (a) 1911 (Ans) (b) 1912 (c) 1913 (d) 1914 105. Which tool did Gandhiji promote to achieve economic, and ultimately complete independence from the British Empire ? (a) Spinning Wheel (Ans) (b) Sewing Machine (c) Plough (d) Weaving Stool 106. In 1924 Gandhiji became the president of Indian National Congress. The session was held at : (a) Wardha (b) New Delhi (c) Belgaum (Ans) (d) Lucknow 107. The Viceroy who undertook the restoration of the Taj Mahal : (a) Curzon (Ans) (b) Chelmsford (c) Irwin (d) Wellington 108. Who had prepared the rules and regulations of the Congress Party before Gandhiji joined the party? (a) Gokhale (Ans) (b) BG Tilak (c) Dadabhai Navroji (d) Pheroz Shah Mehta 109. In which year Ghadar party was formed in Sanfrancisco? (a) 1916 (b) 1914 (c) 1915 (d) 1913 (Ans) 110. The Indian revolutionary who participated in Mainpuri Conspiracy of 1918, and the Kakori conspiracy of 1925, and was awarded death sentence along with Ashfaqulla Khan (a) Prafulla Chaki (b) Ram Prasad Bismil (Ans) (c) Bhagat Singh (d) Surya Sen 111. Postal System was introduce by : (a) Canning (b) Dufferin (c) Dalhousie (Ans) (d) Wellesley 112. Who gave Saigaon village as a gift to Gandhiji? (a) Kalelkar (b) Jamnalal Bajaj (Ans) (c) Mahadev Desai (d) None of these 113. The Indian Police Act was passed in : (a) 1861 (Ans) (b) 1865 (c) 1878 (d) 1908 114. Who was the Viceroy when the Ancient Monument Protection Act was passed ? (a) Curzon (Ans) (b) Mayo (c) Minto II (d) Hardinge II 115. Who amongst the following was chosen as the Dewan of three princely states-Mysore, Jaipur and Hyderabad ? (a) M. Visweswaraih (b) C.P. Ramaswami Iyer (c) V. P. Madhava Rao (d) Mirza Ismail (Ans) 116. The Viceroy during the Mopla revolt of 1921: (a) Wellington (b) Hardinge II (c) Reading (Ans) (d) Minto 117. First Justice Party Government was formed in : (a) 1923 (b) 1921 (c) 1922 (d) 1920 (Ans) 118. Name the person who resigned his position as Viceroy of India in August 1905 because of a difference of opinion with Lord Kitchener, the British military Commander-in-Chief in India : (a) Minto I (b) Chelmsford (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Dufferin 119. What was the age of Gandhiji when he reached South Africa for the first time ? (a) 33 (b) 27 (c) 29 (d) 24 (Ans) 120. At the time of independence the most populous princely state was : (a) Kashmir (b) Bikanir (c) Mysore (d) Hyderabad (Ans) 121. Whom Gandhiji called 'the prince of patriots'? (a) Tagore (b) C. Rajagopalachari (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Jawaharlal Nehru 122. The largest princely state at the time of independence in terms of area : (a) Mysore (b) Hyderabad (c) Kashmir (Ans) (d) Bhopal 123. In which language, the autobiography of Gandhiji wa published for the first time ? (a) English (b) Hindi (c) Gujarati (Ans) (d) Marathi 124. Who founded Muslim League in 1906? (a) Aga Khan (Ans) (b) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan (c) Nawab Abdul Latif (d) Muhammad Ali Jinnah 125. The leader who escaped from the ustody of the British and went to Germany secretly to met Hitler : (a) Chempakaraman Pillai (b) Rash Behari Bose (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) None of these 126. The Viceroy during the Second and Third Round Table Conference : (a) Reading (b) Irwin (c) Wellington (Ans) (d) Linlithgo 127. Who founded Dayanand Anglo Vedic School ? (a) Lala Hansraj (Ans) (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Vivekananda (d) Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar 128. Sreemoolam praja sabha started in : (a) 1848 (b) 1956 (c) 1921 (d) 1904 (Ans) 129. The first Indian to preach the gospel of Swadeshi and India for Indians : (a) W.C. Banerjee (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) Raja Ram Mohun Roy (d) Swami Dayanand Saraswathi (Ans) 130. The Viceroy who appointed Police Commission under Sir Andrew Frazer to enquire into the police (a) Minto II (b) Ripon (c) Duffering (d) Curzon (Ans) 131. The mutiny of 1857 failed because : (a) The British have powerful arms (b) The British outnumbered the Indians (c) Of the lack of proper planning and leadership (Ans) (d) It was premature 132. Who was known as 'Bihar Gandhi'? (a) Jayaprakash Narayan (b) Morarji Desai (c) Rejendraprasad (Ans) (d) Lal Bahadur Shastri 133. The founder of 'Mahila Rashtriya Sangh ': (a) Lathika Ghosh (Ans) (b) Sarala Devi (c) Preethi Vadekar (d) Kasthurba Gandhi 134. Hindustan Republican Association was formed in 1924 at : (a) Kolkata (b) Kanpur (Ans) (c) Mumbai (d) Lahore 135. The incident responsible for Kakori Conspiracy Case was occured in : (a) 1925 (Ans) (b) 1927 (c) 1928 (d) 1929 136 The Drama Valmiki Prathibha associated with (a) Ranade (b) Eswar Chandra Vidyadsagar (c) Tagore (Ans) (d) Athmaram Pandurang 137. In which language Gandhiji started the weekly 'Young India '? (a) English (Ans) (b) Marathi (c) Hindi (d) Gujarati 138. Which of the following events occurred first ? (a) Chinese Revolution (b) Quit India Movement (c) Division of Bengal (Ans) (d) Formation of Constituent Assembly 139. Who compared the Dandi March to Napoleon's march to Paris from Elba ? (a) Dadabhai Naoroji (b) Lala Lajpath Rai (c) Subhas Chandra Bose (Ans) (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 140. Name the Viceroy who was called the "Aurangazeb of British India "? (a) Wellesley (b) Wavell (c) Curzon (Ans) (d) Irwin 141. In which Jail Gandhiji started the writing of his autogiography? (a) Ambala (b) Thihar (c) Pune (d) Yervada (Ans) 142. The author of '1857 The Great Rebellion': (a) Vir Savarkar (b) Ashok Mehta (Ans) (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Sarojini Naidu 143. Which of the following was known as 'Indian Gladstone'? (a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (Ans) (c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (d) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad 144. In which year All India village industries association was brought into existence under the patronage of Gandhiji? (a) 1934 (Ans) (b) 1935 (c) 1936 (d) 1937 145. 'Prabudha Bharat' was a paper published in English by: (a) Louis Vivian Derozio (b) G.H. Deshmukh (c) Swami Vivekanand (Ans) (d) Swami Dayanand 146. The Radical Demoratic Party was formed in 1940 by : (a) N.D. Majumdar (b) S.C. Bose (c) B. R. Ambedkar (d) M. N. Roy (Ans) 147. Which organization is led by 'Ten Principles'? (a) Buddhism (b) Jainism (c) Christianity (d) Arya Samaj (Ans) 148. The first war of Independence in India lasted for almost : (a) Two weeks (b) Two years (Ans) (c) Two days (d) One year 149. The place where the first war of independence was led by Kunwar Singh : (a) Bareilly (b) Faizabad (c) Jagdishpur (Ans) (d) Kanpur 150. Brave heroine of Nagaland during the civil disobedience movement : (a) Begum Hazratmahal (b) Rani Gaidulu (Ans) (c) Rani Lakshmi Bhai (d) Rani Parvathi Bhai 151. What was the honour given to Gandhiji by the British in recognition to his contribution during the Boer war? (a) Victoria Cross (b) Star of Africa (c) Kaizar-i-Hind (Ans) (d) Knighthood 152. Who was the president of Indian National Congress during Bengal partition? (a) Motilal Nehru (b) Dadabhai Naoroji (c) Pheroz Shah Mehta (d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (Ans) 153. The first Indian to be elected to the leadership of Communist International was : (a) M.N. Roy (Ans) (b) P.C. Joshi (c) Sohan Singh Josh (d) S. A. Dange 154. Who was the Viceroy when INC launched Quit India Movement (a) Wavell (b) Wellington (c) Linlithgo (Ans) (d) Irwin 155. The 'Voice of India' published extracts from Indian Press. It was started by: (a) S. N. Bannerjee (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (c) Dadabhai Naoroji (Ans) (d) P. Ananda Charlu 156. In which year Numismatic Society of India was established at Allahabad ? (a) 1908 (b) 1910 (Ans) (c) 1912 (d) 1914 157. Madras Mahajana Sabha was established in : (a) 1884 (Ans) (b) 1887 (c) 1894 (d) 1904 158. Gandhiji went to South Africa to appear in the court for the case of : (a) Abdulla Sait (Ans) (b) Polak (c) Mansukhlal Nasar (d) Gokhale 159. The symbol of 1857 revolt : (a) Rose and Bread (b) Lotus and cow (c) Rose and Lamp (d) Lotus and Bread (Ans) 160. The Viceroy when Ramsay McDonald announced Communal Award : (a) Wellington (Ans) (b) Irwin (c) Reading (d) Linlithgo 161. The first conference of All India States People's Conference was in : (a) 1927 (Ans) (b) 1928 (c) 1929 (d) 1930 162. The session of INC which approved the non-cooperation movement of Gandhiji was held at : (a) Nagpur (b) Kolkata (Ans) (c) Lucknow (d) Belgaum 163. The party founded by T.M. Nair and Theagaroya Chetty in 1917? (a) Forward Bloc (b) Swatantra Party (c) Swaraj Party (d) Justice Party (Ans) 164. Which is the last one in the chronological order ? (a) Cabinet Mission Plan (b) Bombay Plan (c) Wavell Plan (d) Mountbatten Plan (Ans) 165. What was the age of Gandhiji when he conducted the historic Dandi march ? (a) 61 (Ans) (b) 71 (c) 75 (d) 56 166. What was the purpose behind the establishment of Natal Indian Congress by Gandhiji? (a) to promote vegetarian food (b) To get permanent employment to the Indians (c) For the increase of pay (d) To fight against racial discrimination (Ans) 167. Adyar was the famous centre and headquarters of the : (a) Aurobindo Ashram (b) Madras Mahajan Sabha (c) Ramakrishna Mission (d) Theosophical Society (Ans) 168. The Indian Industrial Commission of 1915 was headed by : (a) Sir Thomas Holland (Ans) (b) John Simon (c) Stafford Crips (d) A.V. Alexander 169. In which year Gandhiji established Sevagram Ashram at Wardha ? (a) 1934 (b) 1935 (c) 1936 (Ans) (d) 1937 170. Who was the Viceroy when Montague-Chelmsford reforms were introduced ? (a) Montague (b) Minto (c) Chelmsford (Ans) (d) Reading 171. The Nation and its Fragments ' is authored by (a) Anil Seal (b) Partha Chatterjee (Ans) (c) R. Chandravarkar (d) G. Alloysius 172. Who wrote Satyarthaprakash ? (a) Vivekananda (b) Ram Mohun Roy (c) Dwarakanath Tagore (d) Dayanand Saraswathy (Ans) 173. The journal published by Gandhiji in South Africa : (a) Harijan (b) Young India (c) Indian Opinion (Ans) (d) Navjeevan 174. In which year Gandhiji started 'Indian Opinion'? (a) 1901 (b) 1902 (c) 1903 (d) 1904 (Ans) 175. Who was the first president of Harijan Sevak Sangh founded by Mahathma Gandhi (a) G. D. Birla (Ans) (b) Mahadev Desai (c) Amritlal Takkar (d) B.R. Ambedkar 176. Who among the following participated in the Chittagong armoury raid , along with Surya Sen and other revolutionaries on April 18, 1930 ? (a) Jatin Das (b) Bhagat Singh (c) Ganesh Ghosh (Ans) (d) Aurobindo Ghosh 177. The code of Civil Procedure was enacted in : (a) 1908 (Ans) (b) 1861 (c) 1868 (d) 1881 178. Who was the Viceroy when Edward VII was declared as the emperor of India? (a) Curzon (Ans) (b) Rippon (c) Hardinge II (d) Minto II 179. Ashfaqulla Khan was sentenced to death in connection with : (a) Lahore case (b) Kakori Case (Ans) (c) Chittagong Case (d) Alipur Case 180. The number of volunteers who followed Mahathma Gandhi in Dandi march: (a) 78 (Ans) (b) 88 (c) 98 (d) 68 181. Who among the following is related to Tirunelveli Conspiracy case : (a) Vanchi Iyer (Ans) (b) T. K. Madhavan (c) E. V. Ramaswami Naiker (d) G. S. Iyer 182. M.A.O. College later became : (a) Benarus Hindu University (b) Aligarh Muslim University (Ans) (c) Delhi University (d) Magadh University 183. Who formulated Sevagram project ? (a) Vinoba Bhave (b) Mahathma Gandhi (Ans) (c) Mahadev Desai (d) Tagore 184. Who was the Viceroy when the Cabinet Mission visited India ? (a) Mountbatten (b) Wavell (Ans) (c) Wellington (d) Linlithgo 185. The resolution passed by Indian National Congress in -----at its Madras Session lay down that the declaration of Fundamental Rights should be the basis of future Constitution of India . (a) 1927 (Ans) (b) 1928 (c) 1929 (d) 1930 186. In which year Gandhiji established Satyagraha ashram at Kochrab near Ahmedabad ? (a) 1914 (b) 1915 (Ans) (c) 1916 (d) 1917 187. Which commission recommended for the adoption of a famine code for india ? (a) Campbell Commission 1868 (b) Macdoneel Commission 1898 (c) Strachey Commission 1880 (Ans) (d) Lyall Commission 1901 188. Who wrote the book 'Gandhi and Anarchy '? (a) C. Sankaran Nair (Ans) (b) V. D. Savarkar (c) B. R. Ambedkar (d) Syamaprasad Mukherjee 189. Which is considered by academics abroad to be the Indian equivalent of Harvard? (a) Presidency College Kolkata (Ans) (b) Christian College, Chennai (c) Ferguson College (d) Madras Presidency College 190. Who was the Viceroy when INC passed resolution demanding complete independence ? (a) Irwin (Ans) (b) Reading (c) Linlithgo (d) Wellington Placement Paper LIC Marketing questions for practice, LIC model questions for practice, LIC largest collection of solved question papers LIC Marketing questions with answers 1. How many companies from India found a place in the 'Global -500'list ? a) 5 (Ans) b) 4 c) 8 d) 10 e) 9 2. For the year 2007-08, World Bank has predicted India's GDP growth at a) below 8% (Ans) b) below 7% c) 8.5% d) 9.6% e) 10% 3. National Electricity Policy envisages elimination of power shortage by 2012 through addition of ------ during 10th and 11th Plan periods a) 75, 000 MW b) 50,000 MW c) 100,000MW (Ans) d) 125,000MW e) 60,000MW 4. Recently Tata Consultancy Services (TCS has succeeded in acquiring a big deal from Bank of China worth a) $ 75 million b) $ 50 million c) $ 100 million (Ans) d) $ 125 million e) $ 150 million 5. As per the latest estimates of Petroleum Ministry , India' s refining capacity will be increased to ------- million tones per annum by the end of the coming 11th plan. a) 220 b) 210 c) 230 d) 240 (Ans) e) 180 6. "Beyond Scarcity : Power, Poverty and Global Water Crisis" is the theme of a) Human Development Report 2006 (Ans) b) Human Development Report 2005 c) World Development Report 2005 d) World Development Report 2006 e) None of these 7. Report of the Sachar committee is related to a) Status of the Scheduled Castes in India b) Social, Economic and educational status of the Muslim community (Ans) c) Economic status of Backward Classes in India d) Educational Status of Backward Clases in India. e) None of these 8. According to the Global Gender Gap Report, 2006 by the World Economic Forum, the country which has provided more political empowerment to women among the following is a) USA b) India (Ans) c) Sri-Lanka d) Bangladesh e) Bhutan 9. According to the Human Development Report 2006 of UNDP, the position of India in Human Development Index is a) 135th b) 126th (Ans) c) 137th d) 81st e) None of these 10. Noted author and activist Arundhati Roy has been supporting the farmers of Singur in West Bengal who are resisting the State Government's move to acquire land and give it to a) Tata Motors (Ans) b) Maruti Udyog Ltd. c) Hindustan Motors d) Infosys e) Hero Motors 11. Year 2007 is being celebrated by India & China as the a) Tourism year b) Friendship year (Ans) c) Co-operation year d) Water Year e) None of these 12. The 14th Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) 2006 Summit was held in a) Thailand b) Vietnam (Ans) c) Brazil d) China e) Nepal 13. In the Union Budgets in India, Which one of the following is the largest in amount ? a) Non-Plan Expenditure (Ans) b) Plan Expenditure c) Revenue Expenditure d) Capital Expenditure e) Defence Expenditure 14. Centre for DNA Fingerprinting is located at a) Bengalooru b) New Delhi c) Pune d) Hyderabad (Ans) e) Chennai 15. Cryogenic engine are used in a) Atomic reactors b) Rockets (Ans) c) Defrost Refrigerators d) Doing research connected with superconductivity e) Aeroplanes 16. 'Threat of global warming' is increasing due to increasing concentration of a) Nitrous oxide b) Ozone c) Sulphur dioxide d) Carbon dioxide (Ans) e) None of these 17. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held at a) Montreal b) Beijing (Ans) c) Atlanta d) London e) Athens 18. Narain Karthikeyan is a sportsman in the field of a) Shooting b) Car racing (Ans) c) Chess d) Golf e) Snooker 19. EI Nino is a) A sea storm (Ans) b) A warm ocean current c) A tropical disturbance d) Another name of typhoon e) None of these 20. Which of the following industries are the major beneficiaries of the Mumbai port ? a) Sugar and Cotton textile industry b) Iron and steel industry c) Cotton textile and petrochemical industry (Ans) d) Engineering and Fertilizer industry e) None of these 21. The world Trade Organization (WTO) was earlier known as a) UNICEF b) GATT (Ans) c) UNCTAD d) FAO e) None of these 22. What is Value Added Tax (VAT)? a) A new initiative taken by the Government to increase the tax-burden of high income groups b) A simple, transparent, easy to pay tax imposed on consumers c) A single tax that replaces State tax like surcharge, turnover tax, etc., (Ans) d) A new tax to be imposed on the producers of capital goods. e) None of these 23. The outcome of 'devaluation of currency' is a) Increased export and foreign reserve deficiency b) Increased export and improvement in balance of payments (Ans) c) Increased importand improvement in balance of payments d) None of these 24. The common currency which has been introduced among 11 European nations is known as a) Euro (Ans) b) Euro Dollar c) Euro Pound d) Euro Sterling e) None of these 25. Nuclear reactors used to produce electricity are based on a) Nuclear fusion b) Nuclear fission (Ans) c) Cold fusion d) Superconductivity e) None of these 26. Who amongst the following was the head of the Investment Commission which submitted its report to the Government of India recently ? a) Dr. Rakesh Mohan b) Mr. Ratna Tata (Ans) c) Mr.Kumara Mangalam Birla d) Mr. Rahul Bajaj e) Mr. Anil Ambani 27. Mr. Arvind Kejriwal who got the Ramon Magsaysay Award 2006 is the founder of which of the following NGO's ? a) Aawahan b) Sankalp c) Parivartan (Ans) d) Sammelan e) Banyan 28. Which bank has launched a new health cover scheme under the name of "Arogya Shree"? a) PNB (Ans) b) SBI c) Andhra Bank d) OBC e) IOB 29. The Eleventh Five- Year Plan has been named as a) 'Towards Fast and More Inclusive Growth' b) Towards Infra structural and Agricultural Growth (Ans) c) 'Towards Rapid Educational and Economical Growth' d) 'Towards reduce the unemployment problem' e) None of these 30. Which of the following state governments has decided to provide health insurance to people living below the poverty line with effect from January 2007? a) Andhra Pradesh b) Orissa c) Karnataka (Ans) d) West Bengal e) Kerala 31. In November 2006, Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh and Chinese President Hujintao signed how many agreements including the Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement, in New Delhi? a) 11 b) 15 c) 13 (Ans) d) 9 e) 20 32. What is the position of Tatas, the largest Indian group in terms of revenue and market capitalisation, in the Forbes' list of world's most reputed companies a) 20th (Ans) b) 18th c) 22nd d) 24th e) 23rd 33. The Indian Railways has decided to start how many new luxury trains on the line of "Palace on Wheels" to ensure foreign customer ? a) 6 (Ans) b) 4 c) 10 d) 15 e) 20 34. ASEAN, the major trade block of the world, consist of the following nations a) Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Singapore (Ans) b) India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Pakistan c) Indonesia, India, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore d) Vietnam, Thailand, Mauritiums, Singapore and Philippines e) None of these 35. The states through which the Cauvery river flows is a) Kerala, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu (Ans) b) Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu c) Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu d) Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu e) None of these 36. Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched? a) White Revolution-Dairy b) Green Revolution -Agriculture c) Blue Revolution-Fishery d) Red Revolution-Wool (Ans) e) None of these 37. Which one of the following is NOT a department in the Ministry of Human Resource Development ? a) Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education b) Department of Elementary Education and Literacy c) Department of Technical Education and Literacy (Ans) d) Department of Woman and Child development e) None of these 38. In India, National Income is estimated by a) Central Statistical Organisation (Ans) b) Planning Commission c) Indian Statistical Institute d) National Sample Survey Organisation e) Finance Commission 39. Which state in the country has the largest number of districts ? a) Maharashtra b) Madhya Pradesh c) Tamil Nadu d) Uttar Pradesh (Ans) a) Andhra Pradesh 40. Who among the following has been given 'World Citizenship Award' 2006? a) Jimmy Carter b) Kofi Annan c) Bill Clinton (Ans) d) Ronald Reagan e) Tony Blair Placement Paper LIC CURRENT AFFAIRS N A T I O N A L, LIC aptitude. reasoning and English, general awareness questions with answers LIC current affairs questions and answers National, International, Sports, Science and Technology questions and answers 1. Consider the following statements about parliamentry standing committees : (a) Commonly known as miniparliament, these committees include numbers from all political parties and even independent MPs. (b) There are 31 members in each committee-21 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha. (c) The Committees monitor the functioning of all major central ministries and. departments. Which of the above statements are true? (1) only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) only (c) (4) All of the above (Ans) 2. Consider the following statements about Lok Pal Bill: (a) The submit their reports which are placed in both Houses of parliament. (b) The governmen t is not bound to accept these reports, but generally it does accept some of the suggestions. (c) The Lokpal Bill has been reffered to the parliamentary standing committee for personel public grievances, law and justice. (d) Headed by Rajya Sabha Congress MP, Abhishek Singhvi, it has three months to give it report. Which of the above statements are true? (1) only (a) and (b) (2) Only (b) and (c) (3) only (c) and (d) (4) All of the above (Ans) 3. Recently in news Teesta water deal between— (1) India and Bangladesh (Ans) (2) India and Nepal * (3) India and Pakistan (4) India and China 4. The central government on announced a 7% hike in the dearness allowance (DA) of its employees to give them relief from the near double-digit inflation ahead of the festival season. (1) 14 September, 2011 (2) 15 September, 2011 (Ans) (3) 16 September, 2011 (4) 17 September, 2011 5. Who of the following is regarded as "Father of Employment Guarantee Scheme" and a postage stamp was released on his name by the President of India recently ? (1) K M M a d h e w (2) Kasu Brahmanand Reddy (3) Daulat Singh Kothari (4) Vitthal Sakharam Page (Ans) 6. India has recently proposed to ratify the MARPOL convention. MARPOL is associated with— (1) T h e Prevention of Air Pollution from Aeroplane (2) The Prevention of Air Pollution from heavy industries. (3) The Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (Ans) (4) The Prevention of Air Pollution from Power Plants. 7. Ministery of Health and Family Welfare has laid the foundation stone of the ESIC ParaMedical & Allied Health Science Institute the first of its kind in India at which of the following place ? (1) Pune (2) Gurgaon (3) Jaipur (4) Gulbarga (Ans) 8. South Korea has become the country which had signed nuclear agreement with India after it got the waiver from the nuclear Supplier' Group (NSG) in 2008. (1) eighth (2) ninth (Ans) (3) eleventh (4) None of these 9. Which of the following fertilizers has been declared by Government as explosive under the Explosive Act 1884 over its frequent use by terror groups in making bombs ? (1) ammonium sulphate (2) ammonium cloride (3) ammonium nitrate (Ans) (4) potassium sulphate 10. With which of the following countries India has signed a comprehensive border management agreement ? (1) China (2) Myanmar (3) Bangladesh (Ans) (4) None of these 11. The Union Cabinet has recently approved the proposal for the Enactment of a new legislation Introduction of the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Bill, 2011 in place of Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1988. Which of the following will not be considered as behami transaction under the new legislation ? (1) Properties acquired by an individual in. the name of spouse (2) Properties acquired by an individual in the name of brother or sister (3) Both 1 and 2 (4) Properties held a co-parcener in the Hindu undivided family. (Ans) 12. Amendment to the Consitution (One hundred and Tenth Amendement) Bill, 2009 is associated with— (1) enhancing reservation for women in Panchayats at village level from l/3rd to at least 50%. (2) enhancing reservation for women in Panchayats at block level from 1 /3rd to at least 50% (3) enhancing reservation for women in Panchayats at all tiers from 1 /3rd to at least 50%. (Ans) (4) None of these 13. Consider the following statements about National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS). (A) The Scheme is being implemented in the country from Rabi 2004-2005 season. (B) Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC) is the Implementing Agency. (C) The scheme is available to all the farmers loanee and non-loanee-irrespective of their size of holding. (D) The NAIS, at present, is unde r operation in all states and Union Territories Which of the statements given above is/are true ? (1) only A and B (2) Only B and C (Ans) (3) Only C and D (4) Only A and D 14. Which of the following programmes is being implemented in all the districts of the country ? (1) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (Ans) (2) NavodayaVidyalaya (3) Altra Mega Power Project (4) Rajiv Gandhi Gramee n\ Vidyuthikaran 15. President of India Pratibha Patil visited South Korea as part of. (1) India's look East policy (Ans) (2) India's look West policy (3) India's look North policy (4) India's look South policy 16. Consider the following energy sector— (A) Solar Energy (B) Nuclear Energy (C) Tidal Energy (D) Wind Energy (E) Bio-fuels Which of the above areas been identified for co-operation between the USA and India under the Indo-US Energy Dialogue (1) Only A, B and C (2) Only A, C and D (3) Only A, C and E (4) Only A, D and E (Ans) 17. Consider the following statements— (A) 'PRAHAAR' is a surface to surface Missile (B) 'PRAHAAR' has a range of 150 kms. (C) ' P R A H A A R' Missile has been acquired by India from United Stat e of America. Which of the statements given above is/are true ? (1) Only A and B (Ans) (2) Only B and C (3) Only A and C (4) All A, B and C 18. Which of the following northeast asian countries India has recently signed a defence cooperation pact ? (1) Malaysia (2) Mongolia (Ans) (3) Myanmar (4) Indonesia 19. Consider the following statements about the software project 'SANGAM'. (A) This project has been launched by Controller General of Defence accounts. (B) 'SANGAM'software will be use for issuing salary payment orders (C) This will provide Management Information System (MIS) to the financial planners in the ministry of Defence Which of the statements given above is/are true ? (1) Only A and B (2) Only B and C (3) Only A and C (Ans) (4) All A, B a n d C 20. Consider the following statements— (A) Megha-Tropiques, is an advanced weather and climate research satellite. (B) Megha-Tropiques is a joint atmospheric satellite mission of India (ISRO) and Russia (Roscosmos) (C) Megha-Tropiques will be launched by ISRO from Shriharikota Which of the statements given above is/are not true ? (1) Only A (2) Only B (Ans) (3) Only C (4) Only A and C 21. Suresh Tendulkar Committee is related to (1) Environment (2) Tax Reform (3) Agriculture (4) Poverty (Ans) 22. The Union Cabinet approved the proposal of for introduction of a new Central Sector Plan Scheme titled NoneLopsable Central Pool of Resources-Central. (1) Ministry of Panchayati Raj (2) Ministry of Rural Development (3) Ministry of Tourism (4) Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region. (Ans) 23. India and Lesotho Sign MoU on Co-operation in (1) Rural Development (Ans) (2) Women Empowerment (3) Education Development (4) Renewable Energy Sector 24. Who among the following Chief Minister has decided to introduce the concept of "Gross National Happiness" a concept of measuring prosperity is so far unique to Bhutan, as a development index in his state recently ? (1) Tarun Gogoi (Ans) (2) Pawan Chamling (3) Mamta Bannerjee (4) Nitish Kumar 25. China is the single largest holder of U.S. Treasury Bills (T-Bills) with an exposure of over $ 1.15 trillion. What is India's position and how much. T-bills does the Indian government hold ? (1) 5th, 76 billion doller (2) 8th, 69 billion dollar (3) 11th, 52 billion dollar (4) 14th, 41 billion dollar (Ans) 26. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) has decided to utilise the services of Ac - credited Social Health Activities (ASHAs) for. (1) Checking malnutrition by providing nutritional supplements to infants in BPL families. (2) Keeping a watch over gender selection clinics in rural and urban areas (3) Providing family planning services of homes of beneficiaries. (Ans) (4) Popularising initiatives taken by Central Government under Rashtriya Swasthya Bima yojana. 27. Which metro city has the highest share of its tand covered with wetlands according to the Atlas of Wetlands released by the Union Ministry of environment recently ? (1) Mumbai (Ans) (2) Kolkata (3) Chennai (4) Delhi 28. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution requested the HRD Ministry to include a subject on which of the following in syllabus of Secondary and higher Secondary curriculum recently ? (1) Low-colorie food (2) Medicinal plants (3) Organic farming (4) Food Wastage (Ans) 29. Which of the following proposed legislation envisages setting up of a Data Protection Authority of India (DPAI) ? (1) L o k Pal Bill (2) Land Acquisition Bill (3) Right to Privacy Bill (Ans) (4) Goods and Service Tax Bill 30. The Central Vigilance Commission submits its annual report to who among the following ? (1) President of India (Ans) (2) Prime Minister (3) Union Home Minister (4) CAG 31. W h i c h category of power projects will no longer require environmental clearance according to a decision announced by the Environment Ministry recently ? (1) Nuclear Power Projects (2) Hydro Power Projects (3) Projects under National Solar Mission (Ans) (4) Inter-State transmission projects. 32. Perspective Frontline Aviation Complex is a joint project between India and (1) Russia (Ans) (2) Israel (3) France (4) USA 33. Which of the following statements about the draft Micro Finance Institutions (Development and Regulation)Bill 2011 is/are correct ? A. Only Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) with net owned funds more than Rs 5 lakh will be allowed to register. B. MFIs will be regulated by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. C. MFIs cannot change more than 24% as annual interest rate. (1) A only (Ans) (2) A and B only (3) B and C only (4) C only 34. President Pratibha Patil recently visited— (1) Mangolia (2) South Korea (3) Both (1) and (2) (Ans) (4) None of the above 35. India recently signed civil nuclear agreement with— (1) Sudan (2) North Korea (3) Mangolia (4) South Korea (Ans) 36. At which place, country's first fully airconditioned bus terminus has been established ? (1) Mohali (Ans) (2)Pune (3) Hyderabad (4) Mumbai 37. Registrar-General of India and Censu s Commissioner, C.Chandramouli released statistics on important health indicators in July 2011. Which of the following Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets to be achieved by 2015 by Indi a is not are correctly matched ? I. Maternal Mortality Ratio (IMR)-121 II. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) - 28 III. Unde r 5 Mortality Rate (USMR) -42 (1) I and II only (2) II only (3) II and III only (Ans) (4) I and III only 38. Which of the following was superseded by the Government and its, functions have been taken over by the HDR Ministery because of concerns over its functioning recently ? (1) National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) (2) University Grants Commission UGC (3) National Council for Teacher Education (NCT) (Ans) (4) All India Council for Technical Education (AICTS) 39. India has ercently signed is MoU to rebuild a port with— (1) Thailand (2) Sri Lanka (Ans) (3) Myanmar (4) Maldives 40. Under the Food Security Bill as approved by Union Cabinet recently, which of the following statement incorrect ? (1) The is Bill seeks to entille 75% BPL (Below Poverty Line) to heavily subsidized food. (2) The Bill entitles 50% of urban population to heavily subsidized food grain. (3) The Bill in totality entitles 68% of country's population to food security. (4) Under the provision of Bill, each beneficiary under the BPL will be given 10 kg of food grains. (Ans) 41. The Union Cabinet has given its formal approval for increasing the amount under MPLAD (Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme) from Rs. 2 crore to— (1) Rs. 6 crore (2) Rs. 5 crore (Ans) (3) Rs. 7 crore (4) Rs. 8 crore 42. Recently Supreme Court ordered the Constitution of Special Investigation Team on— (1) Corruption (2) Telangana issue" (3) Black Money (Ans) (4) None of the above 43. Lok Pal Bill as cleared by the cabinet recently keep outside its purview— (1) Prime Minister (2) The higher judiciary (3) Conduct of MPs inside Parliament (4) All of the above (Ans) LIC Current affairs Economy questions 1. India's leading corporate houses have kept the sale of crore rupees worth of Carbon Credits on hold. (1) 500 (2) 1000 (Ans) (3) 1500 (4) 2000 2. Consider the following statements about indirect tax : (a) The finance ministry is sure that it will meet indirect tax collections target of 3.98 lakh crore rupees this fiscal. (b) Despite industrial growth slowing down to 5.8 per cent in the first four months against 9.7 per cent in the corresponding period of last fiscal. (c) The indirect tax mop-up in the April-August period rose by 23.9 per cent to 1,57,725 crore rupees. Which of the above statements are true ? (1) Only (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (c) (4) All of the above (Ans) 3. India Factoring, a joint venture between Punjab National Bank and Malta-based FIM Bank, is set to recieve.... crore rupees by December 2011 (1) 50 (2) 100 (Ans) (3) 150 (4) 200 4. launched its second 'made-in-India' car in the domestic market, midsize Sedan 'Sunny'. (1) Hunda i (2) Tata (3) Honda (4) Nissan (Ans) 5. According to IMF, the Indian economy would grow by a slower per cent in 2011. (1) 5.8 (2) 6.8 (3) 7.8 (Ans) (4) 8.8 6. Consider the following statements : (a) 3.3% growth in India's factory output in July 2011, the lowest in 2 years (b) 7.7% GDP growth in Apriljune 2011—the lowest in six quarters (c) 9.2% annualised WPI inflation rate at the end of July 2011 Which of the above statements are true ? (1) O n l y (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (c) (4) All of the above (Ans) 7. Consider the following statements about RBI : (a) 0.25%, the increas e in Repo rate, the rate at which banks borrow from RBI, to 8.25% (b) 0.25%, the rise in Reverse Repo rate, the rate at which RBI absorbs cash from the banking system to 7.25% (c) 45 banks have raised lending rates since July 2011, by 0.25 to 1.0 per centage points Which of the above statements are true ? (1) O n l y (a) (2) Only (b) (3) Only (c) (4) All of the above (Ans) 8. Government of India and the Asia n Development Bank (ADB) signed a $ 315 million loal agreement for the State Highway Improvement Project (1) Karnataka (Ans) (2) Bihar (3) Rajasthan (4) Goa 9. Total revenue of the Indian telecome sector grew by for financial year 2010-11 (1) 7 per cent (Ans) (2) 11 per cent (3) 14 per cent (4) 15 per cent 10.Cochin Shipyard Limited a Mini Ratna PSU under the Ministry of shipping has declared and paid a dividend of .... for the year2010-11. (1) Rs. 14.86 crore (2) Rs. 16.86 crore (Ans) (3) Rs. 15.86 crore (4) Rs. 18.86 crore 11. Who are considered Super Senior Citizen as per Budget 2011-12 ? Those who have completed a minimum age of. (1) 65 years (2) 75 years (3) 80 years (Ans) (4) 90 years 12. The Cabinet Committee on Economy Affairs approved an upward revision of the cost estimates for the on going centrally sponsored scheme of Project Tiger during the Xlth plan period from Rs. 650 crore to of central assistance. (1) Rs. 1216.86 crore (Ans) (2) Rs. 1316.86 crore (3) Rs. 1416.86 crore (4) Rs. 1616.86 crore 13. Pohang Iron and Steel Company (POSCO) is a company originally based in (1) China (2) USA (3) South Korea (Ans) (4) Italy 14 Which of the following periods indicate 12th Five Year Plan period in India ? (1) 1997-2002 (2) 2002-2007 (3) 2007-2012 (4) 2012-2017 (Ans) 15. M.S. Rana, Chairman & Managing Director, Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Limited presented the maiden dividend Cheque for.... to the union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee for the financial year 2010-11. (1) R s. 115.43 crore (Ans) (2) Rs. 215.43 crore (3) Rs. 315.43 crore (4) Rs. 415.43 crore 16. Which of the following countries is maker of 'Chevrolet Beat' car ? (1) France (2) Japan (3) U.K. (4) U.S.A (Ans) 17. According to Swiss National Bank (SNB) the quantum deposits held in various Swiss Banks by Indian stands at about at the end of 2010. (1) $ 1.5 billion (2) $ 2.0 billion (3) $ 2.5 billion (Ans) (4) None of these 18. Diagnostic chain.... will set up fifteen laboratories in tier-II and tier-Ill cities across the country through an investment of Rs. 15 crore in the current fiscal (1) Metropolies Healthcare (Ans) (2) Thyrocare (3) Religare (4) None of these 19. Kingdom Holding Company has planned to build the world's tallest (more than 1000m high) Kingdom Tower in (1) Tabuk (Ans) (2) Baghdad (3)Jeddah (4) None of these 20. Which company is at the top among Indian IT companies ? (1) T CS (Ans) (2) Infosys (3) HP (4) Wipro Placement Paper LIC (ADO) RECRUITMENT EXAM ; 2007 SOLVED PAPER (HELD ON 10-06-2007)LIC Previous years solved question papers,LIC Aptitude,Reasoning,General awareness model questions for practice GENERAL KNOWLEDGE AND CURRENT AFFAIRS 1. The pumch line of the advertisement of which of the following organization is "Ji ndagi ke sath bhi Jindagi ke bad bhi" ? (A) New India Assurance (B) General Insurance Corporation (C) ICICI Prudential (D) Life Insurance Corporation Of India (E) None of these ANS- D 2. The central office of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is located at - (A) Kolkata (B) New Delhi (C) Chennai (D) Pune (E) Mumbai ANS- E 3. Th Life Insurance Corporation Of India has how many Zonal offices in India ? (A) Five (B) Seven (C) Ten (D) Fifteen (E) None of these ANS- B 4. Which of the following schemes was launched by the LIC in December 2001 with the object to lessen the burden of parents in meeting the educational expenses of their children ? (A) Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana (B) Jan Shree Bima Yojana (C) Shiksha Sahyog Yojana (D) Bhagyashree Child Welfare Bima Yojana (E) None of these ANS- C 5. If an organization wishes to venture into Insurance Business it has to obtain a licence first from which of the following ? (A) Indian Bnaks Association (IBA) (B) Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (C) Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) (D) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) (E) None of these ANS- D 6. Which of the following schemes launched in the year 2000 by the LIC replaced social Securitty group Insurance Schemes (SSIGS) and Rural Group Life Insurance Schemes (RGLIS) ? (A) Janshree Bima Yojana (B) Bhagyashree Child Welfare Bima Yojana (C) Jan Arogya Bima Yojana (D) Raj Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojana (E) None of these ANS- A 7. How many maximum children from a family are covered for the benefits under the Shiksha Sahyog Yojana launched by the LIC ? (A) One only (B) Two only (C) Three only (D) One Girl Child only (E) None of these ANS- B 8. Which of the following Scheme was launched by the LIC to provide life insurance protection, perodical lumpsum survival benefit and pension to the agricultural workers in India ? (A) Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana (B) Jan Shree Bima Yojana (C) Mahila Kalyan Yojana (D) Sampurna Arogya Bima Policy (E) None of these ANS- A 9. On December 6yh 2006, the president of India launched on exclusive health Insurance Scheme for senior citizens. Which of the following insurance company has launched the schemes ? (A) National Insurance Company (B) Life Insurance Corporation Of India (C) ICICI Prudential (D) HDFC Life (E) None of these ANS- A 10. Which of the following cities does not have one of the zonal offices of the Life Insurance Corporation Of India ? (A) Mumbai (B) Kolkata (C) Chennai (D) Hyderabad (E) Jhansi ANS- E 11. Which of the following is the Basic Life Insurance Plan of the Life Insurance Corporation Of India ? (A) Jeevan Tarang (B) Jeevan Nidhi (C) Jeevan Adhar (D) Jeevan Umang (E) None of these ANS- E 12. Anmol Jeevan is a ........ of the LIC (A) Basic Life Insurance Plan (B) Term Insurance Plan (C) Children's Plan (D) Pension Plan (E) None of these ANS- B 13. As per policy of the LIC, loans are granted on unencumbered policies upto what per cent of the surrender value ? (A) 60 % (B) 70 % (C) 80 % (D) 90 % (E) None of these ANS- D 14. Which of the following group Schemes of the LIC Provides pensiobn to employees on their retirement from service ? (A) Group Term Insurance Scheme (B) Group Insurance in Liew of EDLI (C) Group Gratuity Scheme (D) Group Supeannuation Scheme (E) None of these ANS- D 15. Which of the following is the pension plam of the LIC (A) Jeevan Adhar (B) Jeevan ANAND (C) Jeevan Akshay (D) Amulya Jeevan (E) None of these ANS- C 16. Which of the following is not a scheme of the LIC ? (A)Jeevan Sangam (B) Jeevan Saral (C) Jeevan Adhar (D) Jeevan Pramukh (E) None of these ANS- A 17. Which of the following is a term Assurance plan of the LIC ? (A) Jeevan Akshay (B) Jeevan Adhar (C) Jeevan Nivesh (D) Jeevan Nidhi (E) None of these ANS- E 18. Premium to LIC policies can be paid by which of the following modes ? (a) Cash (b) Cheque (c) Electronic Charging Machine (A) Only a (B) Only b (C) Only c (D) Both a and b (E) All a, b and c ANS- E 19. Customers of Lic can now get information about their policies by dialing which of the following telephone numbers in most of the centres ? (A) 101 (B) 135 (C) 136 (D) 1251 (E) None of these ANS- D 20. Lic policy holders do not get any income tax benefit under which of the following sections of the income tax act ? (A) Section 80C (B) Section 68 A, B and C (C) sECTION 80 CCC (D) Section 80 CD (E) None of these ANS- B 21. Who amongst the following is not a Bharat Ratna Awardee ? (A) Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam (B) Dr. V.VGiri (C) Dr. Rajendra Parsad (D) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma (E) None of these ANS- D 22. Duran Lineb devides which of the following pair of the countries ? (A) China - Afghanistan (B) Afghanistan - Pakistan (C) India - Pakistan (D) India - Nepal (E) Bangladesh - India ANS- B 23. Who has become the second person of Indian origin to go into space after Kalpana Chawala ? (A) Koneru Humpi (B) Indra Nooyi (C) Sunita Williams (D) Sudha Murti (E) None of these ANS- C 24. Shinzo Abe is the new elected - (A) Prime minister of Singapore (B) Prime minister of South Korea (C) President of Soth Korea (D) President of North Korea (E) Prime minister of Japan ANS- E 25. Which of the following cups is associated with the game of Hockey ? (A) Whiteman Cup (B) Evert Cup (C) Agha Khan Cup (D) Hafed Open Cup (E) None of these ANS- C Placement Paper LIC general awareness questions for practice,LIC model questions for practice 1. In which of the following years the Government of India nationalized the general insurance business under the General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act? (1) 1970 (2) 1972 (3) 1976 (4) 1973 (5) 1981 ANS : (1) 2. When was the Kalka-Shimla Railway Line added to the UNESCO?s World Heritage List? (1) April 18.2008 (2) July 8. 2008 (3) August 15, 2007 (4) January 26,2008 (5) March 23, 2008 ANS : (2) 3. The famous Kailasanath Temple at Kanchi was built by was built by: (1) Mahendravarman I (2) Narasimhavarman II (3) Nandivarman II (4) Dantivarman (5) None of these ANS : (2) 4. Shivaji ceded the forts to the Mughals by which treaty? (1) Chittor (2) Pune (3) Purandar (4) Toma (5) None of these ANS : (3) 5. The Life Insurance Corporation of India was established in September 1956 under an Act of the Indian Parliament. The Government of India invested a capital of ?? in this corporation. (1) Rs. 5 crore (2) Rs. 4 crore (3) Rs. 7 crore (4) Rs. 3 crore. (5) None otthese ANS : (1) 6. Bindusara sent Asoka to quell the rebellion in.. (1) Swamagiri (2) Taxila (3) Uijain (4) Tosali (5) None of these ANS : (3) 7. ?Royal Asiatic Society? was founded by (1) Sir William Jones (2) Sir John Marshall (3) R. D. BaneIjee (4) Sir William Bentick (5) None of these ANS : (1) 8. The first Sultan of Delhi. who attempted the conquest of South India was (1) Gutb-ud-din Mubarak (2) Nasir-ud-din Khusrav Shah I (3) Ala-ud-din Khilji (4) Jala-ud-din Firoz (5) None of these ANS : (3) 9. Which of the following countries in February 2008 lifted a ban on Islamic headscarves at varsities? (1) Turkey (2) Germany (3) Kuwait (4) Afghanistan (5) indonesia ANS : (1) 10. Mahaballpuram is an important city that reveals the interest in arts of? (1) Pallavas (2) Cheras (3) Pandyas (4) Chalukyas (5) None of these ANS : (1) 11. The renowned musician duo: Tansen and Baiju Bawra, flourishec during the reign of (1) Jehangir (2) Bahadur Shah zafar (3) Akbar (4) ShahJahan (5) None of these ANS : (3) 12. Lord Mahavira died at (1) Saravana Belagola (2) Lumbini Garden (3) KaIugumaIai (4) Pavapuri (5) None of these ANS : (4) 13. The Indus people knew the use of Weights and Measures, which is proved by the discovery of the seal at (1) KaIibangan (2) Harappa (3) Chanhudaro (4) Lothal (5) None of these ANS: (2) 14. Which language was mostly used for the propagation of Buddhism? (I) Sanskrit (2) Prakrit (3) Pall (4) Sauraseni (5) None of these ANS : (3) 15. The 11th National Conference on e-Governance was held in February 2008 at - 1) Chennai (2) Guwahati (3) Jaipur (4) Chandigarh (5) None of these ANS : (4) 16. Which of the following statements about Kharif and Rabi is not-correct? (1) Kharif season begins with the onset of monsoon season and harvested in late Spring (2) Kharif season begins with the onset of monsoon season and harvested in Autumn (3) Rabi season begins in Autumn after the rains and harvested in late Spring. (4) Important Kharif crops are rice, millets. jute, maize and cotton; important Rabi crops are wheat, gram. barley and linseed (5) None of these ANS : (1) 17. Raniganj Coal Mine is situated in (1) Bihar (2) Madhya Pradesh (3) West Bengal (4) Maharashtra (5) None of these ANS : (3) 18. Bosnia-Herzegovina formed the parts of (1) Czechoslovakia (2) Yugoslavia (3) Bulgaria (4) Azerbaijan (5) None of these ANS : (2) 19. Major producer of sugar is (1) Australia (2) Cuba (3) India (4) Mauritius (5) None of these ANS : (2) 20. In the north-east of the Deccan plateau is? (1) Chhola Nagpur plateau (2) Malawa plateau (3) Deccan plateau (4) Vindhyan Range (5) None of these ANS : (1) Reasoning Ability Test question and answers for LIC,IBPS bank PO UPSC CDS,SCRA SSB,SSC......practice questions,LIC model questions for practice,LIC reasoning aptitude general awareness questions for practice Directions—(Q. 1–5) For each of the following questions there is some relationship between the two terms to the left of :: and the same relationship obtains between the two terms to its right. In each of these questions the fourth term is missing. This term is one of the alternatives among the five terms given below. Find out this term. 1. ABCD is related to BEGI in the same way as BCDE is related to ... ? (A) ADFH (B) CFHJ (C) CDEF (D) CEGI Ans : (B) 2. ABEF is related to BCFG in the same way as GHKL is related to ... ? (A) FGKJ (B) HILM (C) HIKJ (D) HIML Ans : (B) 3. BYCX is related to AZDW in the same way as DWEV is related to ... ? (A) CEXV (B) CXFU (C) EVFU (D) EWCX Ans : (B) 4. 'CIRCLE' is related to 'RICELC' in the same way as 'SQUARE' is related to— (A) UQSERA (B) QUSERA (C) UQSAER (D) QSUERA Ans : (A) 5. 'JKLM' is related to 'XYZA' in the same way as 'NOPQ' is related to— (A) RSTU (B) YZAB (C) DEFG (D) BCDE Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 6–15) Each of the following questions has four alternative responses. Select the correct response. 6. Which one of the following is same as liver, heart, kidney? (A) Nose (B) Blood (C) Urine (D) Lung Ans : (D) 7. Which one of the following is same as uncle, aunt, brother? (A) Child (B) Boy (C) Adult (D) Nephew Ans : (D) 8. Which one of the following is same as Jute, Cotton, Wool ? (A) Nylon (B) Rayon (C) Silk (D) Terylene Ans : (C) 9. Which one of the following is same as lead, convince, allure? (A) Direct (B) Order (C) Initiate (D) Fascinate Ans : (D) 10. Which one of the following is same as flood, fire, cyclone? (A) Accident (B) Rain (C) Earthquake (D) Damage Ans : (C) 11. Which one of the following is same as carpenter, plumber, electrician ? (A) Doctor (B) Blacksmith (C) Teacher (D) Lawyer Ans : (B) 12. Which one of the following is same as cork, plug, dam ? (A) Obstruction (B) Drain (C) Pipe (D) Tap Ans : (A) 13. Which one of the following is same as red, yellow, blue? (A) Sky (B) Dark (C) Green (D) Bright Ans : (C) 14. Which one of the following is same as desire, wish, want ? (A) Pleasant (B) Feel (C) Anxiety (D) Satisfy Ans : (C) 15. Which one of the following is same as ohm, volt, amp. ? (A) Light (B) Metre (C) Hour (D) Watt Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 16–20) In each of the sentences given below, there are two questions marks given one in the beginning and the other at the end. To fill up the question marks, there are few alternatives. Choose the correct alternative. 16. ( ? ) is related to Masculine in the same way Woman is related to ? (A) Disguise, Modest (B) Capacity, Woman (C) Man, Feminine (D) Brave, Mrs. Ans : (C) 17. ( ? ) is to Sky as Fish is to ? (A) Blue, Swim (B) Bird, Water (C) Open, Hook (D) Tree, Colour Ans : (B) 18. ( ? ) is to Uncle as Mother is to ? (A) Brother, Brought-up (B) Father, Aunt (C) Cousin, Beautiful (D) Aunt, Father Ans : (D) 19. ( ? ) is to Sri Lanka as Delhi is to ? (A) Columbo, India (B) Kathmandu, Capital (C) India, Paris (D) Island, Harbour Ans : (D) 20. ( ? ) is to Ivory as Deer is to ? (A) White, Hunt (B) Elephant, Horn (C) Huge, Rare (D) Costly, Scarce Ans : (B) Directions—From questions 21 to 25 fill the correct pair in place of question marks. 21. Table is to ( ? ) as Cup is to ? (A) Furniture, Tea (B) Student, Horse (C) Wood, Hot (D) Chair, Plate Ans : (D) 22. Sugar is to ( ? ) as Mava is to ? (A) Sweet, Sour (B) Energy, Machine (C) Sugarcane, Milk (D) White, Sweet Ans : (C) 23. ( ? ) is to Sun as Rain is to ? (A) Moon, Rainbow (B) Light, Cloud (C) Sky, Wet (D) Day, Night Ans : (B) 24. ( ? ) is to Brain as Mouth is to ? (A) Skull, Tongue (B) Hat, Lips (C) Hair, Voice (D) Turban, Saliva Ans : (A) 25. ( ? ) is to Touch as Ear is to ? (A) Hand, Know (B) Experience, Feeling (C) Skin, Hear (D) Hair, Dirt Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. 26–30) In Column I are listed certain groups of individuals while in Column II are listed some of the characteristics against each group of individuals which are common to each member of that group. Column I Column II FHI J TW IJK PT IJLM SUW GHIK M RV GHI QRV FGI PR HIJ QTW IJL QSUW GIJ PQS 26. Which individual has all the above characteristics? (A) J (B) I (C) H (D) M Ans : (B) 27. Which characteristics are found either in J or in K or in both but in M? (A) P, Q, T (B) P, Q, R, S (C) Q, R, S, T (D) U, V, T Ans : (A) 28. Which Characteristics is common to G and H but not in M? (A) S (B) B (C) Q (D) R Ans : (C) 29. Which Characteristics are common to H and J but not in K? (A) P, Q (B) Q, W (C) Q, R (D) R, W Ans : (B) 30. Which Characteristics is not found either in F or in L or in both? (A) Q (B) U (C) S (D) V Ans : (D) Directions—(Q. 31–35) In each of the following question, three words are given with four alternatives. One of the four alternatives is same as the three words given in beginning. Then find out the correct alternative answer. 31. Which one is the same as Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin ? (A) Delhi (B) Kanpur (C) Chennai (D) Sholapur Ans : (C) 32. Which one is the same as Coal, Ebony and Soot? (A) Blush (B) Raven (C) Ash (D) Rust Ans : (C) 33. Which one is the same as Basket, Pail and Pan ? (A) Knife (B) Spoon (C) Fork (D) Bowl Ans : (D) 34. Which one is the same as Emancipate, Free and Release? (A) Ignore (B) Pardon (C) Liberate (D) Quit Ans : (C) 35. Which one is the same as Daisy, Pansy and Rose? (A) Bed (B) Violet (C) Plant (D) Red Ans : (C) Directions—Find out the correct answer in each of the questions from 36 to 40. 36. Which one is the same as Arid, Parched and Droughty ? (A) Draft (B) Cow (C) Earth (D) Dry Ans : (D) 37. Which one is the same as Grandfather, Father and Brother? (A) Baby (B) Father-in-law (C) Son (D) Son-in-law Ans : (C) 38. Which one is the same as Yellow, Orange and Green? (A) Tree (B) Purple (C) Grass (D) Leaf Ans : (B) 39. Which one is the same as Lungs, Liver and Kidneys? (A) Heart (B) Intestines (C) Testis (D) Neck Ans : (A) 40. Which one is the same as Lock, Shut and Fasten? (A) Window (B) Door (C) Block (D) Iron Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. 41–45) In each of the following questions, three words are given. Under them four alternatives are provided, one of which expresses most effectively the general characteristic if these three words. That alternative is your answer. 41. Aeroplane, Train, Truck (A) Speed (B) Rooms (C) Wheels (D) Transport Ans : (D) 42. Wolf, Leopard, Deer (A) Meat eater (B) Jungles (C) Mammals (D) Cruel Ans : (C) 43. Sword, Gun, Pistol (A) Arms (B) Constable (C) Bullet (D) War Ans : (A) 44. Fraud, Jealously, Hatred (A) Destruction (B) Envy (C) Human Characteristics (D) Quality Ans : (C) 45. Novel, Epic, Drama (A) Subject (B) Literature (C) Poetry (D) Knowledge Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. 46–50) In each of the following questions, three words are given. They are followed by four words, one of which stands for the class to which these three words belong. Identify that word. 46. Wheat, Barley, Rice (A) Food (B) Gram (C) Cereal (D) Agriculture Ans : (C) 47. Coal, Iron, Mica (A) Rock (B) Minerals (C) Gold (D) Earth Ans : (B) 48. Honesty, Credibility, Reliability (A) Quality (B) Dependability (C) Charter (D) Nicety Ans : (A) 49. Cap, Coat, Trousers (A) Smart (B) Shirt (C) Dress (D) Tailor Ans : (C) 50. Stool, Table, Chair (A) Bench (B) Furniture (C) Carpet (D) Office Ans : (B) Directions—(Q. 51–60) For each of the following questions, there are two words and five alternative answers. In each of the alternative answers there are two words. Then find out the alternative whose two words have the same relation as in the two words given in question. 51. Resignation : Office :: (A) Competition : Game (B) Illness : Hospital (C) Abdication : Throne (D) Moisture : Rain (E) Appointment : Interview Ans : (C) 52. Bunch : Key :: (A) Hound : Pack (B) Team : Competition (C) Beehive : Bee (D) Examination : Subject (E) Bouquet : Flower Ans : (E) 53. Profit : Loss :: (A) Success : Failure (B) Rupee : Paisa (C) Whole : Part (D) Multiplication : Addition (E) Adult : Child Ans : (A) 54. Sapling : Tree :: (A) Horse : Mare (B) Student: Teacher (C) Bud : Flower (D) Tree : Furniture (E) River : Brook Ans : (C) 55. Supervisor : Worker :: (A) Junior : Senior (B) Superior : Inferior (C) Elder : Younger (D) Debtor : Creditor (E) Officer : Clerk Ans : (E) 56. Malaria : Mosquito :: (A) Poison : Death (B) Rat : Plague (C) Epidemic : Bacteria (D) Cholera : Water (E) Medicine : Disease Ans : (D) 57. Paisa : Rupee :: (A) Kilogram : Quintal (B) Metre : Centimetre (C) Coin : Money (D) Weight : Ton (E) Rupee : Wealth Ans : (A) 58. Poet : Verse :: (A) Prose : Novelist (B) Author : Book (C) Novel : Prose (D) Publication : Editor (E) Summary : Paraphrase Ans : (B) 59. Water : Thirst :: (A) Food : Hunger (B) Sun : Energy (C) Appetite : Meal (D) Ice-cream : Cold (E) Poison : Death Ans : (A) 60. Pulp : Paper :: (A) Wood : Table (B) Cloth : Shirt (C) Yarn : Fabric (D) Iron : Steel (E) Wood : Sawdust Ans : (C) Directions—(Q. 61–70) For each of the following questions, there are two words and eight alternative answers. Then find out two such alternatives the relation in which is the same as in the two words given in the beginning. 61. Trees and Forest (A) Ocean (B) Page (C) Books (D) Study (E) Library (F) Ship (G) Boys (H) Classes Ans : (C, E) 62. Constable and Police (A) Clerk (B) Hospital (C) Medicine (D) Mother (E) Girl (F) Doctor (G) File (H) House Ans : (B, F) 63. Brother-in-law and Sister (A) I (B) Youth (C) Female-companion (D) Wife (E) My (F) Beautiful Woman (G) Damsel (H) Sister-in-law Ans : (B, G) 64. Cold and Hot (A) January (B) Monday (C) Year(D) June (E) March (F) Thursday (G) Month (H) August Ans : (A, D) 65. High and Low (A) Far (B) Rent (C) Next (D) Near (E) Distance (F) Fair (G) Last (H) Clean Ans : (A, D) 66. Unsuccess and Laziness (A) Study (B) Success (C) Day (D) School (E) Labour (F) Lazy (G) Game (H) Honesty Ans : (E, B) 67. Car and Garage (A) Horse (B) Grass (C) Bird (D) Water (E) Man (F) Stable (G) Animal (H) Hive Ans : (A, F) 68. Hand and Fingers (A) Foot (B) Eyes (C) Hat (D) Teeth (E) Head (F) Stomach (G) Nose (H) Hair Ans : (E, H) 69. Oxygen and Man (A) Petrol (B) Stool (C) Carpenter (D) Sky (E) Driver (F) Wood (G) Water (H) Fish Ans : (G, H) 70. Neat and Clean (A) Dirty (B) Tidy (C) Route (D) White (E) Wise (F) Ravi (G) Foul (H) Beauty Ans : (A, G) Directions—(Q.71–75) In each of the following two columns, the groups of three words are given. Compare two columns and find the pairs given below each question, which satisfy the same relationship between the two groups of that pair. Column I (A) Cereal, Wheat, Tomato (B) Seeds, Apple, Fruit (C) Mother, Sister, Female (D) Teacher, Writer, Speaker (E) Stool, Furniture, Table Column II (P) Apple, Banana, Fruit (Q) Wheat, Barley, Cereals (R) Doctor, Painter, Father (S) Cow, Mammal, Animal (I) Soldier, Army, Civilian 71. (A) BP (B) AQ (C) CR (D) EP Ans : (D) 72. (A) BR (B) AT (C) CS (D) DP Ans : (C) 73. (A) DR (B) BR (C) ET (D) CS Ans : (A) 74. (A) BS (B) AT (C) AQ (D) DQ Ans : (B) 75. (A) CR (B) EQ (C) BQ (D) DS Ans : (B) 1. Piyush is 18th from either end of a row of boys. How many boys are there in that row ? (A) 26 (B) 32 (C) 24 (D) 35-Answer 2. ‘Medicine’ is related to ‘Patient’ in the same way as ‘Education’ is related to— (A) Teacher (B) School (C) Student (D) Tuition (C) As ‘Medicine’ is used by a ‘Patient’ in the same way ‘Education’ is used by a ‘Student’. 3. Fill in the missing letter in the following series— S, V, Y, B, ? (A) C (B) D (C) E-Answer (D) G 4. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ? 3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20 (A) 11 (B) 10 (C) 8 (D) 9-Answer 5. Select the correct option in place of the question mark— AOP, CQR, EST, GUV, ? (A) IYZ (B) HWX (C) IWX-Answer (D) JWX 6. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ? 1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ? (A) 48 (B) 49-Answer (C) 52 (D) 56 7. In a class of 60 where boys are twice that of girls, Raman ranked 17th from the top. If there are 9 boys ahead of Raman, how many girls are after her in the rank ? (A) 26 (B) 12-Answer (C) 10 (D) 33 8. If ‘BOAT’ is written as ‘YLZG’ in a code language how is ‘EGG’ to be written in the same language ? (A) VSS (B) URR (C) VTT-Answer (D) UTT 9. In a code language SINGER is written as AIBCED then GINGER will be written in the same code as— (A) CBIECD (B) CIBCED-Answer (C) CBICED (D) CIBECD 10. If BAT is coded as 283, CAT is coded as 383 and ARE is coded as 801, then the code for BETTER is— (A) 213310-Answer (B) 213301 (C) 123301 (D) 012334 11. If water is called black, black is called tree, tree is called blue, blue is called rain, rain is called pink and pink is called fish in a certain language then what is the colour of sky called in that language ? (A) Blue (B) Fish (C) Rain-Answer (D) Pink 12. A man walks 3 km northwards and then turns left and goes 2 km. He again turns left and goes 3 km. He turns right and walks straight. In which direction he is walking now ? (A) East-Answer (B) West (C) North (D) South 13. One morning after sunrise Vikas and Shanu were standing in a lawn with their back towards each other. Vikas’s shadow fell exactly towards left-hand side. Which direction Shanu was facing ? (A) East (B) West (C) North (D) South-Answer 14. Neelam is taller than Paumpi but not as tall as Mihir. Roma is taller than Namarata but not as tall as Paumpi. Who among them is the tallest ? (A) Mihir Answer (B) Paumpi (C) Namarata (D) Neelam Answer-Mihir > Neelam > Paumpi > Roma > Namrata = The tallest is Mihir. 15. In an examination Raja got more marks than Mohit but not as many as Minal. Minal got more marks than Suresh and Rupali. Suresh got less marks than Mohit but his marks are not the lowest in the group. Who is second in the descending order of marks ? (A) Minal (B) Rupali (C) Raja (D) None of these Answer(C) Minal > Raja > Mohit > Suresh > Rupali 16. Pointing to a photograph of a girl, Raja said “She has no sister or daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother’’. How is the girl in the photograph related with Raja’s mother ? (A) Sister in law (B) Grand Daughter (C) Daughter in law (D) None of these Answer-The girl in the photograph is the daughter of Raja’s sister. Hence the girl is grand daughter of Raja’s mother. 17. If Suyash’s father is Babloo’s father’s only son and Babloo has neither a brother nor a daughter. What is the relationship between Suyash and Babloo ? (A) Uncle–Nephew (B) Father–Daughter (C) Father–Son (D) Grandfather–Grandson Answer (C) Suyash is the son of Babloo. 18. An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a weekday. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. The senior clerk next day evening put up the application to the desk officer. Desk officer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day, i.e., Friday. Which day the application was received by the inward clerk ? (A) Tuesday (B) Earlier week’s Saturday (C) Wednesday (D) Monday Answer-(C) The desk officer received the application on Friday. Hence the senior clerk received it on Thursday and the inward clerk received the application on Wednesday. 19. Flight to Mumbai leaves every 5 hours. At the information counter I learnt that the flight took off 25 minutes before. If the time now is 10 : 45 a.m., what is the time for the next flight ? (A) 2 : 20 a.m. (B) 3 : 30 a.m. (C) 3 : 55 p.m. (D) 3 : 20 p.m. Answer-(D) The time for the next flight= 10·45 – 0·25 + 5·00= 15·20 = 3 : 20 p.m. 20. Babloo ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. 6 boys did not participate in the competition and 5 failed in the examination. How many boys were there in that class ? (A) 44 (B) 40 (C) 50 (D) 55 Answer- (D) Number of boys in the class= (16 + 29 – 1) + 6 + 5 = 55 21. Indra is 7th from the left and Jaya is 5th from the right. When they interchange their position Jaya becomes 19th from the right. What is Indra’s position from the left ? (A) 21st-Answer (B) 19th (C) 23rd (D) 20th 22. If EARTHQUAKE is coded as MOGPENJOSM then EQUATE will be coded as— (A) MENOPM (B) MENOMP (C) NJOGPM (D) MNJOPM-Answer 23. If COUNTRY is coded in certain way as EMWLVPA, ELECTORATE will be coded in the same manner as— (A) CJCEFQPYWC (B) CJGERQTYVG (C) CNCERQPCRG (D) GJGAVMTYVC-Answer 24. ‘Air’ is to ‘Bird’ as ‘Water’ is to… (A) Drink (B) Fish (C) Wash (D) Swim Answer-(B) As ‘Bird’ flies in ‘Air’ similarly ‘Fish’ swims in ‘Water’. 25. ‘Pencil’ is to ‘Write’ as ‘Knife’ is to ………. (A) Injure (B) Peel (C) Prick (D) Attack Answer -(D) As ‘Pencil’ is used to ‘Write’ similarly ‘Knife’ is used to ‘Attack’. Reasoning Ability Test question and answers for LIC,IBPS bank PO UPSC CDS,SCRA SSB,SSC......practice questions,LIC model questions for practice,LIC reasoning aptitude general awareness questions for practice Directions?(Q. 1?5) For each of the following questions there is some relationship between the two terms to the leftof :: and the same relationship obtains between the two terms to its right. In each of thesequestions the fourth term is missing. This term is one of the alternatives among the five terms given below. Find out this term. 1. ABCD is related to BEGI in the same way as BCDE is relatedto ... ? (A) ADFH (B) CFHJ (C) CDEF (D) CEGI Ans : (B) 2. ABEF is related to BCFG in the same way as GHKL is relatedto ... ? (A) FGKJ (B) HILM (C) HIKJ (D) HIML Ans : (B) 3. BYCX is related to AZDW in the same way as DWEV is relatedto ... ? (A) CEXV (B) CXFU (C) EVFU (D) EWCX Ans : (B) 4. 'CIRCLE' is related to 'RICELC' in the same way as 'SQUARE' is related to? (A) UQSERA (B) QUSERA (C) UQSAER (D) QSUERA Ans : (A) 5. 'JKLM' is related to 'XYZA' in the same way as 'NOPQ' is related to? (A) RSTU (B) YZAB (C) DEFG (D) BCDE Ans : (D) Directions?(Q. 6?15) Each of the following questions has four alternative responses. Select the correct response. 6. Which one of the following is same as liver, heart, kidney? (A) Nose (B) Blood (C) Urine (D) Lung Ans : (D) 7. Which one of the following is same as uncle, aunt, brother? (A) Child (B) Boy (C) Adult (D) Nephew Ans : (D) 8. Which one of the following is same as Jute, Cotton,Wool ? (A) Nylon (B) Rayon (C) Silk (D) Terylene Ans : (C) 9. Which one of the following is same aslead, convince, allure? (A) Direct (B) Order (C) Initiate (D) Fascinate Ans : (D) 10. Which one of the following is same as flood, fire, cyclone? (A) Accident (B) Rain (C) Earthquake (D) Damage Ans : (C) 11. Which one of the following is same ascarpenter, plumber, electrician ? (A) Doctor (B) Blacksmith (C) Teacher (D) Lawyer Ans : (B) 12. Which one of the following is same as cork, plug,dam ? (A) Obstruction (B) Drain (C) Pipe (D) Tap Ans : (A) 13. Which one of the following is same as red, yellow, blue? (A) Sky (B) Dark (C) Green (D) Bright Ans : (C) 14. Which one of the following is same as desire, wish,want ? (A) Pleasant (B) Feel (C) Anxiety (D) Satisfy Ans : (C) 15. Which one of the following is same as ohm, volt, amp. ? (A) Light (B) Metre (C) Hour (D) Watt Ans : (D) Directions?(Q. 16?20) In each of the sentences given below, there are two questions marks given one in the beginning and the other at the end. To fill up the question marks, there are few alternatives. Choose the correct alternative. 16. ( ? ) is related to Masculine in the same way Woman is relatedto ? (A) Disguise, Modest (B) Capacity, Woman (C) Man, Feminine (D) Brave, Mrs. Ans : (C) 17. ( ? ) is to Sky as Fish isto ? (A) Blue, Swim (B) Bird, Water (C) Open, Hook (D) Tree, Colour Ans : (B) 18. ( ? ) is to Uncle as Mother isto ? (A) Brother, Brought-up (B) Father, Aunt (C) Cousin, Beautiful (D) Aunt, Father Ans : (D) 19. ( ? ) is to Sri Lanka as Delhi isto ? (A) Columbo, India (B) Kathmandu, Capital (C) India, Paris (D) Island, Harbour Ans : (D) 20. ( ? ) is to Ivory as Deer isto ? (A) White, Hunt (B) Elephant, Horn (C) Huge, Rare (D) Costly, Scarce Ans : (B) Directions?From questions 21 to 25 fill the correct pair in place of question marks. 21. Table is to ( ? ) as Cup isto ? (A) Furniture, Tea (B) Student, Horse (C) Wood, Hot (D) Chair, Plate Ans : (D) 22. Sugar is to ( ? ) asMava is to ? (A) Sweet, Sour (B) Energy, Machine (C) Sugarcane, Milk (D) White, Sweet Ans : (C) 23. ( ? ) is to Sun as Rain isto ? (A) Moon, Rainbow (B) Light, Cloud (C) Sky, Wet (D) Day, Night Ans : (B) 24. ( ? ) is to Brain as Mouth isto ? (A) Skull, Tongue (B) Hat, Lips (C) Hair, Voice (D) Turban, Saliva Ans : (A) 25. ( ? ) is to Touch as Ear isto ? (A) Hand, Know (B) Experience, Feeling (C) Skin, Hear (D) Hair, Dirt Ans : (C) Directions?(Q. 26?30) In Column I are listed certain groups of individuals while in Column II are listed some of the characteristics against each group of individuals which are common to each member of that group. Column I Column II FHI J TW IJK PT IJLM SUW GHIK M RV GHI QRV FGI PR HIJ QTW IJL QSUW GIJ PQS 26. Which individualhas all the above characteristics? (A) J (B) I (C) H (D) M Ans : (B) 27. Which characteristics are found either in J or in K or in both but in M? (A) P, Q, T (B) P, Q, R, S (C) Q, R, S, T (D) U, V, T Ans : (A) 28. Which Characteristics is common to G and H but not in M? (A) S (B) B (C) Q (D) R Ans : (C) 29. Which Characteristics are common to H and J but not in K? (A) P, Q (B) Q, W (C) Q, R (D) R, W Ans : (B) 30. Which Characteristics is not found either in F or in L or in both? (A) Q (B) U (C) S (D) V Ans : (D) Directions?(Q. 31?35) In each of the following question, three words are given with four alternatives. One of the four alternatives is same as the three words given in beginning. Then find out the correct alternative answer. 31. Which oneis the same as Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin ? (A) Delhi (B) Kanpur (C) Chennai (D) Sholapur Ans : (C) 32. Which oneis the same as Coal, Ebony and Soot? (A) Blush (B) Raven (C) Ash (D) Rust Ans : (C) 33. Which oneis the same as Basket, Pail and Pan ? (A) Knife (B) Spoon (C) Fork (D) Bowl Ans : (D) 34. Which oneis the same as Emancipate, Free and Release? (A) Ignore (B) Pardon (C) Liberate (D) Quit Ans : (C) 35. Which oneis the same as Daisy, Pansy and Rose? (A) Bed (B) Violet (C) Plant (D) Red Ans : (C) Directions?Find out the correct answer in each of the questions from 36 to 40. 36. Which oneis the same as Arid, Parched and Droughty ? (A) Draft (B) Cow (C) Earth (D) Dry Ans : (D) 37. Which one is the same as Grandfather, Father and Brother? (A) Baby (B) Father-in-law (C) Son (D) Son-in-law Ans : (C) 38. Which one is the same as Yellow, Orange and Green? (A) Tree (B) Purple (C) Grass (D) Leaf Ans : (B) 39. Which one is the same as Lungs, Liver and Kidneys? (A) Heart (B) Intestines (C) Testis (D) Neck Ans : (A) 40. Which one is the same as Lock, Shut and Fasten? (A) Window (B) Door (C) Block (D) Iron Ans : (C) Directions?(Q. 41?45) In each of the following questions, three words are given. Under them four alternatives are provided, one of which expresses most effectively the general characteristic if these three words. That alternative is your answer. 41. Aeroplane, Train, Truck (A) Speed (B) Rooms (C) Wheels (D) Transport Ans : (D) 42. Wolf, Leopard, Deer (A) Meat eater (B) Jungles (C) Mammals (D) Cruel Ans : (C) 43. Sword, Gun, Pistol (A) Arms (B) Constable (C) Bullet (D) War Ans : (A) 44. Fraud, Jealously, Hatred (A) Destruction (B) Envy (C) Human Characteristics (D) Quality Ans : (C) 45. Novel, Epic, Drama (A) Subject (B) Literature (C) Poetry (D) Knowledge Ans : (B) Directions?(Q. 46?50) In each of the following questions, three words are given. They are followed by four words, one of which stands for the class to which these three words belong. Identify that word. 46. Wheat, Barley, Rice (A) Food (B) Gram (C) Cereal (D) Agriculture Ans : (C) 47. Coal, Iron, Mica (A) Rock (B) Minerals (C) Gold (D) Earth Ans : (B) 48. Honesty, Credibility, Reliability (A) Quality (B) Dependability (C) Charter (D) Nicety Ans : (A) 49. Cap, Coat, Trousers (A) Smart (B) Shirt (C) Dress (D) Tailor Ans : (C) 50. Stool, Table, Chair (A) Bench (B) Furniture (C) Carpet (D) Office Ans : (B) Directions?(Q. 51?60) For each of the following questions, there are two words and five alternative answers. In each of the alternative answers there are two words. Then find out the alternative whose two words have the same relation as in the two words given in question. 51. Resignation : Office :: (A) Competition : Game (B) Illness : Hospital (C) Abdication : Throne (D) Moisture : Rain (E) Appointment : Interview Ans : (C) 52. Bunch : Key :: (A) Hound : Pack (B) Team : Competition (C) Beehive : Bee (D) Examination : Subject (E) Bouquet : Flower Ans : (E) 53. Profit : Loss :: (A) Success : Failure (B) Rupee : Paisa (C) Whole : Part (D) Multiplication : Addition (E) Adult : Child Ans : (A) 54. Sapling : Tree :: (A) Horse : Mare (B) Student: Teacher (C) Bud : Flower (D) Tree : Furniture (E) River : Brook Ans : (C) 55. Supervisor : Worker :: (A) Junior : Senior (B) Superior : Inferior (C) Elder : Younger (D) Debtor : Creditor (E) Officer : Clerk Ans : (E) 56. Malaria : Mosquito :: (A) Poison : Death (B) Rat : Plague (C) Epidemic : Bacteria (D) Cholera : Water (E) Medicine : Disease Ans : (D) 57. Paisa : Rupee :: (A) Kilogram : Quintal (B) Metre : Centimetre (C) Coin : Money (D) Weight : Ton (E) Rupee : Wealth Ans : (A) 58. Poet : Verse :: (A) Prose : Novelist (B) Author : Book (C) Novel : Prose (D) Publication : Editor (E) Summary : Paraphrase Ans : (B) 59. Water : Thirst :: (A) Food : Hunger (B) Sun : Energy (C) Appetite : Meal (D) Ice-cream : Cold (E) Poison : Death Ans : (A) 60. Pulp : Paper :: (A) Wood : Table (B) Cloth : Shirt (C) Yarn : Fabric (D) Iron : Steel (E) Wood : Sawdust Ans : (C) Directions?(Q. 61?70) For each of the following questions, there are two words and eight alternative answers. Then find out two such alternatives the relation in which is the same as in the two words given in the beginning. 61. Trees and Forest (A) Ocean (B) Page (C) Books (D) Study (E) Library (F) Ship (G) Boys (H) Classes Ans : (C, E) 62. Constable and Police (A) Clerk (B) Hospital (C) Medicine (D) Mother (E) Girl (F) Doctor (G) File (H) House Ans : (B, F) 63. Brother-in-law and Sister (A) I (B) Youth (C) Female-companion (D) Wife (E) My (F) Beautiful Woman (G) Damsel (H) Sister-in-law Ans : (B, G) 64. Cold and Hot (A) January (B) Monday (C) Year(D) June (E) March (F) Thursday (G) Month (H) August Ans : (A, D) 65. High and Low (A) Far (B) Rent (C) Next (D) Near (E) Distance (F) Fair (G) Last (H) Clean Ans : (A, D) 66. Unsuccess and Laziness (A) Study (B) Success (C) Day (D) School (E) Labour (F) Lazy (G) Game (H) Honesty Ans : (E, B) 67. Car and Garage (A) Horse (B) Grass (C) Bird (D) Water (E) Man (F) Stable (G) Animal (H) Hive Ans : (A, F) 68. Hand and Fingers (A) Foot (B) Eyes (C) Hat (D) Teeth (E) Head (F) Stomach (G) Nose (H) Hair Ans : (E, H) 69. Oxygen and Man (A) Petrol (B) Stool (C) Carpenter (D) Sky (E) Driver (F) Wood (G) Water (H) Fish Ans : (G, H) 70. Neat and Clean (A) Dirty (B) Tidy (C) Route (D) White (E) Wise (F) Ravi (G) Foul (H) Beauty Ans : (A, G) Directions?(Q.71?75) In each of the following two columns, the groups of three words are given. Compare two columns and find the pairs given below each question, which satisfy the same relationship between the two groups of that pair. Column I (A) Cereal, Wheat, Tomato (B) Seeds, Apple, Fruit (C) Mother, Sister, Female (D) Teacher, Writer, Speaker (E) Stool, Furniture, Table Column II (P) Apple, Banana, Fruit (Q) Wheat, Barley, Cereals (R) Doctor, Painter, Father (S) Cow, Mammal, Animal (I) Soldier, Army, Civilian 71. (A) BP (B) AQ (C) CR (D) EP Ans : (D) 72. (A) BR (B) AT (C) CS (D) DP Ans : (C) 73. (A) DR (B) BR (C) ET (D) CS Ans : (A) 74. (A) BS (B) AT (C) AQ (D) DQ Ans : (B) 75. (A) CR (B) EQ (C) BQ (D) DS Ans : (B) 1. Piyush is 18th from either end of a row of boys. How many boys are there in that row ? (A) 26 (B) 32 (C) 24 (D) 35-Answer 2. ?Medicine? is related to ?Patient? in the same way as ?Education? is related to? (A) Teacher (B) School (C) Student (D) Tuition (C) As ?Medicine? is used by a ?Patient? in the same way ?Education? is used by a ?Student?. 3. Fill in the missing letter in the following series? S, V, Y, B, ? (A) C (B) D (C) E-Answer (D) G 4. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ? 3, 8, 6, 14, ?, 20 (A) 11 (B) 10 (C) 8 (D) 9-Answer 5. Select the correct option in place of the question mark? AOP, CQR, EST, GUV, ? (A) IYZ (B) HWX (C) IWX-Answer (D) JWX 6. What should come in the place of question mark in the following series ? 1, 4, 9, 25, 36, ? (A) 48 (B) 49-Answer (C) 52 (D) 56 7. In a class of 60 where boys are twice that of girls, Raman ranked 17th from the top. If there are 9 boys ahead of Raman, how many girls are after her in the rank ? (A) 26 (B) 12-Answer (C) 10 (D) 33 8. If ?BOAT? is written as ?YLZG? in a code language how is ?EGG? to be written in the same language ? (A) VSS (B) URR (C) VTT-Answer (D) UTT 9. In a code language SINGER is written as AIBCED then GINGER will be written in the same code as? (A) CBIECD (B) CIBCED-Answer (C) CBICED (D) CIBECD 10. If BAT is coded as 283, CAT is coded as 383 and ARE is coded as 801, then the code for BETTER is? (A) 213310-Answer (B) 213301 (C) 123301 (D) 012334 11. If water is called black, black is called tree, tree is called blue, blue is called rain, rain is called pink and pink is called fish in a certain language then what is the colour of sky called in that language ? (A) Blue (B) Fish (C) Rain-Answer (D) Pink 12. A man walks 3 km northwards and then turns left and goes 2 km. He again turns left and goes 3 km. He turns right and walks straight. In which direction he is walking now ? (A) East-Answer (B) West (C) North (D) South 13. One morning after sunrise Vikas and Shanu were standing in a lawn with their back towards each other. Vikas?s shadow fell exactly towards left-hand side. Which direction Shanu was facing ? (A) East (B) West (C) North (D) South-Answer 14. Neelam is taller than Paumpi but not as tall as Mihir. Roma is taller than Namarata but not as tall as Paumpi. Who among them is the tallest ? (A) Mihir Answer (B) Paumpi (C) Namarata (D) Neelam Answer-Mihir > Neelam > Paumpi > Roma > Namrata = The tallest is Mihir. 15. In an examination Raja got more marks than Mohit but not as many as Minal. Minal got more marks than Suresh and Rupali. Suresh got less marks than Mohit but his marks are not the lowest in the group. Who is second in the descending order of marks ? (A) Minal (B) Rupali (C) Raja (D) None of these Answer(C) Minal > Raja > Mohit > Suresh > Rupali 16. Pointing to a photograph of a girl, Raja said ?She has no sister or daughter but her mother is the only daughter of my mother??. How is the girl in the photograph related with Raja?s mother ? (A) Sister in law (B) Grand Daughter (C) Daughter in law (D) None of these Answer-The girl in the photograph is the daughter of Raja?s sister. Hence the girl is grand daughter of Raja?s mother. 17. If Suyash?s father is Babloo?s father?s only son and Babloo has neither a brother nor a daughter. What is the relationship between Suyash and Babloo ? (A) Uncle?Nephew (B) Father?Daughter (C) Father?Son (D) Grandfather?Grandson Answer (C) Suyash is the son of Babloo. 18. An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a weekday. Next day he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. The senior clerk next day evening put up the application to the desk officer. Desk officer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day, i.e., Friday. Which day the application was received by the inward clerk ? (A) Tuesday (B) Earlier week?s Saturday (C) Wednesday (D) Monday Answer-(C) The desk officer received the application on Friday. Hence the senior clerk received it on Thursday and the inward clerk received the application on Wednesday. 19. Flight to Mumbai leaves every 5 hours. At the information counter I learnt that the flight took off 25 minutes before. If the time now is 10 : 45 a.m., what is the time for the next flight ? (A) 2 : 20 a.m. (B) 3 : 30 a.m. (C) 3 : 55 p.m. (D) 3 : 20 p.m. Answer-(D) The time for the next flight= 10·45 ? 0·25 + 5·00= 15·20 = 3 : 20 p.m. 20. Babloo ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. 6 boys did not participate in the competition and 5 failed in the examination. How many boys were there in that class ? (A) 44 (B) 40 (C) 50 (D) 55 Answer- (D) Number of boys in the class= (16 + 29 ? 1) + 6 + 5 = 55 21. Indra is 7th from the left and Jaya is 5th from the right. When they interchange their position Jaya becomes 19th from the right. What is Indra?s position from the left ? (A) 21st-Answer (B) 19th (C) 23rd (D) 20th 22. If EARTHQUAKE is coded as MOGPENJOSM then EQUATE will be coded as? (A) MENOPM (B) MENOMP (C) NJOGPM (D) MNJOPM-Answer 23. If COUNTRY is coded in certain way as EMWLVPA, ELECTORATE will be coded in the same manner as? (A) CJCEFQPYWC (B) CJGERQTYVG (C) CNCERQPCRG (D) GJGAVMTYVC-Answer 24. ?Air? is to ?Bird? as ?Water? is to? (A) Drink (B) Fish (C) Wash (D) Swim Answer-(B) As ?Bird? flies in ?Air? similarly ?Fish? swims in ?Water?. 25. ?Pencil? is to ?Write? as ?Knife? is to ???. (A) Injure (B) Peel (C) Prick (D) Attack Answer -(D) As ?Pencil? is used to ?Write? similarly ?Knife? is used to ?Attack?. Placement Paper LIC Southern Zonal Office, Chennai SPECIAL RECRUITMENT DRIVE FOR SC/ST,Applications are invited from Indian Citizens belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes for appointment to fill up backlog vacancies in the post of Assistant for performing the duties of Assistant as well as of Cashier in Branch Offices of the Corporation under the Divisions/Zone,LIC model question papers for learn and practice,LIC largest collection of practice question papers Selection Procedure: (I) Written Test : (i) Applicants will have to appear for a written examination on Sunday, the 17th February 2013, at the centres that shall be allotted to them at their own expenses. The written examination will consist of two Papers: (A) Paper - I A rank determining Test of Objective Type (i) Numerical ability (ii) Reasoning ability (iii) General Knowledge/Awareness (iv) English language (B) Paper - II A qualifying Test of Descriptive Type:(Précis & Letter writing)in English AND(Essay writing) in Tamil (for State of Tamilnadu) in Malayalam (for State of Kerala) (ii) Candidates are required to pass in each test separately.Merit Order will be decided on the aggregate score obtained in Paper-I. (iii) Candidates successful in the written test will be called for interview. Final selection is on the basis of overall performance in the written test and interview. Further, the appointment of candidates will be subject to his/her being found medically fit in the pre-recruitment medical examination Exercise 1 1. Sanitation is related to Disease as ......... is to Accident. (a) Doctor (b) Hospital (c) Bandage (d) Cleanliness (e) Precaution (Ans) 2. Which of the following numbers in this row appears a second time nearest to the beginning ? 4 2 3 1 5 6 3 4 6 4 7 3 2 1 5 8 6 9 (a) 1 (b) 3 (Ans) (c) 5 (d) 2 (e) 6 3. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate word from amongst those given below. A young man is ......... wiser than his father. (a) never (b) rarely (Ans) (c) much (d) usually (e) always 4. One of the numbers in the following series is wrong. Which number is it ? 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 7 11 (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 7 (Ans) (d) 9 5. The first two statements given below are true. But the truth of falsehood of the third one is to be determined. All children in this class are good students. John is not a good student. Is john a member of this class ? (a) Yes (b) No (Ans) (c) Full details in not given (d) Difficult to say 6. A thermometer is related to Temperature as a Speedometer is to .............. . (a) Fast (b) Automobile (Ans) (c) Velocity (d) Time (e) Heat 7. Fill in the blanks with the help of the list of words given below so as to make reasonably correct statements. Women are ..................... shorter than their husbands. (a) usually (Ans) (b) much (c) always (d) never (e) rarely 8. Choose from amongst the words in brackets the one that is most nearly an Antonym of the first word in the sentence. Full is the Antonym of (a) Hollow (b) Light (c) Thin (d) Empty (Ans) 9. Dry is the Antonym of (a) Cold (b) Slim (c) Wet (Ans) (d) Flooded (e) Cloudy 10. Unaided is the Antonym of (a) Befriended (b) Helped (Ans) (c) Watched (d) Alone (e) Lonely 11. Unlike is the Antonym of (a) Similar (Ans) (b) Equal (c) Inseparable (d) Twin 12. Exceed is the Anonym of (a) Shame (b) Shrink (c) Just (d) Miss (e) Fall short of (Ans) 13. Allow is the Antonym of (a) Refuse (b) Deny (c) Forbid (Ans) (d) Punish 14. Common is the Antonym of (a) Strange (b) Rare (Ans) (c) Valuable (d) Peculiar 15. Grow is the Antonym of (a) Die (b) Return (c) Starve (d) Diminish (Ans) 16. Apology is the Antonym of (a) Refusal (b) Insult (Ans) (c) Satisfaction (d) Dissatisfaction 17. Complete is the Antonym of (a) Partial (Ans) (b) Empty (c) Small (d) Indefinite 18. Indicate whether the following are true or false. (a) Physics is a science (b) Jenner introduced vaccination (c) London is situated on the bank of Spruce (d) Smoke was coming out of the electric train (e) Congo is situated on the Nile Ans : a, b - True, c, d, e - False 19. Give the opposite (Antonym) of the following (a) Rise ___ (b) Credit ___ (c) High ___ (d) Multiply ___ (e) Take care ___ (f) Add ___ Ans : a - Fall b - Debit c - Low d - Divide e - Give f - Subtract 20. Supply the missing numbers. (a) 2 6 12 20 30 ? 56 (b) 1 4 9 16 25 ? 50 (c) 3 11 8 16 13 ? 18 (d) 38 35 31 26 20 ? 5 (e) 0 1 5 6 10 ? 15 Ans : a - 42 b - 37 c - 21 d - 13 e - 11 21. The spelling of the following words is jumbled up. Write them correctly so as to make them corresponding to the meaning given in the hints against each one of them (a) DHRULE (obstacle) (b) RPOEPLERL (A thing which rotates) (c) REVADISYT (Opposite of prosperity) (d) LABNEG (A province) (e) BLIRETY (freedom) (f) LNKEA (A part of body) (g) MARRAICH (furniture) (h) REPORT (A labourer) (i) RISTARAM (A famous city) (j) CANENIT (Relating to time) Ans : (a) Hurdle (b) Propeller (c) Adversity (d) Bengal (e) Liberty (f) Ankle (g) Armchair (h) Porter (i) Amritsar (j) Ancient 22. In case X, Y, Z are the first three letters of the alphabet draw a circle and write X on its right, otherwise write L, M, N. Ans : L, M, N 23. Draw three equal circles side by side. One the left side of the small circle on the left, rite the number of inched in a foot and on the right hand side of the right hand circle, write the digit which is wrong answer to twice 5. Ans : 20009 24. Choose from amongst the words in brackets the one that is either 'opposite' or as 'Nearly Opposite' in meaning to the word that is mentioned outside the brackets. i. Bitter (a) Sour (b) Sweet (c) Acid (d) Tart ii. Empty (a) Hungry (b) Nothing (c) Full (d) Thin iii. Slope (a) Slant (b) Slide (c) Level (d) Look iv. Liquid (a) Turpentine (b) Solid (c) Water (d) Food v. Smart (a) Popular (b) Sluggish (c) Ugly (d) Clean vi. Love (a) Cherish (b) Hate (c) Friend (d) Free vii. Smile (a) Laugh (b) Grown (c) Frown (d) Grin viii. Life (a) Zeal (b) Live (c) Death (d) Breath ix. Arrest (a) Police (b) Their (c) Release (d) Stop x. Float (a) Wood (b) Left (c) Swim (d) Sink Ans : (i) Sweet (ii) Full (iii) Level (iv) Solid (v) Ugly (vi) Hate (vii) Frown (viii) Death (ix) Release (x) Sink 25. The letters of the words in the following question are jumbled up. Find out the words and write it down correctly. (i) SBABELAL (ii) RAPORT (iii) ATORRC (iv) KRPEO (v) LAPEP (vi) TWIRAI (vii) WOELRF (viii) CAMERAI (ix) TAPOTSOE (x) ETA (xi) RENODM (xii) ENEK (xiii) RETHAF (xiv) SRITYAEVD (xv) EBRTILY Ans : (i) Baseball (ii) Parrot (iii) Carrot (iv) Poker (v) Apple (vi) Tiwari (vii) Flower (viii) America (ix) Potatoes (x) Tea (xi) Modern (xii) Knee (xiii) Father (xiv) Adversity (xv) Liberty 26. The following are pairs of words which have the same meaning. The letters of the words are however mixed up. rearranged them according to their correct spelling. (i) rdpo lfla (ii) hwirl pisn (iii) wrsam rwocd (iv) ylsa likll (v) tif lelw (vi) crepe rwlca (vii) neo igslen (viii) wifst uqick Ans : (i) drop fall (ii) whirl spin (iii) swarm crowd (iv) slay kill (v) fit well (vi) creep crawl (vii) one single (viii) swift quick 27. From out of the word in the brackets, choose one that would complete the comparisons. (i) Milk is to White as Sky is to (Green, Red, Pink, Blue) (ii) Wife is to Husband as Mare is to (King, Horse, Fish, Cow) (iii) P is to Q as R is to (L, M, B, S, A) (iv) 1/2 is to 1/4 as 1/8 is to (2, 1/16, 2/6, ) (v) Rich is to Wealthy as Mars is to (Sin, Planet, Wind, Seal) (vi) Stop is to Go as Smooth is to (Soft, Calm, Poor, Rough, Slow) (vii) Petal is to Flower as Arm is to (Weapon, Body, Law, Ear) (viii) Butter is to Bread as Bark is to (Skin, Shed, Tree, House) Ans : (i) Blue (ii) Horse (iii) S (iv) 1/16 (v) Planet (vi) Rough (vii) Body (viii) Tree 28. In the example given below, there is a word which does not belong to the Class. Spot out that word. (i) Bananas, Oranges, Apples, Cabbages, Plums (ii) Man, Boy, Woman, Husband, Father (iii) Arm, Leg, Ankle, Tooth, Wrist, Thigh (iv) Coat, Waistcoat, Trousers, Boost, Frock, Stockings (v) Bus, Taxi, Tram, Motor-car, Cradle Ans : (i) Cabbages (ii) Woman (iii) Wrist (iv) Boost (v) Cradle 29. In each group of numbers given below, fill in the missing digits. (i) 19 18 (ii) 9 18 27 36 45 ... (iii) 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 3 ... (iv) 3 4 6 7 9 10 12 ... (v) 1 8 7 2 9 6 3 10 5 ... Ans : (i) 17 (ii) 54 (iii) 4 (iv) 13 (v) 4 30. If Solider is to General, then Sailor is to (a) Ship (b) Admiral (Ans) (c) Submarine (d) Sea Ans : Sailor is to Admiral (it is lowest and highest rank in the Navy) 31. In a party consisted of a man and his wife, their two sons and their wives and four children of each son how many persons were there in all ? Ans : 14 32. Which one of the following statements corresponds more closely to the meaning of the proverb "An early bird catches the worm". (a) It is foolish to fret about things we cannot help. (b) Do not worry over troubles before they come. (c) Do not do the impossible. (d) Early birds like worms best. (Ans) (e) Prompt persons often secure advantages over lazy ones. 33. If 12 men can live on certain ration for 6 days, how long will it take 8 men to live on the same ration ? Ans : 9 days 34. Find the extra word in each one of the following lines. (a) Needle, Tackle, Nail, Knife, Pin (b) Feathers, Hair, Grass, Wool, Fur (c) Circle, Square, Triangle, Hexagon, Pentagon (d) Coke, Coal, Bread, Wood, Paper (e) Benevolence, Charity, Kindness, Affection, Hatred Ans : (a) Tackle (b) Grass (c) Circle (d) Paper (e) Hatred 35. Music is Harmonious, Noise is .................... (fill in the blanks with opposite meaning) Ans : Disharmonious 36. Ability is Native, Education is ................ Ans : Foreign 37. Most of the time he talks sense but sometimes he talks .............. Ans : Nonsense 38. Tortoise is slow but hare is .................... Ans : Fast 39. Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series ? 1-3-5-7-9-10-11-13 Ans : 10 40. Which one of the following is least like the other four ? Night watchman - Googly - Chinaman - In swinger - Castling Ans : Castling - All the other are used in Cricket except castling, it is used in Chess. 1. In a certain code language, WINDOW is coded as 452364, SHADE as 17839. Then HIDDEN is coded as ? (a) 763392 (b) 743392 (c) 765595 (d) 756696 (e) 753392 (Ans) 2. MANAGER is coded as 'klyzlmyzefcdpq', then TYPIST is coded as ? (a) rsxyxohgqrrs (b) rswxnoghqrrs (Ans) (c) stxyxohgqrrs (d) stwxuogwqrr (e) rswxxohgqrrs 3. ORANGE is coded as 'LOXKDB' then GRAPES is coded as ? (a) DOYMBP (b) DOXNBP (c) DOXMBP (Ans) (d) DPXMBP (e) DOXMBQ 4. Badminton' is coded as 'cricket'. 'cricket' is coded as 'volley ball'. 'volley ball' is coded as 'long jump'. 'Long jump' is coded as 'Hockey'. 'Hockey' is coded as 'running race'. 'Running race' is coded as 'badminton'. Then find the game which is played by two teams of six players each ? (a) Walleye ball (b) Hockey (c) Cricket (d) Running Race (e) Long jump (Ans) 5. MONEY is coded as 'Innpmodfxz' then RUPEE is coded as ? (a) qstvoqdfdf (Ans) (b) qsvtoqdtdf (c) qstvqodfdf (d) qstvoqtdfd (e) qstvoqtddf 6. 'NIGRE' is coded as 'ADOQC' then 'ENGINEER' is coded as ? (a) CAODCACQ (b) CADOACCQ (c) CAODACQC (d) CODACACQ (e) CAODACCQ (Ans) 7. 'hikmnlikml' is coded as 'she eats apples'. 'hiksrtwikml' is coded as 'she cooks food' then what is code for 'she eats food' ? (a) hikmnlikml (Ans) (b) ikmlbdcmnl (c) bdcmnlikml (d) mnlbdcikml (e) srtwhikikml 8. '3 4 5' is coded as 'Sunday is Holiday', '674' is coded as 'come on Sunday' 751 is coded as 'Holiday will come'. Then what is the coded for 'is' ? (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 3 (Ans) (e) 6 9. 'LEAVE HIM' is coded as 'JCYTC FGK' 'CATCH URGENTLY' is coded as ? (a) AXRYG SPECLRJW (b) AYRAF SPECLRJW (Ans) (c) AXRYF SPECMRJW (d) AYRAF SRDCLPJW (e) AYRAG SPDCLRJW 10. 'DANCE' is coded as '12345' and 'DANGER' is coded as '123657'. Then 'EAGERED' is coded as ? (a) 5465751 (b) 5275651 (c) 5365751 (d) 5265751 (Ans) (e) 5635751 11. 'SURVEY' is coded as 'TTSUFX' then 'WISDOM' is coded as ? (a) XHTCPL (Ans) (b) XHTEPL (c) XHRCPL (d) XHTCNL (e) XHTCPN 12. 'WISE MAN' is coded as '1324 658' 'WINTER' is coded as '138749' then 'SAME WATER' is coded as ? (a) 2764 15849 (b) 2764 (c) 2563 15849 (d) 2456 15749 (e) 2564 15749 (Ans) 13. 'mouse' is called 'keyboard', 'keyboard' is called 'CPU', 'CPU' is called 'monitor', 'monitor' is called 'UPS' is called 'floppy'. Then find the article which is useful in entering inputs ? (a) mouse (b) keyboard (c) monitor (d) UPS (e) CPU (Ans) 14. '456' means 'she is beautiful'. '632' means 'He is handsome'. '517' means 'She works hard"., '486' means 'flower is beautiful'. Then find the code for the words 'flower'. (a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 2 (e) 8 (Ans) 15. 'ROUGH' is coded as '45312', 'SAME' is coded as '7698'. Then 'MOUSE' coded as ? (a) 95387 (b) 95378 (Ans) (c) 95738 (d) 93587 (e) 59387 16. 'pqostygxmnlia' is coded as 'manager is there' 'xyrskixtygx' is coded as 'clerk is here'. 'ygxsrtvpqst' is coded as 'manager is genius'. Then 'there' is coded as ? (a) xyrs (b) kixt (c) ygx (d) mnlia (Ans) 17. 'Trees' are called 'Birds', 'Birds' are called 'creatures' 'creatures' are called 'snakes', 'snakes' are called 'tortoises', 'tortoises' are called 'hares'. 'Hares' are called 'Hens'. Then find which do not move from one place to another ? (a) tortoise (b) Hares (c) Birds (Ans) (d) Snakes (e) Creatures 18. 'Lions' are called 'Tigers'. 'Tigers' are called 'Bear'. 'Bear' are called 'Donkeys'. 'Donkeys' are called 'foxes'. 'foxes' are called 'leopards'. 'leopards' are called 'Tigers'. Then find the animal which has more hair ? (a) Lions (b) Donkeys (Ans) (c) Tigers (d) Deer (e) leopard 19. 'Kings' are 'Queens', 'Queens' are 'Aces', 'Aces' are 'Jacks', 'Jacks' are 'Spades', 'Spades' are 'Diamonds'. 'Diamonds' are called 'Kings', Who is the lady supreme in the kingdom ? (a) Aces (Ans) (b) Diamonds (c) Kings (d) Queens (e) Jacks 20. 'Doors' are 'Mats'. 'Mats' are 'Walls', 'Walls' are 'Floors', 'Floors' are 'Windows', 'Windows' are 'Grills', 'Grills' are 'Beams' 'Beams' are 'Doors'. The find which is covered by carpet ? (a) Door (b) mat (c) wall (d) floor (e) window (Ans) Exercise 3 U is towards East from T and R. But T is towards West from R and U. S is located at North-West when we observe from R. And V is located at South-West when we observe from U. P is located at East when we observe from S. U is towards South from P. 1. Find the direction of T from P ? (a) South-West (Ans) (b) West (c) West-East (d) South (e) North 2. Find the direction of S from T ? (a) South-East (b) North-East (Ans) (c) North (d) South (e) East 3. Find the direction of U from V ? (a) North (b) North-East (Ans) (c) South-East (d) South (e) West 4. Find the direction of V from P ? (a) North (b) West-North (c) West-South (d) North-East (e) South-East (Ans) 5. Find the direction of T from P ? (a) South-West (Ans) (b) West (c) West-East (d) South (e) North 6. Find the direction of T from S ? (a) South-West (Ans) (b) North-East (c) North (d) South (e) East 7. Find the direction of U from V ? (a) North (b) North-East (Ans) (c) South-East (d) South (e) West 8. Find the direction of V from S ? (a) North (b) West-North (c) West-South (d) North-East (e) South-East (Ans) 9. A man walks 10 km towards East, then turns 600 angle left walks 6 km and turns right walks 5 km, and turns 300 angle right and walks 4 km. Then find in which direction he is from the starting point ? (a) North-East (Ans) (b) North-West (c) South-East (d) South-West (e) North 10. A man walks 4 km towards Nand turns right walks 7 km turns right walks 4 km and turns left walks 9 km, turns left and walks 4 km then turns right walks 6 km and turns right walks 4 km. Find the distance he is form the starting point and in which direction is he from the starting point ? (a) 20 km, West (b) 22 km, East (Ans) (c) 32 km South (d) 22 km, South (e) 22 Km, North 11. A person walks 7 km towards South and turns right; walks 3 km and turns left walks 13 km and then he turns left walks 3 km and turns right walks 4 km and turns left walks 4 km and then right walks 6 km and turns right walks 4 km, then find in which direction is he from the starting point and find the distance of him, from the starting point ? (a) South, 23 km (b) East, 23 km (c) South, 30 km (Ans) (d) North, 23 km (e) North, 30 km 12. A man walks 3.5 km towards East, then turns right walks 2.5 km, turns left walks 4 km, turns right walks 3 km, turns right walks 7.5 km, turns left walks 5.5 km. Then find the distance and direction is he from the starting point to the finally reached point ? (a) 12 km, North (b) 11 km, South (Ans) (c) 12 km, South (d) 10.5 km, North (e) 10.5 km, South 13. A man walks 9 km towards East and turns right and walks 2 km and then turns right and walks 3 km and turns left walks 4 km. Then find the direction of the starting point from the finally reached point and also find the distance from the starting point ? (a) North, 7 km (b) South-East, 6 km (Ans) (c) North-West, 5 km (d) South-West, 5 km (e) North-East, 5 km 14. A man walks 7 km towards South, then he turns left with 600 and walks 15 km, then turns right and walks 12 km, then turns right and walks 15 km, then turns left and walks 5 km. Then find the direction he is from the starting point? (a) South-East (b) South (Ans) (c) East (d) North (e) West 15. A girl walks 25 metre towards East, then she turns right walks 45 metre and turns right and walks 25 metre right and turns right and walks 78 metre. Then find the distance of her from the starting point and find the direction of her from the starting point ? (a) 33 m, South (b) 33 m, North (Ans) (c) 45 m, North (d) 25 m, North (e) 78 m, North Placement Paper LIC aptitude, reasoning and verbal ability questions for practice,LIC model question papers LIC general awareness question for learn and practice, London Olympics 2012 Multiple choice questions with answers, Sports 2012 gk questions with answers LIC Part -1- English question for practice Directions (For Questions 1 to 4): In these questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which express the correct meaning of the given word printed in bold. 1. Encompassing a) Surrounding b) Incorporating (Ans) c) Enveloping d) Accepting 2. Prudence a) Wisdom (Ans) b) Gentleness c) Providence d) Pride 3. Fetter a) Restore b) Lavish c) Squander d) Chain (Ans) 4. Diligent a) Slack b) Steady c) Careful d) Laborious (Ans) Directions (For Question 5 and 6) : In these questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which is the most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold 5. Commendable a) Invaluable b) Undeserved c) Unreliable d) Unworthy (Ans) 6. Frugality a) Luxury b) Extravagance (Ans) c) Providence d) Familiarity 7. Substitute a single word for One who hates mankind a) Mercenary b) Philanthropist c) Neurotic d) Misanthropist (Ans) 8. Substitute a single word for 'Violation of something holy and sacred' a) Pollution b) Pilferage c) Sacrilege (Ans) d) Pittance 9. Fill in the blank with a suitable word He was apprised ......... the latest developments on the war front a) of (Ans) b) about c) on d) for 10. Find out the word which is spelt incorrect a) Proficient b) Efficient c) Sufficient d) Magnificient (Ans) Part II General Knowledge 11. The Chilka Lake liea in between the deltas of a) Ganga and Mahanadi b) Godavari and Krishna c) Mahanadi and Godavari (Ans) d) Krishna and Kaveri 12. The deficiency of which one of the following leads to dental caries? a) Zinc b) Iron c) Fluorine (Ans) d) Copper 13. Who built the Red Fort in Delhi? a) Aurangzed b) Shah Jahan (Ans) c) Jahangir d) Akbar 14. Which country has the world's youngest monarch? a) Togo b) Qatar c) Monaco d) Bhutan (Ans) 15. Which languages have recently been declared as classical languages? a) Kannada and Telugu (Ans) b) Tamil and Telugu c) Tamil and Marathi d) Bengali and Urdu 16. Who has written 'The White Tiger'? a) Jhumpa Lahiri b) Aravind Adiga (Ans) c) Kiran Desai d) Salman Rushdie 17. India is the ......... country to send a spacecraft to the moon a) 4th b) 5th c) 6th (Ans) d) 7th 18. The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology is located in a) Mumbai b) Kolkata c) Bengaluru d) Hyderabad (Ans) 19. The highest Civilian award of India, the 'Bharat Ratna' was last awarded to a) Pandit Bhimsen Joshi (Ans) b) Ustad Bismillah Khan c) Pandit Jasraj d) Ustad Zakir Hussain 20. Mr. Barack Hussein Obama is set to become the ..... President of the United States of America on 20th January 2009 a) 42nd b) 44th (Ans) c) 46th d) 48th 21. India has the ........ rank in teledensity in the world at present a) 1st b) 2nd (Ans) c) 3rd d) 4th 22. Where are Asiatic wild ass found a) Sikkim b) Assam c) Arunachal Pradesh d) Gujarat (Ans) 23. Which Article of the Indian Constitution includes the Fundamental Duties of the Indian Citizens a) Article 50 A b) Article 51 A (Ans) c) Article 52 A d) Article 53 A 24. Under the Indian Constitution, the power to issue a writ of 'Habeas corpus' is vested in a) Both Supreme Court and High Courts (Ans) b) Only High Courts c) Only Supreme Court d) All courts down to District Courts 25. During whose regime did the 'Cripps Mission' visit India a) Lord Wellington b) Lord Mountbatten c) Lord Wavell d) Lord Linlithgow (Ans) 26. Which of the following elements is not present in stainless steel? a) Chromium b) Iron c) Tungsten (Ans) d) Nickel 27. Which of the following wave lengths of light is absorbed maximum for photosynthesis a) Blue Light (Ans) b) Red Light c) Green Light d) Yellow Light 28. Inflation occurs when aggregate supply is a) Equal to aggregate demand b) More than aggregate demand c) Less than aggregate demand (Ans) d) None of the above 29. El Nino is a) A sea storm (Ans) b) A tropical disturbance c) a warm ocean current d) Another name of typhoon 30. Nuclear reactors used to produce electricity are based on? a) Cold Fusion b) Superconductivity c) Nuclear Fusion d) Nuclear Fission (Ans) 31. A car covers a distance of 200 kms in 2 hours 40 minutes, whereas a jeep covers the same distance in 2 hours. What is the ratio of their speeds? a) 3 : 4 (Ans) b) 4 : 3 c) 4 : 5 d) 5 : 4 32. In a certain code language CROWN is written as DPRSS. How will PRINT be written in that code language a) QTMJU b) QPLJY (Ans) c) QTLJO d) QTLKO 33. Which word cannot be made from the letters of following word: 'OBSTETRICIAN' a) SIREN b) TERMITE (Ans) c) RETAIN d) SOBER 34. Which one of the numbers is wrong in the following series? 4, 8, 7, 14, 12, 24, 19, 36, 28 a) 12 b) 24 (Ans) c) 28 d) 36 35. Starting from a point 'P' Dinesh walked 18 metres towards south. He turned to his left and walked 25 metres. He then turned to his left and walked 18 metres. He gain turned to his left and walked 35 metres and reached a point 'Q'. How far is Dinesh from the point 'P' and in which direction? a) 10 metres East b) 10 metres West (Ans) c) 35 metres West d) 10 metres South 36. Sun : Star :: a) Day : Night b) Lamp : Light c) Bed : Sleep d) Dove : Bird (Ans) 37. 'Hillock' is related to 'Mountains' in the same way as Bush is related to a) Ground b) Jungle (Ans) c) Plant d) Tree 38. Find the odd one out a) Swan (Ans) b) Vulture c) Ostrich d) Eagle 39. The total cost price of two watches is Rs.840. One is sold at a profit of 16% and other at a loss of 12%. There is no loss or gain in the whole transaction the cost price of the watch on which the shopkeeper gains is a) Rs.360 (Ans) b) Rs.370 c) Rs.380 d) Rs.390 40. If a person repaid Rs.22,500 after 10 years of borrowing a loan at 10% per annum simple interest find out what amount did he take as loan a) Rs.11,225 b) Rs.11,250 (Ans) c) Rs.10,000 d) Rs.7500 41. 'A, B' and 'C' entered into partnership 'A' invested Rs.2,560 and 'B' Rs. 2,000. At end of the year they gained Rs. 1,105 out of which 'A' got Rs.320, 'C's capital was a) Rs.4280 (Ans) b) Rs.2840 c) Rs.4820 d) Rs.4028 42. The average age of 24 boys and their teacher is 15 years. When the teachers age is excluded the average age decreases by one year. The age of the teacher is a) 38 years b) 39 years (Ans) c) 40 years d) 41 years 43. A tank can be filled by two pipe in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively. When the tank was empty the two pipes were opened. After sometime, the first pipe were opened. After sometime, the first pipe was stopped and the tank was filled in 18 minutes. After how much time of the start was the first pipe stopped a) 5 minutes b) 8 minutes (Ans) c) 10 minutes d) 12 minutes 44. Complete the following series : 380, 465, 557, 656, 762, 875 .... a) 995 (Ans) b) 992 c) 975 d) 985 45. Two trains are moving on two parallel tracks but in opposite directions. A person sitting in the train moving at the speed of 80 km/hr passes the second train in 18 seconds. If the length of the second train is 1000 metres, its speed is a) 100 km/hr b) 120 km/hr (Ans) c) 140 km/hr d) 160 km/hr 46. Fill in the blank BLOCKED : YOLXPVW :: ........?........ OZFMXS a) RESULT b) LAUNCH (Ans) c) LABOUR d) NAUGHT 47. If in a certain language PRIVATE is coded as 1234567 and RISK is coded as 2098 how is RIVETS coded in that language? a) 687543 b) 234769 (Ans) c) 496321 d) 246598 48. In an examination 65% of the total examinees passed. If the number of failures was 420 what was the total number of examinees? a) 1200 (Ans) b) 685 c) 690 d) 1000 49. Dr. Sharma bought a car and got 15% of its original price as dealers discount. He then sold it with 20% profit on his purchase price. What percentage profit did he get on the original price a) 2% (Ans) b) 12% c) 5% d) 17% 50. A and B together can complete a work in 8 days and B and C together in 12 days. All of the three together can complete the work in 6 days. In how much time can A and C together complete the work? a) 8 days (Ans) b) 10 days c) 12 days d) 14 days 1. Name the Indian High jumper who won a silver medal in (F42 single leg, amputations minimal disability category) at London Paralympics Games. (a) Girisha Hosanagara Nagarajegowda (b) Vijay Singh Chauhan (c) Suresh Babu (d) Hari Shankar Roy Answer: (a) Girisha Hosanagara Nagarajegowda 2. The legendary tennis player from US who announced his retirement during the US open on 6 September 2012 after facing a defeat from John Martin del Potro. (a) Roger Federer (b) Rafael Nadal (c) Novak Djokovic (d) Andy Roddick Answer: (d) Andy Roddick 3. Which Indian female wrestler won Bronze in the World Junior Championship at Pattava on 6 September 2012? (a) Indu Choudhary (b) Geeta Phogat (c) Sonika Kaliraman (d) Alka tomar Answer: (a) Indu Choudhary 4. Name the Formula one driver who became the winner of Italian Grand Prix 2012 (a) Fernando Alonso (b) Lewis Hamilton (c) Sebastian Vettel (d) Michael Schumacher Answer: (b) Lewis Hamilton 5. Name the tennis player who became the first British man to capture US Open Grand Slam Singles Championship after 76 years by defeating Novak Djokovic on 11 September 2012. (a) Andy Murray (b) Max Woonsam (c) Jamie Murray (d) Bunny Austin Answer: (a) Andy Murray 6. Name the New Zealand’s fast bowler who retired from both International and Domestic Cricket (a) Shane Bond (b) Daryl Tuffey (c) Ian Butler (d) Chris Martin Answer (b) Daryl Tuffey 7. The boxing Champion, Muhammad Ali who retired from the game in the year 1981 was honoured with Medal in Philadelphia on 13 September 2012. What was the name of that medal? (a) Liberty medal (b) Medal of Excellence (c) Indecorum medal (d) None of these Answer: (a) Liberty medal 8. Which Indian player became ICC ODI cricketer of the year? (a) Virendra Sehwag (b) MS Dhoni (c) Suresh Raina (d) Virat Kohli Answer: (d) Virat kohli 9. Which character is declared to be the official mascot for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil on 12 September 2012. (a) Laughing Buddha (b) A Smiling Armadillo (c) Shera (d) A Running Pichachhoo Answer: (b) A Smiling Armadillo 10. Women SAF football championship 2012 was won by which country? (a) Nepal (b) Bhutan (c) China (d) India Answer: (d) India 11. Name the two players on whom AITA (All India Tennis Association) extended ban till June 2014 (a) Mahesh Bhupati and Rohan Bopanna (b) Sania Mirza and Rohan Bopanna (c) Leander Paes and Sania Mirza (d) Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupati Answer: (a) Mahesh Bhupati and Rohan Bopanna 12. Name the owner of Delhi franchise of hockey India (a) Tata Group (b) Wave Group (c) Bharti Group (d) Aircel and Reliance Answer: (b) Wave Group 13. Name the person who has been appointed as full time president of Hockey India. (a) Gayatri Shetty (b) Mariamma koshy (c) Bachendri Pal (d) Dilip Tirki Answer: (b) Mariamma koshy 14. Name the the Australian Cricketer who on 20 September 2012 announced his retirement from all formats of Cricket. (a) Matthew Hayden (b) Ricky Pointing (c) Michael Clarke (d) Bret Lee Answer: (a) Matthew Hayden 15. Name the BJP MLA who was elected as the President of Indian Boxing Federation on 23 September 2012. (a) Abhishek Matoria (b) Ashok Gehlot (c) Mahesh Joshi (d) Sachin Pilot Answer: (a) Abhishek Matoria 16. Name the England football player, the captain of Chelsea in the premier league who announced his retirement from International Football on 24 September 2012. (a) John Terry (b) Stevan Gerrard (c) David Beckham (d) Ashley Cole Answer: (a) John Terry 17. Name the Indian boxer and London Olympic bronze medalist who on 24 September 2012 named as the brand ambassador of super fight league. (a) Vijendra Singh (b) M C Mary Kom (c) Manoj Kumar (d) Vikas Krishan Answer: (b) M C Mary Kom 18. Name the Former Cricketer and all-rounder, who was appointed as the Chairman of the five member senior selection committee of BCCI on 27 September 2012. (a) Saba Karim (b) Vikram Rathour (c) Sandeep Patil (d) Rajinder Singh Hans. Answer: (c) Sandeep Patil 19. Deepika Kumari the Sports Person from India, won Silver at Recurve World Cup on 23 September 2012 in Tokyo. Recurve world Cup is related to which Sports Event? (a) Archery (b) Shooting (c) Disc Throwing (d) Volley ball Answer: (a) Archery 20. Which Indian golfer wrapped up a four-shot victory at the Yeangder tournament players Championship in Chinese Taipei on 17 September 2012? (a) Gaganjeet Bhullar (b) Jeev Mikha Singh (c) Shiv Kapur (d) Jyoti Randhawa Answer: (a) Gaganjeet Bhullar 21. The Supreme Court of India on 4 September 2012 directed the Union Government of India to re-fix the pay scale of army officers affected by the which Pay Commission? (a) Fourth pay Commission (b) Sixth pay Commission (c) Fifth Pay Commission (d) None of these Answer: (a) Fourth pay Commission 22. At what interest rate percent per annum, The Union Cabinet gave its approval to continue interest subsidy to Public Sector Banks (PSBs), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Cooperatives Banks and NABARD enabling them to provide short-term crop loans of up to Rs 3 lakhs to farmers during the year 2012-13? (a) 7% Per annum (b) 8.5 % Per annum (c) 6 % Per annum (d) 5 % per annum Answer: (a) 7 % per annum 23. To what percent Government of India on 11 September 2012 reduced interest rates on rescheduled crop loans from 12 percent in the drought-affected areas for the fiscal year 2012-13 (a) 8 percent (b) 5 percent (c) 7 percent (d) 6 percent Answer: (c) 7 Percent 24. The State Health Ministry of Arunachal Pradesh launched a scheme in Itanagar on 14 September 2012 for providing financial assistance upto 1.5 lakh rupees to BPL patients suffering from life threatening diseases in the form of a onetime grant. What was the name of that scheme? (a) Rashtriya Aarogya Nidhi (b) Rashtriya Janseva Nidhi (c) Rashtriya Sarvoklayan Prayojna (d) None of these Answer: (a) Rashtriya Aarogya Nidhi 25. Name the Person of India who was appointed as Chief Economist of World Bank. (a) Kaushik basu (b) Jaideep Sarkar (c) Narayan Murthy (d) Nandan Nilkeni Answer: (a) Kaushik basu 26. Name the person who on 13 September 2012 was appointed as the 39th chief justice of India (a) Justice Altamas Kabir (b) Justice A.K. Sikri (c) Rajeev Gupta (d) Justice Mohit Shantilal Shah Answer: (a) Justice Altamas Kabir 27. Which person was appointed as the president of, The Indian Newspaper Society for the year 2012-2013 on 13 September 2012 during the 73rd annual meet of the Newspaper Society? (a) K.N. Tilak Kumar (b) Ravindra Kumar (c) Ashish Bagga (d) Pradeep Gupta Answer: (a) K.N. Tilak Kumar 28. On which date Vayalar Ravi, Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs inaugurated the 7th Heads of Indian Missions (HoMs) conference and announced revised Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) scheme. (a) 15 September 2012 (b) 16 September 2012 (c) 17 September 2012 (d) 20 September 2012 Answer: (c) 17 September 2012 29. The Supreme Court of India on 14 September 2012 lifted the gag order on media reporting of troop movement that was ordered by one of the High Court. HC order was in violation of the fundamental right under Article 19(1) (a) of the Constitution, granted to the media and every citizen of the country. The order came from which of the high court? (a) Allahabad High court (b) Calcutta high court (c) Karnataka high court (d) Madras high court Answer: (a) Allahabad High court 30. The Union government hiked Dearness Allowance (DA) by what percent benefiting its 80 lakh employees and pensioners and costing the exchequer an additional Rs7,408 crore annually? (a) 4 percent (b) 8 percent (c) 7 percent (d) 6 percent Answer: (c) 7 percent 331. On which date, the Union Cabinet of India, under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh approved the long awaited demand for One Rank One Pension (OROP) and other benefits of ex-servicemen. (a) 21 September 2012 (b) 24 September 2012 (c) 19 September 2012 (d) 17 September 2012 Answer: (b) 24 September 2012 32. Name the Union Minister who on 24 September 2012 took an additional charge of the Railway Ministry after the exit of Mukul Roy. (a) C.P. Joshi (b) Nitish kumar (c) Mamta Banerjee (d) None of these Answer: (a) C.P. Joshi 33. Which Indian Bollywood actress was appointed as International Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) ? (a) Katrina Kaif (b) Aishwarya Rai (c) Kareena kapoor (d) Madhuri Dixit Answer: (b) Aishwarya Rai 34. The Election commission of India on 27 September 2012 directed the Political Parties and candidates not to use which of the following in the election campaign as it was violating Article 51 (g) of the constitution? (a) Animals and Birds (b) Arms and ammunition (c) Heavy vehicles (d) None of these Answer: (a) Animals and birds 35. Name the Indian nuclear-capable surface-to-surface missile which on 19 September 2012 was successfully test fired from Wheeler Island, off the Odisha Coast. (a) Agni III (b) Agni IV (c) Prithvi III (d) Agni V Answer: (b) Agni IV 36 Scientists of the University of Michigan developed a gene therapy which they claimed could restore the sense of olfactory function. What is this olfactory function related to? (a) Sense of hearing (b) Sense of smell (c) Sense of sight (d) Sense of touch Answer: (b) Sense of Smell 37. Australian scientists along with US experts claimed that they have discovered treatment for Alzheimer patients following a study finding a link to abnormalities in Alzheimer Patients. Alzheimer’s disease is related to? (a) Brain (b) Heart (c) Eye sightedness (d) Liver Answer: (a) Brain 3.8 Researchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Australia discovered that two proteins that work together to kill self-reactive immune cells can protect against diseases such as type1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis principally attacks which part of the body? (a) Joints (b) Skin (c) Lungs (d) Kidney Answer: (a) Joints 39. India enter into its first multi-lateral Social Science research collaboration with four European Nations by the approval of projects for networking and social science research cooperation in between the researchers of these nations. The colaboration came into existence on which date? (a) 2 September 2012 (b) 7 September 2012 (c) 5 September 2012 (d) 4 September 2012 Answer: (c) 5 September 2012 40. The Zoological Society of London and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a list of 100 different species to be first in line for extinction from 48 different countries during the World Conservation Congress held in Republic of Korea on 11 September 2012. The Indian species that was categorised under first line of extinction was_____________ (a) Great Indian Bustard (b) One horned Rhino (c) Indian giant Squirrel (d) Asiatic Lion Answer: (a) Great Indian Bustard London Olympics 2012 News 1. Which event will take place here at Horse Guards Parade? a) Beach volleyball b) Watersports c) Boxing The correct answer is a) Beach volleyball 2. Which of these events will be held here at the O2 Arena in Greenwich? a) Beach volleyball b) Watersports c) Gymnastics The correct answer is c) Gymnastics 3. Which event will be held here in this sweeping building? a) Athletics b) Track cycling c) Fencing The correct answer is b) Track cycling 4. Olympic football matches will be held at how many different stadia across the UK? a) One b) Three c) Six The correct answer is c) Six 5. Where in London will the Olympic tennis matches be played? a) Queen's Club b) Wimbledon c) Stratford The correct answer is b) Wimbledon 6 Which sport will be played on the Prime Minister's doorstep? a) Fencing b) Long jump c) Beach volleyball The correct answer is c) Beach volleyball 7. What is the name of the building where the track cycling event will take place? a) Velodrome b) Eton Manor c) Old Trafford The correct answer a) Velodrome 8. After the 2012 Games in London, where will the next Summer Olympic Games be held? a) Brazil b) Belize c) Bolvia The correct answer is a) Brazil 9. How much water will the Aquatics Centre use? a) 5 million litres b) 30 million litres c) 10 million litres The correct answer is c) 10 million litres 10. What type of sport will this specially-built course at Lee Valley be used for? a) Watersports b) Triathlon c) Cycling The correct answer is a) Watersports 11. Which country held the last Summer Olympic Games? a) Bolivia b) China c) Denmark The correct answer is c) China 12. Which sport will kick off the games? a) Women's rugby b) Women's football c) Women's golf The correct answer is b) Women's football 13. How many sports will feature in the games? a) 36 b) 55 c) 70 The correct answer is a) 36 14. Which of these Olympic venues is outside London? a) Wembley Stadium b) Olympic Stadium c) Millennium Stadium The correct answer is c) Millennium Stadium 15. Who are the official London 2012 mascots? a) Wendey and Mathew b) William and Mary c) Wenlock and Mandeville The correct answer is c) Wenlock and Mandeville 18. Which sport will be played on the Prime Minister's doorstep? a) Fencing b) Long jump c) Beach volleyball The correct answer is c) Beach volleyball 19. What is the name of the building where the track cycling event will take place? a) Velodrome b) Eton Manor c) Old Trafford The correct answer a) Velodrome 20. After the 2012 Games in London, where will the next Summer Olympic Games be held? a) Brazil b) Belize c) Bolvia The correct answer is a) Brazil 21. How much water will the Aquatics Centre use? a) 5 million litres b) 30 million litres c) 10 million litres The correct answer is c) 10 million litres 22. What type of sport will this specially-built course at Lee Valley be used for? a) Watersports b) Triathlon c) Cycling The correct answer is a) Watersports 23 What is the official website of the 2012 Olympics? -Answer 24 The Olympic Games are organized for the ... time. 33th 43th 23th 37th 27th -Answer 25 When did the IOC decide to let London organise the 2012 Olympics? 2008 2009 2007 2005 -Answer 2006 26 How many Olympic disciplines will be played? 17 26 21 32 27 Give the end date for the 2012 Olympic Games. August 5, 2012 July 16, 2012 August 17, 2012 August 12, 2012 28 Which sport will not be played during the 2012 Olympics? Canoeing Fencing Baseball -Answer 29 What's the official name for the organisation of the 2012 Olympics? London Organising Olympic 2012 Olympic London Official - Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Olympic Delivery Authority London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games 30 The 2012 Olympic Games are also known as The 2012 Winter Olympic Games The 2012 Summer Olympic Games -Answer 31 What is the official name for the 2012 Olympic Games? Summer Olympics Games of the XXX Olympiad 2012 Summer Olympic Games Games of the XXX Olympiad -Answer 32 Give the start date for the 2012 Olympic Games. July 27, 2012 -Answer July 20, 2012 June 30, 2012 August 1, 2012 33 Who won the first medal (Bronze) for India at the London Olympics 2012? Gagan Narang 34 Who won silver medal for India in the final of the Men's 66kg Freestyle wrestling at the Olympics 2012? Sushil Kumar 35 Name the team who won their 2nd consecutive Olympic hockey gold? Netherlands LIC General Awareness Question Paper LIC Latest placement papers General Awareness Questions and answers| LIC Aptitude and Reasoning questions| LIC Latest Selection Procedure 1. Which of the following bodies tightened the norms for foreign exchange risk cover in India mentioning that only companies with a networth of Rs 200 crore can use derivatives to hedge against risk of volatility in currency rates? a. IMF b. Reserve Bank of India c. SEBI d. Union Ministry of Finance Ans: b 2. Which body in India finally provided tax exemption on the 9.5 per cent interest income on PF deposits for 2010-11? a. Reserve Bank of India b. Income Tax Department c. Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation d. Corporate Affairs Ministry Ans: b 3. (1) The report on Customer Service in Banks by a committee chaired by M. Damodaran, former Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) that was released on 3 July 2011 recommended an increased deposit insurance cover of Rs.5 lakh so as to encourage individuals to keep all their deposits in banks. (2) The panel also suggested blocking of lost ATM cards through SMS and immediate restoration of funds in case of non-dispensation of cash at an ATM within 5 working days. Which of the above is not true? a. Only 1 b. Only 2 c. Both 1 & 2 d. None of the above Ans: b 4. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in a bid to tame inflationary pressure hiked the short-term indicative policy rate (repo rate) by 50 basis points on 26 July 2011. The repo rate currently stands at what percentage? a. 7% b. 7.5% c. 8% d. 8.5% Ans: c 5. Which bank posted a 99 per cent drop in net profit at Rs 21 crore for the fourth quarter ended 31 March 2011 against Rs 1867 crore during the corresponding period in 2010? a. Indian Overseas Bank b. State Bank of India c. Bank of India d. United Bank of India Ans: b 6. Who did global payments processing company MasterCard appoint as the General Manager, South Asia and Country President, India? a. T. V. Seshadri b. Vicky Bindra c. Tunde Lemo d. Ajay Banga Ans: a 7. Government of India on 19 July 2011 appointed Usha Ananthasubramanian, former general manager of Bank of Baroda (BoB) as executive director of which public sector lender? a. Central Bank of India b. Punjab National Bank c. United Bank of India d. Gramin Bank Ans: b 8. Name the public sector lender that selected Metlife as its partner for a proposed foray into the life insurance segment. a. Syndicate Bank b. Punjab National Bank c. Corporation Bank d. United Bank of India Ans: b 9. Which bank signed a memorandum of understanding with Dewan Housing Finance Corporation (DHFL) under which DHFL will distribute home loans to Yes Bank's customers? a. Canara Bank b. ABN Amro bank c. Yes Bank d. HSBC Ans: c 10. Which life insurance company in India launched a new non-linked health insurance plan, Jeevan Arogya? a. HDFC Standard Life Insurance Co. Ltd b. Life Insurance Corporation of India c. IDBI Fortis Life Insurance Company Ltd. d. SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd Ans: b 11. Which of the following public sector banks in November 2011 froze its lending to the power sector? a. State Bank of India b. Allahabad Bank c. Punjab National Bank d. United Bank of India Ans: b 12. Which Indian bank on 10 May 2011 raised benchmark prime lending rate 75 basis points to 14% following raising of interest rates by RBI by basis points on 3 May 2011? a. State Bank of India b. Union Bank c. Punjab National Bank d. Bank of Baroda Ans: a 13. The Reserve Bank of India on 26 April 2011 fined 19 banks, including the country's top private and foreign banks for violating its guidelines on derivatives. Which is the only public sector bank on the list of banks to be fined? a. State bank of India b. Punjab National Bank c. Bank of India d. Indian Bank Ans: a 14. The Reserve Bank of India on 25 August 2011 released its Annual Report for 2010-11. Which of the following was not discussed in the Annual Report the Central Board of the RBI? a. assessment of the macroeconomic performance during 2010-11 b. prospects for 2011-12 c. working and operations of the Reserve Bank and its financial accounts d. role of regulatory bodies in controlling the financial markets Ans: d 15. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) panel headed by headed by Usha Thorat, Director, Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL) on 29 August 2011 came up with suggestion on non-banking finance company (NBFC). Which of the following related to this statement is not true? 1. The panel suggested the central bank to insist on a minimum asset size of more than Rs.25 crore for registering any new non-banking finance company (NBFC) 2. Transfer of shareholding, direct or indirect, of 25 per cent and above, change in control, merger or acquisition of any registered NBFC will require prior approval of the Reserve Bank. 3. Tier-I capital for capital to risk weighted assets ratio (CRAR) purposes would be specified at 12 per cent to be achieved in three years for all registered deposit-taking and non-deposit-taking NBFCs. 4. NBFCs would be subject to regulations similar to banks while lending to stock brokers and merchant banks and similar to stock brokers, as specified by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) a. 1 & 4 b. 2 & 4 c. Only 4 d. Only 1 Ans: d 16. Which Indian PSU bank in tune with its plans to expand its retail division in the UK entered the mortgage market in the country for the first time? a. Punjab National Bank b. Oriental Bank of Commerce c. State bank of India d. Indian Overseas Bank Ans: c 17. Which of the following banks set up two loan processing centres for the small and medium enterprise (SME) segment on a pilot basis in Bangalore & in New Delhi in September 2011? a. Corp Bank b. United Bank of India c. Syndicate Bank d. Bank of Baroda Ans: c 18. The government suspended M Ramadoss for alleged violations in issuing insurance cover to an airline during his stint as head of another state-run insurer. To which insurance group did he belong to? a. New India Assurance b. LIC c. GIC d. ICICI Insurance Ans: a 19. Which of the following banks in early May 2011 entered into a tie-up with non-banking finance companies such as Future Capital, Bajaj Finance, and Reliance Capital to grow its retail portfolio? a. Central Bank of India b. State Bank of India c. Bank of India d. HDFC Bank Ans: a 20. Which are the two Gujarat-based cooperative sector lenders on which Reserve bank of India imposed a financial penalty of Rs 1 lakh each for violation of various rules, including anti-money laundering guidelines? 1. Shree MahalaxmiMercantile Co-operative Bank 2. Rander People's Co-operative Bank 3. Abad District Co Op Bank 4. Ahd Mercantile Co-Op Bank Ltd a. 1 & 2 b. 2 & 3 c. 1 & 4 d. 3 & 4 Ans: (a) 21Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh paid a visit in December 2011 to - Tokyo Melbourne Wellington Moscow-Ans: 4 22Annual Defence Diologue was held in December 2011 between India and - China-1 Afghanistan Russia Pakistan Ans: 1 23Consider the following statements on NATGRID - (i) NATGRID has been formed to link database for inputs to combat terrorism. (ii) It is meant to improve India's capability to counter threats to its internal security. Choose the right option: Both (i) and (ii) are correct-Ans Only (i) is correct Only (ii) is correct Neither (i) nor (ii) is correct 24The report by Wildlife Institute of India enlisted major threats to three tiger reserves which are Kalakad-Mundanthurai tiger reserve, Anamalai and Mudumalai. In which one of the following stated are these tiger reserves located? Bihar Tamil Nadu-ans West Bengal Kerala Ans: 2 Who have been awarded with FIFA World Player of the Year 2011 Trophy? Lionel Messi-1Ans: 1 Xavi Fernandez Christiano Ronaldo None of these 25Uttarakhand state cabinet on October 29, 2011 cleared Uttarakhand Lokayukta Bill, 2011. Consider the following features of the bill- (i) The Chief Minister of the state, all ministers, MLAs and lower judiciary will be under the purview of Lokayukta. (ii) Judges of the Uttarakhand High Court will not be covered under the purview of Lokayukta. Choose the right option- Both (i) and (ii) are correct-Ans: 1 Only (i) is correct Only (ii) is correct Neither (i) nor (ii) is correct 26Which Bengali film was selected as the inaugural film at the 11th edition of River to River Florence Indian Film Festival, 2011, in Florence, Italy in December 2011? 100% Love Khokababu Chaplin-Ans: 3 Bedroom 27Name the legendary Bollywood playback singer who entered the Guinness world Records for the most number of single studio recordings? Lata Mangeshkar Asha Bhonsle-Ans: 2 Shreya Ghoshal Suchitra Krisnamurthy 28Which one of the following became the first Indian state to launch health insurance policy covering all its people? Kerala Haryana Bihar Goa-Ans: 4 29West Bengal State cabinet approved the newly drafted land acquisition and resettlement Bill. Consider the following features of the Bill- (i) The private enterprises would have to acquire land for their projects directly from the landowners. (ii) The new policy provides that the government would acquire land only for projects of public utility like building, hospitals, irrigation projects, bridges, laying railway tracks, setting up of embankments, and projects relating to internal secu Both (i) and (ii) are correct Only (i) is correct Only (ii) is correct Nither (i) nor (ii) is correct 30Annual Defence Diologue was held in December 2011 between India and - ChinaAns: 1 Afghanistan Russia Pakistan LIC Placement Paper |LIC Latest Selection Procedure|LIC Sales Aptitude Reasoning Questions THE FOLLOWING PAPER CONSISTS OF THE STANDARD LIC PATTERN PART 1: REASONING ABILITY PART 2: G K AND CURRENT AFFAIRS PART 3: ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST LIC Part -1 Test PART 1 1. In a certain code ROPE is written as $3%6 and RITE is written as $4#6. How is PORT written in that code? (1) %4$# (2) $3%# (3) $64% (4) %3$# (5) None of these 2. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word KNIGHT, each of which has as many letters between them in the word as they have in the English alphabet? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 3. Pointing to a photograph Nikita said ‘She is the only grad daughter of my grandmother's daughter'. How is the girl in photograph related to Nikita? (1) Sister (2) Niece/ daughter (3) Aunt (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 4. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? (1) Pineapple (2) Guava (3) Grapes (4) Papaya (5) Pear 5. If the word STABLE all the consonants are replaced by the previous letter and all the vowels are replaced by the next letter which letter will be third from the left end? (1) S (2) B (3) A (4) K (5) None of these 6. In a certain code HOUSE is written as FTVPI, how is CHAIR written in that code? (1) DIBJS (2) SBJID (3) SHBGD (4) SJBID (5) None of these 7. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? (1) FH (2) KM (3) PR (4) CE (5) JM 8. If ‘ P Q' means ‘P is wife of Q', ‘P+Q' means ‘P is father of Q' and ‘P Q' means ‘P is sister of Q' then in G H +R D, how is G related to D? (1) Cannot be determined (2) Mother (3) Niece (4) Aunt (5) None of these 9. If the digits of the number 5726489 are arranged in ascending order, how many digits will remain at the same position? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 10. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group? (1) 17 (2) 19 (3) 23 (4) 29 (5) 27 11. How many meaningful words can be made from the letters AEHT, using each letter only once? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) More than three 12. If ‘?' means ‘x', $ means ‘+', # means ‘ ' and ‘©' means ‘-‘ then what is the value of 360 # 24$ 56« 5© 48? (1) 253 (2) 242 (3) 247 (4) 285 (5) None of these 13. If blue means pink, pink means green, green means yellow, yellow means red and red means white then what is the colour of turmeric? (1) green (2) yellow (3) red (4) pink (5) None of these 14. If it is possible to make a meaningful word from the second, the third, the tenth and the eleventh letters of the word PASSIONATELY using each letter only once, second letter of that word is your answer. If no such word can be formed your answer is X and if more than one word can be formed your answer is Y. (1) A (2) E (3) L (4) X (5) Y 15. In a row of children facing north Manish is fourth to the left of Suresh who is tenth from the left end. Nisha is second to the right of Suresh and eighth from the right end of the row. Total how many children are there in the row? (1) 19 (2) 20 (3) 21 (4) 18 (5) None of these Directions (16-20): In these questions symbols ©, #, «, $ and @ are used with different meanings as follows: ‘A © B' means ‘A is smaller than B' ‘A # B' means ‘A is either smaller than or equal to B' ‘A « B' means ‘A is greater than B' ‘A $ B' means ‘A is either greater than or equal to B' ‘A @ B' means ‘A is neither smaller than nor greater than B' In each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/ are definitely true Give answer (1) if only conclusion I is true. Give answer (2) if only conclusion II is true. Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or conclusion II is true. Give answer (4) if neither conclusion I nor conclusion II is true. Give answer (5) if both conclusions I and II are true. 16. Statements: V#S, S©L, L©J Conclusions: I. V © L II. S © J 17. Statements: M#R, R©J, J#H Conclusions: I. M #H II. R © H 18. Statements: H$F, F@G, G«M Conclusions: I. H «M II. H «G 19. Statements: R©J, J «T,,T # L Conclusions: I. R @ T II. J @ l 20. Statements: W@T, T$K, K «F Conclusions: I. W $ K II. W @ K Directions (21-25): In each question below there are three statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to take the three given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the three given statements disregarding commonly known facts. Then decide which of the answers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5) is the correct answer and indicate it on the answer sheet. Give answer (1) if only conclusion I is follows. Give answer (2) if only conclusion II is follows Give answer (3) if either conclusion I or II follows. Give answer (4) if neither I nor II is follows. Give answer (5) if both I and II follow. 21. Statements: Some pens are books. All books are pencils. All pencils are jars. Conclusions: I. All books are jars. II. Some pens are pencils. 22. Statements: Some bowls are spoons Some spoons are forks All forks are plates. Conclusions: I. Some bowls are forks. II. Some spoons are plates. 23. Statements: Some bottles are jars. All jars are buckets. All buckets are tanks. Conclusions: I. All jars are tanks. II. Some buckets are tanks. 24. Statements: Some phones are mobiles. Some mobiles are computers. Some computers are keys. Conclusions: I. Some phones are keys. II. Some computes are phones. 25. Statements: All papers are files. Some files are folders. All folders are bags. Conclusions: I. Some files are bags. II. Some papers are folders. Ans: 1. (4), 2. (3), 3. (2), 4. (3), 5. (2), 6. (4), 7. (5), 8. (2), 9. (4), 10. (5), 11. (3), 12. (3), 13. (3), 14. (5), 15. (1), 16. (5), 17. (2), 18. (1), 19. (4), 20. (1), 21. (5), 22. (2), 23. (5), 24. (4), 25. (1). Part 2 General awareness and current affairs 1. Who among the following has been appointed the National Security Adviser by the UPA Government ? (a) Brajesh Mishra (b) J. N. Daxit (c) Soli J. Sorabjee (d) T. K. A. Nair Ans: ( b ) J. N. Daxit 2. Who among the following is the new Chief Minister of Karnataka ? (a) S. M. Krishna (b) Uma Bharti (c) Dharam Singh (d) Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy Ans: ( c ) Dharam Singh 3. Who among the following has won the Miss Universe 2004 crown ? (a) Jennifer Hawkins (b) Shandi Finnessey (c) Alba Reyes (d) None of these Ans: ( a ) Jennifer Hawkins 4. A solemn ceremony to mark the 60th Anniversary of D-Day landings of the Allies troops during the Second World War, was held in (a) Pearl Harbour (b) Normandy (c) New York (d) Lisbon Ans: ( b ) Normandy 5. Which of the following cricketers holds the world record of maximum number of sixes in Tests ? (a) Chris Carins (New Zealand) (b) Viv Richards (West Indies) (c) Sachin Tendulkar (India) (d) Wasim Akram (Pakistan) Ans: ( a ) Chris Carins (New Zealand) 6. Who among the following has been appointed the new Chief Justice of India ? (a) Justice Rajendra Babu (b) Justice V. N. Khare (c) Justice R. C. Lahoti (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Justice R. C. Lahoti 7. Who among the following sports persons got the honour of lighting the Olympic flame at the Major Dhyan Chand Stadium in New Delhi recently ? (a) Anjali Bhagwat (b) Abhinav Bindra (c) Viswanathan Anand (d) K. M. Beenamol Ans: ( a ) Anjali Bhagwat 8. Who among the following has been appointed new chairman of the National Commission for Farmers ? (a) Ajit Singh (b) K. C. Pant (c) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan (d) Sharad Pawar Ans: ( c ) Dr. M. S. Swaminathan 9. Which of the following planets crossed the face of the sun (in transit) after 122 years recently ? (a) Mars (b) Venus (c) Jupiter (d) Saturn Ans: ( b ) Venus 10. Which of the following countries was readmitted to the Commonwealth recently ? (a) Nepal (b) Myanmar (c) Pakistan (d) None of these Ans: ( c ) Pakistan 11. The world governing body of which of the following sports celebrated its 100 years in existence recently ? (a) Football (b) Hockey (c) Badminton (d) Cricket Ans: ( a ) Football 12. Who among the following won the men?s singles title of the French Open 2004 ? (a) Guillermo Coria (b) Roger Federer (c) Andy Roddick (d) Gaston Gaudio Ans: ( d ) Gaston Gaudio 13. Who is India?s first Woman Grand Master in Chess ? (a) Aarthie Ramaswamy (b) Koneru Humpy (c) S. Meenakshi (d) S. Vijayalakshmi Ans: ( b ) Koneru Humpy 14. The age of a tree can be determined by (a) Measuring its height (b) Measuring its diameter (c) Analyzing its sap (d) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem Ans: ( d ) Counting the annual growth rings of its stem 15. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched ? Mountains Continents (a) The Rocky : North America (b) The Andes : South America (c) The Alps : Europe (d) The Ural : Africa Ans: ( d ) The Ural : Africa 16. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched ? (a) ?Purna Swaraj? Resolution : 1929 (b) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931 (c) Formation of the Congress Socialist Party: 1939 (d) Simla Confeence : 1940 Ans: ( b ) Martyrdom of Sardar Bhagat Singh : 1931 17. The Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period is at (a) Bhubaneswar (b) Khajuraho (c) Madurai (d) Mount Abu Ans: ( a ) Bhubaneswar 18. Which one of the following is essentially a solo dance ? (a) Kuchipudi (b) Kathak (c) Manipuri (d) Mohiniattam Ans: ( d ) Mohiniattam 19. The deepest oceanic trench ?Mariana? is located in (a) Atlantic Ocean (b) Arctic Ocean (c) Pacific Ocean (d) Indian Ocean Ans: ( c ) Pacific Ocean 20. Although fog consists of fine drops of water, we cannot see clearly through it because (a) The light rays undergo total internal reflection in the drops (b) Fine drops of water in fog polarize the light (c) The fine drops are opaque to the light (d) The drops scatter most of the light Ans: ( d ) The drops scatter most of the light 21. During the Mughal period, which one of the following were the first to come to India as traders ? (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch (c) Danish (d) English Ans: ( a ) Portuguese 22. Who among the following Delhi Sultans is known for introducing market control mechanism ? (a) Iltutmish (b) Balban (c) Alauddin Khalji (d) Firoze Tughlaq Ans: ( c ) Alauddin Khalji 23. Which one of the following mountain peaks of the Himalayas is NOT in India ? (a) Annapurna (b) Nanda Devi (c) Mt. Kamet (d) Kanchenjunga Ans: ( a ) Annapurna 24. A rift valley is formed mainly due to (a) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust (b) The subsidence of the floor of a river valley (c) The valley formed after the formation of fold mountains (d) The deepening of a valley by ice action Ans: ( a ) The forces of tension in the earth?s crust 25. Who is the author of the book, ?The Man Who Divided India? ? (a) Arun Shourie (b) Dominique Lapierre (c) Rafiq Zakaria (d) Salman Rushdie Ans: ( c ) Rafiq Zakaria Part 3 English language test 1. Juan___________ in the library this morning. A. is study B. studying C. is studying D. are studying 2. Alicia, __________ the windows please. It's too hot in here. A. opens B. open C. opened D. will opened 3. The movie was __________ the book. A. as B. as good C. good as D. as good as 4. Eli's hobbies include jogging, swimming, and __________. A. to climb mountains B. climb mountains C. to climb D. climbing mountains 5. Mr. Hawkins requests that someone _________ the data by fax immediately. A. sent B. sends C. send D. to send 6. Who is ____________ , Marina or Sachiko? A. tallest B. tall C. taller D. the tallest 7. The concert will begin ________ fifteen minutes. A. in B. on C. with D. about 8. I have only a ________ Christmas cards left to write. A. few B. fewer C. less D. little 9. Each of the Olympic athletes ____________ for months, even years. A. have been training B. were training C. has been training D. been training 10. Maria __________ never late for work. A. am B. are C. were D. is 11. The company will upgrade _________ computer information systems next month. A. there B. their C. it's D. its 12. Cheryl likes apples, _________ she does not like oranges. A. so B. for C. but D. or 13. You were ____________ the New York office before 2 p.m. A. suppose call B. supposed to call C. supposed calling D. supposed call 14. When I graduate from college next June, I _____________ a student here for five years. A. will have been B. have been C. has been D. will have 15. Ms. Guth _________ rather not invest that money in the stock market. A. has to B. could C. would D. must ________________________________________ Part II: English Grammar Select the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect. 1. The majority to the news is about violence or scandal. A. The B. to C. news D. violence 2. Takeshi swimmed one hundred laps in the pool yesterday. A. swimmed B. hundred C. in D. yesterday 3. When our vacation, we plan to spend three days scuba diving. A. When B. plan C. days D. diving 4. Mr. Feinauer does not take critical of his work very well. A. does B. critical C. his D. well 5. Yvette and Rinaldo send e-mail messages to other often. A. and B. send C. other D. often 6. Mr. Olsen is telephoning a American Red Cross for help. A. is B. a C. Red D. for 7. I had a enjoyable time at the party last night. A. a B. time C. at D. last 8. The doctor him visited the patient's parents. A. The B. him C. visited D. patient's 9. Petra intends to starting her own software business in a few years. A. intends B. starting C. software D. few 10. Each day after school, Jerome run five miles. A. Each B. after C. run D. miles 11. He goes never to the company softball games. A. never B. the C. softball D. games 12. Do you know the student who books were stolen? A. Do B. know C. who D. were 13. Jean-Pierre will spend his vacation either in Singapore nor the Bahamas. A. will B. his C. nor D. Bahamas 14. I told the salesman that I was not interesting in buying the latest model. A. told B. that C. interesting D. buying 15. Frederick used work for a multinational corporation when he lived in Malaysia. A. used work B. multinational C. when D. lived in ________________________________________ Part III. English Vocabulary Select the best answer. 1. The rate of ___________ has been fluctuating wildly this week. A. money B. bills C. coins D. exchange 2. The bus ___________ arrives late during bad weather. A. every week B. later C. yesterday D. always 3. Do you ____________ where the nearest grocery store is? A. know B. no C. now D. not 4. Jerry Seinfeld, the popular American comedian, has his audiences ___________. A. putting too many irons in the fire B. keeping their noses out of someone's business C. rolling in the aisles D. going to bat for someone 5. The chairperson will ____________ members to the subcommittee. A. appoint B. disappoint C. appointment D. disappointed 6. The critics had to admit that the ballet ______________ was superb. A. procrastinate B. performance C. pathology D. psychosomatic 7. Peter says he can't ___________ our invitation to dinner tonight. A. angel B. across C. accept D. almost 8. We were __________ friends in that strange but magical country. A. upon B. among C. toward D. in addition to 9. The hurricane caused ____________ damage to the city. A. extend B. extended C. extensive D. extension 10. Many cultures have special ceremonies to celebrate a person's _________ of passage into adulthood. A. right B. rite C. writ D. write ________________________________________ Part IV. English Reading Comprehension Select the best answer. Directions to Erik's house Leave Interstate 25 at exit 7S. Follow that road (Elm Street) for two miles. After one mile, you will pass a small shopping center on your left. At the next set of traffic lights, turn right onto Maple Drive. Erik's house is the third house on your left. It's number 33, and it's white with green trim. 1. What is Erik's address? A. Interstate 25 B. 2 Elm Street C. 13 Erika Street D. 33 Maple Drive 2. Which is closest to Erik's house? A. the traffic lights B. the shopping center C. exit 7S D. a greenhouse ________________________________________ Date: May 16, 1998 To: Megan Fallerman From: Steven Roberts Subject: Staff Meeting Please be prepared to give your presentation on the monthly sales figures at our upcoming staff meeting. In addition to the accurate accounting of expenditures for the monthly sales, be ready to discuss possible reasons for fluctuations as well as possible trends in future customer spending. Thank you. 3. The main focus of the presentation will be ______________. A. monthly expenditures B. monthly salary figures C. monthly sales figures D. staff meeting presentations 4. Who will give the presentation? A. the company president B. Megan Fallerman C. Steven Roberts D. future customers ________________________________________ The B&B Tour Spend ten romantic days enjoying the lush countryside of southern England. The counties of Devon, Dorset, Hampshire, and Essex invite you to enjoy their castles and coastline, their charming bed and breakfast inns, their museums and their cathedrals. Spend lazy days watching the clouds drift by or spend active days hiking the glorious hills. These fields were home to Thomas Hardy, and the ports launched ships that shaped world history. Bed and breakfasts abound, ranging from quiet farmhouses to lofty castles. Our tour begins August 15. Call or fax us today for more information 1-800-222-XXXX. Enrollment is limited, so please call soon. 5. Which of the following counties is not included in the tour? A. Devon B. Cornwall C. Essex D. Hampshire 6. How many people can go on this tour? A. 10 B. an unlimited number C. 2-8 D. a limited number 7. What can we infer about this area of southern England? A. The region has lots of vegetation. B. The coast often has harsh weather. C. The sun is hot and the air is dry. D. The land is flat. ________________________________________ Anna Szewcyzk, perhaps the most popular broadcaster in the news media today, won the 1998 Broadcasting Award. She got her start in journalism as an editor at the Hollsville County Times in Missouri. When the newspaper went out of business, a colleague persuaded her to enter the field of broadcasting. She moved to Oregon to begin a master's degree in broadcast journalism at Atlas University. Following graduation, she was able to begin her career as a local newscaster with WPSU-TV in Seattle, Washington, and rapidly advanced to national television. Noted for her quick wit and trenchant commentary, her name has since become synonymous with Good Day, America! Accepting the award at the National Convention of Broadcast Journalism held in Chicago, Ms. Szewcyzk remarked, "I am so honored by this award that I'm at a total loss for words!" Who would ever have believed it? 8. What is the purpose of this announcement? A. to invite people to the National Convention of Broadcast Journalism B. to encourage college students to study broadcasting C. to recognize Ms. Szewcyzk's accomplishments D. to advertise a job opening at the Hollsville County Times 9. The expression "to become synonymous with" means A. to be the same as. B. to be the opposite of. C. to be in sympathy with. D. to be discharged from. 10. What was Ms. Szewczyk's first job in journalism? A. She was a T.V. announcer in Washington. B. She was a newscaster in Oregon. C. She was an editor for a newspaper in Missouri. D. She was a talk show host in Chicago. Question 1 The correct answer is: c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Question 2 The correct answer is: b Question 3 The correct answer is: d Question 4 The correct answer is: d Question 5 The correct answer is: c Question 6 The correct answer is: c Question 7 The correct answer is: a Question 8 The correct answer is: a Question 9 The correct answer is: c Question 10 The correct answer is: d Question 11 The correct answer is: d Question 12 The correct answer is: c Question 13 The correct answer is: b Question 14 The correct answer is: a Question 15 The correct answer is: Part II: English Grammar Question 1 The correct answer is: b Question 2 The correct answer is: a Question 3 The correct answer is: a Question 4 The correct answer is: b Question 5 The correct answer is: c Question 6 The correct answer is: b Question 7 The correct answer is: a Question 8 The correct answer is: b Question 9 The correct answer is: b Question 10 The correct answer is: c Question 11 The correct answer is: a Question 12 The correct answer is: c Question 13 The correct answer is: c Question 14 The correct answer is: c Question 15 The correct answer is: a Part III: English Vocabulary Question 1 The correct answer is: d Question 2 The correct answer is: d Question 3 The correct answer is: a Question 4 The correct answer is: c Question 5 The correct answer is: a Question 6 The correct answer is: b Question 7 The correct answer is: c Question 8 The correct answer is: b Question 9 The correct answer is: c Question 10 The correct answer is: b Part IV: English Reading Comprehension Question 1 The correct answer is: d Question 2 The correct answer is: a Question 3 The correct answer is: c Question 4 The correct answer is: b Question 5 The correct answer is: b Question 6 The correct answer is: d Question 7 The correct answer is: a Question 8 The correct answer is: c Question 9 The correct answer is: a Question 10 The correct answer is: c LIC Whole-Testpaper LIC AAO Solved Question Paper Quantitative Aptitude: 1. In a division sum, the divisor is 10 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the remainder is 46, the dividend is: (1) 4236 (2) 4306 (3) 4336 (4) 5336 2. If 1.5 x= 0.04 y, then the value of (y-x) (y+x) is: (1) 730/77 (2) 73/77 (3) 7.3/77 (4) 703/77 3. An employee may claim Rs. 7.00 for each km when he travels by taxi and Rs. 6.00 for each km if he drives his own car. If in one week he claimed Rs. 595 for traveling km. How many kms did he travel by taxi? (1) 55 (2) 65 (3) 62 (4) 70 4. The square root of 3 + ?5 is : (1) ?3 /2 + 1/?2 (2) ?3 /2 - 1/?2 (3) ?5 /2 - 1/?2 (4) ?(5/2) + ?(1/2) 5. The mean temperature of Monday to Wednesday was 370C and of Tuesday to Thursday was 340C, if the temperature on Thursday was 4/5th that of Monday, then what was the temperature on Thursday? (1) 36.50C (2) 360C (3) 35.50C (4) 340C 6. A certain number of two digits is three times the sum of its digits. If 45 be added to it, the digits are reversed. The number is: (1) 72 (2) 32 (3) 27 (4) 23 7. Three years ago the average age of A and B was 18 years. While C joining them now, the average becomes 22 years. How old (in years) is C now? (1) 24 (2) 27 (3) 28 (4) 30 8. If 2^(2x-1) = 8^(3-x), then the value of x is: (1) -1 (2) -2 (3) 2 (4) 3 9. A man's basic pay for a 40 hours' week is Rs. 200. Overtimes is paid at 25% above the basic rate. In a certain week, he worked overtime and his total was Rs. 300. He therefore, worked for a total of (in hours): (1) 52 (2) 56 (3) 58 (4) 62 10. On a Rs. 10, 000 payment order, a person has choice between 3 successive discounts of 10%, 10% and 30% and 3 successive discounts of 40%, 5% and 5%. By choosing the better one he can save (in Rupees): (1) 200 (2) 255 (3) 400 (4) 433 11. Rs. 600 are divided among A, B, C so that Rs. 40 more than 2/5 th of A's share, Rs. 20 more that 2/7 th of B's share and Rs. 10 more than 9/17 th of C's may all be equal. What is A's share (in Rupees)? (1) 150 (2) 170 (3) 200 (4) 280 12. A, B, C started a business with their investment in the ratio 1 : 3 : 5. After 4 months, A invested the same amount as before and B as well as C withdrew half of their investments. The ratio of their profits at the end of the year was: (1) 5 : 6 : 10 (2) 6 : 5 :10 (3) 10 : 5 : 6 (4) 4 : 3 : 5 13. If 9 men working 71/2 hours a day can finish a piece of work in 20 days, then how many days will be taken by 12 men, working 6 hours a day to finish the work? It is being given that 2 men of latter type work as much as 3 men of the former type? (1) 91/2 (2) 11 (3) 121/2 (4) 13 14. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a cistern in 6 hours. After working at it together for 2 hours, C is closed and A and B can fill the remaining part in 7 hours. The number of hours taken by C alone to fill the cistern is: (1) 12 (2) 14 (3) 16 (4) 18 15. A train B speeding with 120 kmph crosses another train C running in the same direction, in 2 minutes. If the lengths of the trains B and C be 100 m and 200 m respectively, what is the speed (in kmph) of the train C? (1) 111 (2) 123 (3) 127 (4) 129 16. River is running at 2 kmph. It took a man twice as long to row up as to row down the river. The rate (in km/hr) of the man in still water is: (1) 8 (2) 10 (3) 4 (4) 6 17. A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. The quantity (in kg.) sold at 18% profit is: (1) 560 (2) 600 (3) 400 (4) 640 18. A sum of money becomes Rs. 13, 380 after 3 years and Rs. 20, 070 after 6 years on compound interest. The sum (in Rupees) is: (1) 8800 (2) 8890 (3) 8920 (4) 9040 19. A well with 14 m inside diameter is dug 10 m deep. Earth taken out of it, has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 21m to form an embankment. The height (in metres) of the embankment is: (1) 1/2 (2) 2/3 (3) 3/4 (4) 3/5 20. A rectangular carpet has an area of 120 sq metres and a perimeter of 46 metres. The length of its diagonal (in metres) is: (1) 11 (2) 13 (3) 15 (4) 17 Reasoning: Directions (1-5) : Seven friends A, B, C, D, E, F and G applied for three Banks P, Q and R. Out of these' at least two have applied for eachBank. There is only one girl who has applied only for one Bank. Out of seven friends three were select one for one Bank, out of these was only one girl. a. is sister of G and both have' applied for the same Bank but not for q. A applied for the Bank R only with E who is a girl. F applied for the Bank P but he Was n,ot selected. C who is tpe wife of D, has been selected. 1. Which of the following combination represents girls? (1)B, C, E (2)B, C, G (3)C, E, G (4) Cant'be determined (5) None of these 2. For which bank, three persons applied? (1) R (2) .p or Q (3) Q or R (4) P (5) Cannot be determined 3. Which of the following combinations of boys and Bank is correct? (I)G -Q (3)0-R (5)A-R 4. Which of the following combinations of friends, represents for the Bank P? (1) Only Band F (2) Only F and G (3) Only B, F and G (4) Only B, F and C (5) None of these 5. Finally which of the following were selected? (1) A, C, F (2) A, C, G (3) B, C, F (4) B, C, G (5) None of these Directions (6-10) : In each ofthe questions below there are three state¬ments followed by three conclusions numbered I, II and III. Read all the conclusions 'and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements. 6. Statements: All dogs are birds. Some birds are trees. No house is tree. Conclusions: 1. Some hopses are dogs. II. Some birds are nogs. III. Some trees are dogs. 1) Only 1 follows 2) Only III follows (3) Only II follows (4) Only II and IIJ follow (5) None of these Ans: 3 7. Statements: All goats 'lrc tigers. Some tigers are horses. All horses are jackals. Conclusions: 1. Soine jackals are tigers. 2. Some jackals are goats. 3. Some horses are goats. (1) None follows (2) Only 1 follows (3) Only I and II follow (4) Only II and III follow (5) All follow Ans: 2 8. Statements: Some pens are tables. All tables are. Some inks are apples. Conclusions: 1. Some apples are pens. II. Some apples are tables. III. Some inks are pens. (1) None follows (2) Only I follows (3) Only II follows (4) OnlyIII follows (5) None of these Ans: 4 9. Statements: All fruits are vegetables. All pens are vegetables. All vegetables are rains. Conclusions: 1. All fruits are rains. II. All pens are rains: III. Some rains are vegetables. (1) None follows (2) Only I and II follow (3) Only II and III follow (4) Only I and III follow (5) All follow Ans: 5 10. Statements: . Some flowers are skies. Some skies are rooms. Some rooms are windows. Conclusions: I. Some windows are skies. II. Some rooms are flowers. III. No sky is window. (1) Only I follows (2) Only either I or II follows (3) Only either II or III follows (4) Only either I or III follows (5) None of these Ans: 5 General Knowledge: 1. The punch line of the advertisement of which of the following organization is "Jindagi ke sath bhi Jindagi ke bad bhi" ? (A) New India Assurance (B) General Insurance Corporation (C) ICICI Prudential (D) Life Insurance Corporation Of India (E) None of these 2. The central office of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) is located at - (A) Kolkata (B) New Delhi (C) Chennai (D) Pune (E) Mumbai 3. Th Life Insurance Corporation Of India has how many Zonal offices in India ? (A) Five (B) Seven (C) Ten (D) Fifteen (E) None of these 4. Which of the following schemes was launched by the LIC in December 2001 with the object to lessen the burden of parents in meeting the educational expenses of their children ? (A) Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana (B) Jan Shree Bima Yojana (C) Shiksha Sahyog Yojana (D) Bhagyashree Child Welfare Bima Yojana (E) None of these 5. If an organization wishes to venture into Insurance Business it has to obtain a licence first from which of the following ? (A) Indian Bnaks Association (IBA) (B) Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (C) Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) (D) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) (E) None of these 6. Which of the following schemes launched in the year 2000 by the LIC replaced social Securitty group Insurance Schemes (SSIGS) and Rural Group Life Insurance Schemes (RGLIS) ? (A) Janshree Bima Yojana (B) Bhagyashree Child Welfare Bima Yojana (C) Jan Arogya Bima Yojana (D) Raj Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojana (E) None of these 7. How many maximum children from a family are covered for the benefits under the Shiksha Sahyog Yojana launched by the LIC ? (A) One only (B) Two only (C) Three only (D) One Girl Child only (E) None of these 8. Which of the following Scheme was launched by the LIC to provide life insurance protection, perodical lumpsum survival benefit and pension to the agricultural workers in India ? (A) Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana (B) Jan Shree Bima Yojana (C) Mahila Kalyan Yojana (D) Sampurna Arogya Bima Policy (E) None of these 9. On December 6yh 2006, the president of India launched on exclusive health Insurance Scheme for senior citizens. Which of the following insurance company has launched the schemes ? (A) National Insurance Company (B) Life Insurance Corporation Of India (C) ICICI Prudential (D) HDFC Life (E) None of these 10. Which of the following cities does not have one of the zonal offices of the Life Insurance Corporation Of India ? (A) Mumbai (B) Kolkata (C) Chennai (D) Hyderabad (E) Jhansi 11. Which of the following is the Basic Life Insurance Plan of the Life Insurance Corporation Of India ? (A) Jeevan Tarang (B) Jeevan Nidhi (C) Jeevan Adhar (D) Jeevan Umang (E) None of these 12. Anmol Jeevan is a .......... of the LIC (A) Basic Life Insurance Plan (B) Term Insurance Plan (C) Children's Plan (D) Pension Plan (E) None of these 13. As per policy of the LIC, loans are granted on unencumbered policies upto what per cent of the surrender value ? (A) 60 % (B) 70 % (C) 80 % (D) 90 % (E) None of these 14. Which of the following group Schemes of the LIC Provides pensiobn to employees on their retirement from service ? (A) Group Term Insurance Scheme (B) Group Insurance in Liew of EDLI (C) Group Gratuity Scheme (D) Group Supeannuation Scheme (E) None of these 15. Which of the following is the pension plam of the LIC (A) Jeevan Adhar (B) Jeevan ANAND (C) Jeevan Akshay (D) Amulya Jeevan (E) None of these 16. Which of the following is not a scheme of the LIC ? (A)Jeevan Sangam (B) Jeevan Saral (C) Jeevan Adhar (D) Jeevan Pramukh (E) None of these 17. Which of the following is a term Assurance plan of the LIC ? (A) Jeevan Akshay (B) Jeevan Adhar (C) Jeevan Nivesh (D) Jeevan Nidhi (E) None of these 18. Premium to LIC policies can be paid by which of the following modes ? (a) Cash (b) Cheque (c) Electronic Charging Machine (A) Only a (B) Only b (C) Only c (D) Both a and b (E) All a, b and c 19. Customers of Lic can now get information about their policies by dialing which of the following telephone numbers in most of the centres ? (A) 101 (B) 135 (C) 136 (D) 1251 (E) None of these 20. Lic policy holders do not get any income tax benefit under which of the following sections of the income tax act ? (A) Section 80C (B) Section 68 A, B and C (C) sECTION 80 CCC (D) Section 80 CD (E) None of these 21. Who amongst the following is not a Bharat Ratna Awardee ? (A) Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam (B) Dr. V.VGiri (C) Dr. Rajendra Parsad (D) Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma (E) None of these 22. Duran Lineb devides which of the following pair of the countries ? (A) China - Afghanistan (B) Afghanistan - Pakistan (C) India - Pakistan (D) India - Nepal (E) Bangladesh - India 23. Who has become the second person of Indian origin to go into space after Kalpana Chawala ? (A) Koneru Humpi (B) Indra Nooyi (C) Sunita Williams (D) Sudha Murti (E) None of these 25. Which of the following cups is associated with the game of Hockey ? (A) Whiteman Cup (B) Evert Cup (C) Agha Khan Cup (D) Hafed Open Cup (E) None of these Placement Papers LIC Current Affairs LIC General Awareness questions related banking and finance for the preparation of upcoming LIC Executives and ADO Officers examination.Preparing for LIC All Examination we have to give more concentration for latest banking ,insurance, business periodicals and latest finance based awareness 1. Which of the following States will soon have its first Civil Airports? (A) Jammu & Kashmir (B) Maharashtra (C) Assam (D) Meghalaya (E) Sikkim Ans : (E) 2. Who amongst the following made the 41st Test Century of his career recently ? (A) Saurav Ganguly (B) V. V. S. Laxman (C) Rahul Dravid (D) Sachin Tendulkar (E) None of these Ans : (D) 3. Which of the following was/were the objective(s) of the Mission Chandrayaan 1 ? (a) Preparing dimensional atlas of the lunar surface. (b) Chemical Mapping of the entire lunar surface. (c) Locating minerals in the soil of the moon. (A) Only (a) (B) Only (b) (C) Only (c) (D) All (a), (b) & (c) (E) None of these Ans : (D) 4. Which of the following States introduced a high tech foodgrain rationing system to ensure timely supply of the foodgrains to people living below poverty line ? (A) Maharashtra (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Delhi (D) West Bengal (E) Karnataka Ans : (E) 5. Which of the following is NOT a part of India?s Money Market ? (A) Bill Markets (B) Call Money Market (C) Banks (D) Mutual Funds (E) Indian Gold Council Ans : (E) 6. Which of the following is the objective of the project ?Bhoomi Keralam? launched by the State Govt. ? (A) To conduct a survey of the land (B) To bring those people back who have left the State and settled in other States (C) To provide financial security to farmers who are in distress (D) To identify those tribals who need jobs or financial assistance (E) None of these Ans : (A) 7. Which of the following countries adopted its new constitution recently ? (A) Russia (B) Equadore (C) South Korea (D) North Korea (E) None of these Ans : (B) 8. Which of the following awards was given to Pt. Bhimsen Joshi recently (2008) ? (A) Padma Bhushan (B) Sangit Natak Academy Award (C) Maharashtra Bhushan (D) Karnataka Ratna (E) Bharat Ratna Ans : (E) 9. Which of the following States got its first Rail link recently ? (A) Haryana (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Sikkim (D) Manipur (E) Jammu & Kashmir Ans : (E) 10. Barack Hussain Obama belongs to which of the following political parties ? (A) Republican (B) Democratic (C) Labour (D) American National Congress (E) None of these Ans : (B)