Institute of Actuaries Of India-Subject CT5- General Insurance, Life and Health Contingencies Exam


Institute of Actuaries Of India-Subject CT5 - General Insurance, Life and Health

Contingencies Exam -

The Institute of actuaries of India is the main body that runs the exams for all of the jobs and courses in insurance. There are a lot of different things that can be insured and the rules that apply to them, so there are a lot of different types of insurance. This paper only talks about the general part of it, which is Life and health insurance.

Importance of the Exam - 

Though there are many areas of insurance that deal with the making of these rules as well as the rules that govern different things that can be insured by these rules. But the paper on general insurance is very important because they deal with Life Insurance and Health Insurance plans. If you want to get a lot of insurance, you should get these kinds of policies.

Format of Exam - There are both descriptive and numerical questions on the paper, so both types of questions are there. It's a lot of work. There are a lot of questions in all. Candidate are told to start each answer from the beginning of a new page if the question is personal. This is what they are told to do. Because they write their answers on one page, candidates can write their answers to objective type questions on the same piece of paper.

 Marking - There are 100 points in the General Insurance, Life, and Health Contingencies question paper. The number of points each question gets depends on how long you have to write your answer.

Time period - Normally, students can complete this work in less than three hours.

Exam pattern - The question paper has a number of questions.However, the candidates are not given any overall options. 

Suggested books - Understanding health Insurance : A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement by Michelle A. Greene and Jo Ann C. Rowell.

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