Indian Army Clerk Selection Test Model Exam Paper

Indian Army Clerk Selection Test Model Exam Paper 1. Tetracycline is used (a) For air purification (b) As a pest killer (c) As anti-plague drug (d) As a preservative Answer: c 2. Refrigeration is a process in which the decomposition of food (a) Retarded (b) Stopped (c) Speeded up (d) Delayed Answer: d 3. Thought, feeling and perception get altered when one is under the influence of (a) Amphetamines (b) Tranquilizers (c) Morphine (d) Hashish Answer: d 4. An ideal godown for storing food grains is the one which keeps the grain (a) With constant air circulation (b) In proper humidity (c) Cool and free from pest (d) In well-lighted condition Answer: c 5. The human body is immune to which disease? (a) Jaundice (b) Diabetes (c) Small pox (d) Tuberculosis Answer: c 6. Mother?s milk is preferred to cow?s milk because it contains (a) More fats and more lipids (b) Less fats and less lipids (c) More lipids and less fat (d) More fats and less lipids Answer: b 7. Which of the following are affected by AIDS? 1. Blood circulatory system 2. Nervous system 3. Immune system 4. Respiratory system (a) l, 2and3 (b) 2,3and4 (c) 1, 2and4 (d)1,3and4 Answer: d 8. Which of the following chemicals is used for preserving fruit juices? (a) Ammonium sulphate (b) Sodium hydroxide (c) Sodium benzoate (d) Potassium nitrate Answer: c 9. Which of the following is not a cereal? (a) Rice (b) Mustard (c) Barley (d) Maize Answer: b 10. UP-308 is a variety of (a) Wheat (b) Rice (c) Millet (d) Cotton Answer: a 11. Which of the following is adapted to grow in dry places? (a) Hydrophytes (b) Helophytes (c) Xerophytes (d) Sciophytes Answer: c 12. Cotton fiber is rooted from (a) Leaf (b) Root (c) Stem (d) Seed Answer: d 13. Plant identical to mother plant can be had from (a) Seeds (b) Stem cutting (c) Both of these (d) None of these Answer: c 14. The biological process accomplished in preparing wine from grapes is very similar to the one involved in the preparation of (a) Curd from milk (b) Cream from milk (c) Quinine from cinchona (d) Penicillin from penicillium Answer: a 15. World Water Day is on? 16. Francois Hollande is the president of which country? 17. Full form of NPA. 18. Headquarter of WMO (World Meteorological Organization). 19.Who is the chairman of Chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)? 20.Who is the author of the book ?Joseph Anton: A Memoir?? Indian-Army General-Awareness Indian Army Model Question Paper General Awareness 1) Where is doldrums effect occurs? Ans-Sub tropical region 2) How many Gold Medal P.T. Usha won in 1986 Asian games in Seoul? Ans-3 3) Who was runner up for ICC world cup cricket in 2013 (Men's)? Ans-Controversial question 4) Chlorophyll has one metal content? Ans-magnesium. 5) Red soil is suitable for which crops? Ans-Millets, Sugarcane, Ragi 6) Martin Luther King was from which country? Ans-USA 7) Reinforcement movement was initiated by? Ans-Martin Luther 8) Paris is situated in the bank of which river? Ans-Seine 9) Quit India movement was initiated in year? Ans-1942 10) Which is not a permanent member of UN security council? Ans-Germany 11) How soap work? Ans-soap mix with oil and separate it from dirt. 12) Who was first Governor General of free India? Ans- Lord Mountbatten 13) Capital of Iceland? Ans-Reykjavik 14) Raja Ram Mohan Rai Established By? Ans-Brahmo Samaj 15) Capital of Sudan? Ans-Juba 16) Where is Kilimanjaro Volcano? Ans-Tanzania 17) Where is Angkot Vishnu Temple located? Ans-Cambodia 18) When did Saurav Gangulay first played for India? Ans-11 Jan .1992 19) When did India got its first Gold medal in Olympic Games? Ans-1928(Hockey) 20) Who heads the planning commission? Ans- Prime Minister 21) Oral rehydration therapy ORT is used for? Ans-cholera 22) The action of bile on is? Ans-Emulsification 23) Kilowatt per Hour is unit of? Ans-Electric energy 24) White revolution is about of which product? Ans-Milk 25) The instrument used for measuring air pressure? Ans-Barometer 26) Aryabhataa was the contemporary of which king?? Ans-Chandragupta 27) Pallavs ruled in which states? Ans-Kanchi 28) McMahon line is border of? Ans-India & China 29) Submarine uses which instrument? Ans-Periscope 30) Which kind of mirror is used in periscope? Ans-Plane mirror 31) Which is not a Rabi corps? Ans-Millets 32) Buddhism Literature is written in which language? Ans-Pali 33) What kind of reaction is nerve impulse send? Ans-Electro-chemical 34) Urea is separated/produced by which organ? Ans-Kidney 35) Who was first Indian to sail in boat around the world alone? Ans-Lieutenant Commander Abhilash Tomy 36) Which is called heat waves also? Ans-Microwaves 37) Who makes oath to President? Ans-Chief Justice India 38) Which of these is example of Public litigation, Court take action? Ans-Judicial Activism 39) Nthula Pass is situated in? Ans-Sikkim 40) When did India adopted its constitution? Ans-26th Jan, 1950 41) Where is Gulf of Mannar? Ans-Tamilnadu 42) Which fact is right about leaving of Britishers from India Ans- indian national army forced them 43) Emergency cannot be imposed in which of following conditions? Ans-Political disturbance 44) Name of the line joining equal rain falling places? Ans-Isohyets 45) Which is not a real fruit? Ans-plum 46) rain shadow area? Ans-Orographic rain 47) What is Photo synthesis? 48) What is the name of the tiger used as mascout in commonwealth games? Ans- Raju 49) Which is the top award given to any Indian for literature, science and art? Ans-Bharataratna 50) Lance Armstrong belongs to which country? Ans-USA 51) When did Quit India movement started? Ans-1942 52) Kovvada Nuclear power plant is in which state? Ans-Andra Pradesh 53) Dada Saheb Falke award is given for? Ans-Cinema 54) Which state produces most coffee in India? Ans-Karnataka 55) Which is called evening star? Ans-Venus 56) Which is not a Mammal? Ans-Shark 57) Which is not a component of Milk? Ans-vitamin c 58) How water get acidic? Ans- due to the dissolved oxygen 59) Sodium kept in which liquid? Ans-kerosene 60) Which actor won the best actor award in National Film Award 2012? Ans- Irfan Khan & Vikram Gokhle Indian-Army Interview Question Indian Army(General Duty) Model Interview Questions General Knowledge: 1. What is the currency of Nepal? (a) Pound (b) Dollar (c) Taka (d) Rupee 2. What is the capital of U.K.? (a) London (b) Washington, D.C. (c) Moscow (d) New York 3. Which of the following planets has maximum number of moons? (a) Venus (b) Saturn (c) Jupiter (d) Mars 4. Avinab Bindra is associated with ? (a) Hockey (b) Cricket (c) Chess (d) Shooting 5. Who was Raj Kapoor? (a) Film-actor (b) Singer (c) Social worker (d) None of these 6. Which is the smallest continent in the world? (a) Asia (b) Australia (c) Europe (d) None 7. Who wrote ?Godan?? (a) Munsi Premchand (b) Kabir (c) Tulsidas (d) Rabindranath Tagore 8. Which place is associated with Goutam Buddha? (a) Saranath (b) Lumbini (c) Benares (d) Dehradun 9. In which year did the Second World War start ? (a) 1914 (b) 1918 (c) 1939 (d) 1945 10. Which is the smallest planet in our solar system ? (a) Venus (b) Jupiter (c) Pluto (d) Mercury 11. Who is the Chief Minister of Bihar ? (a) Rabri Devi (b) Nitish kumar (c) Laloo Prasad (d) Mayawati 12. Which country is the largest producer of wheat ? (a) U.S.A. (b) China (c) India (d) Russia 13. How many countries are members of UN Security Council ? (a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 5 (d) 20 14. What is the full form of IST ? (a) International Standard Time (b) Indian School for Technicians (c) Indian Standard Time (d) International Statistical Traders 15. Who is Medha Patkar? (a) Actress (b) Social activist (c) Athlete (d) Politician 16. Who was the first woman Chief Minister of a state? (a) Sucheta Kripalini (b) Mayawati (c) Jaylalita (d) Sarojini Naidu 17. Napoleon belonged to which country? (a) Russia (b) China (c) France (d) Germany 18. The French Revolution took place in which year? (a) 1789 (b) 1757 (c) 1857 (d) 1917 19. Who was the first woman president of I.N.C.? (a) Annie Besant (b) Indira Gandhi (c) Vijaya Laxmi Pandit (d) Kiran Bedi 20. Where is Taj Mahal located? (a) Agra (b) New Delhi (c) Amritsar (d) Jodhpur 21. Who is known as the Father of Indian Nation? (a) Subhash Chandra Bose (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (c) Mahatma Gandhi (d) B.R. Ambedkar 22. Who was the first Indian to win Nobel Prize? (a) C.V. Raman (b) Mother Teresa (c) Rabindranath Tagore (d) Amartya Sen 23. Which is the capital of Tripura ? (a) Imphal (b) Itanagar (c) Agartala (d) Kohima 24. Wimbledon Trophy is associated with which game ? (a) Cricket (b) Football (c) Lawn Tennis (d) Polo 25. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated in which year ? (a) 1948 (b) 1947 (c) 1942 (d) 1945 26. Paris is in which country ? (a) England (b) France (c) Italy (d) Germany 27. In which state is Tirupati Temple located? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Kerala 28. The term ?sudden death? is associated with which game? (a) Football (b) Cricket (c) Hockey (d) Kabadi 29. Which is the capital of Andhra Pradesh? (a) Secunderabad (b) Hyderabad (c) Bangalore (d) Chennai 30. Sundarlal Bahugana is associated with which movement? (a) Narmada Movement (b) Quit India Movement (c) Chipko Movement (d) All of these 31. Percentage of oxygen in atmosphere is ? (a) 20.60% (b) 0.03% (c) 77.16% (d) 23% 32. Charlie Chaplin was associated with (a) Film (b) Literature (c) Dance (d) Politics 33. Red Cross was founded by ? (a) Henry Dunant (b) Louis Pastur (c) Edward Jenner (d) Ronald Ross 34. Hirakund Dam is situated in which state? (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Orissa (c) Punjab (d) Maharashtra 35. World Environment Day is observed on which day? (a) 5th April (b) 14th Nov (c) 5th June (d) 5th July 36. Which is the currency of U.K.? (a) Dollar (b) Pound (c) Lira (d) Dinar 37. Who was the founder of Jainism? (a) Goutam Buddha (b) Mahavir (c) Jesus Christ (d) Guru Govind Singh 38. Where is the Char Minar located? (a) Hyderabad (b) Secunderabad (c) New Delhi (d) Agra 39. Karl Marx belonged to which country? (a) China (b) Germany (c) Russia (d) Japan 40. ?Vandemataram? was composed by ? (a) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Md. Iqbal (c) Bankimchandra Chatterjee (d) Ved Vyas Indian Army Clerk selection model question papers Indian Army Clerk selection model question papers 1. Name the Indian High jumper who won a silver medal in (F42 single leg, amputations minimal disability category) at London Paralympics Games. (a) Girisha Hosanagara Nagarajegowda (b) Vijay Singh Chauhan (c) Suresh Babu (d) Hari Shankar Roy Answer: (a) Girisha Hosanagara Nagarajegowda 2. The legendary tennis player from US who announced his retirement during the US open on 6 September 2012 after facing a defeat from John Martin del Potro. (a) Roger Federer (b) Rafael Nadal (c) Novak Djokovic (d) Andy Roddick Answer: (d) Andy Roddick 3. Which Indian female wrestler won Bronze in the World Junior Championship at Pattava on 6 September 2012? (a) Indu Choudhary (b) Geeta Phogat (c) Sonika Kaliraman (d) Alka tomar Answer: (a) Indu Choudhary 4. Name the Formula one driver who became the winner of Italian Grand Prix 2012 (a) Fernando Alonso (b) Lewis Hamilton (c) Sebastian Vettel (d) Michael Schumacher Answer: (b) Lewis Hamilton 5. Name the tennis player who became the first British man to capture US Open Grand Slam Singles Championship after 76 years by defeating Novak Djokovic on 11 September 2012. (a) Andy Murray (b) Max Woonsam (c) Jamie Murray (d) Bunny Austin Answer: (a) Andy Murray 6. Name the New Zealand?s fast bowler who retired from both International and Domestic Cricket (a) Shane Bond (b) Daryl Tuffey (c) Ian Butler (d) Chris Martin Answer (b) Daryl Tuffey 7. The boxing Champion, Muhammad Ali who retired from the game in the year 1981 was honoured with Medal in Philadelphia on 13 September 2012. What was the name of that medal? (a) Liberty medal (b) Medal of Excellence (c) Indecorum medal (d) None of these Answer: (a) Liberty medal 8. Which Indian player became ICC ODI cricketer of the year? (a) Virendra Sehwag (b) MS Dhoni (c) Suresh Raina (d) Virat Kohli Answer: (d) Virat kohli 9. Which character is declared to be the official mascot for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil on 12 September 2012. (a) Laughing Buddha (b) A Smiling Armadillo (c) Shera (d) A Running Pichachhoo Answer: (b) A Smiling Armadillo 10. Women SAF football championship 2012 was won by which country? (a) Nepal (b) Bhutan (c) China (d) India Answer: (d) India 11. Name the two players on whom AITA (All India Tennis Association) extended ban till June 2014 (a) Mahesh Bhupati and Rohan Bopanna (b) Sania Mirza and Rohan Bopanna (c) Leander Paes and Sania Mirza (d) Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupati Answer: (a) Mahesh Bhupati and Rohan Bopanna 12. Name the owner of Delhi franchise of hockey India (a) Tata Group (b) Wave Group (c) Bharti Group (d) Aircel and Reliance Answer: (b) Wave Group 13. Name the person who has been appointed as full time president of Hockey India. (a) Gayatri Shetty (b) Mariamma koshy (c) Bachendri Pal (d) Dilip Tirki Answer: (b) Mariamma koshy 14. Name the the Australian Cricketer who on 20 September 2012 announced his retirement from all formats of Cricket. (a) Matthew Hayden (b) Ricky Pointing (c) Michael Clarke (d) Bret Lee Answer: (a) Matthew Hayden 15. Name the BJP MLA who was elected as the President of Indian Boxing Federation on 23 September 2012. (a) Abhishek Matoria (b) Ashok Gehlot (c) Mahesh Joshi (d) Sachin Pilot Answer: (a) Abhishek Matoria 16. Name the England football player, the captain of Chelsea in the premier league who announced his retirement from International Football on 24 September 2012. (a) John Terry (b) Stevan Gerrard (c) David Beckham (d) Ashley Cole Answer: (a) John Terry 17. Name the Indian boxer and London Olympic bronze medalist who on 24 September 2012 named as the brand ambassador of super fight league. (a) Vijendra Singh (b) M C Mary Kom (c) Manoj Kumar (d) Vikas Krishan Answer: (b) M C Mary Kom 18. Name the Former Cricketer and all-rounder, who was appointed as the Chairman of the five member senior selection committee of BCCI on 27 September 2012. (a) Saba Karim (b) Vikram Rathour (c) Sandeep Patil (d) Rajinder Singh Hans. Answer: (c) Sandeep Patil 19. Deepika Kumari the Sports Person from India, won Silver at Recurve World Cup on 23 September 2012 in Tokyo. Recurve world Cup is related to which Sports Event? (a) Archery (b) Shooting (c) Disc Throwing (d) Volley ball Answer: (a) Archery 20. Which Indian golfer wrapped up a four-shot victory at the Yeangder tournament players Championship in Chinese Taipei on 17 September 2012? (a) Gaganjeet Bhullar (b) Jeev Mikha Singh (c) Shiv Kapur (d) Jyoti Randhawa Answer: (a) Gaganjeet Bhullar 21. The Supreme Court of India on 4 September 2012 directed the Union Government of India to re-fix the pay scale of army officers affected by the which Pay Commission? (a) Fourth pay Commission (b) Sixth pay Commission (c) Fifth Pay Commission (d) None of these Answer: (a) Fourth pay Commission 22. At what interest rate percent per annum, The Union Cabinet gave its approval to continue interest subsidy to Public Sector Banks (PSBs), Regional Rural Banks (RRBs), Cooperatives Banks and NABARD enabling them to provide short-term crop loans of up to Rs 3 lakhs to farmers during the year 2012-13? (a) 7% Per annum (b) 8.5 % Per annum (c) 6 % Per annum (d) 5 % per annum Answer: (a) 7 % per annum 23. To what percent Government of India on 11 September 2012 reduced interest rates on rescheduled crop loans from 12 percent in the drought-affected areas for the fiscal year 2012-13 (a) 8 percent (b) 5 percent (c) 7 percent (d) 6 percent Answer: (c) 7 Percent 24. The State Health Ministry of Arunachal Pradesh launched a scheme in Itanagar on 14 September 2012 for providing financial assistance upto 1.5 lakh rupees to BPL patients suffering from life threatening diseases in the form of a onetime grant. What was the name of that scheme? (a) Rashtriya Aarogya Nidhi (b) Rashtriya Janseva Nidhi (c) Rashtriya Sarvoklayan Prayojna (d) None of these Answer: (a) Rashtriya Aarogya Nidhi 25. Name the Person of India who was appointed as Chief Economist of World Bank. (a) Kaushik basu (b) Jaideep Sarkar (c) Narayan Murthy (d) Nandan Nilkeni Answer: (a) Kaushik basu 26. Name the person who on 13 September 2012 was appointed as the 39th chief justice of India (a) Justice Altamas Kabir (b) Justice A.K. Sikri (c) Rajeev Gupta (d) Justice Mohit Shantilal Shah Answer: (a) Justice Altamas Kabir 27. Which person was appointed as the president of, The Indian Newspaper Society for the year 2012-2013 on 13 September 2012 during the 73rd annual meet of the Newspaper Society? (a) K.N. Tilak Kumar (b) Ravindra Kumar (c) Ashish Bagga (d) Pradeep Gupta Answer: (a) K.N. Tilak Kumar 28. On which date Vayalar Ravi, Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs inaugurated the 7th Heads of Indian Missions (HoMs) conference and announced revised Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) scheme. (a) 15 September 2012 (b) 16 September 2012 (c) 17 September 2012 (d) 20 September 2012 Answer: (c) 17 September 2012 29. The Supreme Court of India on 14 September 2012 lifted the gag order on media reporting of troop movement that was ordered by one of the High Court. HC order was in violation of the fundamental right under Article 19(1) (a) of the Constitution, granted to the media and every citizen of the country. The order came from which of the high court? (a) Allahabad High court (b) Calcutta high court (c) Karnataka high court (d) Madras high court Answer: (a) Allahabad High court 30. The Union government hiked Dearness Allowance (DA) by what percent benefiting its 80 lakh employees and pensioners and costing the exchequer an additional Rs7,408 crore annually? (a) 4 percent (b) 8 percent (c) 7 percent (d) 6 percent Answer: (c) 7 percent 331. On which date, the Union Cabinet of India, under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh approved the long awaited demand for One Rank One Pension (OROP) and other benefits of ex-servicemen. (a) 21 September 2012 (b) 24 September 2012 (c) 19 September 2012 (d) 17 September 2012 Answer: (b) 24 September 2012 32. Name the Union Minister who on 24 September 2012 took an additional charge of the Railway Ministry after the exit of Mukul Roy. (a) C.P. Joshi (b) Nitish kumar (c) Mamta Banerjee (d) None of these Answer: (a) C.P. Joshi 33. Which Indian Bollywood actress was appointed as International Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) ? (a) Katrina Kaif (b) Aishwarya Rai (c) Kareena kapoor (d) Madhuri Dixit Answer: (b) Aishwarya Rai 34. The Election commission of India on 27 September 2012 directed the Political Parties and candidates not to use which of the following in the election campaign as it was violating Article 51 (g) of the constitution? (a) Animals and Birds (b) Arms and ammunition (c) Heavy vehicles (d) None of these Answer: (a) Animals and birds 35. Name the Indian nuclear-capable surface-to-surface missile which on 19 September 2012 was successfully test fired from Wheeler Island, off the Odisha Coast. (a) Agni III (b) Agni IV (c) Prithvi III (d) Agni V Answer: (b) Agni IV 36 Scientists of the University of Michigan developed a gene therapy which they claimed could restore the sense of olfactory function. What is this olfactory function related to? (a) Sense of hearing (b) Sense of smell (c) Sense of sight (d) Sense of touch Answer: (b) Sense of Smell 37. Australian scientists along with US experts claimed that they have discovered treatment for Alzheimer patients following a study finding a link to abnormalities in Alzheimer Patients. Alzheimer?s disease is related to? (a) Brain (b) Heart (c) Eye sightedness (d) Liver Answer: (a) Brain 3.8 Researchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Australia discovered that two proteins that work together to kill self-reactive immune cells can protect against diseases such as type1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis principally attacks which part of the body? (a) Joints (b) Skin (c) Lungs (d) Kidney Answer: (a) Joints 39. India enter into its first multi-lateral Social Science research collaboration with four European Nations by the approval of projects for networking and social science research cooperation in between the researchers of these nations. The colaboration came into existence on which date? (a) 2 September 2012 (b) 7 September 2012 (c) 5 September 2012 (d) 4 September 2012 Answer: (c) 5 September 2012 40. The Zoological Society of London and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released a list of 100 different species to be first in line for extinction from 48 different countries during the World Conservation Congress held in Republic of Korea on 11 September 2012. The Indian species that was categorised under first line of extinction was_____________ (a) Great Indian Bustard (b) One horned Rhino (c) Indian giant Squirrel (d) Asiatic Lion Answer: (a) Great Indian Bustard London Olympics 2012 News 1. Which event will take place here at Horse Guards Parade? a) Beach volleyball b) Watersports c) Boxing The correct answer is a) Beach volleyball 2. Which of these events will be held here at the O2 Arena in Greenwich? a) Beach volleyball b) Watersports c) Gymnastics The correct answer is c) Gymnastics 3. Which event will be held here in this sweeping building? a) Athletics b) Track cycling c) Fencing The correct answer is b) Track cycling 4. Olympic football matches will be held at how many different stadia across the UK? a) One b) Three c) Six The correct answer is c) Six 5. Where in London will the Olympic tennis matches be played? a) Queen's Club b) Wimbledon c) Stratford The correct answer is b) Wimbledon 6 Which sport will be played on the Prime Minister's doorstep? a) Fencing b) Long jump c) Beach volleyball The correct answer is c) Beach volleyball 7. What is the name of the building where the track cycling event will take place? a) Velodrome b) Eton Manor c) Old Trafford The correct answer a) Velodrome 8. After the 2012 Games in London, where will the next Summer Olympic Games be held? a) Brazil b) Belize c) Bolvia The correct answer is a) Brazil 9. How much water will the Aquatics Centre use? a) 5 million litres b) 30 million litres c) 10 million litres The correct answer is c) 10 million litres 10. What type of sport will this specially-built course at Lee Valley be used for? a) Watersports b) Triathlon c) Cycling The correct answer is a) Watersports 11. Which country held the last Summer Olympic Games? a) Bolivia b) China c) Denmark The correct answer is c) China 12. Which sport will kick off the games? a) Women's rugby b) Women's football c) Women's golf The correct answer is b) Women's football 13. How many sports will feature in the games? a) 36 b) 55 c) 70 The correct answer is a) 36 14. Which of these Olympic venues is outside London? a) Wembley Stadium b) Olympic Stadium c) Millennium Stadium The correct answer is c) Millennium Stadium 15. Who are the official London 2012 mascots? a) Wendey and Mathew b) William and Mary c) Wenlock and Mandeville The correct answer is c) Wenlock and Mandeville 18. Which sport will be played on the Prime Minister's doorstep? a) Fencing b) Long jump c) Beach volleyball The correct answer is c) Beach volleyball 19. What is the name of the building where the track cycling event will take place? a) Velodrome b) Eton Manor c) Old Trafford The correct answer a) Velodrome 20. After the 2012 Games in London, where will the next Summer Olympic Games be held? a) Brazil b) Belize c) Bolvia The correct answer is a) Brazil 21. How much water will the Aquatics Centre use? a) 5 million litres b) 30 million litres c) 10 million litres The correct answer is c) 10 million litres 22. What type of sport will this specially-built course at Lee Valley be used for? a) Watersports b) Triathlon c) Cycling The correct answer is a) Watersports 23 What is the official website of the 2012 Olympics? -Answer 24 The Olympic Games are organized for the ... time. 33th 43th 23th 37th 27th -Answer 25 When did the IOC decide to let London organise the 2012 Olympics? 2008 2009 2007 2005 -Answer 2006 26 How many Olympic disciplines will be played? 17 26 21 32 27 Give the end date for the 2012 Olympic Games. August 5, 2012 July 16, 2012 August 17, 2012 August 12, 2012 28 Which sport will not be played during the 2012 Olympics? Canoeing Fencing Baseball -Answer 29 What's the official name for the organisation of the 2012 Olympics? London Organising Olympic 2012 Olympic London Official - Olympic Games and Paralympic Games Olympic Delivery Authority London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games 30 The 2012 Olympic Games are also known as The 2012 Winter Olympic Games The 2012 Summer Olympic Games -Answer 31 What is the official name for the 2012 Olympic Games? Summer Olympics Games of the XXX Olympiad 2012 Summer Olympic Games Games of the XXX Olympiad -Answer 32 Give the start date for the 2012 Olympic Games. July 27, 2012 -Answer July 20, 2012 June 30, 2012 August 1, 2012 33 Who won the first medal (Bronze) for India at the London Olympics 2012? Gagan Narang 34 Who won silver medal for India in the final of the Men's 66kg Freestyle wrestling at the Olympics 2012? Sushil Kumar 35 Name the team who won their 2nd consecutive Olympic hockey gold? Netherlands Indian-Army Question-Paper Indian Territorial Army - Solved Question Paper Section I-Essay A) Write an Essay in about 300 words in any one of the following topics mentioned below ? 1) Inflation and its effect. 2) Indian's Foreign Relations. 3) The Lokpal Bill. 4) Energy Security,India's current Energy Status,Challenges in front of India. 5) The importance of the MGNREGA. Section II- General Awareness 1) Whose reign was called the Golden Age of the Mughal ? Ans: Shahjahan 2) Which of the following is not a basic industry? Ans: paper 3) IBIN stands for ? Ans: India Backbone Implementation Network 4) What is "Astra" ? Ans: Its a air to air missile. 5) A standing army was first introduced in Medieval India by ? Ans: Iltumish 6) Which games are going to be held are scheduled to be held in 2017 in London ? Ans:The 16th World Championships in Athletics 7) Press freedom day falls on which date? Ans: May 3 8) World Intellectual Property Day falls on which date ? Ans: April 26 9) What is a Catalyst ? Ans: a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change. 10) Gwadar port is developed by china in which country ? Ans:Pakistan 11) International Mother earth day ? Ans: 22 April 12) Who signs one rupee currency note of India ? Ans: Finance Secretary 13) Which country apart from India has provision for non discrimination ? 14) What is SX 40? Ans: SX40 is the flagship Index of MCX-SX 15) Dabhol Power Station is in which state ? Ans: Maharashtra state 16) Planning commission of India Presided by ? Ans: Prime minister of India 17) 9th Chairman of Asian Development Bank ? Ans: Takehiko Nakao 18) Venue for first world test series will be at ? Ans: England & Wales 19) Garo-Khasi range is in ? Ans: meghalaya 20) Which mobile company name matches with one of the river name in the world? Ans: Nokia 21) Who wrote the declaration of Independence ? 22) The pipeline between Russia and Azerbaijan is called..? Ans: Kazi Magomed pipeline 23) NN Vohra is governor of which state? Ans: J&K 24) Who said patriotism is religion & religion is love for India ? Ans: Bankim Chandra Chaterjee 25) Jhansi Merger after 1857 freedom battle was the result of? 26) Pt Ravi Shankar Won the World Music Album award for? Ans: The Living Room Sessions Part 1 27) When is world press day ? Ans: May 3 28) Which Muslim intruders attacked India 1st? 29) who is cci vice president ? 30) Number of schedules in constitution of india ? Ans: 12 31) Jharli is in which state ? Ans: Haryana 32) which country give asylum to snowden ? Ans:Russia 33) Sahyadri range is also known as ? Ans: Western Ghats 34) Which state does not touch myanmar State ? Ans: The state which touch myanmar are : 1 nagaland 2 manipur 3 mizoram 4 arunachal pradesh 35) KolDam dam is in which state ? Ans: Bilashpur, Himachal pradesh 36) Which gas was used to kill civilians in syria by the government Ans: Sarin 37) WWW invented by ? Ans: Tim Berners-Lee. 38) Pipeline project from Azerbaijan to Italy is known as ? Ans: Trans Adriatic Pipeline 39) Khasi, Garo languages belong to which state? Ans: Meghalaya 40) Name of god with three faces and surrounded by animal in harappan civilization ? Ans: The Pasupati 41) Who conducts Panchayati Raj Elections ? Ans: State election Commissioner 42) Bangalore-dabhol pipeline. where is dabhol located ? Ans: Maharashtra State 43) India's first station at Arctic? Ans: Himadri station 44) what was discovered by william harvey? Ans: the circulation of blood 45) SFIO full form? Ans: Serious Fraud Investigation Office 46)The biggest coral island in India is ? Ans: lakshwadweep 47) The 40th G8 summit was due to be held in 2014 ? Ans: Russia 48) In how many countries India has acceded to Madrid Protocol which allows Indian companies to register their trademarks by filing a single application. Ans:89 49) Star Movies new channel Ans: Star movies action