
Que. 1 : Q1) Whose concept states that interpersonal and human relations may lead to productivity

   1.  a) Elton Mayo

   2.  b) Henry Fayol

   3.  c) F.W. Taylor

   4.  d) Max Weber

Que. 2 : Q2) State Whether the following Statement is True or False Job Enrichment Aims to Create Greater Opportunity for Individual Achievement.

   1.  a) True

   2.  b) False



Que. 3 : Q3) On the job training includes______

   1.  a) Task analysis and Performance analysis

   2.  b) Simulated training and vestibule training

   3.  c) Employee orientation

   4.  d) Internship and Assistantship

Que. 4 : Q4) What does consensus refer to in attribution theory?

   1.  a) There is general agreement about a perception.

   2.  b) Different people respond the same way in the same situation.

   3.  c) There is general agreement about how people desire to respond to the same situation.

   4.  d) Different people perceive a situation similarly.

Que. 5 : Q5) _________is the ability of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual objectives

   1.  a) Motivation

   2.  b) Control

   3.  c) Leadership

   4.  d) Supervision