IC90 - Human Resource Management (HRM) -06

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Q1.What are the factors which are relevant in the career choice of an individual? 1. Ability to accept responsibility 2. Choice of location of employee 3. Health condition of family members
   1 and 3
   2 and 3
   Only 2
   Only 3
   1, 2 and 3
Q 2. Which of the following statements describes the role of middle managers? 1. Determine how the contact is to be managed 2. Take decision regarding company vision management 3. Take decision regarding business expansion strategy
   Only 3
   Only 1
   2 and 3
   1 and 2
   Only 3
Q3.Choose the correct options which best describe the term ‘Futurity of decisions’.
  A decision that can change in the future due to a change in the plan and situation
  A decision is taken now which is ad-hoc in nature before a final decision in future
   A set of activities initiated today and a decision to be taken based on its outcome in future
  A decision was taken today with the expectation of certain future outcomes and sets in motion a set of activities
   Impact of the decision taken in the past which is reviewed on a future date
Q4.Identify from the following, the ways to cope up with stress. 1. Long working hours 2. Take up as much work as possible 3. The delegation, reduce the burden on self
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
   Only 1
   Only 2
   Only 3
Q5.The leaders that follow the related style (1.9) are likely to be found in ____.
   Senior levels
   None of the above
Q6.Which of the following factors determine the maturity of a sub-ordinate?
  The willingness of the sub-ordinate to perform
  The skill of the sub-ordinate
   Length of the service of the sub-ordinate
  Option ‘a’ and ‘B
   All of the above
Q7.Behind all attempts to get people to work through the offer of money, the underlying assumption is that human beings are basically economic beings who: 1. Respond fiercely when survival is at stake 2. Act on fear 3. Would respond positively when shown ways to reduce effort and earn more
   1 and 3
   Only 1
   Only 2
   Only 3
   2 and 3
Q8.Identify from the following, the correct options with respect to job analysis.
   Job analysis help to identify the skills and qualification which is required for a job
   Job analysis help to identify and eliminate unimportant jobs
  Determinants arrived at after job analysis at different intervals of time will remain constant in a stable organization
  Options ‘A’ and ‘B
   All of the above
Q9.Select from below the things an interviewer should not do.
   Talk as little as possible
   Interrupt the candidate who is talking in response to a question
   Keep quiet while the candidate is answering
   Avoid arguing with the candidate
   Encourage the candidate to talk freely
Q10.Which concept is described in Reddin’s 3D Theory?
   Managerial effectiveness
   Dimensions of personality
  Quality, quantity, and value for effort
  Behavior of individuals at workplace
  Rewards, recognition, and punishments

IC90 HRM Study Material- Click here

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