IC90 HRM Latest Questions

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Q1.From the following, which statement/s shows the qualities of a good counselor?
  Counsellors should avoid judgmental statements
  The argument is the best approach to deal with an argumentative client in the process of counseling.
  Counselor should be self-centred and should demonstrate his proficiency in the subject
  Counsellor should be firm in his ideas and ensure that the client accepts his views irrespective of objections of the clients
  All of the above
Q2.Management of change is concerned with the following factors: 1. Content of the change 2. Taking steps to prevent change 3. Setting up procedure manuals
   Only 1
   Only 2
   Only 3
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
Q3.What does the Economic dimension of an Individual’s personality relate to?
   Use of physical strength
   Need for dominance
   Standard of living
  Sense of self-worth
   Status in professional groups
Q4.Who was the scientist associated with the Hawthorne studies?
Q5.Complete the following statement: Management is the science that deals with ______.
   Avoiding losses
   Making profits
   Achieving individuals’ goals in an organization
   Keeping costs under control
   Use of resources in order to achieve the purposes of the organization
Q6.Identify the components of wages that are generally indicated in the ‘Scale of pay’ of a Government organization. 1. Bonus 2. Gross salary 3. Yearly increment
   Only 3
   1 and 2
   1 and 3
   2 and 3
   1,2 and 3
Q7.The statement of intention, declarations of broad objectives towards which resources will be applied are _____.
Q8.Which of the following is/are among the Seven C’s of written communication? 1. Crude 2. Callous 3. Conciseness
   Only 1
   Only 2
   Only 3
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
Q9.Choose the correct option from the following with respect to an ethical dilemmas.
   Ethical dilemmas are always intrapersonal
   Ethical dilemmas are always interpersonal
  An ethical dilemma is when the individual is directed by another person
   Option ‘a’ and ‘c’
   Option ‘b’ and ‘c’
Q10.Identify from the following, the option which describe the term ‘Moonlighting’ referred in the code of ethics of an organization.
   Falsification of accounts
   Working overtime
  Wasting time during office hours and sitting late in the office to complete the work
   Over projection of achievements
   None of the above

IC90 HRM Latest Questions-Click Here

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