IC90 HRM Important Questions

IC90 HRM Important Questions-Click Here

Q1.One of the methods of formal communication in organizations from the top downwards is ____.
Q2.What is the name of the process by which a manager passes on to his subordinate the authority to make decisions and the responsibility to achieve certain results?
Q3.____ would be necessary, to manage even a simple job well. 1. Adequate resources 2. Clear objective 3. A big team of workers
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   1 and 2
   2 and 3
Q4.How can Psychologists help an organization? 1. Understand work boredom 2. Improve profitability 3. Speed up recruitment
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
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   Only 3
Q5.In Maslow's theory of management, _____ refers to the basic needs for survival like the need for air, food, water, warmth, and sleep.
  Physiological needs
  Safety needs
  Social needs
  Recognition needs
  None of the above
Q6.What does Theory X assume?
   The average worker does not inherently dislike work
   An average worker has little capacity for creative problem solving
   Commitment to objectives is related to outcomes from efforts put in
   External control and threats of punishment are not the only means for regulating efforts at work
   The expenditure of physical and mental effort at work is as natural as play or rest
Q7.Who is referred to as the Father of modern management theory?
   Max Weber
   Carzo and Yanouzas
   Elton Mayo
   Henri Fayol
   Frederic W Taylor
Q8.Dr. Singh is one of the best surgeons in the city who is practicing for more than a decade. He is a member of a prestigious club in town and actively participates in sports activities of the club. Identify the dimension of his personality which can be attributed to his membership with the club.
Q9.Identify the items that could stand as prohibited in the ethical code for most organizations?
   Regulatory compliance
   Capital expansion
   Legal safeguards
Q10.What are the questions having only one definite answer are called? 1. Abstract questions 2. Closed questions 3. Open-ended questions
   Only 1
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   Only 3
   1 and 2
   2 and 3

IC90 HRM Important Questions-Click Here

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