Q1.Every product has a core as well as _. The core consists of technical characteristics to perform the basic functions for which the product is made.
   Either b or c
Q2.The way in which an organization matches its human, financial, and other physical resources with the wants of its customers.
   Selling and distribution.
   Financial management.
   Customer satisfaction.
Q3.Which of the following point doesn’t indicate a true difference between advertising and public relation?
   PR helps in trying credibility, while advertisements only state the positives.
   The cost of advertisement is high and PR is comparatively low.
  Advertising is marketing and selling oriented while PR is aimed at creating an understanding.
  Advertisements can use imaginative visuals, which PR cannot.
   If PR is effective, there can be savings in advertisements.
Q4.In which services, initial capital costs are high?
   Tax management.
   Insurance sector.
   Quality management.
Q5.Through which process the difference between the expectation and experience as perceived by the customer can be evaluated in service?
   Service mix.
   Performance evaluation.
   Gap analysis.
   Customer retention.
   Service agenda.
Q 6. Which of the following is the primary source of the other three characteristics of services?
Q7.In India, which among all are not the regulations for an insurance agent?
  An insurance agent can represent only one life and one non-life insurer.
   No agent has sole selling rights for any territory.
  Agent license is granted only on the recommendation of the insurer.
  A free-lancer insurance agent has sole selling rights.
  An agent has to obtain a license from the IRDA.
Q8.What are the bases for Boston Matrix analysis developed by Boston Consulting Group?
   Market price and market share.
   Market demand and market price.
   Market share and market attractiveness.
   Relative market share and market growth rate.
   Market growth rate and market size.
Q9.As per the BOSTON MATRIX, The __ is in a high growth industry, but not doing as well as the competitors.
   Cash cow
   Problem child
Q10.Self Help Group consists of how much percentage of women members?

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