
Que. 1 : Q1) Which of the following statements is correct?

   1.  a) The need for insurance exists almost always

   2.  b) People are aware of the need for insurance

   3.  c) It is easy to sell insurance as everybody wants it

   4.  d) Most people are happy to buy insurance.

Que. 2 : Q2) The spoken word, through personal selling and word-of-mouth, is the most powerful medium of communication in the rural areas. Say whether True or False.

   1.  a) True

   2.  b) False



Que. 3 : Q3) Reasons for growing rural markets are.

   1.  a) Change in rural consumer behavior

   2.  b) marketing strategies.

   3.  c) promotion strategies.

   4.  d) product mix.

Que. 4 : Q4) In service business, it would be the role of a middle manager to

   1.  a) Identify the contact points(moment of truth)

   2.  b) find ways of avoiding the errors

   3.  c) become aware of problems that may be developing

   4.  d) All of these

Que. 5 : Q5) Which statement is correct? Statement 1: Managing the interaction is an equally important part of product development. Statement 2: Managing the interaction is not as much important part of product development.

   1.  a) Statement 1 is correct

   2.  b) Statement 2 is correct

   3.  c) Both Statement 1 or Statement 2 are False

   4.  d) Both Statement 1 or Statement 2 are correct