
Que. 1 : Q1) Daily compensation benefit is available under which of the following:

   1.  a) Individual mediclaim

   2.  b) Group mediclaim

   3.  c) Cancer insurance

   4.  d) Universal Health insurance

Que. 2 : Q2) The Maximum limit for any one illness / accident under Bhavisya Arogya Policy is

   1.  a) Rs.15, 000

   2.  b) Rs.25, 000

   3.  c) Rs.20, 000

   4.  d) Rs. 10,000

Que. 3 : Q3) The insurance under Overseas Medical Policy does not operate Beyond a period of ____ days continuous absence ( unless specifically agreed by insurers )

   1.  a) 60 days

   2.  b) 90 days

   3.  c) 120 days

   4.  d) 180 days

Que. 4 : Q4) Retroactive date is the inception / starting date of :

   1.  a) Policy Period.

   2.  b) Period of Insurance without break

   3.  c) Both the above

   4.  d) None of the above

Que. 5 : Q5) Death claim under Employees’ Compensation Policy is settled by following method.

   1.  a) As per the age factors under Employees’ Compensation Act,1923 & submitted to concerned WC Commissioner

   2.  b) Directly paid to Family of the Deceased

   3.  c) As per settlement arrived at with Trade Unions

   4.  d) Always paid by insured and later on claimed from insurance Company