Q1.A Reinsurer Decides The Retention Based On The Following.
   Technical Formulas
Q2.ABC Ltd. claims that the operative clause allows defining the exact business which comes within the scope of the reinsurance contract.
  No, I do not agree since the termination clause will allow this
   No, I do not agree
   No, I do not agree since PML excess clause will allow this
   Yes, I agree
Q3.Analyze the following statement: I. IN THEORY: When both Portfolio and degree of balance grow, the retention increases and accepts fluctuation II. IN PRACTICE: The growth of the Portfolio is more than the growth of retention, resulting in retention and seeking diminution in fluctuation.
   Both I and II are True
   Both I and II are False
   Only I is True
   Only II is True
Q4.Categorize ''Sovereign rating'' appropriately.
   It is the rating of the particular government in the country
   It is the rating of a particular government body
   It is the rating of a particular regulator
  It is a country's overall rating
Q5.Choose a true statement with regards to Per Risk Retention: - i) It is related to the number of individual risks that could be hit by multiple events. ii) It can be managed through controlled and informed decisions. iii) It is managed only through reasonable estimation of financial consequences
   Only (i)
   Only (ii)
   Only (iii)
   All of these
Q6.Find out the statement whether true/false I. If the retention limit is too low, they cede too large a part of the premium income to their insurers. ii. If the retention limit is too high, they expose themselves to retaining more when claims occur.
   Both I and II are true
   Both I and II are False
  I am True and II is False
   II is True and I is False
Q7.Given below, one of the objectives of reinsurance is false. Find out
  Should not allow stabilizing any fluctuation in insurers annual claim experience
   Should reduce the company’s probability of “ruin”
   Should allow an insurer to accept risks beyond its normal retention
   B & c are false
Q8.If management sets a high retention limit then
   They may find they are too large a part of their premium income to their reinsurer
   They may find they are ceding too small a part of their premium income to their reinsurers
   They expose themselves to retaining more when claims occur
   They expose themselves to retaining less when claims occur
Q9.In a Reinsurance company who is responsible for the acceptance of business and the profits made?
Q10.In program design, new types of cover are acceptable only when
   Covers may be devised and issued for new developments
   Covers arising due to changes in science and technology
   Covers with new exposures that can be easily accommodated within the program
   All the above

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