Q1.When will there be a maximum limit per loss occurrence?
  If coverage is on a ''loss occurrence'' basis, there may be a maximum limit per loss occurrence
  If coverage is on a ''risk excess of loss'' basis, there may be a maximum limit per loss occurrence
  If coverage is on a ''catastrophe excess of loss'' basis, there may be a maximum limit per loss occurrence
   If coverage is on ''each loss each risk'' basis, there may be a maximum limit per loss occurrence
Q2.Which of the following clauses is commonly found in all agreements and describe without any ambiguity the business coming within the scope of a reinsurance contract?
   Operative Clause
   Downgrade Clause
   Commencement and Termination Clause
   Sudden Death Claims
Q3.Which of the following is incorrect with respect to Reinsurance premium?
   The Reinsurance premium paid by the ceding insurer to the reinsurer is a percentage of the original paid by the insured
   The percentage paid to the reinsurers is the same as the percentage of the SI ceded by the ceding insurer
  The premiums for any risks excluded from the treaty and the return premiums due under canceled policies are not included in the reinsurance premium
   Commissions paid by the ceding insurer to agents and brokers are deducted from the reinsurance premium
Q4.Which of the following tools help in determining quality in the case of the inward reinsurance business?
   management information system
   credit rating
   foreign exchange expertise
Q5.Which remain a basis of protection for gross reinsurance business
   Reinsurance cession
   Reinsurance retention
   Reinsurance program
   Reinsurance design
Q6.Why does facultative reinsurance involve more administrative work?
  It involves more administrative work as each offer has to be scrutinized and separate data maintained for retention, limits, rates, and reinsurer/s involved for each facultative placement
   It involves more administrative work as each offer has to be renewed on a weekly basis
   It involves more administrative work as employees are changed every month
   It involves more administrative work as tax filing has to be done on a monthly basis
Q7.____ are agreements where two parties agree to a specified trade in the future at a specified time.
   Future & Forward
   Present & Backward
   Future & Backward
   Past & Forward
Q8.____are where 2 parties agree to trade but one party retains the right to opt-out of the trade
Q9.Reinsurance parlance which of the following is only found in non-proportional treaty agreements.
   Accounts and Statistics Clause
   Attachments of Lesions Clause
   Follow The Fortune Clause
   Ultimate Net Loss Clause
Q10.ABC Ltd. an insurer, wants you to design a sentence/phrase which would describe a feature of the assessment of commitments.
   The assessment should be done state wise
   The assessment should be done zone wise
   The assessment should be done class wise
   The assessment should be done district wise

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