Q1.A ceding insurers retention in Surplus Reinsurance is known as__.
   Surplus limit
   Quota share
Q2.ABC Lt(a) A ceding insurer wants to know about long-tail business. Explain.
  In long-tail business, claims are absent
  In long-tail business, claims are almost secured
  In long-tail business, the claims are known immediately
  In long-tail business, the claims are not known for many years
Q3.After nationalization ___ became an Indian reinsurer company.
Q4.Benefit of reciprocal trading is—
   that it disables the ceding insurer to add to his net premiums and net profits.
   that it enables the ceding insurer to add to his net premiums and net profits.
   that it enables the ceding insurer to add to his net premiums and net loss.
   that it enables the ceding insurer to remove his net premiums and net profits.
Q5.Choose the correct option with regards to reinsurance.
   There are two basic types of reinsurance arrangements: facultative reinsurance and treaty reinsurance.
   In treaty reinsurance transactions, the ceding company transfers all risks within a book of business to the reinsurer.
   The consideration for the reinsurance contract is the reinsurance premium paid by the reinsured to the reinsurer
   All of these
Q6.Design a logical and most appropriate conclusion for the following sentence: An important data that should be capable of being made available from a good information system used by the primary insurer should be:
   Annual working capital requirement
   Number of reinsurers in the international market
   Codes generated for catastrophe losses
   Number of intermediaries in the international market
Q7.For which of the following types of business will the accounting be rendered on an “underwriting year “basis?
   fire and accident proportional reinsurance
   fire and accident non-proportional reinsurance
   marine proportional reinsurance
   marine non-proportional reinsurance
Q8.How is the optimum capacity of the second surplus treaty determined?
   The optimum capacity of the treaty is determined by trying out different limits and noting the resultant credit to liability balance
   The optimum capacity of the treaty is determined by trying out different limits and noting the resultant premium to account balance
   The optimum capacity of the treaty is determined by trying out different limits and noting the resultant loan to liability balance
   The optimum capacity of the treaty is determined by trying out different limits and noting the resultant loan to account balance
Q9.In a program design stage who are those involved that leads to realism and synchronization with the best available design in the world reinsurance markets (i) professional reinsurer (ii) agents and brokers (iii) intermediaries
   Only I
   Both II and III
   Only III
   Both I and III
Q10.In the case of inward reinsurance, retrocession is required __.
   for underwriting excess of loss
   for sharing of risk
   for enabling acceptance of economical lines
   for gaining control of risk

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