
Que. 1 : Q1) Who among the following provides consultancy services to the EPFO?

   1.  a) CARE

   2.  b) IRDA

   3.  c) Crisil

   4.  d) SBI

Que. 2 : Q2) All Indian Citizen between the age of ________ can join the NPS.

   1.  a) 10 to 50

   2.  b) 18 to 60

   3.  c) 15 to 75

   4.  d) 17 to 55

Que. 3 : Q3) Which is the method of valuing Actuarial liabilities and this method considers each period of service as giving rise to an additional Unit of Benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final Obligation?

   1.  a) Current Service method

   2.  b) Projected Unit Credit Method

   3.  c) Acturaial method

   4.  d) Defined Contribution method

Que. 4 : Q4) Charges could change from year to year in a reasonably orderly manner so that the difference between the maximum and minimum charges during first 5 years shall not vary by more than __________ times.

   1.  a) 2.3 times

   2.  b) 1.5 times

   3.  c) 3.5 times

   4.  d) 6.5 times

Que. 5 : Q5) In Public Provident Fund, a minumum yearly deposit of ______ is required to open and maintain a PPF account.

   1.  a) Rs.100

   2.  b) Rs.300

   3.  c) Rs.400

   4.  d) Rs.500