Q1.The Statistical errors arise due to many factors like the inappropriate definition of the unit of measurements, the bias of the investigator inherent instability of the collected data. These errors are known as _____.
   a) Errors of origin
   b) Errors of inadequacy
   c) Errors of manipulation
   d) None of these
Q2.The Type-II error is known as ___.
   a) amp;amp;gamma; probability
   b) and amp;lambda; probability
   c) ε probability
   d) and beta; probability
Q3.Which of the following are sources that give information of secondary data?
  a) Official publication of the Central/ State Government or Local Body, Census Data
   b) Trade journals in the areas of Economics, Commerce, Capital Markets, Books, Newspapers
   c) Reports submitted by Economics, Research Scholars, Committees or Commissions
   d) All of the above
Q4. To decide whether a discrete random variable has a Binomial Probability distribution, it should satisfy which of the following characteristics?
   a) The experiment should consist of 'n' number of identical trials
   b) There should be only two possible outcomes of each trial, viz., Success or Failure.
  c) Each trial of the Bernoulli process is an independent trial
   d) All of the above
Q 5. The temperature recorded in centigrade is to be transformed to another measure in Fahrenheit with Formula:1.8 C + 32 = F. If the Mean and Standard Deviation of recorded temperature are 30 Degrees Celsius and 2.5 Degrees Celsius, respectively, convert the data into another unit of measurement, i.e., Fahrenheit.
   a) 1.8amp;amp;deg;F
   b) 3.2°F
   c) 4.5°F
   d) 6.8 and deg;F
Q6.Under which sampling, the frame is partitioned into sub-sets called strata, on the basis of one or more characteristics that are presumed to be related to the characteristics to be studied?
   a) Probability sampling
   b) Stratified Sampling
   c) Judgement Sampling
   d) Simple Random Sampling
Q7.The probability function of Standard Normal Distribution is valid for which of the following circumstances?
   a) The distribution is symmetrical
   b) It is used in much of the statistical work concerning sampling
  c) The distribution has two-parameter,viz., Mean and Standard Deviation
   d) All of the above
Q8.Measures of Central Values are referred to as ______.
   a) Measures of Location
   b) Measures of Central Tendency
   c) Either a or b
   d) None of these
Q9.The Averages which are not representative but have only a theoretical value are called____.
   a) Descriptive Average
   b) Normal average
   c) Typical Average
   d) None of these
Q10.The ___ is another approach to present the data which gives the residual population of the frequency with an increase in the value of Class-Interval.
   a) Less Than Cumulative Frequency
   b) Greater Than Cumulative Frequency

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