
Que. 1 : Q1) Which of the following are limitations of the Use of Median?

   1.  a) The median is not capable of further algebraic treatment

   2.  b) It is likely to be affected by fluctuations in sampling compared to arithmetic mean

   3.  c) The median is not suitable in arriving at weighted average

   4.  d) All of the above

Que. 2 : Q2) The most useful technique in modern statistical method is that of _____________, by which, the total variation in the set of data is reduced to components associated with possible sources of variability which we would like to assess.

   1.  a) Sampling

   2.  b) Analysis of Variance

   3.  c) Probability

   4.  d) None of these

Que. 3 : Q3) The ____________ relates to collection of information on representative basis known in the language of statistics as sample, analyze the information collected and make estimates about the parent population from which such information is derived on sample basis.

   1.  a) Descriptive statistics

   2.  b) Inductive Statistics



Que. 4 : Q4) When the probability of each such outcome is defined, tabulating all such outcomes, with their respective probabilities is known as ____________.

   1.  a) Probability Distribution

   2.  b) Sampling

   3.  c) Cumulative Function

   4.  d) None of these

Que. 5 : Q5) The admission for a specified course is subject to minimum ' Weighted Average' Marks and different weight is prescribed for each of the five subjects at Graduation is as follows: 1.w_1:Regional Language 2.w_2:English 3.w_3:Physics 4.w_4:Mathematics 5.w_5:Statistics. Find the Weighted Average for Student A?

   1.  a) 45.6

   2.  b) 55.9

   3.  c) 60.4

   4.  d) 68.1