Q1.An Insurance COompany claims that its first-year lapse ratio does not exceed 30%. This statement is to be examined as to whether the claim made by the company is true by examining an adequate number of sample cases. Determine sample size to ensure that the difference between population proportion and sample proportion will be minimum at 99% confidence level with tolerance specification of 2%. For 99% confidence specification,z=2.58
   a) 100
   b) 200
   c) 250
   d) 350
Q2.Which of the following are occurrences of Events in a Given volume?
   a) White cells in a Cubic Centimeter of Blood
   b) Bacteria in a Quart of Pasteurized Milk
   c) Number of Mis-Prints on a Page of a certain Book
   d) All of the above
Q3.As the single value of mean etc.,(of sample statistic) may differ more or less from that of population parameter, the statistician prefers to state about the range within which he is confident that the value lies and this confidence level obviously can be expressed in terms of a range with an associated probability. This process is called ____.
   a) Interval estimation
   b) Unbiased estimator
   c) Consistent estimator
   d) Point Estimate
Q4.If the interval scale has an absolute zero point in the sense that the numeral 0 represents the complete absence of the characteristic being measured, the scale is called ___. Only with this level of scale, the meaningful ratio between two numbers can be computed.
   a) Ordinal Scale
   b) Interval Scale
   c) Ratio Scale
   d) Nominal Scale
Q5.Which are period in nature and involve oscillatory movements but they extend over a period of several years, and do not recur with any predictable regularity?
   a) Secular Trend
   b) Seasonal Variation
   c) Irregular Variation
   d) Cyclical variation
Q6.The relative dispersion is known as ____.
   a) Co-efficient of Observations
   b) Co-efficient of dispersion
  c) Coefficient of Variation
   d) None of these
Q7.What can be defined as a numerical quantity whose value is determined by the outcome of an experiment and the listing of all possible values for a random variable along with their associated probabilities is known as a Probability distribution of random variable denoted by ____.
   a) X
   b) A
   c) Y
   d) Z
Q8.Which chart is used to protect the data with two or more characteristics in the single bar showing the identity of the data with a specified symbol?
   a) Multiple-bar chart
   b) Compound bar chart
   c) Pie chart
   d) None of these
Q9.Which of the following is the Second step in splitting the Square Deviation into components?
   a) Total sum of squares(Deviation)
   b) Error sum of squares(variations from Treatment Mean)
   c) Treatment sum of squares(Variations)
   d) None of these
Q10.What can be defined as the totality of all actual or conceivable objects of the specified class under investigation and in mathematical language, it is the set of all elements on which information is desired?
   a) Census
   b) Sample
   c) Population
   d) Probability

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