
Que. 1 : Q1) What is a relative concept and provides a convenient way of comparing various non-parametric statistics?

   1.  a) Parametric methods

   2.  b) Non-Parametric methods

   3.  c) Chi-Square test

   4.  d) Power efficiency

Que. 2 : Q2) Which are in the shape of cubes, blocks, or cylinders and the volumes of the diagrams are in proportion to given values?

   1.  a) One-dimensional diagrams

   2.  b) Two-dimensional diagrams

   3.  c) Three-dimensional diagrams

   4.  d) None of these

Que. 3 : Q3) What is known as the first moment of dispersion and while calculating the Mean of the Deviations, the absolute values are taken and negative signs are ignored and the sum total of deviations from Central Tendency is divided by the number of items of variables?

   1.  a) Inter Quartile Range

   2.  b) Mean Absolute Deviation

   3.  c) Standard deviation

   4.  d) Range

Que. 4 : Q4) Which estimates do not tell us anything about intrinsic reliability or the precision of the method of estimation?

   1.  a) Interval estimation

   2.  b) Unbiased estimator

   3.  c) Consistent estimator

   4.  d) Point Estimate

Que. 5 : Q5) A Marketing Organization wants to select a Dealer to sell the New Product of a Manufacturer. The approach of the Marketing Organization is to give preference to that Dealer who, in the existing business, keeps articles with very wide range of prices. The following three Dealers approached the Marketing Organization for getting Dealership of New Product. The following is the record Available: Dealer-A deals in Garments, with Range of products on the basis of Prices in Rupees 200/- to Rupees 1,200/-.Dealer-B deals in Presentable Articles, with Range of products on the basis of Prices in Rupees 150/- to Rupees 1,500/-.Dealer-C deals in General Stores, with Range of products on the basis of Prices in Rupees 200/- to Rupees 800/-. Who is the better choice?

   1.  a) Dealer-A

   2.  b) Dealer-B

   3.  c) Dealer-C

   4.  d) None of these