Q 1.The important characteristics of the product: X_i * Y_i will be as which of the following?
  a) If most of the points of the scatter diagram will lie in the 1st and 3rd quadrants, the sum of the products: X_i * Y_i will be a large positive figure.
  b) If most of the points of the scatter diagram will lie in the 2nd and 4th quadrants, the sum of the products: X_i * Y_i will be a large negative figure
   c) A large positive or negative value of the sum of the products (X * Y) indicates a strong linear trend
   d) All of the above
Q2.Which of the following are occurrences of Events in a Given volume?
   a) White cells in a Cubic Centimeter of Blood
   b) Bacteria in a Quart of Pasteurized Milk
   c) Number of Mis-Prints on a Page of a certain Book
   d) All of the above
Q3.What is a numerical figure under one characteristic when expressed and compared to the total figure under all the characteristics?
   a) Ratios
   b) Proportion
   c) Percentage
   d) None of these
Q4.In collecting statistical data, the observations are normally recorded in the order they are obtained and such recorded information is unorganized and is referred to as ____.
   a) Variables
   b) Raw data
   c) Information
   d) None of these
Q5.When 3 coins are tossed together which of the following is a possible outcome?
   a) 4
   b) 6
   c) 8
   d) 10
Q6.The ___ of 'n' values of the variable is defined as the reciprocal of the Arithmetic Mean of the reciprocal of the values and it is generally used for averaging the data given in terms of ratios.
   a) Harmonic mean
   b) Geometric mean
   c) Arithmetic mean
   d) None of these
Q7.What is a measure to indicate whether a particular frequency distribution conforms to the test of the normal curve and this measure will indicate whether the curve of frequency distribution is flat-topped or more peaked than the normal curve?
   a) Skewness
   b) Kurtosis
   c) Distribution
   d) None of these
Q8.When each trial is independent, the outcome of events can be recorded by developing a _____.
   a) Joint Probabilities
   b) Marginal Probabilities
   c) Conditional probabilities
   d) Probability tree
Q9.A statistical decision problem is one in which there are two or more alternative courses of action whose possible consequences depend upon two or more possible states of nature. The set of all the alternative acts is known as ___.
  a) State-space
   b) Action space
   c) Parameter space
   d) None of these
Q10.The stand ard error of sample median is greater by 25% than the stand ard error of the sample mean and hence, the sample mean having least variability (and sigma;_x) is considered to be more _____ of the population means the sample median.
   a) Interval estimation
   b) Unbiased estimator
   c) Consistent estimator
   d) Efficient Estimator

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