
Que. 1 : Q1) If your client is in hazardous industry dealing in hazardous substance, which policy would you suggest

   1.  a) Public liability (Non industrial risk)

   2.  b) Product liability

   3.  c) Professional liability

   4.  d) Compulsory public liability act policy

Que. 2 : Q2) Which of the following is not a FREE cover under Standard PA policy

   1.  a) Carriage of dead body expenses up to an specified amount

   2.  b) Medical expenses cover

   3.  c) Education Fund for dependent children up to an specified amount

   4.  d) All the above

Que. 3 : Q3) Arbitration Clause can be considered in which of the following circumstances

   1.  a) Claim is not admissible

   2.  b) Claim is repudiated for breach of policy condition

   3.  c) Claim is admissible but amount is disputed

   4.  d) Policy is cancelled due to non-disclosure of material facts

Que. 4 : Q4) Which of the following is true, in relation to Mediclaim proposal form ? Statement A. The insured warrants the truth of the statements and agrees that the proposal form shall be the basis of the contract. Statement B. The insured consents to the insurer taking medical information from hospital / medical practitioner who has treated the insured.

   1.  a) Statement A is True

   2.  b) Statement B is True

   3.  c) Both are true

   4.  d) Both are False

Que. 5 : Q5) Statement (1) : Jewelers Block Policy Covers loss or damage whilst such property is in transit by registered parcel post. Statement (2) : Jewelers Block Policy Covers loss or damage whilst such property is in transit by air freight

   1.  a) Only Statement 1 is TRUE

   2.  b) Only Statement 2 is TRUE

   3.  c) Both Statements are FALSE

   4.  d) Both Statements are TRUE