Q1.___ cover goods in more than one location covered under one sum insured.
   Declaration policies
   Floating policies
   Valued policies
   Policies based on inventory and valuation
   First loss policies
Q2.Identify the statement which is correct with respect to ‘Burglary’.
   If in order to the commission of or in committing of the theft or in carrying away property obtained by theft, the offender, for that end, voluntarily causes (or attempts to cause) to any person death or hurt or wrongful restraint or fear of instant death or hurt or wrongful restraint - is Burglary
  A person who commits burglary if he affects his entrance into the house, or if, being in the house, for the purpose of committing an offense, or having committed an offense therein, he quits the house, such entrance or exit being made in the six ways as described in the penal code, is said to commit burglary
  Whoever intending to take dishonestly any movable property out of the possession of any person without the consent of that person or any person having for that purpose authority, moves that property in order to such taking is said to commit burglary
   Theft of property from the premises described in the schedule of policy following upon felonious entry of the said premises by violent and forcible means is termed as burglary
   Where five or more persons conjointly commit or attempt to commit a robbery or are present and aid such commission or attempt, every one of them is said to commit burglary
Q3.Mr. X has taken Sericulture insurance from ABC insurance company. He suffers some losses. A certificate from the ___ regarding the cause of loss and the value of cocoons at the time of loss will form the basis for the settlement of the claim.
   Sericulture Department of the State Government
   State Khadi and Village Board
   Sericulture Expert of that district
   The farmer himself
Q4.The Poultry Insurance policy provides indemnity against the death of birds due to - 1. Accident (including fire, lightning, flood, etc) 2. Transit by any mode of transport 3. Disease contracted or occurring during the period of insurance
   Only 1
   Only 2
   1 and 3
   1 and 2
   All 1,2 and 3
Q5.Which of these is/are exceptions to a HOUSEHOLDER’S INSURANCE POLICY? 1. Earthquake 2. War and allied perils 3. Wear and tear and depreciation
   Only 1
   Only 3
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
   All 1, 2 and 3
Q6.According to Personal Accident cover of Overseas Travel/Health Policy, this insurance will pay if the insured person sustains a bodily injury during the covered trip caused by accidental external violent and visible means and such bodily injury within ____ of the date of the injury is the sole and direct cause of death or loss of eye(s) or limb(s) of the insured.
   2 months
   6 months
   9 months
   12 months
   24 months
Q7.In Health Insurance the final claim with receipted bills, cash memos, claim form, and list of documents as listed in the claim form, etc. should be submitted to the company/TPA within ___ from the date of completion of treatment.
   5 days
   10 days
   15 days
   30 days
   45 days
Q8.The Pedal cycle insurance will NOT be operative if - 1. The insured pedal cycle is overloaded 2. The insured pedal cycle is used in racing 3. The insured pedal cycle is used for pacemaking
   bank guarantee
   confirmation letter
   counter indemnity
   assurance guarantee
   confirmation indemnity
Q9.Under the PASS scheme, ‘Poor families’ are defined in the policy and include landless labor households, families of traditional craftsmen, etc. whose total annual income does not exceed ____.
   Rs 5,200
   Rs 7,200
   Rs 4,200
   Rs 6,200
   Rs 8,200
Q10.Who are Third Party Administrators? 1. They are independent entities who are appointed for processing and finalizing health claims 2. They are licensed and regulated by IRDA and mandated to provide health services 3. They are appointed for a fee or remuneration by an insurance company for the provision of health insurance
   Only 1
   Only 3
   1 and 2
   2 and 3
   All 1,2 and 3

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